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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Plasma 6.1 is here!

New features include a cool take on Plasma's edit mode, keyboard LEDs that sync with accent colors, an inbuilt Remote Desktop Server that let's you access Plasma desktops over a network, lots of bug corrections and improvements.…


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in reply to KDE

It's looking great, kudos to the whole @kde team 👏 !

Andy Holmes reshared this.

in reply to GNOME

ما صبح تا شب سر اینکه کی بهتره دعوا نکردیم که بعد شما بیاین قربون صدقه‌ی هم برین:/

Peter Vágner reshared this.

A blind colleague recently joined a new federal agency. The agency is refusing to let him use the NVDA screen reader (free, open source), because it's created by an Australian non-profit which is not registered on (because they're not a vendor).

If you know of how a federal employee has gotten approval to use NVDA, would you let me know what magic words were required?

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

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Unknown parent

David Goldfield
@Bruce_Toews That's an ugly situation. A blind computer user requesting a specific screen reader isn't the same as someone requesting an alternative to the company's Office suite or CRM. It's equivalent to someone needing a larger monitor or an ergonomic keyboard. I suppose you could argue that the screen reader used by a company might also have custom scripts for that company's applications that make that particular screen reader work better than a competing screen reader. Still, a screen reader is a very special type of access and I wouldn't want my employer interfering with how I best use my computer.
Unknown parent

David Goldfield
@Bruce_Toews So it's essentially JAWS or Dolphin's Supernova, then? I'm glad that I know JAWS and NVDA equally well but I feel bad for users who only know NVDA who then have to learn a whole new screen reader. Fortunately, Web navigation commands are very similar but configuring the two screen readers uses very different commands and methods.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Today I received what I believe to be the first ever donation to the phonetones project via PayPal. £7 which I appreciate. To my knowledge this has never happened.
I've been running this since 2006 on various bits of hardware, it's moved houses probably as many times as I have in the same time.
If you don't know what this is, you'll find it at

If you've ever wanted that one ringtone you could never find, that random alarm or alert that you heard once and have been thinking about for the last 20 years, we probably have it.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

We are very pleased to share that the NVDA 2024.2 Release Candidate is now available:… This includes lots of new features since 2024.1, including Sound Split, new Synth Settings & other quick nav commands, a new "Display Speech Output" Braille mode and many more updates and fixes. Do test it out and let us know how you find it! Otherwise, the final version will be out in the next few weeks.

#NVDA #NVDAsr #NewVersion #FOSS #Update #Release #PreRelease #ScreenReader

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

#AudioMo 2024 day 15: A day late, but never a dollar short. To make up for it, I'm sharing a fun little number introduced many years ago to an online friend who is dearly missed. I became acquainted with Marcel Oates on Twitter, and spent hours on Facetime with him. He had a sense of humor, a gorgeous voice, and loved to talk all things audio, and of course dogs. When he shared this song with me, I about fell out my chair laughing.
I still remember the night I received a text from his sister informing me of his passing. It was actually a rainy night, and I went outside and cried along with the angels, their teardrops falling around me. He was a dear friend who I didn't know for long, but made a significant impact on my life.
One of the things I remember is his humor, and his laugh. We spent so much time coming up with funny concepts and scinarios that we wish to record if we could.
Enjoy this fun little number, and I hope you have an awesome day!

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

This is why I hate modern software. I upgraded ElevenLabs Reader, because I wanted to see if it improved. The changelog just said "Stability improvements" or something similar for each version. I launched it, they said multiple languages were on the way. The next screen said we're syncing everything to the cloud so you can read on all your devices. No ability to opt out, it was done before I could finish reading. As a bonus, it seems less accessible than it was before.
in reply to Tyler Spivey

@pvagner Oh I get you man. Cloud doesn’t bother me much, but Electron does. Does it fall into the category of modern abominations?

