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The 2024 winners of Astronomy Photographer of the Year are out...and they are spectacular.

Here's the overall winner: a time-sequence of a solar eclipse that shows deepening shadows from mountains on the Moon. (Credit: Ryan Imperio)…. #science #space #photography #nature

in reply to Corey S Powell

Here is this year's winner in the astronomy photographer "Skyscapes" category.

It's remarkable composite of local and deep-space photography. (Credit: Tom Rae)

#space #art #astronomy

in reply to Corey S Powell

What a cool astrophotography winner in the "People and Space" category.

Oh look, that's the International Space Station in front of the Sun! (Credit: Tom Williams)

#astronomy #science #photography

Mozilla is a Silicon Valley startup that masquerade as a non profit.
in reply to Hubert Figuière

in case you think otherwise, I still use Firefox and will continue as long as it is possible. Using any Chromium fork is playing for Google. Nonwithstanding some being build for bigots or for cryptoscam.

Les linuxiens, j’ai besoin de votre avis. Mon prof d’unix à la fac nous recommande de rajouter le dossier courant au $PATH avec un `export PATH="$PATH:."` dans notre `.bashrc` pour éviter de devoir rajouter le `./` pour appeler un programme qu’on viens de compiler. Pour vous c’est :

  • Indispensable (8%, 3 votes)
  • Euuh ça y serait pas un peu dangereux ça ? (48%, 17 votes)
  • Vous pouvez pas juste faire un `make run` ? (5%, 2 votes)
  • Il sort d’où ton prof au juste ? (37%, 13 votes)
35 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

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in reply to somecanuckchick

this is what you get when you give public service to for profit private business...

I expect in a few years time to have either the whole thing close, our being sold off with tax payers picking up the tab after paying for it already.

On my own time, I have to read a ~50 page document produced for the #EuropeanCommission in order to effectively participate in a two hour meeting where #FDroid is pitted against #BigTech on the #DigitalMarketsAct and its requirements around installing and allowing other #AppStore options.
Its all NDA'ed so I can't ask for help.
This game is really rigged for the megacorps. Wish me luck! Here's to fighting the good fight!

treefit reshared this.

in reply to Hubert Figuière

@hub yeah, crazy isn't it? I think they made it NDA'ed so the mega corps would participate. Plus I think its just EC habit: commission work from big consultancies, which do NDA and corporate think by default.
in reply to Hans-Christoph Steiner

here (Canada) they set some of the telecom policies based on confidential submissions from the telecartel. And the worse is when one of them say "sorry can I refile ? I didn't realize I could inflate numbers that much until I read my competitors"

It's to set wholesale telecom tariff. Whatever you pay in Europe for telecom we pay more.

So yeah. Not unique to the EC.

@Tutanota how can I stop emails being sent to the spam folder, when they're clearly not spam?

There are a couple of newsletters that are marked as spam, when they're from organisations that I trust!


I'll be in Montréal next week. I will say Hi-Bonjour to absolutely every single person I see.

Edit: I should have put some more context haha…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Hubert Figuière

@hub the folks at my favourite chipstand in northern ontario sidestep the issue by greeting you with « 'allo » 😂

Bon sinon, Microsoft m’informe que « Le 16 septembre 2024, les applications qui utilisent une technologie de connexion moins sécurisée ne pourront plus accéder à votre messagerie. », or j’ai un compte Outlook (oui je sais), qui sert peu mais dont j’ai néanmoins l’usage, que pour le moment je consulte avec Thunderbird.

Je n’ai pas envie d’installer l’appli Outlook pour des raisons de nik, et si le compte est pas dans mon logiciel de mail je vais absolument oublier son existence dans le néant et ne pas penser à aller le consulter

Donc : est‐ce qu’il y a une solution pour qu’il continue de fonctionner avec Thunderbird (ou est‐ce que en fait je m’en fais pour rien et ça va continuer à fonctionner très bien ?) ; si non est‐ce que vous avez des recommendations de logiciel de mail qui fonctionnera avec un compte Outlook ?

