I was thrilled to be interviewed for Double Tap, a daily blindness tech podcast, hosted by @stevenscott and Shaun Preece. This program is produced for AMI in Canada but is available wherever you get your podcasts.
On today’s show, Steven, Shaun and I talk about the BT Speak Pro from Blazie Technologies, a pocket computer featuring a nine-key Braille keyboard and speech output.

Blazie Technologies: www.blazietech.com
Mastodon: @BlazieTech
(772) 214-1616

#AndroidAppRain at apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid today brings you 16 updated apps. And at apt.izzysoft.de/magisk one added #Magisk #module

* StevenBlock | Anti-Malware & Ad Blocker

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

I'm happy to share that the just-released Rustls 0.23.10 (github.com/rustls/rustls/relea…) adds support for Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) when connecting to compatible remote servers.

This technology helps protect some of the last bits of plaintext metadata in a TLS 1.3 handshake, most notably server-name-indication (SNI). If you'll indulge me, I'd like to share some thoughts from the process. [1/10]

The evidence fails to support the claim that homework is academically beneficial for students in any meaningful sense, as I showed in this chapter from my book The Homework Myth: alfiekohn.org/homework-improve….

Many HW defenders quickly pivot to claiming that it promotes self-discipline, responsibility, time management & study skills, etc. Yet over the last 20 years I've been unable to find a single study that supports this folk wisdom about HW's supposed nonacademic advantages.

This entry was edited (8 months ago)

Hey #Mastodon! In today's world, software seems to be in EVERYTHING. Your phone, your fridge, even that high-tech "smart" fork you got for Christmas. But here's the real fork in the road: Who controls that software? Big Tech, Big Gov, or Big Brother? Spoiler alert: it's probably not you. #StayInControl with #FreeSoftware fsf.org/about #SoftwareFreedom @fsf

Just came across the news that the UN is replacing email with @matrix according to this article.

Anyone see any good reporting on this that goes into more details?

:microsoft: ➡️ :matrix: It's a Big Freaking Deal when we can move any #UnitedNations organization away from #Microsoft.

The system-wide IT shop UNICC has announced its move to #Matrix:


Want to learn how to schedule and manage Zoom meetings with JAWS more efficiently? Join us Thursday, June 20 and Noon ET for a live webinar. #FreedomScientifictraining

Become a sponsor for Linux App Summit 2024! Partner with us to support the open source community and gain valuable exposure. Learn more about sponsorship opportunities: linuxappsummit.org/sponsor/

#LAS2024 #GNOME #KDE #OpenSource

reshared this

Good things come to those who wait... But you can help us to test a preview of our next major update, #LibreOffice 24.8, due in August! We'd especially appreciate testing help from #Windows 7 users: qa.blog.documentfoundation.org… #foss #opensource

LibreOffice reshared this.

Chrome / TalkBack bug I first reported in 2020, and which was fixed for a time (?) appears to be back. Looking for confirmation before I file yet another one.

A named region with a `tabindex` does not expose its contents. Chrome / TalkBack only announces its accName and role.

I think I have an ugly workaround (“Shawarma” heading).

Test case:

Similar to issue I filed earlier this month, which I limited to APG tab panels.

#accessibility #a11y

in reply to Adrian Roselli

As expected, the Chromium intake person was unable to reproduce the issue (it may have been kit this time?), so I got 5 people to confirm and added a video:

I really do hate how hard it is just to get a bug to get taken up.

I mean, I had to re-file this one because the original was closed due to not reading instructions:

Anyway, thanks for those who helped.

#accessibility #a11y #Chrome

in reply to Adrian Roselli

Good news, everybody!

Fix coming in v128, or 20 Aug 2024 (stable release), for this Chrome / TalkBack bug:

Named regions with `tabindex` hide content from TalkBack

There are two related bugs that I am hopeful it will fix but no idea?

Anyway, file bugs. It’s the only way stuff has a chance to get fixed.

#a11y #accessibility

Ohne #Blutspende würde es den zitierten Post nicht geben!

RE: social.bund.de/users/PEI_Germa…

Just posted a new blog post about Fedora Workstation! Updates on Artificial Intelligence, NVIDIA drivers, Container Toolbx, PipeWire and more.
#linux #fedora #instructlab #granite #articifialintelligence #gnome #pipewire #toolbx

Well now I can't stop thinking about this daniel.haxx.se/blog/2024/06/11…

Thanks @bagder ! Now I don't want to use GitHub anymore! Or to work with my teammate (and myself sometime) that writes poor commit messages because nobody cares since GitHub hides them...

I also know why sometime I feel stupid writing commit messages that nobod will look at xD

😩 when reading blog post makes me sad! 😅

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

@indrora I understand and appreciate that these don’t fit your workflow, but neither of these mitigations specifically are mentioned in the blog post? Which, fine, I totally agree with the main thesis and I also hate that so much of our UX these days is on websites.

But mostly I just wanted to mention them for folks stumbling on this thread for whom they *might* work.

I started a discussion (well, Friday afternoons are good for those) on the possiblity/benefits of a 'curl-agent'.



in reply to Tuta


Friday: Employee surveillance is on the rise. Wells Fargo has fired employees citing "simulated keyboard activity" as a grounds for expulsion.

Meet the team fighting surveillance 👉 tuta.com/team

in reply to Tuta

my current company has stated the same as well. We are required to use tracking software on our personal devices for them to monitor. This software takes screenshots of all displays every 10 minutes, tracks mouse and keyboard activity, tracks the apps I’m using and for how long, and the same for any URLs visited.

Management can then view all of this information on an online dashboard.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

waves from xn--p1a1c.net

Which shouldn’t exist, but is also why I keep it, because yes, registrars are supposed to deny domains which conflict with other characters after Unicode normalization. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicod….

Windows dns will also potentially behave differently as well depending on just how close the normalized forms are.


in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Jede se "1000 mil československých" ☝️😍

Závod 1000 mil československých se pořádal v letech 1933 až 1935 na trase Praha-Bratislava-Praha-Bratislava-Praha. Dvakrát do Bratislavy a zpátky, bez přestávky za téměř běžného provozu ujeli závodníci 1600 km.


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