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Yay! Got the imx363 rear camera working in my Poco F1 (SDM845) running a near mainline kernel! 🎉 Here is a quick demo of Megapixels and Snapshot camera apps running at 1080p resolution. Full resolution of 4032 x 3024 is kind of buggy with only 2016 x 3024 pixels stretched into 4032 x 3024. Needs some work before wider use by community though. An important milestone for SDM845 devices nevertheless! 😇

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

just found out grapheneos has a "duress pin" feature that lets you set an alternate pin that will wipe the device if entered. so if you're forced to provide a pin, you can give them that one.

that's actually super cool. if you're a person of interest, going through a dangerous checkpoint, etc, USE THIS

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

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in reply to ezra (evil) :neocat_flag_androgyne:

nah theres a better option called CalyxOS, runs on more devices than Graphene and it on the same level as security (locked bootloader, etc)
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to please donate to me to help me live and end my suffering Seirdy reshared this.

please do not compare CalyxOS to be the same level of security as GrapheneOS, this is a lie pedaled by the Calyx Foundation to get people to use their interior custom ROM

CalyxOS has half baked security features, insecure Google Play Services implementation, slow to update core services compared to GrapheneOS, breaks basic android security model, and so many more issues that make CalyxOS a borderline scam

Peter Vágner reshared this.

I've had 0 musical inspiration for months now. But this afternoon, I threw together this little sketch of a song about a lovely, lazy Brisbane autumn day with my kids. Very incomplete, including chunks of unwritten lyrics, but who knows whether it'll ever make it to a complete song, haha.…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

An idea for anyone with the time and energy required to moderate anything, here it goes: a blog open to anybody to post guest entries where blind users can post about everyday things achieved using tech. I imagine everything going there: somebody reading the screen of a washing machine using OCR or LLM's, somebody trying to teach others a folk song in a foreign language by jotting the lyrics down in a notepad app on an Android smartphone which crashed due to a bug; trying and succeeding or failing to book train tickets... you get the idea. Make it variet, make it international, make it interesting, modern or retrospective. Goals: 1. To motivate each other and show what is possible and what still needs solutions; 2. To evaluate which of the many technologies flowing through the market actually ended up being used and for what purpose; 3. To create an archive not just of what was available in the past but what was actually in use by people; 4. Perhaps to showcase to the wider audiences that Accessibility is not just a dull requirement to satisfy and actually helps end-users. Any takers? #Accessibility #Blind

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Only 2 days left for you to have your name associated with the *first* events management & ticketing platform built with accessibility as a first class concern from the start.…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

I recorded a quick demo of the current state of the Wayland-native accessibility stack I'm developing for @gnome (and eventually other free desktops), code-named Newton. In the demo, I run the GNOME Podcasts app on the Newton accessibility stack, using my GTK branch that integrates AccessKit. So in principle, the same app should also work on Windows, and soon, macOS. The demo was featured in the latest edition of This Week in GNOME:… This work is funded by @sovtechfund.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Joëlle

@JoSuus AT-SPI kind of works on Wayland. There are problems though stemming from the fact that there's no connection between the AT-SPI accessibility tree and the actual Wayland surface. For example, Orca can't tell what's under the mouse pointer with AT-SPI on Wayland. That already works in the Newton prototype, though I didn't cover it in this demo. Also, AT-SPI is incompatible with strong sandboxing. I hope to demo a fully sandboxed Flatpak app with Newton soon.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@JoSuus Also, with AT-SPI, Orca can't observe keyboard input on Wayland unless you use a toolkit that supports the legacy AT-SPI method of key snooping, which GTK 4 does not, because that old method has various problems, like the requirement of an IPC round trip for every keystroke. I don't know if the Newton prototype's current solution to that problem will make it to production; there have been other efforts to solve that problem on Wayland.
in reply to Matt Campbell

Sounds amazing. If you ever publish how you worked around all these problems I'd be really interested.
in reply to Matt Campbell

As a user who runs GNOME on Wayland with Orca every day, I need a solution to this, especially before the option of reverting to X11 goes away...
in reply to Jason J.G. White

@jason Yes, solving the problem of screen reader keyboard handling on Wayland has been within the scope of the GNOME accessibility work funded by Sovereign Tech Fund since the beginning of the STF work last year. It was supposed to be done by someone else in parallel with my project. But that project has run into various delays. I hesitated to even do a partial proof-of-concept implementation in my prototype because I didn't want to step on someone else's turf.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