Edit : On me dit que en fait c’est bon ça va continuer à marcher tout bien et j’ai pas à m’en faire, c’est parfait, merci Masto pour ton efficacité 😁

Du coup s’il y a des gens qui sont aussi dans ce cas, quelqu’un a eu la gentillesse d’expliquer en détail la manipulation à faire dans les réponses, et je vous remets le lien ici directement si jamais :…

#Mail #Outlook #Thunderbird

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Bi Poster Child

A bit of fear from Microsoft! This is the best and most current article for how to stay connected:…

New blogpost: Thunderbird, Nextcloud, calendar invitations, and unwanted html email with non-working 'confirm acceptance' links

Last week, someone kindly flagged a problem with how I'd got calendar invitations set up, and it was annoying me.

So, over the weekend, I fixed it :)…

#Nextcloud #Thunderbird #blog #caldav #selfhosting #Linux

in reply to Neil Brown

That was an interesting problem to solve! Hopefully your write-up can help someone else if they ever have the same issue.

Velocizziamo un po’ Thunderbird
#thunderbird #Linux #UnoLinux

Luca, in questo suo nuovo articolo, ci da alcuni consigli su come fare a velocizzare Thunderbird.…

in reply to Marco Giannini

This was a great article, and we hope this advice helps a lo of Thunderbird users!

Reading through Mozillas jobs page: "Senior Staff Machine Learning Engineer, Gen AI", "Senior Staff Software Engineer, Ads", "Program Manager, AI 360", "Principal Product Manager, Generative AI","Sr Staff Fullstack Engineer, Anonym", "Senior Manager, Sales (Anonym)"

I see they have fully pointed the ship towards a future of AI and Ads.

in reply to Sarah Jamie Lewis

I'm not surprised that they are shutting down their mastodon instance "experiment" with little fanfare - it is very clear that open social networks between human beings do not fit within their vision of what the internet should be.
in reply to Sarah Jamie Lewis

Genuine question.

There's a risk (it may be somewhat small but it exists) that Google might be forced to cut their funding to Mozilla due to antitrust. This would affect over 90% of their revenue.

What else are they supposed to do? Just let things happen and abandon Firefox once Google's AI and ad money stops flowing in?

The goal of the CAQ is to make public transportation inaccessible... that's not cost saving anything.

3 commuter train lines in greater Montréal might shut down in cost-savings plan:… #polMTL #MTLpoli #assnat #polQC #QCpoli #CAQASTROPHE

at least from what I'm reading, my work laptop or workflow won't explode after upgrading it to Sequoia, especially unlike the disaster with VMWare breaking that one time.

📢 NUEVO artículo en mi blog 📝

📨 El cliente de correo #Thunderbird y los correos spam 🚫

🛠️ Thunderbird tiene algunas herramientas para hacer que los mensajes no deseados sean menos dolor de cabeza 🛠️…

We’ve made the hard decision to end our experiment with and will shut down the Mastodon instance on December 17, 2024. Thank you for being part of the community and providing feedback during our closed beta. You can continue to use until December 17. Before that date, you can download your data here (, and migrate your account to another instance following these instructions (…).

André Polykanine reshared this.

in reply to Mozilla

Believing in everything and nothing at the same time. As a former Mozillian, I feel that you have totally lost the plot and only represent despair. Despair that the org doesn't believe in its mission.

But I know you never listened to people anyway, so what's the point?

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Mozilla

"Ever since we shutdown and disengaged from Mastodon, the sentiment analysis on our social media posts regarding our AI initiatives shows positive reactions went up a staggering 857%! I guess everyone on X seems to like them! A great win for our sharehol—I mean, our sponsors!"

