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Items tagged with: Writing

April 1, and sadly not a joke: and get acquired:

April 12: The entire team of lexicographers at gets laid off.

#dictionaries #writing #words

I have to admit I haven’t played any Steam or console games in the past few months, though I’m looking forward to getting back to the one where you use the keyboard to enter characters one by one that you then assemble into sentences, paragraphs, chapters, and (eventually) books.

#Writing #games

VocalEye Almost Live #147 | Storytelling Showcase with Robert Kingett

VocalEye Almost Live host Amy Amantea is joined by blind, gay, disabled author of fiction and non-fiction, Robert Kingett.

Robert returns to the Almost Live space to share a sampling of his own short stories from a variety of genres including romance, sci-fi and fantasy.

0:00 -- Title card intro
1:10 -- Land Acknowledgement
4:20 -- Pre-show Introduction with Amy and Fiona
13:50 -- Pointy Chances
43:39 -- A Deserving Conference
1:22:53 -- Super Date
1:49:50 -- Conversation and Q&A with Amy and Robert

If you enjoyed this video, please Like and Subscribe.
Buy Amy a coffee:
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For more information on Robert Kingett, visit:

For more information on events and programs from VocalEye, visit:

The tower bells chimed sweetly in harmony with the trickling stream nearby.

Just beyond the sound was a pleasing horizon, violet to lavender to rose and periwinkle skies, brushed with soft cloudy streaks of vapor.

The only insect sounds were a respectful distance away, and unlikely to approach.

The centaurs stood, hand in hand, experiencing their proximity to each other and the scene surrounding them.

"Lovely," they agreed; the view too.

#TootFic #MicroFiction #Writing #TerylsTales #Fantasy

The dragon-shaped robot waved from it's spot on the moon.

The astronomers waved back, feeling silly for it. But then again, had it known it was being observed at that moment? Or was it programmed to wave at random intervals?

"Shall we land?"


"To study it; maybe it can answer queries."

"It's bigger than our shuttle!"

"That's fine, we'll be asking it some pretty big questions."

"You just want to talk to a dragon."

"Who doesn't?!"

#TootFic #MicroFiction #Writing #TerylsTales #SciFi

Remember to include little human touches in your work so that it breathes. Random bits of humour. Rude or angry graffiti. Kids playing with a rock.

(The trapped mason from Abbey de Sainte Foy, France, c.1050.)

#WorldBuilding #writing #ttrpg #dnd #AmWriting #WritingCommunity

The warrior roared and the barista roared back much to everyone's shock.

"You challenging me?!"

The warrior gaped, axe in hand, suddenly unsure of how to proceed, "Yes?"

"Then get in line and I'll deal with you when it's your turn."

The warrior shuffled to the back of the line sheepishly, until finally, it was his turn.

"So, we meet again."

"Unicorn latte please," the warrior mumbled.

"No duel?"

"You've... proven your bravery."

#TootFic #MicroFiction #Writing #TerylsTales #UrbanFantasy

I am glad to finally get the courage to share blogs! So here is mine, a blog that has two blogs. But you get it. and The system, because a reference to Blakes7 #Blakes7 It's great! The other blog is aimed primarily at Bulgarian users but if you would like to translate and read the page, go on. #blogging #blog #writing I am new to this, so bare with me, please. It is enough I decided to share. I'll be fixing the CSS soon, hopefully, but I need to get my exams out of the way first.

"written by human, Not By AI" — get your badge today! #writing #AI

Mortified2021: How I'd Make the World Better.

Produced by WBEZ in Chicago, this clip from the Mortified event in 2021 showcases an essay Robert Kingett wrote in the second grade about how old people can save the world by paying their taxes.

Mortified is a show where people showcase their most embarrassing art on stage they made when they were children.

Robert Kingett is an author and you can find him online at

We should rehabilitate, not execute.

Read the blog post here

This blog post talks about what I've learned over the course of writing to prisoners, narrated by a Blind narrator.

Narrated by Tanja Milojevic

Financially support me

A truly spectacular AITA here, relevant to writers and #writing.

If "hobosexual" is not part of your vocabulary, it should be.

[ETA: Lots of folks saying this is fake. It could be, yes. But I know many authors, especially women authors, especially romance authors, who get treated exactly this way over their "silly little books."

"Enough small biz money to pay the bills" is serious business, no matter what the business is.]

OK, trying an experiment with my Programming Languages class!

• Have an AI generate some of your writing assignment.
• Critique its output. Call BS on its BS.

Assignment details in screenshots below. I’ll let you know how it goes.

(Here are the links from the screenshots:)

Raw AI Text:

Comments on AI Text:

(Better) Human Text

#ai #chatgpt #education #writing #highered
#swift #proglang

My favorite outcome so far: a student remarked (paraphrasing here) that she didn’t realize how much she had to say in her paper until she saw how wrong the AI was, how much it missed the point.

Observing her own reaction to BS about her topic made her realize she’d underestimated the extent of her own newly-forming knowledge. That…that is the sort of outcome an educator dreams of.

#ai #chatgpt #education #writing #highered

Italo Calvino was born today (10/15) in 1923. A good day to read some of his stuff then later name drop in your own writing! "The heavily illustrated Magical Rites from the Crystal Well was my favorite even if the numerous guided meditations did make it seem as if Italo Calvino was your Dungeon Master." #quotes #writing

Once upon a time, there was a community called Little Details on LiveJournal. It was a place where fiction writers of all kinds could ask for help with their fact-checking and research. It was a huge, amazing resource before the collapse of LiveJournal took it down.

I recently decided to try resurrecting it on Dreamwidth. It's now open and ready for questions. Come check it out, and boost if you're so inclined!

