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Dass sind mir die liebsten Meilensteine bei #streetcomplete

Jede Information macht die #openstreetmap Karte besser, aber Informationen zur Barrierefreiheit sind sehr nützlich.

Vielleicht sind bald Routings für Blinde und Rollifahrer möglich.

Wobei niemand vergessen sollte:

Wenn du lange lebst dann wirst du Behinderungen durch Alter oder Krankheit bekommen und auf Barrierefreiheit angewiesen sein.

Pokud máte rádi hořká piva, speciálně IPA a na tohle narazíte, dejte mu šanci. Je to vynikající, extra chmelové, jedno z nejvíce hořkých piv, co jsem kdy měl. Skvělé, jenom je potřeba dávat bacha na zvýšenou voltáž.
in reply to Cynik

ináč v UK sme mali radi toto pivo, väčšinou ho pili angličania a aj vďaka nemu si o nás mysleli že sme angličania :) bolo relatívne lacné a silné..…

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

@SuspiciousDuck Carlsberg tady celkem frčí. Já ho nemusím, mě to chutná jak všechna ta euro rádoby piva, Heineken, Stela .. Když pivo, tak chodím na Staropramen a pokud není, tak St Miguel, ale spiš nějkou tu IPU nebo něco originálního z malých pivovarů, to tady mají všude.
in reply to Cynik

jako jo mám ten istý názor ale vtedy sme boli mladý blbý a chceli byť cool a stále mimo. Staroprameň je mimo mňa :)
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

@SuspiciousDuck Tak já taky nejsem úplně milovník Staropramene, ale když nic jiného není... Hospodu, kde točili Plzeň zabil Covid, tak ted už tady jiný ležák českého stylu nekoupíš
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

A to jsi tady byl jeste "za levno". Dneska pivo v hospode zacina na £6.09 a podle dryhu jde do £9.55

Pamatuju, kdyz jsem prijel, tak pivo bylo kolem £3.80-£5, ale to uz je let ... Jeste ze to uplne moc nepiju, jinak bych musel mit dalsi praci. Alkohol a tabak ma tady takove dane, ze je to masakr.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

OpenAI’s CriticGPT outperforms humans in catching AI-generated code bugs

Research model catches bugs in AI-generated code, improving human oversight of AI.…

I Can’t Believe That We’re Now Living In A Star Trek: DS9 Episode…

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki Do you use an apple browser? I'm trying to track that issue down but it seems to only happen in apples browsers, so far only on IOS. But it's taking long to fully figure it out because I don't have an apple device myself.
in reply to The Byte Bender 👨🏽‍🦯

Yes, Safari on Mac.

I suspect this might be related to one of the audio formats being unsupported, I know Apple has some issues with that. Perhaps you should look into what formats are compatible and how to transcode them properly with ffmpeg.

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki Most of our audio is lossy. Transcoding lossy to another lossy format will have considerable implications, not to mention the time it takes to transcode the longer audios is massive! Literally all other browsers play every common thing just fine but apple's gotta be apple again. I don't know what to do about that issue for now.
in reply to The Byte Bender 👨🏽‍🦯

TBH most if not all media platforms (including Mastodon) transcode, it's only the tiny little blindy ones that don't.

There's nothing wrong with having a "download original" option, of course.

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki I wouldn't jump so quickly and associate it with blindness. There are valid reasons related to quality in transcoding, especially for a platform which its hole point is audio.
in reply to The Byte Bender 👨🏽‍🦯

TBH most if not all media platforms (including Mastodon) transcode, it's only the tiny little blindy ones that don't.

There's nothing wrong with having a "download original" option, of course.

Den Artikel von Ann- Katrin Müller nicht reposten. Das möchte Tino #Chrupalla nicht.
Nicht reposten!! Sonst heulen die #Faschisten.
#Mastodon, do your work.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

@kc I'd love to know if any automated tests were used as part of atlasdigitalebarrierefreiheit.…

I didn't see any listed, but not sure how this list of sites can be maintained without it.