Venn diagram of what indie tech people think Mozilla wants to be/should be and what Moz actually wants to be: OO…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Per the recommendation of one of the listeners to the podcast where I regularly co-host, I have bought the Anker Prime 27650 mah powerbank. Pretty nifty: it has a Bluetooth LE module and by pairing it with the dedicated app, you can read useful info from it like the current charge percentage, how much time is left until full charge, how much voltage goes on each port etc. As a bonus, it can be triggered to make a sound so that you can find it easier and, by extension, any backpack, bag or other container you left it in. Pretty great for any #Blind person looking for the next useful gadget to add to their tech backpack. #Accessibility #A11y

reshared this

in reply to Sof

@sofquipeut That's true. Should have indicated that in my post. Hopefully there will be some discounts either for Black Friday, Cyber Monday or Christmas.
in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

It's an interesting product though. I'll add it to my wishlist! I was hoping it was cheaper than the accessible Energrid power bank. :)
in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

@oxytude lol well said man! I've just proposed your idea for our traditional Christmas episode, "accessible Christmas gifts! :)
in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

@kaveinthran Is the 27000 model really $200 wow also, 27000 MAH may not be allowed on an airplane? Wonder if the lesser prime models also have bluetooth?

Honestly, one of the things I appreciate most about Mac OS is the fact that a new OS version came out, and I had an opportunity to talk to a friend, who is using a lot of the same software as me, to ask whether anything broke accessibility-wise.

Everything seems to be ok this time and I'm probably going to upgrade either today or tomorrow, but if there were any deal-breakers, I could hold off for as long as I needed. Windows does not give me that luxury.

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

What broke is RIM, due to the constant permission prompts. And something else on the remote assistance thing got broken as well.
in reply to x0

@x0 Yeah, I'm aware of that, fortunately I don't think I'll have a need for it anytime soon.

It's right up with Rogue Amoeba in the "incredible technical feat, I almost can't believe anybody actually made this work on Mac, but God will it break" territory.

in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

I'm curious why Windows wouldn't give you that chance? Just because you have no WIndows friends that use what you use? :)
in reply to Florian

@zersiax No, because it forces updates on you and there's little you can do about it without going "off the beaten path", piracy, or both.

Yes, I know Windows can be fixed with third-party utilities of dubious provenience, which are probably safe, probably won't crash your system and will probably keep working for a while.

in reply to Florian

@zersiax I really don't like treating my computer like a precious and sickly pet that one has to care for, lest it die in agony. I want to be as close to a stock config and a stock system as possible, with the smallest possible amount of moving parts that can break. Every deviation increases the chance of previously unheard-of bugs, weird system interactions and getting into uncharted territory. I don't think I could use Windows well with that attitude.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

I dunno... thats kinda how I use mine and I've been ok so far, but I don't go out of my way to install things like ExplorerPatcher and ClassicShell and such
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@zersiax and with that said, I should look into Nix more.

After all, if I need to make changes, I'd rather make those changes to a text file that I can keep in git, properly version and document with copious comments, and then let some piece of software make my system reflect that file.

AWS Transfer Family increases throughput and file sizes supported by SFTP connectors… #aws

[Forum Topic] For anyone who wants to know more about the New braille screen input, register for this zoom session with the braillists.…

Ugh why can't all screen reader commands be the same across all screen readers?
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Devin Prater :blind:

I absolutely hate, hate the multi layered commands in JAWS. Want this? Insert space, A, B, C.
in reply to David K

I do wish those were simpler. Easier to type. And stuff like Microsoft Office. Want to insert a file, Alt + N, A, F. Or Excel, Alt F, I, S, H. See, people tell me that Emacs is awful, and so many keys, all that. When Windows programs are just as bad.

#Inklusion ist #Thema meines Gespräches mit Gabriela Hund von der
#Seelsorge mit seh-beinträchtigten Menschen der Ev. #Kirche in Hessen und Nassau.