This looks awesome. I just backed Eventably, a project by @karlgroves to create an accessible event management platform (planning, ticketing, execution, analysis, etc). Just read their testimonials to see reasons why this is sorely needed. The campaign has 17 days left! Help make it happen!… **#accessibility** **#a11y**

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

I just bought the BT Speak Pro (, a portable GNU/Linux computer (using a Raspberry Pi) with a Braille keyboard, from @BlazieTech. I'm mildly interested in their custom UI; I'll see if it ends up being useful to me. But I'm also interested in getting my Wayland-native GNOME accessibility prototype running on it. Should be an easy way to find any egregious performance problems in my implementation.

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Unknown parent

Matt Campbell
@fireborn Wow, they deliberately ship all the code, including for their own software? I figured that was probably a mistake.
Unknown parent

Matt Campbell
@fireborn That's really encouraging to hear.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

⭐ We're delighted to announce the launch of Jami's newest version: ❤️ Astarte ⚔️

This release marks a major milestone for us in terms of the significant improvements we've made to reliability and connectivity. 😍

We invite you to update and try the latest version of Jami! 🙇

👀 Want to know more about Astaarte? Read our article:

#Jami #opensource #P2P #App #PrivacyMatters

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Jami

Looking forward to upgrade to it once it gets to Guix.

Although my few contacts have left 😂

Unknown parent

Thank you @bloodaxe 🙂 we're not perfect yet! We keep working🏋️

Peter Vágner reshared this.

People who use screen readers! The level three headings are now removed from GitHub repository landing page file tables.

It might take a bit for the changes to propagate, and don't forget you might need to refresh your browser tabs. Please let me know if they still persist after that, and I'll try and get to the bottom of it. #accessibility

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

🌟Co je Phanpy?🌟 je minimalistický webový klient pro Mastodon s následujícími funkcemi:
👪 Více účtů
🪟 Okno pro psaní zpráv lze otevřít/zavřít
🌗 Světlé/tmavé/auto téma
🔔 Seskupené notifikace
🪺 Vnořené vlákno komentářů
📬 Obnova neodeslaných konceptů
🎠 Carusel zvýraznění™️
⚡ Zkratky™️ s režimy zobrazení jako vícesloupcové nebo panel s kartami
#️⃣ Časová osa s více hashtagy

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Unknown parent

Radomír Žemlička

@rholas Ty jo, fakt? Mně naopak ty vlákna přijdou oproti ostatním appkám neuvěřitelně přehledný a za nic bych už neměnil. 😄 U tmavýho tématu bych ještě ocenil možnost černýho pozadí (pro OLED displeje), ale i takhle je to super.

Jinak super fičura je Catch-up, zobrazí to krásnej chronologickej souhrn z danýho časovýho úseku.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

BREAKING: (Preliminary) noyb win: Meta stops using EU/EEA data for "Meta AI" after 11 complaints by noyb and mounting criticism by other EU/EEA data protection authorities! 😀🥂…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

The english REAPER Accessibility Dropbox folder has finally been replaced by a self-hosted solution that no longer eats up your Dropbox resources and doesn't require an invitation. Its just open for everyone! It has taken us about a year of tinkering to get it into a stable condition, but as of this day, the REAPER Dropbox is out of order. You can find The Hoard under now, with optional WebDAV support under webdav.hoard.reaperaccessibili…. Make yourself at home everyone.

