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Items tagged with: mastodon

14 users remain in the initial registration round for my #Mastodon instance. If you'd like to join, visit #CyberScene #CyberScenePromotion

Die Aufmachung der offiziellen #Mastodon App gepart mit wichtigen #Features wie Unlisted Posts und der Federated Timeline? Gibt's nicht? Gibt's doch! Gerade im #FDroid gefunden. Liegt bei @IzzyOnDroid im Repository



Jak se přihlásit ke svému #Mastodon účtu v aplikaci? Lze mít i více účtů


#mobileapp #android #ios

Interesting to see government challenges trying to get involved in a community that they don't understand. #Discord & #Mastodon are obviously very different, but wondering what "Gotchas" there might be for #government sites exploring alternative #SocialMedia accounts.

As people flock from #Twitter, there will be new things watch for.…

Did you know that any #Mastodon account can be read as an RSS feed?




Thank for tip @thunderbird

Baví vás objevovat #Mastodon?
Pojďte s námi otestovat #Mobilizon - decentralizovaný systém pro vytváření událostí!

➡️ ⬅️

Tak jako Mastodon je Mobilizon postavený na protokolu ActivityPub, takže s jedním účtem můžete vytvářet a účastnit se událostí napříč všemi instancemi.

Zatím sami zkoumáme co všechno umí a rádi bychom vás k tomu přizvali, registrace jsou otevřené.

Používali byste takový nástroj pro vaše události?

Chcete vědět víc?

Did you know that #Mastodon supports #RSS feeds?

That means you can follow your favorite people and topics right inside of Thunderbird!

→ Just add ".rss" to the URL ←

For example, our Mastodon URL ""



What about #hashtags? YEP!

Let's look at #OpenSource. From our instance, it is: "…"

So, we just append .rss and it works!


REALLY useful if you don't want to miss a thing!

Fedifinder: Extract the fediverse handles of your Twitter followings or list members and import them on Mastodon to follow them all at once. #RIPTwitter #mastodon #tools

Protože je #Mastodon, respektive ActivityPub, otevřený, je možné nad ním vyrábět různé klienty. Třeba takový textový.

Nice update, I've replaced the #Mastodon app with #Mastodos on both my devices.

Thanks (:*

NPR's "On The Media" has a segment this morning on #Mastodon which is a pretty good introduction to the #fediverse.

They talk specifically about designed non-virality on M*; and the absence of quote-tweets, how this hurts #BlackTwitter #BlackMastodon.…

Webinar tomorrow: Intro to Mastodon with Accessibility in Mind… 🦣 #mastodon #a11y

We're heading into the weekend by announcing our intent to add #IPFS support to #Mastodon

This means that media attachments can also be collectively shared across the fediverse, just like messages already are.

Initial funding page up on @opencollective if you want to support, and we'll dig in more on this next week!…

@fdroidorg There's a fork of the official Mastodon app that adds a ton of useful features; it's called Mastodos. It's really quite nice — and is GPL3.

But they need help adding it to F-Droid.

Can anyone help them out? (Thanks in advance!)

Issue @:…

Website @:

#FDroid #Mastodon #Mastodos #Android

I've created a curated page of links to Mastodon guides and articles. To help beginners and more advanced users find more information on Mastodon. Articles behind paywalls have been excluded.

#Mastodon #MastodonMigration #TwitterMigration

You can find the page below:…

Just to clear up some confusion about how hashtag following works on Mastodon apps:

If you follow a hashtag on Mastodon, posts from those followed tags will be visible on your home timeline on the website AND in all the apps.

So, for example, you could log in through your server's website, follow the tags you want, and then go back to using your favourite app.

If you want to follow more tags, you can currently only do that through a website or Android apps Fedilab & Subway Tooter.


Do you plan add a #Mastodon client?

Just in: A Browser Extension to redirect users to their home instance. Instead of only redirecting only on actions (follow, like, etc), user is automatically redirected to the equilevant page on their home instance.

By @raikas… #opensource #Mastodon

Tune in to our new episode! @katherined, @dsearls, @shawnp0wers, and @kyle discuss the ups, downs, and how-tos of using Mastodon amid Twitter's recent instability.
Visit the following link for full episode -

#Mastodon #socialMedia #Technology #Privacy #Podcast #newEpisode

I’ve been on #twitter for years now, but checking out #mastodon because #musk. Any other #disabled or #queer ppl or #amquerying writers? I’d love to connect! Here’s a blog post I wrote about #querying.…

Here's a neat #Mastodon trick I just discovered:

You can access an RSS feed of any user's posts simply by adding .rss onto the end of their profile URL — so, for instance:

You can then use that link to follow all of that person's posts in Feedly, Feedbin, or any other RSS reading service.

