Items tagged with: outlook
OK the latest in enshittification is that I sent an e-mail last week with an attachment, and the whole mail was silently dropped.
No indication whatsoever that it was not sent. Sits in my sent items folder, nobody got it.
Gmail and Outlook are popular but not necessarily the best - especially when it comes to #privacy and #security.
In this in-depth guide we review #Gmail vs #Outlook and fill you in on the best email provider that's ad-free, private, and secure. 😉
👉 Read more:
Outlook vs Gmail: Which is best in 2024? | Tuta
When looking to create a free email address with Outlook or Gmail, we've got a few tips to help you choose the best provider for top privacy and security.Tuta
Bon sinon, Microsoft m’informe que « Le 16 septembre 2024, les applications qui utilisent une technologie de connexion moins sécurisée ne pourront plus accéder à votre messagerie. », or j’ai un compte Outlook (oui je sais), qui sert peu mais dont j’ai néanmoins l’usage, que pour le moment je consulte avec Thunderbird.
Je n’ai pas envie d’installer l’appli Outlook pour des raisons de nik, et si le compte est pas dans mon logiciel de mail je vais absolument oublier son existence dans le néant et ne pas penser à aller le consulter
Donc : est‐ce qu’il y a une solution pour qu’il continue de fonctionner avec Thunderbird (ou est‐ce que en fait je m’en fais pour rien et ça va continuer à fonctionner très bien ?) ; si non est‐ce que vous avez des recommendations de logiciel de mail qui fonctionnera avec un compte Outlook ?
Edit : On me dit que en fait c’est bon ça va continuer à marcher tout bien et j’ai pas à m’en faire, c’est parfait, merci Masto pour ton efficacité 😁
Du coup s’il y a des gens qui sont aussi dans ce cas, quelqu’un a eu la gentillesse d’expliquer en détail la manipulation à faire dans les réponses, et je vous remets le lien ici directement si jamais :…
It's 2024 and #Outlook has seen its worst email hack ever.
When will they start listening to their founder Bill Gates?
A lax security culture made attacking Outlook so easy for China - you won't believe it! Find out what made the hack possible via this thread:👇
⚡ Watch out: #Microsoft joins #Google & #Facebook with its focus on ads first. ⚡
When creating a test account, #Outlook informed us of 813 data sharing partners! 🫢
Plus, the "new" Outlook app is quietly storing your data in the cloud, including your passwords.
Emails, Contacts, Passwords - Oh My! New Outlook Shares It All With Microsoft Putting Your Security At Risk
Microsoft's new Outlook for Windows shares all your data with its severs - and with up to 813 partners.Tutanota
This is so f***** up!! O_O
Be aware when you receive HTML emails (who doesn't?)!…
#Phishing #SCAM
#Thunderbird #Outlook
Konstantin Weddige (
Attached: 1 image Welcome to another edition of "Is this phishing?" Assume the email is in principle plausible and the transaction ID exists. What is the worst that can happen if you press send?
If you use Thunderbird as a client for Microsoft-owned accounts and have sign-in issues, especially recently, be sure to check our newly updated KB article on the topic.…
We'll be keeping a close eye on these issues, and thanks to everyone who has both let us know about their problems and jumped in to help others. 😊 💙
Microsoft OAuth Authentication and Thunderbird in 2024 | Thunderbird Help
Changes to OAuth authentication for Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365; often abbreviated as “o365”) business and academic hosted email accounts and
📫GREAT Reason To Both Use / Support @thunderbird #Thunderbird
New Microsoft #Outlook Collects / Shares Your Data w/Over 772 Parties
#email #communication #FOSS #Microsoft #Thunderbird #Mozilla #encryption #crypto #e2ee #infosec #Proton #surveillance #cybersecurity #privacy #News…
Outlook is Microsoft’s new data collection service
The new Outlook now appears to be a data collection service for Microsoft’s 772 external partners for targeted advertising.Edward Komenda (Proton)
If you're using #outlook, it's time to switch to @thunderbird
Outlook is Microsoft’s new data collection service | Proton…
Outlook is Microsoft’s new data collection service
The new Outlook now appears to be a data collection service for Microsoft’s 772 external partners for targeted advertising.Edward Komenda (Proton)
Resolved: Microsoft Outlook Blocking All Email from Domain as Spam.…
This is just another example of how much power Microsoft has. But sometimes I'm not sure they really know what they're doing.
Anyway, dealing with Windows email users (businesses and individuals) can be a nightmare.
If you plan on using your own email server, sooner or later you'll be playing this game too.
#microsoft #outlook #hotmail #email #spam @Tutanota
Resolved: Microsoft Outlook Blocking All Email from Domain as Spam.
Update: Emails from no longer go to Spam in Outlook.Tutanota
⚡ For three weeks #Microsoft was sending all emails to spam in #Outlook.
