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Toto teatrálne označovanie budov Polície je tiež pekne od piči.

"Social media wasn’t web 2.0, it’s what *killed* Web 2.0!

You might think I’m arguing over mere nomenclature but the important fact is that this era existed, and the Web3 pitch pretends it didn’t. We already had decentralized internet with social features. This fact contradicts the story the Web3/blockchain advocates want to tell you, so their story skips this entire era."

Good post over here:…

Chipmakers puting AI cores in your CPU and not letting you use them for absolutely anything is the biggest waste of silicon in the history of modern computing.

Those tensor cores are godsend for things like large-scale CAD simulations but the only SDKs/samples provided are hardwired to run pretrained models.

There's no way to access the matrix/tensor capabilities directly. And that goes for both AMD and Intel.

#ai #NPU #tensor #programming #hardware #cpu

It seems that even those who are not interested in sports and do not follow the Olympic Games have already read about the "50-year-old Turkish man who showed up at the competition in a wrinkled T-shirt, without special equipment, and took the Olympic silver without even taking his hand out of his pocket."

"Surely, Turkey sent some kind of hitman to Paris!" social media marvels.

In the blink of an eye, Yusuf Dikec, a previously unknown figure outside professional circles, a retired gendarmerie officer and professional shooter, became a global internet meme and sensation.

Everything is great! The moral of this story could be: no matter how old you are, keep doing what you love, and your best achievements may still lie ahead, even if you are an athlete over 50!

But another nuance caught my attention.

The fact is, Yusuf Dikec did not win the Olympic silver alone. It was a team event. Shooting alongside him was his colleague Sevval Ilayda Tarhan. In the same T-shirt, in the same pose, and also with minimal equipment.

The only difference is that he is 51, and she is 24. He began professional shooting around the time she was born.

Dikec is an excellent shooter with a plethora of medals from prestigious competitions, but he had never made it to the Olympic podium until his young partner grew up and competed with him on the same team.

If we look at the individual performances of these shooters in the same discipline where they took silver as a team, we will see that Tarhan finished 7th, while Dikec only came in 13th.

Now let's trace how mass consciousness works: we simply do not notice the woman standing next to him. It does not matter who she is, how she is dressed, how she shoots, or how unique her achievement is. We only see the man in the "wrinkled T-shirt," deliberately nonchalant, and create a romantic image of a "hitman." We spread a photograph in which he is shooting alone, and the result of this shooting is 13th place! Yet, we declare that he won "silver."

Why does the logic of mass culture work this way? After all, patriarchy has long ceased to exist, feminism is unnecessary, equality has been achieved, at least in Paris 2024 for sure!

This is how patriarchal myths about great male victories are born before our eyes. These images are entrenched in culture and shape our thinking. Meanwhile, women's contributions and achievements are simply erased from history. It was like this before. Unfortunately, it still happens today.

#Paris2024 #YusufDikec #SevvalTarhan #Olympics

Translated text. Original text from Maya Guseynova

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Privacy meets power. The Librem 11 is our most advanced tablet, designed to protect your digital rights. PureOS, a pressure-sensitive pen, and freedom—all in one sleek device. #Librem11 #DigitalPrivacy
in reply to Purism

I am still waiting for a tablet with kill switches.
It doesn't really seem like a true #Purism device without them.

Welcome Moritz Buhl as #curl commit author 1291:…

Unknown parent

unbelievable and suspicious
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📣 Do-It-Blind DIB online Besprechung am Montag, 8. August, um 19:00 Uhr. Du bist eingeladen!… Wöchentlich am Montag um 19:00 besprechen wir neue Formen der digitalen und inklusiven Zusammenarbeit. Mach mit! 🛠️ #make #blind #inklusion

Thanks to the help of its author, Irfan Latif, starting with v1.06 MyLocation is now RB :awesome: Welcome to the selection!…

#IzzyOnDroid #reproducibleBuilds

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

nice. But I'm still searching for an app that explicitly queries the none free Google play services location api. My #microG is no system app and can't register as system location provider.
in reply to Kurt

@Kurt I'm having microG as non-system app too (SHIFT6mq), but didn't see any such issues. But you can find some alternative apps here:…

Getting To The Bottom Of WCAG-Conformant Interactive Element Size…

by @eric

#a11y #wcag #webdesign #UIDesign

"After careful consideration, we have decided to proceed with other candidates whose qualifications more closely align with the specific needs of the role at this time" :boost_ok:

Sensitive content

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Kačička cvičí a je vo vývine (alebo vývoji) a potrebuje veeeeľa papať. Mňam do piči. #objem
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The local Blues Brother cover band absolutely understood the assignment. #vermont

in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Zacelil sa ako sa zacelujú moje rany na duši, sám. Aj by to bolo smutné... :kekw: ...keby nemám dobrú náladu.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Estuve en el desembarco vikingo de Catoira, en #Galicia. Mucha gente, mucho sol, mucha comida y mucha gente disfrazada.

Upgrade to Penpot: the first free open source tool for UI designs, prototypes, and more!

Join Penpot, it's free! 😎…

kapsičky sa dnes minuly, zatiaľ sa mi to ako tak darí a pozerám že niekto ďalší začal tiež, do teraz som tu druhé misky nevidel

The short story of curl CVE-2024-7264…

Excellent experience working with curl maintainers @bagder and @icing on the low severity vulnerability.

