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Items tagged with: RustLang

In today's live stream we finished off the "!todo" plugin of our Matrix bot that tracks todo items for us.…

#rustlang #video #livestream

The Rust+Gnome hackfest sponsored by gtk-rs ( just ended, it allowed us to make great improvements like:

  • rewrite the clone! macro so it can now be formatted and have rust-analyzer run on it
  • rewrite rustdoc-stripper so it now uses rustc internal API directly and can be called with cargo. Some work remains to be done but it's already useable.
  • finally finished the release blog post (we're months late but better late than never :p)
  • lots of other cleanups and bugfixes

#rust #rustlang #gnome #gstreamer #gtk #hackfest #thessaloniki #greece

Doing a code review today made me realize how writing safety comments in Rust is all about writing down tautologies


We're a bit late but we finally finished writing the release blog post for the last gtk-rs release!…

#rust #rustlang #gtk

“Dev by a thousand cuts”

That’s often what #rustlang feels like. I started learning C in the late 80s and BASIC before that. Since then I’ve become an expert in several languages and proficient in several others. I’m an experienced #polyglot and though the rust compiler is by far the most helpful - and pushing other compilers to improve - there’s a lot of sharp edges in the grammar itself. Some other polyglots I’m getting into the language agree.

This looks interesting

Hurl is a command line tool that runs HTTP requests defined in a simple plain text format.

It can chain requests, capture values and evaluate queries on headers and body response. Hurl is very versatile: it can be used for both fetching data and testing HTTP sessions.

Hurl makes it easy to work with HTML content, #REST / SOAP / GraphQL APIs, or any other XML / JSON based APIs.

(Built with #rustlang powered by #curl)

Got very excited by @matt demo of AccessKit integration in #GTK

AccessKit is a cross-platform abstraction for accessibility infrastructure written in Rust.

His work will bring a11y support for GTK on macOS and Windows as well as for the new accessibility architecture on Linux code-named "Newton".…

#GNOME #rustlang #accessibility #a11y #Linux #Windows #macOS

🦀 The first episode of 'Rust in Production' season 2 is live!…

Super excited about talking to @bagder about using Rust in curl!

#rustlang #rust #rustinproduction #podcast

Congrats to the 9 applicants who got accepted into GSoC with GNOME! 🧑‍🎓

They'll be working on

• Rework Bustle's Diagram
• Add TypeScript Support to Workbench
• Port Workbench demos to Vala, new library
• Create a web IDE for Tracker SPARQL (2x)
• Mobile/touch support for Papers
• More durable synching for FlatSync
• Port libipuz to Rust
• Add support for the latest GIR attributes and gi-docgen formatting to Valadoc

And thanks to mentors!

#GSoC #gsoc2024 #GNOME #rustlang #TypeScript #vala

Workbench 46.1 is out!…

Happy International Workers' Day

See what's new and details at

#GNOME #GTK #JavaScript #rustlang #Python #Vala #Linux #development

GOSIM 2024 Europe Will Be Held in the Netherlands on May 6th: Embrace the Global Open Source Wave and Build a New Era of AI Here comes the GOSIM 2024 Europe!…

For more information please visit:

Scan or register here:…

#rust #rustlang #rustnl #opensource #gui #mobile #app #ai #fediverse #matrix #gosim

Sensitive content

Rust's unexpected super-power is just how flexible it is. It allows you to write very high level looking code on a low level language. That caused people to use it beyond its intended niche. But it is fundamentally a low level programming language. It will continue becoming easier to use (that's my personal goal!) but there are "obvious" changes that would make things easier at the cost of speed or correctness that #Rust cannot take.

Lessons learned after 3 years of fulltime Rust game development, and why we're leaving Rust behind…


#games #programming #rustlang

A part of #Rustlang that doesn't get mentioned but is a ridiculous quality of life boon:


Just #[derive(Debug)] on a struct and print it. Suddenly you get insight into what's going on. Very rarely do you need to write your own print.

Insert a dbg in the middle of anything

let diffi = debug!(diffs).iter();

and you get a message with line number and the name of variable:

[src/] diffs = [16, 86, 11]

Not even #Python has that!

#coding #softwareengineering #programming

I like to minimize the size of binaries I build. Unremovable debugging strings annoyed me, so I've added an option to completely neuter `Debug::fmt` in #Rustlang…

Some useful types for database-using Rust web apps by @antifuchs… #RustLang #Rust

I wrote a guest post on the Rust Foundation blog on my experience attending the #CISA Open Source Software Security Summit:…


Today I found a TUI frontend for curl! 🔥

🌀**cute**: TUI HTTP client with API/auth key management and request history/storage.

🌐 Supports importing Postman collections!

🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #ratatui #tui #curl #http #request #api #auth

I made an interactive list for #Rustlings with #Ratatui 🐭🤩

↕️ Navigate through your progress
✅ Filter done/pending exercises
⏭️ Skip to / continue at some exercise
🔃 Reset an exercise to start over

I am very excited about version 6 (coming soon) 😁


#rust #rustlang devs: “inheritance is a plague! A pox upon beautiful programming! It must be banished and we shall never allow it!”

Also Rust devs: 🦀 can have a little inheritance as a treat uwu 🥺…

New blog post: on that time when I decided that if being able to panic one Rust program is good, then a feature that lets you panic _other_ programs would be better, right?

No, really, it's awesome. Here's Hubris's oddest syscall.…

#rustlang #embedded

today I've heard for the first time about the #RigelA open-source screen reader project for #Windows written in #RustLang. Unfortunately only Readme has an English version, all other documents and code comments are in chinese, but the project seems very promising. Use Google Translate or another translator if you, like me, don't speak Chinese.

Fellow infosec folks:

If I wanted to incentivize people to try and exploit Hubris, what should I do? What would you want to see?

While open source, the system is mostly used by Oxide, a for-profit company, so I would expect "am I doing this for free" to come up. Explicit threat model is also good. What else?

We've hired firms for this but with mixed results (they mostly know C). I wanna open it to everyone else. I would be _delighted_ to give guidance.

Boost away.

#infosec #rustlang

So Hubris on stm32 has a task called "sys" that handles a lot of common shared peripherals, like GPIO and clocking and reset.

One of the challenges on Hubris is that _parts_ of your application (like sys) can crash, and the other parts need to figure out how to deal with that.

Well, as of this afternoon, sys can't. As in, I have squashed the last potential panic, and turned on a switch that makes new panics into build errors.

I think this is neat.

#rustlang #embedded

I am working on a GTK/#Relm4 password manager already 😎
But it is a client for #BitWarden/#VaultWarden only.
You want to build a local one?

#GTK #Rust #rustlang #GNOME #Linux #Ubuntu #Linux #Fedora #OpenSUSE #Debian

Are you experienced with GTK and Rust ? :gnome: ❤️ :rust:

We are looking to contract someone to work on the new GNOME Password Manager 🔑

We want it to become a core/default app and help secure millions of users.

You'll be working with the GNOME Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to building emancipatory technologies for everyone.

Please send resume / portfolio to

Boosts welcome :boost_love:

#GTK #Rust #rustlang #GNOME #Linux #Ubuntu #Linux #Fedora #OpenSUSE #Debian

What if #rustlang only had panic="abort"? (Instead of panic="unwind", today's default.) It could simplify some parts of the language and prevent subtle bugs.

Do you absolutely need catch_unwind? If yes, please leave a reply!

(Panic hook and backtrace etc. will still work of course!)

  • No, abort is fine. (64%, 167 votes)
  • Yes, in tests/docs. (14%, 37 votes)
  • Yes, in production code. (20%, 54 votes)
258 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

With the upcoming stabilization of the diagnostic namespace, I want to take stock of the compile time error messages generated by diesel and see what messages can be improved.

Please contribute your example of a bad diesel related compiler error message here:…

#rust #rustlang #diesel

If you are also wondering why #Rust binaries are so huge, you can minify their size, but be careful of course:… #RustLang

🦀 I'm really excited about today's #rustlang release! 🥳

- offset_of!
- c"" string literals!
- stripping release binaries by default!
- IP/socket types available in no_std!
- File::create_new (won't overwrite existing files)!
- more array and slice methods (each_ref, chunk methods)!
- Mutex::clear_poison!…

Hi !

My company is looking for new #RustLang & #Python devs 😋

We are building an open-source e2e encrypted file sharing software:

More info:…

🌎 France in full remote
⏰ Full-time
💲 36k-63k€

Retoot appreciated 🙏

#hiring #job #remotework

Hey #rust #rustlang bubble - I am giving up maintainership of the "config" crate:…

If someone wants to take over, now's your time.

#maintainer #github #repository :boost_ok: 🦀 :rust: :rustcrab:

Please boost to your rustlang bubbles.

A few weeks ago, I introduced and fixed a bug where I accidentally checked if a string literal, instead of a vector, was empty, jokingly saying that I blamed Clippy for not having a lint against it. Following a suggestion from @zeenix, I created a feature request, and it's now actually implemented.
This means that Clippy will now warn you if you try to call `is_empty` on a string.…

Clippy is really amazing.

#Rust #Rustlang

LLVM CFI and Cross-Language LLVM CFI Support for Rust,….

> add LLVM CFI and cross-language LLVM CFI (and LLVM KCFI and cross-language LLVM KCFI) to the Rust compiler as part of our work in the Rust Exploit Mitigations Project Group. This is the first cross-language, fine-grained, forward-edge control flow protection implementation for mixed-language binaries that we know of.

Really interesting project.

#RustLang #llvm #security #safety #ffi