You helped #spread the word so suddenly #Microsoft was able to fix this within one day! 💪
Thank you! 🙏…
Microsoft Outlook Blocking All Email from Domain as Spam. Is This Legal?
Users began reporting issues with mail delivery in November 2023 and communication with Microsoft has reached radio silence.Tutanota
The new #Outlook is good... for 766 third parties that track you.
What do you do to stop trackers dead?
Plus, Outlook shares your emails, contacts and passwords with its US servers. So you better watch out! 👉…
Emails, Contacts, and Passwords - Oh My! New Outlook Overshares with Microsoft
When using Outlook your sensitive data may not stay on your machine, but be sent to Microsoft servers.Tutanota
Do you trust #Microsoft? Because #Outlook has a real scare for you. 😱
Read more on this 🚩 breaking story! 👇
Emails, Contacts, and Passwords - Oh My! New Outlook Overshares with Microsoft:…
Emails, Contacts, and Passwords - Oh My! New Outlook Overshares with Microsoft
When using Outlook your sensitive data may not stay on your machine, but be sent to Microsoft servers.Tutanota
Wer nicht möchte, dass seine E-Mail-Zugangsdaten inklusive E-Mails an Microsoft abfließen, sollte ein alternatives E-Mail-Programm verwenden. Sofern "Neues Outlook" bereits im Einsatz ist, sollte das Konto gelöscht und anschließend die Zugangsdaten geändert werden. Eine mögliche Alternative: Thunderbird. 👇
#microsoft #thunderbird #datenschutz #sicherheit #outlook
Thunderbird — Befreien Sie Ihren Posteingang.
Thunderbird ist eine freie E-Mail-Anwendung, die man einfach einrichten und anpassen kann — und sie ist voll mit tollen Funktionen!Thunderbird
So, nochmal frisch am Montagmorgen:
‼️ Vorsicht: Das neue #Outlook sendet Passwörter, Mails und andere Daten an Microsoft-Server.
Wir raten allen Privat- und Geschäftskunden dringend zu Alternativen wie Thunderbird oder unseren @mailbox_org Webmailer.
👉 Für Geschäftskunden kann die derartige (wenn auch ungewollte) Speicherung personenbezogener Daten übrigens ein bußgeldbelegter DSGVO-Verstoß darstellen.
Mehr im Blog:…
Warnung: Neues Outlook sendet Passwörter, Mails und andere Daten an Microsoft |
Heise Online warnt vor der Nutzung des neuen kostenlosen Microsoft Outlook. Es droht der Verlust von Zugangsdaten zu
Shocking but not surprising: New #Microsoft #Outlook is phishing **your mail account credentials** without telling you, all it takes is try it out once. So, don't.
As always, better go with FOSS: @thunderbird
Usually phishing comes from shady people that need to jump through some hoops to try and get you. #Microsoft just thinks they can rob you in broad daylight.. crazy.…
Microsoft krallt sich Zugangsdaten: Achtung vor dem neuen Outlook
Das neue kostenlose Outlook ersetzt Mail in Windows, später auch das klassische Outlook. Es schickt geheime Zugangsdaten an Microsoft.Dirk Knop (heise online)
Dnešního rána jsem se rozhodl skoncovat s Outlookem a přejít i na Macu na Thunderbird.
A to potom co mi Outlook udělal v mailech na 2 ze 4 schránek zřejmě nějakou jeho chybou IMAPu paseku viz. screenshot 🙈
@thunderbird #email #IMAP #Outlook #Thunderbird
The "New Outlook" demands that when adding your #Gmail account, you also give Microsoft a copy of all your Gmail email, contacts, and calendar data.
The "Learn More" link confirms:
"Syncing your account to the Microsoft Cloud means that a copy of your email, calendar, and contacts will be synchronized between your email provider and Microsoft data centers."
Good time to switch to @thunderbird, folks!
Quick FYI 🏁 🏎️
Prior to #GoDaddy killing my #POP #Email client access on June 2 as part of #Microsoft's mandate to force users onto its #Exchange protocol, I switched from #Outlook 2016 to #Thunderbird 114 Beta (which still connects w/ #POP3 + #OAuth2 - unsure if it's a glitch, but it works)
Thunderbird 114 Beta Portable (it's the version I'm using)…
Since Thunderbird team is moving towards its new #Supernova #UI for Thunderbird 115, there's a mixture of old & new menus
Thunderbird, Portable Edition Test (email client) |
Thunderbird, Portable Edition Test is a test version of the popular Thunderbird email client bundled with a
At work, we recently migrated to MS 365 for part of our email management and I discovered a tiny useful piece of software that simplifies for me the OAUTH2 based idiosyncratic system of Outlook and its friends.
A proxy now allows me to still use mutt, fetchmail, msmtp and exim to read and write emails.…
GitHub - simonrob/email-oauth2-proxy: An IMAP/POP/SMTP proxy that transparently adds OAuth 2.0 authentication for email clients that don't support this method.
