
Items tagged with: css

.bathroom {
width: fit-content;

#memes #css

I disagree with use cases that rely on CSS, generally at risk from network interruptions and caching, to trigger programmatic state changes in the HTML that references it (see pic). Cart / horse and all.

Instead, use CSS to ensure your programmatic state is correct. Eg:…

#a11y #accessiblity #css #html

Would have been nice to have a :focus-visible-within, but you can achieve pretty much the same with :has(:focus-visible)

Magic of CSS.



New year, new role @Mastodon!

Our core team is looking for a senior Front-end Developer to elevate the web UI/UX experience for our users.


1. You are highly skilled in accessible and semantic #HTML
2. Proficient in modern #CSS
3. Experienced with #Javascript, #Typescript and complex React/Redux applications

This remote full-time position requires a 4-hour overlap with the CET timezone.

For more info/to apply:…

#FediHire #GetFediHired #hiring #frontend

Good morning #fediverse !

I'm feeling #KISS today...

« Keep
Stupid »

(Amazing, how many things you can do with just simple,


cc @cferdinandi ... who amongst others, inspired me , thX

New blog post: “Short Lines, Bad Breaks, and CSS”…

In today’s CSSWG meeting, there was one issue about the new value of `text-wrap-style` property — `avoid-orphans`.

There was agreement in the meeting that we should look for a better name, and open a separate issue about this, which I did, as well as opened another one — about the `orphans` and `widows` properties.

#CSS #Typography

Recently I asked about choosing a style sheet for developing a personal Web site that would automate the visual presentation, allowing me, as a nonvisual author, to concentrate on the markup and content.
I've started working on the site, using the "classless" version of this style sheet.
I'm using the Hugo static site generator. I'll write more about it when I create a blog for longer-form posts.
#accessibility #css #WebDevelopment

People on StackOverflow telling people to screw up #accessibility with the HTML dialog element defeats the purpose of using that element in the first place IMO. Please upvote my answer that corrects the numerous wrong answers, including the accepted answer, to this question if you have an SO account.…

#webDev #a11y #html #css #javaScript

The CSSWG as agreed to publish a first Working Draft for Masonry layout – with the two major proposals merged where possible, and otherwise presented side by side. Most of the differences are syntax only.

Here's the Editor's Draft that will be published:

And the discussion:…



alt text in #CSS generated `content` is now supported all modern browsers (as of firefox 128 and safari 17.4)

please hide your weird glyphs and icon fonts using an empty string like this:

content: "›";
content: "›" / "";


I remember longing for proper skipping of descenders in #CSS. Now that skipping is default in most browser I’m often struck by how *terrible* it is for hyperlink legibility.

The first line in the image shows a linked line with text-decoration-skip-ink set to "auto".

The second line shows the same linked line with text-decoration-skip-ink set to "none".

Just by looking at the first line, you can’t say if it is multiple links or or not.

#ux #accessibility

Perhaps something for @Seirdy.

S @heydon nesouhlasim temer v nicem, ale jeho clanky rozhodne stoji za to cist. Pokud jste nekompromisni zastanci filozofie "Pokud se ti nelibi CSS, tak ho jenom neumis dost dobre", tak budete chrochtat blahem.

Pro nas ostatni je to dilek do skladanky, jak nad frontend vyvojem uvazovat a hluboke zamysleni nad dogmatismem v IT.…

#css #tailwind

#html #css

CSS + Accessibility: Inclusion Through User Choice…
Presentation slides from WordPress Accessibility Day by Carie Fisher
#css #a11y #webdesign #webdev

"Most importantly, tooltips should only provide descriptive and non-essential text, giving slightly more detailed text for active elements such as links and form controls. Ultimately, they provide expendable text which is already on the web page."…

Great in-depth article about #tooltips by Jan Hellbusch. He knows what he's talking about, had the pleasure to be in one of his workshops and he's an absolute pro. 🤯

#HTML #CSS #JavaScript #accessibility #a11y #HTMHell

SmolCSS je blog s užitečnými CSS snippety. Jednoduše vysvětleno i ukázáno. Přesně jak to mám rád. Ten budu často navštěvovat 😃
#developer #css