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Meta AI hallucinated so badly yesterday that it invented a completely non-existing menu after I took a picture of a menu in a restaurant. That sort of hallucination should go into a Museum of Modern Arts. :)
in reply to Chi Kim

@chikim Luckily, I double-checked with a sighted friend who was with us. This is how I discovered the discrepancy shall we call it! :) ,
in reply to victor tsaran

Once I get a free minute, I will post both the pic and the Meta AI output here, so you can judge for yourself. Of course, I already submitted the feedback to Meta, so hopefully, they'll work on it!

The BT Speak (, particularly in its "traditional" (non-GUI) mode, takes such an interesting approach to implementing a UI specifically for blind people.

From the mid 2000s until I got my BT Speak, I thought the only viable options were to either implement a screen reader for a GUI, or implement a fully custom UI designed specifically for speech output and whatever kind of keyboard or keypad the device supports. The BT Speak does neither. 1/?

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in reply to Matt Campbell

Very interesting writeup on this. Now if they want to keep everything open-source, I don't really see how they can allow NLS talking book playback. Yes I know that in a good security system only the private keys and not the source code need to stay hidden, but still I can't see NLS being happy with anyone being able to look at the source code on-device and find out where those keys are stored.

Decided to finally step off the "zero point something" versioning scheme treadmill for Amberol, and released 2024.1.

Fixed up a bunch of small issues that were tied up in my attempt at getting "1.0" out of the door, before realising that version numbers are complete fiction, and there's no reason whatsoever for an application to start out of "zero point" and reach the fabled "one point oh" status.

#amberol #maintainerlife #freesoftware

in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

Version numbers are free! Delighted to see you moving closer to the light.

Trying out Tuba again and wow, I'm quite impressed! The login flow was as quick and painless as it gets, and the client feels quite polished.

I'm currently re-writing the Applevis braille screen input tutorial. There's a *lot* of new stuff to cover!
in reply to Alex Hall

Rewrite complete! If you're new to Braille Screen Input, or confused about the changes made to it in iOS 18, give this newly updated guide a read.… CC @AppleVis
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Myslela jsem si, že ten včerejší volební průser zaspím.
Nezadařilo se.
Že tu mizernou náladu vychodím.
Nepovedlo se.
Jsem vytočená úplně do vrtule.
A s přibývajícími komentáři a prohlášeními se to ještě zhoršuje.
Na zbytek dne si ordinuju úplné odstřižení od zpráv a soc. sítí.
Jdu ven.
in reply to Archos

OOOO jak vám zavidim 😯 po tom mém zákroku jestě sportovat nemohu, a do toho ještě manžel od nekud přinesl nějaký moribundus, který me na 3 dny upoutal na lůžko s horečkami k 39. Už je to lepší, minimálně horečky opadli, ale nebyla bych to já, aby se mi do toho vytvořilo x oparu na rtu, kde vypadam jak po botoxu 😬a smrkani je naprosto luxusní 🤧😵
Snad už tahle posloupnost v nemocech půjde brzy k šipku.

Du denkst: „Ich finde meine Wahlbenachrichtigung nicht mehr.“ – Kein Problem!

Einfach mit dem Ausweis im Wahllokal vorbei, wir finden dich schon.

Und wenn du dein Wahllokal nicht kennst: Komm trotzdem irgendwo im Wahlkreis vorbei, wir finden deins dank Adresse.

#Landtagswahl #ltwbb #brandenburg

products should come with information about energy and water consumption used in its production.

XX Liters of water and ZZ megawatts were used in the production of e. g. the simple bottle of water. or these sneakers. or this very forgettable AI image.

in the case of AI it should come with a warning that using and defending AI will make you look really stupid and irresponsible.

#AI #carbonfootprint #degrowth

In der Anwendung von freier, offener und wirtschaftlich fair betriebener Software sehen die Lukis eine praktische Verbindung zur #Freiheit des Evangeliums und vieler Narrative biblischer Texte.