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in reply to Toni Barth

Yay! Does that mean that every second post on the RWP list will no longer be a "add me to the Dropbox folder" request? :) But seriously, this is awesome. Thanks for all of the work that went into this.
Also, HFS looks like a very cool and accessible piece of software. I've never seen it before.
Finally, the instructions mention that Windows File Explorer WebDav access is super buggy. Out of interest, what were the problems? I haven't tried it much, but was eventually able to access it with this path: \\\DavWWWRoot
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh The transition will take a while, but eventually we'll reach the point where every second post will ask for this URL instead. #OT
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh The Windows WebDAV implementation just can't do permissions right. It works if you're allowed to do all you want on the server, but as soon as you are forbidden to do certain things (especially delete files/folders), it'll hang up if you try to do so and even crash the entire network mount in the process. The only way to fix it is to actualy remove and reconnect, at least as far as we tried.
in reply to Toni Barth

I assume it's fine for non-admins though? Or does this impact users mostly downloading and occasionally uploading too?
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Its kinda fine for admins yeah, although it sometimes gets hickups with the Windows-only locking mechanism as it seems, but it generally works quite okay-ish. Yeah for users who just download stuff it works fine, uploading works too as long as you only upload to the Uploads folder, if you try something else (which you aren't permitted to do as a normal user) you'll encounter similar issues like the ones I mentioned before.
in reply to Toni Barth

Fair enough. I feel a bit "caveat emptor" about that - if a user tries to do something they're not supposed to do, they get to deal with the consequences - but I guess that's not a conversation you want to keep having with people, heh. I was just wondering whether it might be an easier alternative than WinSCP for most folks, since they can just hit enter on a shortcut and off they go without any additional software.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Yep, that is what we thought here too. In the end Scott decided to not advertise it in this way because we didn't want to dive into the "we're troubleshooting broken WebDAV connections every day on RWP" rabbithole. We still hope that the HFS only WebDAV implementation might actually be able to fix the MS errors server-side, as we're currently using a custom Nginx-based solution that is just bad to configure properly and pretty outdated. But HFS WebDAV isn't quite there yet.
in reply to Toni Barth

Fair enough. Of course, not questioning your judgement; just curious.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Na its fine, I would have loved to offer them to connect it to Windows Explorer just like Mac people can mount it in Finder, and it basically works, people are using it already that way if they know about it, but this way we don't need to support it. Scott just decided against it. We'll test as soon as HFS builds its own WebDAV and maybe we'll be able to finally officially support it then.
in reply to Toni Barth

@jcsteh fwiw ms is depricating WebDAV in windows 10 and 11, so it’s probably a good idea to push people toward alternative clients because it might eventually just stop working randomly…
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh @pitermach Awesome. And here I thought MS would be able to at least support one file transfer protocol that isn't SMB within Explorer. I mean, they do support unencrypted FTP I guess, or at least they did at some point, but who wants to do unencrypted FTP nowadays? Too bad that most alternative mount solutions like Netdrive or Mountainduck are either inaccessible or paid.
in reply to Toni Barth

I just found this based on WinFSP, but no idea whether it's any good. @pitermach
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh @pitermach it installs WinFSP, but then can't find the service lol. I've checked that the service is definitely running, WinFSP.Launcher, have also restarted the service and the software. Tried running both as admin. No worky.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh @pitermach Rclone seems to mount the Reaper folder as a drive without fuss. I realise its command-line-ness isn't for everyone, but I wonder if it's feasible to create a simple way of getting it running in the background for folks.
in reply to James Scholes

@jscholes @jcsteh @pitermach We tried that one too before putting the Hoard out there, and found it to be to complicated as we couldn't find a way to basically makes it easy to use for everyone. We've got quite a few people on the list who can just do REAPER and don't work to much with a computer apart from that, setting it up on their own would be to complicated. Everyone more experienced can obviously use it anyway though.
in reply to Toni Barth

Right. And if they had to go through the standard flow of installing it, putting it in their PATH, configuring a remote, and mounting it, I would agree. But we use it at work in scripts, taking advantage of its ability to work without any predefined setup or config file at all. So I'm just curious if there is some sort of packaged-up thing that could live in the folder; you download it, run it, done. Maybe there isn't, particularly if the mounting functionality requires a separate dependency (I don't remember). @jcsteh @pitermach
in reply to Toni Barth

@jscholes @jcsteh I don’t recall needing a separate dependency on Windows for rclone mounts. On Mac you need Fuse but Finder can already mount webdav so that’s a non issue
in reply to Pitermach