An IMAP/POP/SMTP proxy that transparently adds OAuth 2.0 authentication for email clients that don't support this method. - GitHub - simonrob/email-oauth2-proxy: An IMAP/POP/SMTP proxy that tra...GitHub
@thunderbird, I'm enjoying the updated Thunderbird 112 Beta UI, but I was wondering if you could give us the option to disable the tab area and/or the new top menubar depending on how we configure our UI. If I choose to use the left-most vertical menubar, the other areas seem redundant and take up space. Otherwise, I like the new direction! 👍
#Email #Mail #Mozilla #Thunderbird #UI #UX #Outlook #Office #Office365 #Microsoft365 #OfficeSuite #Alternative #PIM #Tasks #Events #Calendar #Contacts
No more custom domains in #Microsoft #Outlook! 😱
No worries, we've got you covered. 😉…
No more custom domains in Microsoft Outlook! 😱
Microsoft will phase out custom email domains in A perfect time to create an address with Tutanota!Tutanota
We’re excited to announce major performance and stability improvements to Proton Mail Bridge.
It's now faster and easier to use your encrypted #ProtonMail inbox with your favorite email client, such as #outlook, @thunderbird, and #AppleMail.
Starting today, Proton Mail Bridge is using a new IMAP library, Gluon, which vastly improves the performance & stability.
Give it a try: If you're already using Bridge, you'll receive the update over the next few weeks.
Encrypt your desktop email app with Proton Mail Bridge
Our Bridge app allows you to add our end-to-end encryption to popular email apps, including Outlook, Thunderbird, and Apple Mail.Proton
Bisher: Bei der Nutzung der mobilen Outlook App (iOS, Android) speichert Microsoft die Zugangsdaten zu dem E-Mail-Konto (einschließlich des Passworts) auf eigenen Servern, verarbeitet alle ein- und ausgehenden E-Mails auf eigenen Servern und hat damit vollen Einblick sowohl in Inhalts- als auch in alle Metadaten.
Neu: Jetzt exklusiv auch für Mac-Rechner verfügbar! 😵…
#microsoft #dsgvo #datenschutz #fail #imap #outlook
Microsoft: IMAP-Umleitung in Outlook nach Office-Update jetzt auch auf Macs
Die Mobil-App von Outlook leitet IMAP-Abfragen schon seit Langem über Microsofts Azure-Cloud um. Nach einem Update passiert das nun auch bei Office auf Mac.Dirk Knop (heise online)
I LOVE this new @thunderbird feature
Unfortunately the company I work for chose to migrate EVERYTHING they possibly could to Microsoft services - including the previously self-hosted email servers.
I find it extremely irritating that link targets in emails I receive at work are all replaced by links to, allowing MS to monitor any interaction and add its own trackers, so they can even see whether a link has been followed by people I forward a mail to 🤯
#Microsoft is down.
Perfect time to replace your #Outlook with a secure #BigTech alternative. 🔒
Check out Tutanota and take back your privacy! 💪😎…
Secure email: Tutanota free encrypted email.
Tutanota is the secure email service, built in Germany. Use encrypted emails on all devices with our open source email client, mobile apps & desktop clients.Tutanota
PSA: Today Thunderbird 102.7.0 releases with a crucial change to how we handle #OAuth2 authorization with #Microsoft accounts. This may involve extra work for users currently using Microsoft-hosted accounts through their employer or educational institution.
#Enterprise #Outlook #Exchange
Important: Thunderbird 102.7.0 And Microsoft Office 365 Enterprise Users
In Thunderbird 102.7.0, there are changes to the way we handle OAuth2 authorization with Microsoft accounts. This may involve some extra work for users currently using Microsoft-hosted accounts through their employer or educational institution.Jason Evangelho (The Thunderbird Blog)
Ich möchte kurz auf eine Analyse des LfDI Baden-Württembergs hinweisen.
"Bei der Nutzung der mobilen Outlook App (iOS, Android) speichert Microsoft die
Zugangsdaten zu dem E-Mail-Konto (einschließlich des Passworts) auf eigenen Servern,
verarbeitet alle ein- und ausgehenden E-Mails auf eigenen Servern und hat damit vollen
Einblick sowohl in Inhalts- als auch in alle Metadaten." 👇
Automatisierte Scans: Microsoft sperrt Kunden unangekündigt für immer aus
Dass Anbieter wie Google oder Microsoft automatisiert nach strafbaren Inhalten suchen, weiß nicht jeder. Gerät man ins Visier, sind Konto und Inhalte verloren.…
PSA: If you're using a #Hotmail or #Outlook email with #Thunderbird and getting "unusual sign-in activity" alerts, you're not alone.
This appears to be an issue on Microsoft's end, and is being actively investigated.
This post on the Microsoft Answers forum has detailed and constantly updated info.…