Demnächst in der #Blindenhörzeitschrift "Das ABC-Journal" und im #Podcast des
... übrigens, würde sich bestimmt über eine ordentliche Begrüßung im #FediVerse und ein paar #Follower:Innen freuen ;-)

#blind #Sehbehinderung #Selbsthilfe #Behinderung #FediKirche

I’m currently working on a new Python WebKitGTK browser for GNOME. I’m aiming for it to be a better foundation to work on than Epiphany which has a huge C codebase and some outdated UI patterns. :blobcat_engineer:


in reply to Jamie

As the project is growing, I'm deliberating whether Vala could be a better option for the project as it's more GObject oriented, it has stricter typing, and it's compiled. What do you think? :blobcatthinking:


  • Python (30%, 9 votes)
  • Vala (70%, 21 votes)
30 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Jamie

I've been mulling porting some UI from C to Vala. It does GObject really well and you don't need to buckle in another supply chain.

The Apple Watch Series 10 remains the best iPhone-friendly smartwatch with a more elegant, comfortable design than its predecessor, along with a new underwater depth gauge and music playback capabilities. Here's our review:…

Scheduled downtime of GNOME Services - 8th of October 2024 at 6 AM - 10 AM UTC

Please could anyone who understands regular expressions, particularly in the context of Power Rename give me a hand? I'm trying to prepend text. I put .* in the search field and (text)$1 in the replace field as instructed by two places. I've tried this with and without spaces and it totals the whole file name, leaving only my new text. Thanks for any help.

Please stop demonizing “AI”; the stuff you have a problem with isn’t AI research or AI tech, it’s a very small subset of that domain that (a)has ethical issues with training data sourcing and (b)is being horribly misused/way overly trusted

AI research is valuable and important, and MOST of it doesn’t have these problems. It’s doing things like increasing the reliability of cancer screenings, helping astronomers make better observations, improving assistive technology, accelerating medical research, etc.

Not all AI is “train a chat bot” or “train an image generator” for nefarious or stupid purposes

Just got word that my former employer and former team just got hit by layoffs 😢😢😢

Great people. Shitty timing

in reply to Merry Jerry 🎄🎅🕎⛄️❄️

I think I stopped to understand this (biz) world... if I ever understood it at all. I mean, couple of years ago it started to be obvious that IBM CIO wants to centralise the security / compliance functions back in US. Similar situation happened in Kyndryl and I've seen multiple layoffs of seasoned professionals. Meanwhile we hear about security personnel and talent shortage around the globe for multiple years in a row (well, decade and more). Still stories like this are popping up every now and then. Even worse, when you try LinkedIn, you see opentowork badges of those people everywhere.

I got stuck behind a confused Zoox this morning. No, I didn’t commute through Whoville, it’s Amazon’s driverless car thing.

It signaled left then moved right, blocked both lanes and stopped to fret.

A perfect metaphor for the AI strategy of a driverless company.

> Gamma is a free AI tool that can automatically convert your documents or PDFs into visually appealing presentations in minutes.

Okay, so I understand that AI is cool. I understand that we can make AI do a lot of things. But seriously. First, there's a model that turns HTML into Markdown. And granted, I haven't tried that one, and I probably should. And now this? Like, no one has heard of Pandoc anymore? Like I can literally write a Markdown file and pandoc -i -o presentation.pptx. Something like that anyway. And get a presentation out of it. Or just import a Word document into PowerPoint. Or just use a Markdown file and arrow down through the bullet points if I don't *need* to be fansy.

I'm starting to kind of understand how wasteful people are with this kind of stuff.

#ai #presentation #llm

The LAMP stack had its day, but now is the time for SBC²: sqlite3, bash, and curl on a single board computer
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Was man als blinde Übersetzerin nach einem iOS-Release so macht: sich die Stimmproben verschiedener Sprachen anhören, fasziniert sein, dass man bei manchen europäischen Sprachen einfach kein Wort versteht (Baskisch, Litauisch usw.), feststellen, dass Galicisch eine romanische Sprache ist, sodass man den Vorstellungssatz so einigermaßen versteht, die indischen Sprachen durchgehen und in Bhodschpuri und Marathi zumindest einzelne Wörter und grammatische Strukturen erkennen, die durch… (1/3)