@jscholes @jcsteh Never mind, documentation says it needs winfsp to be installed…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Tak jsem si zase trochu zaprogramoval a musím říct, že mě to zase chytnulo. Raylib je fajn a budu si ho ještě chvíli asi zkoumat na dalších mikro projektech. A pokud chcete, můžete mrknout na výtvor adaptace Game of Life. A já jdu konečně spát... 😁…

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

I just had the Be My AI bluntly invent the UPS tracking number that did not exist on the receipt I took the picture of. That was rather grand! #ai #gpt4 #fail
#AI #fail #GPT4

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Unknown parent

Robert Kingett, blind
@elmyra Agreed 100%! This makes me want to find a YouTube video about how capitalism actually distort/hinders marketing and terminology
Unknown parent

dr elmyra
@weirdwriter because it's marketed that way. People shouldn't have to be experts in technologies in order to find the correct assistive tools. Unfortunately capitalist enshittification says otherwise.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

I have to learn how to sing now because my company is using X-Factor Authentication.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Hey guys, my friend has recently released a new song. It's in Ukrainian, but is really worth a listen, which I strongly recommend. It's available on all streaming services, but I'm going to post a YouTube link so everyone can listen. She wrote it for her boyfriend, and it's one of the most beautiful and emotionally genuin songs I've ever heard, no exaggeration, so I really want to share it with you, and hope you enjoy it too.…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

I absolutely cannot tolerate this hovercard aria-description nonsense on GitHub, nor can I tolerate the headings that get added to every row of folder and file lists any longer. Thus, I just pushed tweaks to the GitHub Accessibility Fixes AxSGrease script to banish both of these.…

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in reply to Kaveinthran

@kaveinthran Sure, there's truth in that. You absolutely *can* navigate the interface with a screen reader. I *can* get things done. It's just annoying, clunky, inefficient, not at all delightful, and I expect better from a company the size of GitHub.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@kaveinthran To be fair, there are parts of GitHub that are really nice to use. But seriously, having every row in a table marked as a heading makes absolutely no sense and is of no use to anyone.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

If you see a domain name ending in .ai that means the island of Anguilla got some money, as it is the owner of this country domain.

”For each domain registration, Anguilla’s government gets anywhere from $140 to thousands of dollars from website names sold at auctions, according government data.”

In 2023 just over 20% of the government’s total revenue came from these registrations.

”[…] the government used the money to provide free health care for citizens 70 and older, and it has committed millions of dollars to finish building a school and a vocational training center. The government has also allocated funds to improve its airport; doubled its budget for sports activities, events and facilities; and increased the budget for citizens seeking medical treatment overseas.”

The island was hit hard by a hurricane in 2017 and tourism essentially disappeared during the covid pandemic. The .ai domain revenue has been a welcome injection into the economy.

Now you can’t say I never talk about AI in a positive light 😉

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A friend just reminded me today that #braille watches for the #blind inspired by the soviet braille watch tradition are still being produced nowadays. I have found an eshop with world wide shipping…
Also there is a nice article on the history of these watches:…

What a nice discovery. I am an occasional #emacs user and latelly I have found out built-in tramp can be used with #rclone to work with files on rclone remotes.

wwarner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Firefox 130 is bringing a game-changing feature: automatic alt-text generation for images using a fully private on-device AI model! 🙌🏾

Initially available in the built-in PDF editor, our aim is to extend this to general browsing for screen reader users.…

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in reply to Mozilla

this is not how we push for better accessibility. PLEASE reconsider this "AI" shift
in reply to morgan

This is additional accessibility, concurrent to whatever other push in whatever other direction can and should be done.
in reply to Mozilla WestphalDenn reshared this.

Alt text will absolutely still be required on websites and social media posts; this is just to patch over where people couldn't be bothered to be inclusive, basically :)

Peter Vágner reshared this.

The next version of Retroarch will work with TalkBack on Android!

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Goodbye #Sonos 2005-2024. You provided me nearly 20 years of audio playback, but this latest update was the last straw...