Obviously involving people with disabilities to test and evaluate is critical too. Automated testing will only ever get so far.

in reply to Mike Gifford

It‘s live now:…
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Anytime a bill want to require ID checks on the Internet:

Identity verification company AU10TIX – used by tech giants – left photo IDs exposed…

Kann #MIXXX die Visualisierungen von Liedern auch überlagernd anzeigen und nicht nur übereinander in zwei Reihen?

So oder so ähnlich wie im Screenshot.

It's a little dream come true. I always wanted to host a #radioshow straight from my bedroom. That little setup has got me covered. ;)

(Just prerecording, though, not transmitting live. The setup prolly has some room for improvement, too)

#mixxx #DJsoftware #djsofmastodon #onlineradio #Mixcloud #offspace #offairspace

Mixxx 2.5 Beta Released!

Before releasing 2.5 as the next stable release, we need it to be tested thoroughly, something we can't do all on our own. After some time looking at the same release and searching for solutions, we might overlook minor bugs or problems.

Check it out and let us know how it works for you!…

So the #BBC finally commented on ratings for the show - and they consider it a success! 😄


Today, June 26, 2010 is the wedding date of the Eleventh Doctor's companions Amy Pond and Rory Williams (Doctor Who, “Flesh and Stone”, “The Big Bang”, 2010)

#TV #Television #DoctorWho #EleventhDoctor

It's publication day! #DoctorWho Caged is out today, available from all good bookshops and probably some naughty ones too.

#DoctorWho #FifteenthDoctor #NcutiGatwa #RubySunday #MillieGibson…

in reply to Una McCormack

Of the three announced titles with this Doctor, yours was the only one that sounded interesting to me. I'm looking forward to reading it.

Max měl dneska první letošní krizi z přehřátí. Dvakrát jsem ho musela nést. A to jsme byli venku jen hodinu a půl. Příště beru vodu a misku, ale spíš za slunka jen kratší procházky. Stárne, pupíček. 😔❤️
in reply to Kateřina

Jo to věřím, to vedro je děsný. Naši psi skáčou každý den do vody. Mají toho taky dost a to jsou junioři. Tak hlavně ať je vše v pohodě.

Privacy isn't a feature; it's your right. The Librem 5: A truly free smartphone. No tracking, no data mining, just pure freedom. #Librem5 #DigitalRights #pureos

For a very brief period early in the pandemic Canada had something resembling a UBI and it was wildly successful so now we're trying to punish anyone who used it.…

RIAA Of Six Years Ago Debunks RIAA Of Today’s AI Lawsuit Claims…

Irgendjemand hier hat mir das "#TUXEDO Pulse 14 - Gen4" #Laptop gezeigt und das geht mir nimmer aus dem Kopf...

Bin ja versucht eines zu bestellen...

Hat das zufällig schon jemand?
Wie laut ist der #Lüfter von dem Ding denn so im normalen Tagesbetrieb (ein externer Monitor dran und vielleicht ein Browser offen)?
Unter einem aktuellen 6.x #Linux Kernel natürlich...

Das wäre der Grund von meinem #Dell wegzugehen - der Lüfter ist immer an und nervt mich gewaltig.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Turns out Perplexity, the AI company that has been ripping off journalism, started by posing as academics and using those fake credentials to scrape Twitter…

And what would these standards be, pray tell, @mozilla ?

Keeping in mind that you are including services that told people to eat rocks or put glue on a pizza?

> Our initial offering will include ChatGPT, Google Gemini, HuggingChat, and Le Chat Mistral, but we will continue adding AI services that meet our standards for quality and user experience.…


/via @alxd


in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

As #Mozilla is busy adding AI crap to #Firefox, I would like to point out that it's about 13 years since they removed the #RSS button from default Firefox GUI, and six years since RSS support was completely dropped from Firefox.

