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Items tagged with: Google

Did your #Gmail data train the AI Bard? Bard itself claims your emails in Gmail trained the AI, Google denies this, saying Bard made a mistake.

But who is correct, #Google or #Bard 🤔 Check here for more:

The undeniable truth we learn here is: Data is the new oil. It's time to protect yours! 🔒


Holy crap I just randomly ran across the way to disable those annoying "Log In With Google" prompts that appear all over the web.

1. Go go
2. Scroll way down to "Apps and Services"
3. Click on "Third-party apps with account access"
4. Uncheck the "Google Account sign-in prompts" option.


You have nothing to hide until the government suddenly declares your behaviour illegal. #abortion #usa #meta #facebook #google #e2ee #encryption

XMPP + Google Summer of Code 2023

Project presentation:

Moxxy - #Moxxy is an experimental, modern XMPP client written in #Flutter

#XMPP #GSoC2023 #GSOC, #Google #interoperability #standards #federation #dart

XMPP + Google Summer of Code 2023

Project presentation:

Dino - @dino is a modern open-source Jabber/XMPP chat client for the desktop.

#XMPP #GSoC2023 #GSOC, #Google #interoperability #standards #federation #vala

When #GooglePlay introduced privacy labels, I was very curious to see how they managed to get reliable data about the #privacy properties of Android apps. I know first-hand how difficult and time-consuming privacy audits of #Android apps can be. Now Mozilla has taken a closer look, and it seems #Google doesn't even have reliable data.

Captain Obvious hat mal wieder zugeschlagen: "See No Evil: Loopholes in Google’s Data Safety Labels Keep Companies in the Clear and Consumers in the Dark". Dennoch prima, dass sich die "Märchen-Angaben" im Play Store mal jemand genauer angeschaut hat. 👇

#google #privacy #datenschutz #dsgvo #bullshit

#Google Workspace will increase their prices from April 11, 2023. Flexible, non-contract plans increase in price by 20%. Or you can get better security and privacy for less by upgrading your #Tutanota account 😌

⚠️ :google: #Google rolls out a so-called #privacy tool that replaces one form of trackers with another.

🔎 :android: Don't use Google's proprietary and distributions of #Android if you want to avoid #SurveillanceCapitalism.

The DoJ's lawsuit against Google for illegal monopolization of digital advertising dropped last week. It's a 150-page document :allthethings: #digitaladvertising #dataprivacy #Google #techpolicy

🆕 Here's my first attempt to unpack what is probably one of the most complete antitrust cases in ad tech of the last decade. My focus? 👀 How three ad pricing manipulation schemes described in the suit hurt publishers:

While #Google #Meta #Microsoft #Twitter & #Amazon are laying off tens of thousands of people to satisfy shareholders, #Tutanota continues to grow.

Welcome with us Wren, Johannes & Noah! 🥳

Join us if you are a developer wanting to fight for #privacy!

The lead attorney for GitHub arguing that #Copilot using #OpenSource is fair use following precedent from #Oracle Vs #Google is the woman who represented Oracle and personally argued against the verdict in public on Twitter.

Outside of Europe, #Google's monopoly gets slammed by India too. The ruling says that:

- Google must allow alternative app stores (like F-Droid or ApkPure) on the Play Store. This is really the step zero for fair competition: give everybody the same visibility, and let users pick what they like.

- Google should not force Android providers to install its own apps in order to be a certified Android provider. Step one for fair competition: competition only works if none of the involved party starts from a position of advantage.

- Google should make the Play Store available also on Android forks. Step two for fair competition: if the competitors' stores are available on your store, then your store should also be available on the competitors' forks, and users eventually will pick what they like the most. All the distribution asymmetries should be removed.

This is a good and balanced ruling that aims to create a level playing field by removing all the bumps that, as of now, strongly consolidate Google's position of dominance.

And it's going to hit Google quite badly too: India is the largest global market for Android (arguably on par with China), and Google may be on its way to lose its unfair advantage there.

SUPL-Server nutzen Android-Systeme, um die GPS-Positionsbestimmung zu beschleunigen. Stellt sich heraus, dass die Domain "" nur ein CNAME für "" ist. 🤦

Man meint also, man würde einen etwas datenschutzfreundlicheren SUPL-Server nutzen, aber am anderen Ende hockt dann wieder Google. 😑

#android #supl #google #datenschutz #privacy

Dear conference organisers,

If you don’t want to limit your speakers to those who are fine with surveillance capitalism, please don’t make your call for proposals require an account with a surveillance capitalist.

#conference #callForProposal #CFP #google #surveillanceCapitalism #peopleFarming

F-Droid: Mehr App-Stores!

