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Items tagged with: activityPub

@Nuno @amitten Well, I'd say it depends a lot on the concrete situation. Many #activitypub devs have seen how historically companies like Meta & Google have applied a Trojan horse strategy, to eventually take over the small spaces that decentralized and/or FOSS projects had opened. The #XMPP case comes to mind, but it also encompasses how the whole web has become.

If to put in place measures to avoid that happening to the #Fediverse is being a fanatic, long live the fanatics! 😃

New progress note (W22)! Unveiling A/V call implementation with #Jingle for #Libervia, funded by #NLnet. Updates on ActivityPub Gateway and upcoming talks in #Paris. Read the full note:

#XMPP #ProgressNote #ActivityPub #OpenSource #WebRTC #NGIAssure

Wow. Wordpress just announced they have to drop support for Twitter in their Jetpack post sharing plug-in as they haven’t been able to reach agreement with Twitter for access. They are committing to adding support for Mastodon!
The majority of the Web’s individually run websites are Wordpress! It’s ON!!

#TwitterMigration #TwitterBroken #Mastodon #activityPub #Fediverse

Yes, but that is still not good. Within ActivityPub, one cannot write a *message* that, a priori, is known to be correctly readable by any of the intended recipients -- unless it is a short (< 500 bytes) text in plain ascii, with no italics, boldface, or other markup, and no embedded images... >>

#Fediverse #ActivityPub #FediverseFragmentation

Meta: Fediverse

Yes #itWorksLikeEmail but still I really don't understand how #friendica works. For example on this thread the original post was sent to 103 remote servers, my friend commented on it. My response to his comment was sent to 24 servers, but my response to my own comment was sent to 105 servers. I suspect him being on Diaspora* and most of my contacts being on platforms like #Mastodon than only support #ActivityPub has an influence here.

If I try to reference the same post from my Masto account, I thought it would look super weird, like I was talking to myself in a way that didn't make any sense, but I actually only see the OP while when I search for my later comment I see it and the comment of my own I was replying to, but not the OP !Friendica Support

The #Mastodon server and #Matrix homeserver don't have to be colocated. E.g. you could be on and hook it up to your matrix a/c on The larger #ActivityPub instances could use a small Matrix homeserver for it users without a declared matrix address, and automatically create a matrix a/c for them for the sole purpose of DMing.

The architectural possibilities are quite wide, I suspect.

There's a serious opportunity for #Mastodon and other #ActivityPub systems to implement properly secure DMs by integrating #Matrix from .

Here's a new and hopefully useful crate for #Rustlang #ActivityPub implementors:

OK, well this is getting far more interesting for me! 😎
Given the open nature of the #ActivityPub protocol, it is possible to pull in the Instagram alternative, Pixelfed, into your Mastodon Home Timeline.
This is great for those looking for an alternative to Instagram, but not wanting to use yet another app.

Here is another short video on how this works and how you can use it yourself!
#twittermigration #twitterexodus #Instagram #Pixelfed #feditips

XMPP End of the Year Talk 2022!

Let's have a good time with the #XMPP Community folks!

Short talks:
- On #ActivityPub, #Movim, #Prosody development, XMPP + #QUIC

When: 6th Dec 2022, 19:00 CET (tomorrow!)
Join via this instance:

(technical issues as always)

#jabber #standards

4 years using and championing the #fediverse full time and I've never written a #introductions toot. Well, or I have and can't find it.

I'm a #blind guy from 🇬🇧 with a passion for #technology and #programming, particularly #lowLevel #systemsProgramming in #C, #C++, #Rust, etc.

I've been a huge #freeSoftware / #openSource advocate for the majority of my life. I run #Linux and I love open, #decentralised technologies like #ActivityPub, #Matrix, #bitTorrent etc.

In my view, technology is built to make our lives easier, and in many ways, it isn't these days. It is truly my opinion that the only way #tech can be sustainable is if it's built using #FOSS, and does not give ultimate control to any 1 entity, individual or corporate. If technology is to help the people, it must be built *for* the people.

Currently working on, various projects with the rest of the Lower Elements gang at, and a Computing Science BSC at the #University of #stirling

CoSchedule is a great tool for small teams. Unfortunately it doesn't support #Mastodon #ActivityPub. Go vote for this feature to be added, please.

And if you know of any proper #OpenSource tool that does what CoSchedule does, please let me know 😀

@mike Wow. I was just telling my team this morning that I'd read the #ActivityPub spec last week and said "It's possibly the best written, easiest-to-follow, technical spec I've ever read.". Thank you for writing something so easy to follow and well thought out.

