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Peter Vágner reshared this.

What app are you using to stay in touch with friends and family? Feel free to repost it so we can reach bigger audience.

If your app isn't in the pool, just add it as response and other can fav it :)

  • iMessage (9%, 114 votes)
  • Whatsapp (26%, 300 votes)
  • Signal (51%, 584 votes)
  • Telegram (9%, 110 votes)
  • Facebook Messenger (3%, 38 votes)
1146 voters. Poll end: in 2 days

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Unboxing the Monarch: A Technological Approach | American Printing House…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

A little #PIpeWire tip I learned today. If you want to use OBS Studio with a Google Meet session in Firefox. Start OBS Studio first, if not Firefox will set a format for the camera that OBS Studio do not support and you get a black box in OBS Studio. The other way is fine.

Wim is working on a proper solution, adding video conversion to PipeWire, but for now the ordering do matter.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Listening to the new album Telos by Zedd. Absolutely stunning. Beyond my expectations...

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Here's my new project, a keyboard for one-handed typing. Tens of thousands Ukrainians have injured arms and hands during the war, and my goal is to make an inexpensive keyboard for anyone to assemble at home.…

#accessibility #onehandtyping #disability #UkraineWar #ukraine #veterans

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Did you know when using JAWS 2024, when focused within the list of running applications (JAWS Key+F10), you can find an app and press Delete. This will close down the application. Very useful if an app is running and you are having difficulty closing it.

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in reply to Brian Hartgen

You can also use the delete key whilst holding alt down when pressing alt+tab to close a window, rather than releasing alt to activate it. Not in JAWS of course because of it already using Alt+del as a hotkey.

Nice article in czech describing latest advancemend in developing czech and slovak voices for #RHVoice…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Did you know that iAccessibility has more than just Apple App Directories? We encourage everyone to submit apps to our Windows, and Android App Directories so everyone can know which apps are accessible on these platforms.

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in reply to iAccessibility

To build the directory we could start with adding the programs from the #accessible installer section of the #ninite program.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

NVDA 2024.3, the free screen reader for Microsoft Windows, is now available for download. We encourage all users to upgrade to this version. Full information & download links available from:

- Notification of add-on updates
- Unicode normalisation options
- Help Tech Activator Pro braille display support
- Mouse wheel scrolling commands
- Many bug fixes & updates for Windows 11, browsers, LibLouis, eSpeak-NG, Unicode CLDR
#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #A11y

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

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in reply to NV Access

It might be useful to let people know. I found the culprit! It took a lot of work, but it worked by deactivating the add-ons one by one. It was an add-on called TemporarySkipe. What a shame. He was very helpful sometimes. And it wasn't even marked as incompatible by NVDA.
in reply to Halison Junior Lunardi

@halisonjl Ah thank you - disregard my last message then, sorry I didn't realise you'd replied again - I'm not familiar with that add-on. We haven't introduced anything in 2024.3 which should break add-ons. Assuming restarting the PC didn't fix this add-on, it would be worth reaching out to the add-on developer to see if they have had other reports, or if they are able to fix it.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

alt-right self-owns (funny but sad)

Sensitive content

in reply to Rick Scott 🏳️‍⚧️

alt-right self-owns (funny but sad)

Sensitive content

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Great Braille Game! I learned about this game from Holly Anderson of the Maccessibility Podcast.
Brailliance is a Braille version of the popular Wordle game with a little twist.
You are given the total number of dots in the word, and you have to guess what the word is by figuring out the letters in the word with each of your guesses.
For example. The word has a total of 10 dots.
So your first guess is tale, t, a, l, e.
It tells you that 3 of those letters are in the word, and one is not.
t, a, and l, are in the word, and the letter e is not.
Please note: those letters are part of the final word, but they do not have to be in that order.
So lets see, the letters t, a, and l, equal a total of 8 dots, so you only have 2 dots left to make the final word.
And you only have 4 letters left with 2 dots, b, c, i, and k.
So now it is just a process of elimination
For this word, the correct other letter was k. So the final word was talk, t, a, l, k.
The tough part is figuring out words that have a specific number of dots, but this gets easier the more you play.
Plus, to help you out, the total number of dots for each letter can be found on the letters of the on-screen keyboard.
So how good do you know your Braille? Ready to take the challenge?
Just like Wordle, there is a new puzzle every day, as well as some other puzzle packs that you can play on the side if you like.
The game is totally free, and does have a cost to get rid of ads if you want.
I actually find this game more fun and challenging as Wordle! So I highly recommend giving it a try.
Here is the app store link.…

#Game #Accessible #Wordle #Braille #Maccessibility #Blind

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

This is the longest of longshots but... people here seems to know everything about the most obscure stuff. Does anyone know of an #NVDA remote client for Linux? There is one for Android, sort of one for iOS, but I have yet to see one for Linux. I'm thinking it may not be difficult, and would definitely be nice to have. Servers/relays are already available, does anyone know of a client? Boosts are, of course, very welcome, indeed, they'd be appreciated. #blind #A11Y #screenreader

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Wow, in #nvda, you can now press NVDA+ctrl+escape to enable/disable screen curtain. #accessibility #blind