#Appstore #fdroid #playstore #google

#Android without #Google made easy – with @shiftphones

(the little gap with "Rooting" aka Magisk will be filled soon™)

#noGoogle #googlefree #privacy

Google muss für Ortungs-Schwindel nicht einmal 400 Millionen zahlen

Jahrelang hat Google Aufenthaltsorte von Android-Nutzern für Werbezwecke gespeichert, obwohl die User das abgeschaltet wähnten. 40 US-Staaten geben billig bei.

#google #android #standortdaten #werbung #smartphones

"Currently, the predominant business model for commercial search engines is advertising. But the goals of the advertising business model do not always correspond to providing quality search to users.

We expect that advertising funded search engines will be inherently biased towards the advertisers and away from the needs of the consumers.

Furthermore, advertising income often provides an incentive to provide poor quality search results.

In general, it could be argued from the consumer point of view that the better the search engine is, the fewer advertisements will be needed for the consumer to find what they want".

Quote: Sergey Brin / Larry Page, from the seminal 1998 paper that kickstarted the #PageRank algorithm - and #Google with it (see Appendix A).

Reading the paper that started it all after so many years is a quite interesting experience. 25 years ago they knew *exactly* what a search engine may have become if it chose the path of an ads-based business model. They were very aware of the conflict of interest that arises when you have to provide relevant results to the users, but also boost those that pay your bills.

In other words, were warning us about the risks of the business model that their own company eventually decided to embrace.

Back to #Firefox I go! Multi-Account Containers are a killer #privacy feature that only Firefox (and maybe derivatives) has access to.

There's some helper add-ons to further silo #Facebook, #Twitter, and #Google. (That said, I use my own containers for Google to split my accounts)




Unfaire Praktiken:
Indien bestraft #Google für Abrechnungszwang im Play Store

Do you spot the trick?

This is a cookie banner shown before using Google search in some countries.

"Reject all" is a straightforward option. It appears in the same size and color as "accept all." It uses bullets, simple and concise language, and visualization. It has links for further info. So far, so good.

But there is a trick. Do you spot what is it?

#privacy #cybersecurity #securityawarenessmonth #google

Are you serious right now? You do know what Google is, right? You do understand what their business model is? I thought NGI/NLnet was purportedly about finding and supporting *alternatives* to surveillance capitalists like Google, Meta, etc., not trying to improve their PR by perpetuating the myth that they’re generally a force for good who sometimes (often) make silly mistakes.

Do better.

#ngi #nextGenerationInternet #bigTech #google #surveillanceCapitalism #pr #NLnet

✨ ¡Acabo de hacer algo! 🎉

Revisa mi nuevo comic web: "Contra Chrome":


Subtítulo: Cómo el navegador de #Google se convirtió en una amenaza para la #privacidad y para la #democracia.

Con las apariciones de Shoshana Zuboff, pirañas veganas, y todo lo que siempre quisiste saber sobre #Chrome pero tuviste miedo de preguntar.

Léelo y descargalo gratis - ¡Espero que te guste! 😊

Y si te gusta, ¡Por favor difúndelo! :boost_ok:

#cómic #cómics #novellagrafica

Sometimes the internet is really funny - or scary.

The Chrome browser is one example.

While you believe you are browsing the web, Google is browsing you instead.

Check out Leah Elliott's comic on how Google's tracking works:

#google #surveillance #surveillancecapitalism #privacy #Fight4Privacy #tutanota

“Google employee who became the most visible opponent of a company contract with the Israeli military said on Tuesday that she would resign after claiming Google had tried to retaliate against her for her activism.”

#google #military #israel #activism #BigTech #ai

Over 50% of my YouTube ads are now scams. Very clear scams like "I am Elon Musk and here is my new cryptocurrency" or "Earn 1000 Euro every day by doing nothing". All hosted on temporary fake/hacked domains. At first I was reporting them but now I've given up. It's clear that Google doesn't even pretend to care.

#google #scam

Is it me or is #Google slowly removing accessibility support from #android #aosp apps?
I'm running android 12.1 and included calendar and keyboard are no longer accessible. Keyboard is not a problem for me, as I am using 3rd party braille keyboards either soft braille keyboard or the one included within corvus suite of apps.
However I am unable to find an accessible calendar app.
Etar is partially accessible, only the agenda view is useable with the screen reader.
Simple calendar has accessibility issues.
Have you got some more tips?

@apps is also a great example. #FediLab is a paid app on the #Google Prey store, and free on the fine #FDroid with a #GPL'ed codebase at #Codeberg ..

Thank you to Google for joining #GUADEC2022 as a Gold sponsor!

Remember, #GUADEC starts next week! Are you registered yet? Let us know you're attending:

#GNOME #Google #supportopensource

Google Is Sharing Our Data at an Alarming Rate.
It transmits our locations and browsing habits 70 billion times a day to advertisers 😲


The # Newsletter for June '22 is out!

Read about the # Summer of Code 2022 XMPP projects, client & server updates and of course the latest updates on our #!

Enjoy reading! 📰 ☕

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