Thus making feeds invisible and impossible to discover for most web users.

RSS/Atom/JSON feeds are an immensely useful and important tech that can help solve the content discovery problem *without* going through gatekeepers. 👀

But obviously not a priority for Mozilla.

Ak chce niekto nejake data od statu, tak po novom moze pytat aj tu:

Nie je to "podla infozakona" (a.k.a. 211), ale teda datovy kuratori MIRRI/NASES sa zrejme/dufajme budu snazit vyhoviet aj tak.

#OpenData #eGov

The rise of shadow lobbying and its influence on decades of US policy…

in reply to Juno Jove

I hope so, because at least that doesn't pose any accessibility problems for blind people; we'll just find it amusing.

in reply to Archos

@archos Když jsem na to koukal, tak mě napadlo, že je tam tak moc lidí, kterým bych přál úspěch…

ID Verification Service for #TikTok, #Uber, X Exposed Driver Licenses

In this case, the ID verification vendor leaked admin credentials and exposed people’s information (sensitive documents and status of verification) for over a year.

All for “age verification” we introduce another EZ mode way for people’s real life identities to be compromised. Companies want you to provide sensitive documents to prove you’re real/your age but can’t be bothered to invest money/time/effort in basic #security to secure what you give them.

#cybersecurity #privacy…

Tak nic no, snad to vyjde další rok 😔

Developers 👏 Developers 👏 Developers 👏 Developers! Did you know that you can embed #LibreOffice into your applications? Find out more on our dev blog:… #foss #opensource #coding #development

LibreOffice reshared this.

Enjoy ice cream Thursday everyone! 😍

Ready for ice cream yourself? Join our team!

Greetings from the Tuta Team. 😎😎😎

#heat #heatwave #job #hiring #asparagus

Unknown parent

@oddly @welniany Thank you for your feedback. We have recently joined TikTok to convince people to leave the platform. This is work in progress. Sorry for posting it here, we won't be posting it here again.
Unknown parent

Yeah, a little tone deaf I'd say. Especially with all of the posts that are like 'here is now (insert product that has nothing to do with ours) hurts your privacy'.
I get that Tuta also wants to advertise on TikTok, but to actively promote it as a place where you can read more on some meme is weird.

#Pachli 2.6.0 is now available. This version has a new "Suggested accounts" feature to find accounts to follow, improves filter support on #GoToSocial servers, makes parts of the UI more readable, and fixes several bugs.

See… for details.

Thank you to @mileskrell, @kallekn, and @bittin for their contributions to this release.


Sparito da #Google, il Caso #Tutamail e il Potere Invisibile dei Grandi e il DMA #1274 - YouTube…

#Tuta #Tutanota @Tutanota

in reply to (zerouno)

Ciao! Thank you very much for spreading the word. Love your Italian style!

Hey. Turns out #AudioEye might be just as immoral as we all suspect:

“Lawsuit Accuses NASDAQ-listed AudioEye CEO and its Executive Chairman of Stock Manipulation”…

I pulled out its CEO’s threats against the whistleblower so they are easier to read:…

#accessibility #a11y #overlay

Seit gestern berichten viele Medien nach einer "Spiegel"-Enthüllung, dass die #DeutscheBahn vorhabe, vor allem im Osten Zugverbindungen zu streichen. Das klingt nach einem Aufreger, stimmt aber so nicht, wie unser Bahn-Experte @sebwilken einordnet.…

Disney shuts down LucasArts, will license 'Star Wars' brand to other developers…

PipeWire 1.2 is finally released. More info here:…

Archos reshared this.

in reply to PipeWire Project

nice. I wonder if async can help with long weird pipelines, like pw->pulse->network->pulse->bluez, since I tried that and it seemed to have some kind of an underrun on every sample, regardless of latency settings (hence the eager attempt to get ROC working after all!)

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