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Items tagged with: gtk

GSoC didn't even officially started @vixalientoots already made Workbench able to compile and run TypeScript code 🤯 🎩

#GNOME #TypeScript #GTK

Got very excited by @matt demo of AccessKit integration in #GTK

AccessKit is a cross-platform abstraction for accessibility infrastructure written in Rust.

His work will bring a11y support for GTK on macOS and Windows as well as for the new accessibility architecture on Linux code-named "Newton".…

#GNOME #rustlang #accessibility #a11y #Linux #Windows #macOS

Reminder: instead of using StackOverflow for your questions about GTK and the GNOME software stack, use the GNOME Discourse instance:

You can also use it for applications and the overall GNOME desktop.

#gtk #gnome #development

Workbench 46.1 is out!…

Happy International Workers' Day

See what's new and details at

#GNOME #GTK #JavaScript #rustlang #Python #Vala #Linux #development

Christian Hergert just published a massive PDF document named "Builder, A Developers Notebook", where he documents over the technical details of GNOME Builder.



#GNOME #GNOMEBuilder #GTK #IDE #Development #OpenSource #FOSS #Flatpak

Thanks to @slomo the #gstreamer #gtk gtk4paintablesink just got support for DMABuf (and thus Wayland/KMS) passthrough \o/…

This will allow to make video playback in various apps much faster. And, if everything works out, allow the same for Camera viewfinders in apps like #gnome camera / snapshot 🤞

Dear GNOME, GTK and friend developers 🧑‍💻 :gnome:

Have you ever encountered an issue with #Blueprint? Please file an issue, and we'll look at it for Blueprint 1.0…

We aim for supporting all GTK builder syntax and 100% XML↔Blueprint porting compatibility.

#GTK #GNOME #libadwaita

The beta release for version 2 of @skytemple Randomizer is out! It's completely rewritten in GTK 4 and Adwaita and runs on Linux (Flathub), macOS and Windows!

Thanks to Workbench, Blueprint Compiler and GNOME's HIG redesigning the UI was actually a lot of fun, and the new UX just feels so nice and satisfying to work with.

Next up is migrating the SkyTemple main app to GTK 4 as well!…

#pmd #pokemon #GTK #Adwaita #Workbench #blueprintcompiler #python

@GTK congrats!

Thank you for the amazing toolkit and all the work that goes into it. ❤️

The progress made in the last year is astonishing

Highlights ✨:

• video/graphics offload
• new graphics renderer
• GtkAccessibleText
• fractional scaling support
• accessibility inspector

I highly recommend reading the GTK blog


Finally added a page for the GTK inspector on the GNOME developers docs website:…

This way, I won't have to point people at the wiki any more.

#gtk #gnome #docs

Retro; the customizable clock widget is now available on Flathub in v2

What's new:

• 24/12h support (follows GNOME Settings)
• Energy usage optimizations
• Better support for round clocks
• Controls moved out of the way

What do you think of the floating header bar?…

#GNOME #GTK #CSS #Flathub #Flatpak #Linux

Want to build your own lock screen widget or quick setting in #phosh? @arunmani explains how that works in… 🛠️

#phosh #gtk #LinuxMobile #linux #mobile

Having trouble with a GtkGridList. Looking for help.

I've replaced a GtkFlowBox with a GtkGridList to improve performance. However, the GridList is breaking the layout.

The height of every child of the GridList expands to beyond the edges of the window (screenshot 1), unless it’s the *direct descendent* of a GtkScrolledWindow (screenshot 2). In the second case, the grid renders as expected but I can't put the header in.

Does anyone know a way around this? (Code below)


More progress made!

The WIP icon manager app now renders SVG icons as vector drawings, so they don't get pixellated and appear extra crisp on HiDPi displays.

The search bar is also now visible in the header bar for quick access. It now filters the icons in the currently selected list.


For every day that I've sat down to work on this app, I've managed to solve a problem that seemed insurmountable the day before.

The app now copies icons to your clipboard, ready to paste into design software! It can paste icons both as SVG data (which Inkscape supports) and as a temporary file (which Figma and file managers support).

It also loads icon sets that are bundled with the app and has an overview of all the sets installed.


Junction 1.8 is out ✨

Junction pops up automatically when you open a file or link to let you choose which app to open with.…

The highlight of this version is better mobile and touch support :linux: 📱

Plus, the app is now verified on Flathub and has a "High quality app data" rating.

#GNOME #GTK #Flatpak #Flathub #LinuxMobile #Linux

Thoughts on the header bar?
It only appears on hover or touch.

Also, time for bed 🙀


GNOME Workbench

Die Workbench bietet ca. 100 Code-Beispiele für GNOME-Anwendungen. Die kleinen Apps sind vollständig und ausführbar.

#GNOME #GTK_Anwendung #GTK #Code_Beispiele #Linux

Check out the latest blog post on the #swiftlang website about the #adwaita for #swift package!