Heck, you can even do it directly in #Chrome, if you want!

Aww, I'm going to miss it. But I do understand that, if #Mastodon is to appeal to more and more users, this is a wise decision.

Sice neexistuje žádná ostrá hranice frontové linie, ke střetu kultur Twitter vs #mastodon zde ale objektivně dochází. Hlavní úkol všech těch různorodých skupin, které se tu nyní potkávají, je a bude: lidsky se domluvit a budovat netoxické prostředí.…

#mastodon umožňuje ověřit, že váš účet patří vám. Bez občanek, dokladů, jen musíte mít možnost na váš web vložit html značku. Nic složitého. A pokud narazíte na zádrhel i ten je popsaný v novém tipu.…

Haha ex-Twitter employees have created their own Mastodon instance 😅

"This server is intended for current and previous twitter employees and their friends/family. We filter signups to try keep the server focused for community reasons." -

Welcome to the Fediverse! :)


Do you follow too many people?

Do you want to organise your Mastodon home timeline into several themed mini-timelines that are easier to navigate?

You can do this on Mastodon using the "Lists" feature, and here's a guide all about it:


You can use Lists on third party apps like Tusky for Android or Metatext for iPhone/iPad, or on your server's website.

#Mastodon #Lists

🎉 #Mastodon 4.0 is out now! This server software update includes a ton of improvements, like following hashtags, translating posts, editing, an improved filtering system, customizable user roles for administration, but also some important security fixes.

Check out the full changelog:…

A lot of people are moving to @Mastodon, but I also get a lot of misconceptions and questions about how it works, and about this cool giant social network that is the #Fediverse, including @pixelfed or @peertube. So, to answer all these questions, and myabe introduce you to some other parts of the Fediverse, I think it's time for a quickstart guide!

#mastodon #pixelfed #peertube

Watching instance owners needing to react to the sudden influx of users has me reminiscing about Switter early days.

In March 2018, we (Assembly Four) deployed Mastodon to a VPS with 1.5GB of RAM and launched in response to FOSTA/SESTA that was pushing sex workers off platforms.

Word spread like wildfire, and I had to double resources 2 hours after the announcement. And had to double it 2 hours after that. We had to scale out in the first week.

#devops #mastodon


"Mastodon instances should be limited from growing beyond a certain size. Instances that are already too large should have ways of encouraging people to migrate to smaller ones." -- or why you should not toot about your birthday on #Mastodon.

Excellent arguments here by @aral…

#decentralisation #SmallWeb

The 2nd (and by far biggest) wave of new #Mastodon user additions is declining... which isn't a bad thing at all. It gives all the admins some time to relax and to take care of their servers.

And it helps all of us to engage with interesting new accounts to make sure that they'll stay here. The amount of amazing new users, scientists, journalists, creators... this was such an incredible quality-content boost for Mastodon and the #fediverse

Thank you for being part of this. You rock 🤘

And please please please support your admins. Donate or tell them how great they are.

Wait... screw that!

👉 Tell them how great they are AND donate!

These guys are creating the platform we all love. Thank you 🙏

#mastodon #fediverse #introduction

It looks like a lot of organizations are going to need to update their #SocialMedia icons, so I decided to put up a few which include #mastodon.

My goal is to produce #SVG images that respect dark mode, can be easily styled with CSS, and also allow either circle, square or no background.

I want to embed best practices of accessibility, and web sustainability in this.

So what can I do to improve these?…

#a11y #SustyWeb #DarkMode

Alright folks - my service which allows you to create and share follow lists that can then be imported on #mastodon is now online. It's an early version so be kind, but I'd love you to try it and create your own lists that you can then share with people:

@stim And I like that #CANADALAND really does cover stories that aren't covered elsewhere - especially about the news media itself. And #indigenous news and #journalists.

I'm not sure that #Mastodon will ever be able to provide as powerful a platform for breaking news as the #BirdSite did: it is contrary to Mastodon's fundamental vision to force a single news thread into everyone's face, the way the BirdSite does.

But I've been thinking, maybe that's for the best in the long run.

V neděli nové tipy už delší dobu nevydávám, ale tohle je hodně aktuální a důležité téma a tipy pro #mastodon se kupí, takže prostě zcela mimořádné vydání :)

Kde si založit účet pro Mastodon? Není to tak snadné jak to vypadá. Jaké české servery/instance?…