Das war auch an diesem Wochenende im Theologischen Seminar Herborn wieder zu spüren.

Ganz praktisch ging es z.B. um #GNUTaler, /e/OS, digitales in Kirchengemeinden, #Grist, #Matrix und Bots, #DeltaChat, #ElementX und die Server-Admin bei

Die Location war ünrigens einzigartig ;-)

#FediKirche #digtialeKirche #selbstbestimmtDigital#Linux #FOSS #OpenSource

I’m convinced one aspect of RTO is re-enabling managers’ abuse of (some) lost power. When I worked in an office I had managers try and stop me going home, or follow me part way home because “work really needs to get done”. Much harder to pull shit like this on a zoom call.
in reply to keithamus

Remote working has been a game changer. These days if I have a stressful morning, during my lunch I’ll decompress with some gardening. When I was in an office a stressful day meant managers “joining me for lunch so we can get this done”. Stress literally followed you around.

On my way home from #matrixconf. Was really nice Meeting everyone!
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

I've got some news about office environments. The absolute worst part for me was dealing with the rampant gossip and laziness. People would chat all day, accomplish next to nothing, and then pretend they were some kind of heroes for staying late. People walk around, take lunch or bathroom breaks, attend meetings, etc. Office or Home people will walk around. Stop writing stupid stories to promote back-to-office culture and risk everyone’s health.

Hey #matrixconf. I'm conducting a research study about how users experience interoperable messaging, e.g., via @matrix bridges, between different matrix clients, @onbeeper and mainstream apps, etc.

I'm looking for *users* that are NOT involved in the development of these clients/platforms.

If you know anybody that fits this criteria, could you invite them to get in touch with me for a ~30 minutes interview? My email is Thank you!!

No co vám budu vyprávět, na světě je krásně i bez politiky 👍
Nedělní #birellovka
Holt místo gulášovky jsem dal Phó
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Michal 🇨🇿

No jo, teď na to koukám 😀😀
Já to fotil asi na režim portrét 🤷🏼‍♂️
in reply to Archos

@michal Jo, tohle mne vždycky štvalo při focení mobilem - klasický režim neumí žádnou hloubku a režim Portrét si hloubku vymýšlí 😄
in reply to Jaroslav Kraif

Jj s tím souhlas. No jo, ale člověk je kolikrát líný, tahat někam zrcadlovku 🤷🏼‍♂️
in reply to Michal 🇨🇿

@michal Nějaký chytrý algoritmus, který uměle počítá hloubku ostrosti ho ukousl 😁.

I do woodwork so I can be angry at something tangible I've made, instead of just angry at software I've made.

If you havent done your #twim post yet at… then please do so asap :) We want to publish it eventually :D

#matrix #matrixConf

They stole my voice with AI

Elecrow—an electronics company that makes Pi and ESP accessories—used an AI voice for multiple tutorial series which sounds _almost exactly_ like me.

I never consented to have my voice used to promote Elecrow's products.…

@matrix ARe there any recordings of day 1 of the conference? The videos at:

Only seem to show Saturdays talks, not Fridays.

Would be even more awesome to see them on #Peertube.

in reply to Blort™ 🐀Ⓥ🥋☣️

All the session videos will be online in the next ~week or so, and one of our speakers will be generously mirroring them on PeerTube here:…

And we look forward to rolling out our own official PeerTube channel before MatrixConf 2025!

in reply to The Foundation

That is AWESOME news, and a strong demonstration of decentralization by example.