#writing #fanfiction #fandom #dreamwidth

This seems like a good time to plug my new novel. The Poisoned Chalice is Book 4 in the Sempronius Scipio series. This one covers the bloody events of the Year of Six Emperors, so Scipio has his work cut out, especially as he has to contend with devious Senators, murderous assassins & angry soldiers led by a vengeful Emperor.
The book is available from Amazon in paperback & Kindle formats.
#HistoricalFiction #Rome #Writing #Books

this was a very interesting read! although us-centric, the same effect can be seen all around the world, as literature programs in so many countries are modeled after the trends arriving from the usa. so give it a read, even if you hate us politics.

executive summary for writers: don't just fucking show, but also TELL!!!


An #anthropologist attends a #CPAC conference ( #conservative #RightWing #America) and reports on their findings of the attitude towards #trans folks.

This being @SAPIENS_org, it is well thought through, fully supportive of trans folks and focused on debunking some of the #myths that the right perpetuate.

I'm really pleased to see serious #academic #writing focused on supporting trans folks. Will the right wing read this? Probably not. Will people who are unaware of the attacks trans folk experience every day read this? Quite probably. Will it help to increase understanding, empathy and allyship? I sincerely hope so.

Been working on a new project the last couple of months and it's finally ready for beta release!

#Fedimeister is a #Java based #Mastodon client (available for #Linux, #Windows and #MacOS under the Apache #opensource license) with a focus on #writing and #journalism. Features:

* Break long texts into threads
* Scheduled posting
* Hashtag research
* #Twitter quote tweeting emulation


Here’s my suggestion: get your AI to write books, then get your AI to read them.

Repeat this infinitely in a closed loop of techbro busywork until you get bored or die.

Leave the rest of us to create and appreciate the art form in a modest human way.

#chatgpt #ai #techbros #publishing #ebook #writing #writingCommunity #amWriting #reading #amReading

Accessible writing is just good writing #a11y #writing #webcontent

Wow, the ethics of this seem dubious to me… but also kind of fascinating as an outsider looking in - How Kindle novelists are using ChatGPT / An interview with an AI early adopter
#AI #writing

Plain English—why, how, evidence I suggest adding the guideline "Use shorter sentences and paragraphs." #writing #readability

Hi everyone! I'm checking out Mastodon. I'm a writer with 29 published romance novels. My book just out is The SEAL's Christmas Dilemma #writing #Promo, #AuthorPromo

People, stop saying "just self publish" when writers share their stress about querying. They know self-publishing exists. They've chosen to query agents/publishers for a reason. Self-publishing is difficult and expensive; you are starting your own business if you choose to go that route. Not everyone wants to, has the capacity to, or can afford it. #Writing #Publishing

I started writing on Substack to talk about the process a manuscript takes in traditional publishing, and how to navigate the process without losing the book's soul.

It's a happy story that starts at the end of many rejections, and I'll post some threads in case the takeaways are faster/easier to get here vs. Substack. The site is The Bird's Eye, and it's completely free and goes to folks' inboxes every other week.

#writing #publishing #WritingCommunity #author #novel

Good evening! I just switched instances, so I guess a brief hello is in order. I'm Terryble, #ftm guy from Poland living in Austria, trying to deal with my recently realized disability and an awful job. I'm into #writing, #books especially #fantasy and #sf, #sailing and #socialJustice. And probably several other things when I'm not that tired. Also #dogs, meet Baton too

A bit more info:

1. I am a #TraditionallyPublished #author of #books for #teens
2. I believe in more #equity in #TraditionalPublishing, especially when it comes to payment, marketing, and support for #BlackAuthors
3. I try to be #positive online, but #publishing is a hard, hard industry to be in
4. I'm trying to hold on to the joy of #writing regardless ... 💕

- 1st book (out now): WHEN THE STARS LEAD TO YOU (
- 2nd book (Spring 2024) THIS NIGHT IS OURS

[time for a #reintroduction! #introductions #introduction]

I'm Flo (he/him), a #queer #author of #lgbtqia #fiction.

Primarily I write #sliceoflife, #comedy, heartwarming & lighthearted, #gay #romance in a variety of settings, such as #hopepunk, #scifi, #fantasy, #steampunk, #horror, #gothic, annnnd the list goes on~ 😅

Some more things about me:

— I'm currently pumped for #NaNoWriMo!

— I like #writing, #reading, #drawing, #art, #gaming, #movies, #books etc.

— I dabble in #learning #mandarin and #tokipona (which i don't tend to talk about here).

— I am #agender, #asexual, #aromantic, (thus #AroAce) #disabled, #ActuallyAutistic, and a #demiguy

— i have a wishlist (mostly full of very, *very* gay books):

— alt accounts at & @floghost

Just bought a license for Typora, a gorgeous markdown viewing/editing application that seamlessly renders your markdown in place as you write it.

It’s by an independent developer and also runs on Linux.

#markdown #writing #typora #indie #dev

OSINT: "The Internet Is Forever"

Featuring Internet Archive / WayBack Machine

# # # # # # # # # # #

Watch on #:

Question to the # community:

I co-authored an illustrated short story from the project, about 4.5k words. No magazine we sent it to was interested in publishing, so we'd like to put it somewhere on # .

What's the best place to publish it? A subpage of ? Wattpad? Medium? Somewhere else?

sup y'all - twitter addict here wanting to do an #

I'm a comedian, writer, and actor, interests are # # # # # # # # #

also a # - I made my own digital series called Distance about a long distance relationship where you as the audience get to pick which side you want to watch first:

I'm also from # (born there, moved to US when I was seven) and live in # now.