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in reply to Jonathan Rodriguez

You sure can! I just shared your post - nice little tip for people :)
in reply to Jonathan Rodriguez

I've had this mapped to NVDA plus printscreen for ages. Seemed a far more sensible shortcut

Hello #accessibility experts and #screenReader users. I am trying to find out a wordpress addon that might provide self-hostable and screen reader accessible reservation system. The features I am looking for is ability to integrate this with google calendar or any other caldav based self-hostable calendaring solution. Email notifications for both visitors and administrators is a plus. I need this to be accessible to both visitors as well as administrators.
Also recently I think I have seen a mention of croutfunding campaign where the aim is to build open-source accessible booking system. I'd be happy to look at it too if you can remind me of it.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Why did Mozart kill all his chickens?
Because when he asked them who the best composer was, they'd all say "Bach bach bach!"

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in reply to I Has Wisdom

@menelion My favorite composers joke is, "What did the alien say when he landed on earth right in front of Schubert? ... Take me to your lieder.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Have you tried our new forums yet? Register at, and then head over to the forums either in the menu, or by going to Let us know what you think, and we hope you enjoy them.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Hey everyone,

I'm trying to take another stab at implementing #Passbook (#pkpass) support in #Catima.

It's going okay but I'm having trouble hunting down test cases, especially test cases with localized strings.

Do you have any .pkpass file you're willing to share with me? If so, please send them to me and tell me if you're okay with me including them in Catima unit tests. Feel free to censor things before sending (but please tell me what you censored).


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Andy Holmes reshared this.

During latest two days I have attempted a minimal #a11y related hacking in #rust with #matrix #fractal code base. While working on it I found this tech note by @Hubert Figuière on subclassing #GTK4 widgets verry help full.
Let's see if I have done it right. At least I am back to chatting now.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Question for those who own the Bible Courier: what TTS engine does it use? I have to admit that I'm intrigued by this device but I haven't yet seen it. Its price of $100 is just high enough that I'm not quite sure I want to order it but I am thinking about it ..

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to David Goldfield

I’m not personally familiar with this product. But students in the passive owned something like this it’s usually an audio recording that’s broken up by Bible books, chapters, and verses in such a way that you can easily navigate to them using buttons. There is an awesome Amazon echo app called the Bible app skill though that works pretty good and has several different narrated Bibles. as an alternative.
in reply to David Goldfield

I don't know what the TTS engine is, but it's a great device. There are so many versions you can get. Plus, it gives you the ability to navigate between book, chapter and even verse. You can also make bookmarks. I highly recommend it.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

In case anyone who cares missed this, based on user feedback, I updated my AxSHammer Firefox add-on to add "Kill all aria-label" and "Kill all ARIA roles". As always, this could do as much harm as it does good, so if it breaks anything, you get to treasure all the little pieces.…
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

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in reply to Jamie Teh

as a web developer, this tool seems immensely helpful, thank you

Peter Vágner reshared this.

For those of you interested in learning how to teach #Blind and low-vision kids and adults #TactileDrawing techniques, #Coding basics, then building up to creating their own digital #SVG graphics for tactile output and beyond, the Tangible Art & Design Adventures curriculum is now live online! Come check out the TADA adventure and share it far and wide!

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

According to the commit for on meta-llama Github repo, we're getting the updates: llama-3.1-405b, llama-3.1-70b, llama-3.1-8b. #LLM #ML #AI…
#AI #ML #llm

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Gajim 1.9.2 has been released 🚀

This release brings an important OMEMO encryption fix, native notifications on Windows, usability improvements, and many bugfixes. Thank you for all your contributions!

#xmpp #gajim #chat…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Please vote for an implementation of VJOURNAL in Thunderbird. 👇 This would REALLY improve the ecosystem and usability of open protocols! Currently there is almost no software on the desktop to sync your notes and journals with a CalDAV server and TB could fill a huge gap here.…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

20 minutes after launch, the Unihertz Jelly Max campaign is fully funded. This is a 5-inch 5G phone with a 4000 MAh battery, 66 watt charging, 5G, Android 14.…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Now that the storm has passed — I can share an update on screen reader support under Wayland.

As part of STF; GNOME has been working since the end of last year on resolving the matter.

The main issue is that we currently lack a way to “snoop on” or “grab” key events from the compositor.

We now have a draft protocol and implementation in Orca and Mutter thanks to @matt

We are doing our best to get it ready for GNOME 47.

#GNOME #a11y #Linux #freedesktop #Wayland

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

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in reply to Sonny

I guess this will also be useful for other applications, like Input-Leap / Barrier or Workrave?
@matt @fedora

Peter Vágner reshared this.

For any enthusiasts of legacy assistive tech, it seems the first source code of the Talks Screen Reader for Nokia 9110 Communicator has been published by one of the original devs. Unbelievable to think that it all started off as a bunch of prerecorded messages supplemented by the ability to spell anything it doesn't have ready letter by letter and plugging in external synthesizers and Braille displays via the serial port:…
#Accessibility #Blind #RetroTech #ScreenReader
in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

The LG “screenreader” for webOS is just prerecorded TTS prompts AFAIK.
in reply to Drew Mochak

@drew That would explain why Netflix is completely inaccessible on those devices, then.