You can find the repo on GitHub:…

#linux #libadwaita #gnome #gtk

Inkscape‘s development version has now switched to GTK4 ✨ , the current version of the underlying UI framework.

This is a huge architectural 🏗️ improvement for Inkscape, and will enable proper graphics acceleration ⏩ in the future.

This quick transition - only about 9 months - was made possible by donations, as we’ve invested approx. $80,000 towards it.

Support our development:…

#inkscape #development #gtk

Blueprint; the markup language and tooling for #GTK is out in version 0.12

Here are the highlights ✨

Brand-new formatter to keep files tidy by @gregorni 🎩

AdwAlertDialog are supported

Emit warnings for deprecated features in GTK, GLib, etc

New IDE integration features
• document symbols
• "Go to definitions"
• Code action for importing missing namespace

We also celebrate 70 applications on Flathub built with Blueprint.


Happy coding

#GNOME #development

Workbench 46 is out! 🛠️…

Actually it was a couple of hours ago before GNOME 46 but I didn't want to steal the show 😎

Here are the highlights 💡

Inline diagnostics for #Rust :rust: and #Python :python:

New Library demos: 📚

"Snapshot" to demonstrate one of GTK4 coolest feature.

"Dialog" and "Message Dialogs" to demonstrate libadwaita 1.5 new responsive dialogs.

26 demos ported to Python
5 demos ported to Vala

#GNOME #GTK #development #Linux #Python #Rust

#Tuba v0.7.0 is now available, with many new features and bug fixes!

✨ Highlights:
- Filter handling and editing
- User and Post reporting
- AdwDialogs (thanks
- Tracking parameter stripping on paste (thanks
- 1:1 character counting with Mastodon
- Syntax highlighting

As always, there are too many changes to list here, if you're more interested, check out the full release changelog:…

#GTK #GNOME #Vala #libadwaita #mastodev

After my birthday passed, I'm working on a Banner Previewer and, honestly, despite being simple, it's one of the coolest things I've ever done.

It's still WIP:…

#GTK #GNOME #Python #Libadwaita

This article, a link to which was circulated on the Orca mailing list, describes welcome accessibility improvements in GTK 4.14.…
#accessibility #GTK #Gnome #Linux

Is this Python diagnostics coming to Workbench 46 ? :python: :gnome:

Why yes it is!

Collaborative effort with @janvhs and @capypara 🙌

We are using pylsp and Ruff.

I'm also very excited to share that all 100+ demos have been ported to Python. Thanks to all contributors!

#Python #gtk #pygobject #development #GNOME

Over the last months the Rust/cargo support in meson improved a lot.

It's now ready to build and install a GTK4 Rust application with around 70 dependencies without having to write almost any custom build glue for the dependencies.…

The application in question is just a small experiment of mine for rayon and GTK4 input handling / rendering. The more or less same should work for other GTK4 applications at this point.

All this still depends on two unmerged meson PRs, but it's a huge step forward from the situation just a few months ago.

Thanks to the hard work of @xclaesse and dcbaker!

I hope in the future this will allow GNOME applications written in Rust to have a less strange and fragile build setup than what they have right now with mixing cargo and meson.

#rustlang #rust #gtk #gnome #meson #mesonbuild

GNOME 46 runtime and sdk are back and available on Flathub beta

Just in time for testing your apps over the weekend !

flatpak install flathub-beta org.gnome.Sdk//46beta org.gnome.Platform//46beta


Thanks @alatiera !

#GNOME #GTK #Flatpak #Flathub #development

#FOSDEM: While efficient video playback has long been possible in the embedded #Linux world, desktop applications have been lagging behind. Here's a look at the state of video offloading on the Linux desktop, by Robert Mader:… #GStreamer #GTK #Chromium

Alright I think I'm finally happy with the Workbench 46 demo for AdwDialog 🛠️

It's such a cool primitive for building adaptive apps. I hope the blob cat will make some people smile 😄

#GNOME #GTK #libadwaita #Linux #development

Dedicated to @alice and @tbernard 🎁

The GNOME community is working hard on GNOME 46! :gnome:

Do you have experience profiling on Linux? :linux:

We are looking for help debugging and profiling an issue with GTK on @AsahiLinux…


#GNOME #GTK #Asahi #AsahiLinux #Linux

My #FOSDEM presentation about #Wayland video offloading is online. If you are interested, you can watch it here:…

I'm happy about feedback, both on the technical side as well as how I can improve doing presentations :)

#FOSDEM2024 #GNOME #gtk #Collabora #GStreamer #sway #kde #Chromium #mpv

WebKit GTK4 is now fully accessible. Shipping in GNOME 46 :gnome:

Funded by @sovtechfund and @igalia ❤️

Completed by Georges Stavracas at Igalia 🎩

Thanks to everyone involved !……

#GNOME #WebKitGTK #accessibility #a11y #Linux #GTK

I’d like to thank my employer, Igalia, for allowing me to participate; and the GNOME foundation for sponsoring the hackfest

#gtk #gnome #igalia