A few weeks ago, @mekkaokereke was telling you of our love of the English language in #Nigeria, and how we're unafraid of being eloquent. Need proof? Check out these "pithy" placards from the demonstrations currently going on in the country.

"Reverse all anti-people, neoliberal policies of privatisation, deregulation and devaluation of the Naira!"

Rolls off the tongue.

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in reply to David Njoku

In fact, in #Nigeria we had a politician who was a prototype Boris Johnson - a comedic bombast who spewed Latin phrases liberally without a care whether his listeners understood a word he was saying.

Unlike Britain tho, we (and he) knew he was a clown and we didn't make him Prime Minister.…

Krásné dobré ráno mastodoňata! 🙋‍♀️🐈🐕
Pár poznatků po čtrnáctidenní dovolené:
Ano, do práce se mi nechce.
Ano, pravdu měl ten, kdo tady psal 'winter is coming'! 😱
V pět ráno je chladno, je šero, je syrový vzduch.
Ženský, pro pánajána, v čem se teď chodí do práce? 🤣🤣🤣

Nebuďte zmatení jako Káťa, dejte si snídani....a hlavně.....klid! 😊


Na fotce je náš večerní návštěvník.

in reply to Archos

@archos Stříhání metru. 😁
Myšlenkami už je člověk stejně na dovolené.
Užij si den. 😊👋
in reply to Kateřina

Jj přesně, sice letos nikam nejedem, ale na volno už se těším.

To by se békalo. Jenže víkend skončil a máme tady pondělí. Dnes bude ten první den v novém zaměstnání, tak si říkám “dokud se zpívá, ještě se neumřelo”🎼🎵🎶 #dobréRáno 🤗

Recording Available: I Love Braille: Learn About the BT Speak From Blazie Technologies
If you have further questions, you can call Blazie Technologies at (772) 214-1616 or visit us on the Web at
Recording available here.…
in reply to Will Schenk

system-ui is great for input fields but terrible for most other things.

I heard a discussion at #FOSSY24 regarding "FOSS outside of corporations," referring to the origin of the Free and #OpenSource software movement, beginning with hobbyists and foundations.

Thought I would also include the early contributions to FOSS from and through #HIgherEducation. Many foundational projects have their roots in #HigherEd.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

So many people have worked on curbing climate change.
What have we got to show for it?

For starters: The projected warning has decreased by 0.9C. That's considering only actually implemented policies. Pledged emissions cuts go even deeper.

Is it enough?

But we've gone from "It's all going to hell" to "We made good progress let's keep going, and faster."

Data from Climate Action Tracker.

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NVDA 2024.3 Beta 6 is now available! Since Beta 5 the main change is that we fixed a bug with Unicode character normalization - and we updated some more translations. Do please download and test it and keep letting us know of any issues! Read the full details on NVDA 2024.3 and the new beta here:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #A11y #Accessibility #FOSS #Beta #Update #Prerelease #NewVersion

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David Goldfield reshared this.

New blog post! Debugging a rustc segfault using some very cool illumos debugging tools.

Really excited about this one, it is a bit long but there was so much to cover, from how the stack and the heap works to virtual address permissions :D…

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People of Bangladesh protesting for their rights.

But the world is unaware about it, while thousands of people are dying. Please boost the post, let the world know.

I updated the #Freedesktop specifications website, to build it with some more modern tools - please let me know if you notice any issues! 🙂…

"Wir schätzen Ihre Privatsphäre" – jaaaa, gaaanz sicher! Und wir teilen sie…

* mit 1574 Partnern
* einschließlich genauer Standortinformationen
* um Ihnen gaaaanz private Werbung zu schicken

Man beachte: Es gibt nur "Alles akzeptieren" – nix anderes. Friss oder stirb!

Unter "Zwekce" geht's dann weiter: 683 Anbieter fordern Zustimmung an. Aha. Laut Taschenrechner wollen also 891 "einfach mal so ohne". Toll. Das schätzen WIR nicht!

#werbung #tracking #cookiebanner #privacy #privatsphäre

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Früher haben wir sowas nicht gewusst und es hat uns vermutlich auch nicht interessiert ...

There's a project that has been going around today that uses an LLM to insult someone based on their GitHub profile. I admit I got caught up in the "fun" of this, and didn't think about how sad it is that we think it's cool to tear down each other or even ourselves.

Until I came across this contrasting project by @cadey, which instead uses an LLM to praise someone based on their GitHub profile:

Unknown parent

Matt Campbell
@FluidEscence It might feel less generic if the prompt included details about specific repos, like the prompt for the insult thing apparently does.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@FluidEscence I was going to do that, but I'm already hitting rate limits as it is!

New video!

So you're new to Linux, and you're wondering what the what is an ISO file? Or maybe you just don't know why you can't DD a CD?

Here's a video that explains a bit about ISO files, and how to create flash media from them.…

in reply to Veronica Explains

wow.. that's such garbage. Ventoy's fine, but it's not the end-all, be-all.
Anyone who claims one shouldn't talk about other options because *thing* exists.. is just wrong.
in reply to Liam

It's weird that this happens in computing discourse, because relying 100% on one thing always leads to tears eventually.

Even weirder when it happens in FOSS circles, as FOSS is supposed to be all about alternatives and freedom of choice. It's like a few people actively want there to be monopolies? (Assuming it's not people from a project shilling for themselves of course.)