Though I think I remember it reading channel names, so perhaps not?

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Usually people talk about Linux terminal commands used in those hacker-man movies. So here we present you "Termux terminal session" used in an American comedy show.

Also a CW for anyone who's going to watch the entire video: there is some blood involved at around 2:50

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Termux

pkg install tmux 😄

It's very strange seeing Husk not stammer and mumble his lines, I wonder how many sessions and edits in post it took to make him sound so fluent.

in reply to Termux

Had to sit through the melon husk cringe just for a glimpse of Termux, was worth it!

Peter Vágner reshared this.

It was an honour and pleasure to have been asked to address the National Federation of the Blind’s DeafBlind Division on Friday. I gave an address about living the life we want as blind people who wear hearing aids.
If you are blind and wear hearing aids, or have an interest in this topic, I hope you find the text of interest. #NFB24
in reply to Jonathan Mosen

thanks a lot for this; many valuable information for me to discuss with my audiologist next time, including perhaps changing manufacturer.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Na svoje projekty hledam vyvojarskou pomoc (React + TypeScript) a rad dam prilezitost lidem pred prvni praci, kteri muzou benefitovat i z meho mentoringu.…

Budu moc rad boostovani tu. Ale hlavne za osobni sireni mezi juniory a velka pomoc by bylo i sdileni na LinkedInu, kde je precijen vetsi sance, ze se nejake zacatecnictvo najde.…

#prace #developer #it #react #typescript

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Running commands of your servers or bots from Libervia CLI.

In this video, I show how to use the Libervia CLI to run ad-hoc commands, a powerful feature of XMPP that allows you to execute custom commands on your server or client. I'll demonstrate how to list available commands, run a command to get the server uptime, and send an announcement to all users. This tutorial is a great way to learn more about the Libervia CLI and how to use it to automate tasks and interact with your XMPP ecosystem.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

My sister asked her partner if he knew what a menstrual cup was.

He asked if it was a sports competition.

Anyway I just died of laughter.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

The Fedora Accessibility Working Group presented to our highest decision-making committee on the state of accessibility in our distro. It's packed with information, context, and perspective for where we are today and how we can change things for the better.

If you would like to contribute after learning more about this priority, please join the matrix room!


Accessibility WG Matrix room:…

#Fedora #Accessibility #a11y #Linux

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in reply to Fedora Project

A long time ago when Fedora was RH based I use to use the distro with Speakup before a gui for Xwindows was developed. I haven't used it on my personal machine since but have used it on remote servers. Can this distro be installed by a blind individual with out help?

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Paperless-ngx is an open-source document management system that transforms your physical documents into a searchable online archive

You can either scan or upload various document formats into Paperless-ngx.

It will organise and index your scanned documents with tags, correspondents, types, and more. Your data is stored locally on your server and is never transmitted or shared ...continues


#archiving #documents #opensource #technology

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

supposedly the #android 15 betas allow for BT-HID #braille displays to connect without having to use USB. Has anyone gotten this to work? I just tried it with a Mantis q40 and while the device is detected, when trying to connect it just says " failed to connect to [bluetooth_name_here], try again", so this does not quite appear ready for prime time. Makes sense given its a beta, just curious if its a pebcac issue

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Today, thanks to @BTyson I learned that you can open blutooth file transfer by typing FSquirt in the run dialog.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Wine 🍷 is now 31 years old!! Gets finer every year ❤️
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

If anyone is interested in following the progress I'm making on fixing accessibility issues in #OPNSense, follow this issue on github:…

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in reply to Jason Fayre

@Jason Fayre That's perfect timing. One of the sites where I'm working as a sysadmin have just received their new opensense based gateway. Next week I'll start learning the platform.
in reply to Peter Vágner

@pvagner Very cool! They have already excepted a few of my poll requests. I’m not sure when these changes will make it into the official packages, but should be soon.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Finally some good news this week! #Fractal 8.beta is here 🎉

Details at…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Just in case anyone was wondering whether Windows console flooding breaking their screen reader is unique to NVDA, it isn't. Looks like a UIAutomationCore bug. Colour me unsurprised. If you have Python installed, try this with Narrator. Open a command prompt, enter this command and watch the world burn:
py -c "print('hi\n' * 100000)"
Narrator just won't interact with anything after that in any other application. UIA just goes bye-bye.
So much for the UIA CoalesceEvents and ConnectionRecoveryBehavior settings.
Absolutely ridiculous. History would suggest that this will just never get fixed.

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in reply to Brandon Tyson

@BTyson It doesn't seem to be sufficient to prevent this particular extreme flood from breaking things. I suspect this breakage is purely within UIACore, given that it also happens with Narrator.
in reply to Jamie Teh

MS should really look into this since it's a potential attack vector. Anyone malicious could easily add a bit of code that sends a huge mass of text through the terminal, instantly frying the accessibility system that many programs rely on. UIA is essentially being DDoS'd.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)