Today I discovered another “single process baked by SQLite” implementation of ActivityPub:

I really like that open protocols enable experimentation on the server side as well as on the client side

#ActivityPub #ktistec

Michał Dziwisz jest szybki:) Wczoraj nagrywaliśmy podcast, a dzisiaj już jest opublikowany. Ja tak nie umiem.
Tematami są #Mastodon, #fediverse, #activitypub i możliwości, jakie dają osobom niewidomym. Daję link, ale nie wiem, czy polecać. #Tyflopodcast ma strasznie długie audycje i nie każdy przebrnie przez całość. Ale jeżeli jednak, to poproszę o komentarz.

There's a #ActivityPub plugin for #WordPress, you should give it a try so people can follow your blog here.

this has to be one of the most under-stated introductions I have seen here!

So let me offer a better one: Evan is one of the reasons we are all here. He is credited as one of the creators of the #ActivityPub protocol:

Back in the day (a decade ago), he also used to run the biggest instance of #StatusNet, My old account is still there, even though I have lost access to it:

StatusNet was the precursor of fedi.

Welcome, Evan!

Matt Mullenweg (founder of Wordpress and current owner of Tumblr) wants to know how you want Tumblr integrated into the #fediverse (or #bluesky). Those of you who have Twitter accounts should go voice your ideas directly cause this will probably happen in the not so distant future (they already had a job posting listed last year where they were looking for #ActivityPub people)

Me, keeping an eye on my task queue as a conversation starts on my latest post 👀

#sidekiq #mastodon #scale #activityPub

@ericbuijs We have to be very careful about setting privacy expectations: there is no #privacy in the #ActivityPub protocol/#mastodon/the #fediverse.

And here we have someone calling for kids to give up (the sense of) #privacy for global age verification... Look, kids are curious and need social status, hence they will get on #socialmedia sooner or later, so will age requirements make them understand what they're getting into? But I do agree on building a platform better suited for kids... Maybe have supervised clubs at schools running #ActivityPub instances in closed federations (connecting nearby schools)? is a lightweight self-hosted single user Fediverse server which can be followed from Mastodon etc.

You can find out more info at:

The official account disappeared for a while but it's now back at:


As the account notes, it's just been rewritten with version 2.0 of the software, so you may need to unfollow and then refollow.

(Having said that, I haven't been able to actually follow the account, it seems to work at first but then gives a "follow request" message? Have you managed to get this to work?)

#MicroBlog #MicroBlogPub #Fediverse #ActivityPub

Nice I've heard they are considering to move. Glad to hear they landed on something that will soon be compatible with #Codeberg :) #Forgefed #ActivityPub


# has a prominent place in the # club.. 🎉

To # Apps these were added:

- #
- #
- #

🚀 And on # Development there is an entire top-level section dedicated to this important fedi direction:

Forge libraries:

- #
- #

Forge tools:

- #
- #

Forge plugins:

- #

Forge federation protocols:

- #
- # (#)

For all the new fedizens and all those of us that want fedi to be stronger in the face of the # onslaught I recommend (re)watching @darius talk at the # Conference in 2020.

"Let's play and win our own game!"

And it has broader applicability. I responded to @csddumi on the idea to "Unionize Free Software" where these strategies can be very well applied to # movement as a whole.

This is why you should instead host #, and they're even getting # support, so it can be federated! (Pull requests work between instances.)
One good instance is # @codeberg.

cc @ta180m

And of course I have to learn of # @forgefed today. 😅 An extension to #. Capturing the collaborative nature of source forges.

The reason # has kept its mountain 🗻 market share is its social network. The only true way to fight centralization is by joining our abilities as a collective. Through choice and breadth of interconnected forges we hold strength. An actual #.

📺️ The video from my talk about # at the “Building a European Cultural Backbone” 🇪🇺 convention is now available online!

Thank you Franz Heinzmann, Ingo Leindecker, Cultural Broadcasting Archive, Radio FRO & arso for trusting us. 🙏
Thank you @andi @CCC for taking care of the streaming. 🙏
Thank you @NGIZero for supporting us. 🙏
Thank you “Podcasting 2.0” @adam @dave for spreading the cross-platform word. 🙏


One week ago I launched

Since then, 515 people registered and have been added to 1800+ topics!

Discovery is important, and while we strive to fill this void, our ultimate goal is to help standardize discovery across the fediverse.

Every # project should have this directory! # # #

Hlavně je super, jak je díky # vše propojené. Já používám Matrix, Pixelfed, Peertube Mastodon vše na své doméně.