1. Install PiCorePlayer on a Raspberry Pi connected to speakers, add a DAC/AMP board and/or WiFi dongle as needed:

2. Install LMS on a local server:

3. Install Squeezer on your Android device(s):…

4. Repeat Step 1 for Additional Rooms.

5. Play Your Tunes.

#OpenSource #HomeAudio #Upgrade #Sonos

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

BTSpeak: May 2024 update offers further synthesizer options! and voices!…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to David Goldfield

I hope that in one day they add the Amazon or Ivona. voices to this little thing.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Linux blind users, listen to this and let me know what you guess this actually is, and most importantly, what you think! I'm just gauging interest as this is still in its early infancy, and I was wondering if it was worth continuing. As you can infer, I'm already far enough to have a working yet incomplete prototype!

#linux #accessibility #blind

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in reply to Billy

@storm it's on its way to being NVDA serving as an output module for speech-dispatcher so you can use NVDA's synth drivers. NVDA itself runs through wine and serves as the speech server only.
in reply to The Byte Bender 👨🏽‍🦯

Oh that is very cool. I know a lot of people aren't willing to give up Eloquence, will it work with that addon? If so, you are going to make a lot of people very happy with this. ☺️

Peter Vágner reshared this.

edit: still trying! please keep on boosting!

we're moving to #Prague! and we need some friends.
we're moving to #Czechia in September and we might be a bit lonely. so if you want to befriend a couple of quirky migrants, let me know!

I'm into #music, #FOSS, #linguistics, #DoctorWho, #TTRPG and #DropoutTV. oh, and I'm #trans.
my girlfriend likes #medicine, British television, #Disney, #Eurovision and #TrueCrime. "I am the bisexual stereotype".


#Praha #Prag #PleaseBoost

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

PipeWire 1.2 Can Stream To Snapcast Servers For Multi-Room Audio

Following the recent PipeWire 1.2 release candidate, a second release candidate is out today that also includes the ability to stream to Snapcast servers...…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

WHAT'S THIS? HMMM! ReaHotkey: An AutoHotkey script for blind musicians and REAPER users…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

I've just pushed a bunch of #accessibility changes for screen readers to the main branch of FediThready. ( It makes long texts into post sized chunks)

I've run through it with #VoiceOver and it _seems_ ok. HOWEVER it all feels like it's "usable" instead of "good".

If there's a #a11y geek out there who uses screen readers regularly I would REALLY appreciate some suggestions on how to make this actually feel good for folks who rely on screen readers.…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

finally ready to announce that my git zine, “How Git Works", is coming out in ONE WEEK! on Friday May 31!

it also comes with this (free!) cheat sheet which you can download and print out here:…

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Okay y'all, Retroarch is now accessible on iOS! You *will* need a keyboard or gamepad to play and use the user interface. PSP games work great though! Just download all the core updates and needed core files for PPSSPP, if you plan on playing PSP games, and you're good! #accessibility #RetroArch #blind #blindGaming #emulation #emulators #gaming #iOS Link to the App Store page:…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

ICQ is closing down. It was really at its height in 2000 and that is when we integrated ICQ into Opera. We made a small (5k) client and it worked really well.

AOL had purchased ICQ and they were concerned about MSN taking users from them by connecting to their service, so they stopped supporting 3rd party clients. We contacted them, to see if they would make an exception for us, but they did not.

They said that if we removed our 5k client, we could maybe discuss bundling their client, but it was bigger than Opera, so that was not going to happen.

#Windows #Computers #PC #ICQ #AOL #MSN #Vivaldi

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Oh, cool somebody finally figured it out...

As you probably know, the Microsoft Security Center has an API that lets you query which AV is installed and whether it is up-to-date.

What is less well-known, is that it also has another, not publicly known API, that lets you tell it "I'm installing another AV now, please disable Defender". This is what all other AV products use. Microsoft has provided to them documentation of this API but under NDA.

Many years ago, I made a proof-of-concept - a small VBScript script that would use this API via WMI to "install" an imaginary AV, thus turning off Defender - but since it was based on information learned under NDA, I obviously couldn't make it public.

Now somebody has reverse-engineered the API from AVAST and has done pretty much the same (albeit a bit over-complicated) in C++:

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