Thankyou for the ceaseless work towards progress with #Matrix / #Element / #Synapse / #Peertube.

in reply to David Goldfield

kinda a shame that improving outlook and word aren't listed there. Their support in both is woful and its why I still use JAWS at work

How easy it is to intercept someone's sms and reroute someone's phonecalls? 👀…

Sensitive content

in reply to Seirdy

I’m especially interested given that Apple (along with all the other voting browser vendors) voted for a CA/B ballot that made OCSP optional and required CRLs/sharded-CRLs, yet Apple heavily relies on OCSP. What are they doing to reduce their reliance on OCSP?
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Samsung si namazal na chleba všechny nové iPhony! Jeho výdrž je naprosto fantastická…
in reply to Ivan Stloukal

@cynik_obecny @sazy Já bych ho klidně prubnul, už jsem o něm také uvažoval. Jenže musím u auta vyměnit olej a koupit nové zimní pneu. To je pořád něco :-)))

Krásné nedělní #dobréRáno přátelé #fediverse . Já teda nevím jak vy, ale já ten volební debakl, jdu vyťapat na kolo. :ablobwavereverse:

Read 20th Century Men by Deniz Camp. Seriously, read it. Fantastic, touching, and depressing. Human in the best and worst of ways.

Chris 🌱 reshared this.

in reply to Chris 🌱

Just finished chapter 1… I’m already hooked. Thanks for the recommendation!

Reading about how social media collapses contexts so Black Women in particular feel compelled to put forth a lowest common denominator "respectable" self to real and imagined white audiences. There is little room for code switching to be able to present your authentic self when spaces aren't created with you in mind.…

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About the mass layoff at last month, which I just learned about (see my last boost,…), I don't know what to make of this except that they must have recklessly tried to grow too fast. Anyway, it makes me much less inclined to use this infrastructure provider, especially since a friend was one of the ones laid off.

Well, that's a first. Today I was part of a mass layoff at

I guess the only consolation, if you can in fact call it that, is that most of my team seems to have gotten laid off too, including my manager. So it didn't have anything to do with me.

Still processing everything, but I was planning on leaving Texas next year and this definitely messes with those plans.

I'm not anywhere near dire financial straights, so there's that, but as someone with a severe disability I'm used to exploitative employment situations, and Fly wasn't that, so I don't know where I'll look next if I want to avoid the "hire disabled folks because they're desperate" trap.

Gonna keep breathing, taking it one day at a time. That's all I can do right now.

From a Mailing List:

As some of you may already know, System76 is working on their new Linux graphical interface, the COSMIC desktop. They have created a form with some questions related to accessibility. If anyone is interested in participating in the survey, please access the address below:…

#accessibility #Linux #foss #orca #blind

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"Certificate authorities and browser makers are planning to end the use of WHOIS data verifying domain ownership following a report that demonstrated how threat actors could abuse the process to obtain fraudulently issued TLS certificates": Google calls for halting use of WHOIS for TLS domain verifications…
in reply to Christine Hall

WHOIS for verifying domain ownership in 2024. I’m amazed that they’re still using an unencrypted and unauthenticated protocol for this. It’s a shame RDAP support isn’t universal yet.

Anyone around here has experience with Skia and Gtk?
#mastohelp #gtk #skia

Well, not the happiest intro but I’l cut/paste this here while I still remember then add a proper intro spoons allowing..⬇️

Please #boost and share to other platforms spoons allowing.

Seems I’m desperate enough to go to the media for help. Yes, the trapped woman in the article below is me.

My story:…

More info on how to help::…

I’ve tried every level of government and they simply won’t help. Please ask people if they have a spare room or somewhere to go. Maybe you have somewhere?

Is anybody a #DisabilityAdvocate? #SocialWorker? Need help.

Please don’t give me contacts for domestic violence orgs. They don’t help disabled people with housing & only offer counselling. Also, that list of disability advocates going around for #Melbourne #Australia (where I am) is outdated - there aren’t any in my catchment. So I’m looking for volunteers with some background.

Thanks for reading

#PwME #LongCovid #MECFS #Hypothyroidism #ChronicIllness #Neisvoid #NacissisticAbuse ##Housing #Dysautonomia #SocialWork #MedMastodon #PWLC #MutualAid
#HumanRights #Press

@mecfs @chronicillness @neisvoid
@disability @disabilityjustice @socialwork @dyssupport

(If I’ve broken any rules in posting this, please let me know.)