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Items tagged with: privacy

Po tom, čo sa mi podarilo konečne zmigrovať blog z Drupalu, hovoril som si, že načim aj niečo napísať... Recall od Microsoftu ma konečne prinútil sa trochu rozhýbať:…

#microsoft #recall #privacy #sukromie #eff

What's the last app you deleted and why? 📲👀

#app #appstore #privacy #security

At Tuta we fight for your #privacy with #encryption.

It's important to stay informed when you want to outsmart trackers online and offline.

Check our 🧵 week in review. 👇

Sensitive content

#DoorDash just started making everyone's accounts

*******and purchases public by default******

Opt out, not in. Likely because they company is run by sociopaths.

You might want to shut this off in your profile. If you know anyone who works in management at DoorDash, consider tossing them into your nearest black hole. #privacy

Gone are the days of jumping through loops for email encryption! Tuta makes it easy for everyone! 🔒 ❤️

If it does not reveal too much: What was the subject line of your last encrypted email? Mine was: "Holiday plans"

#encrypted #encryption #tuta #privacy

Protecting your #privacy doesn't stop with our world's first post-quantum email #encryption. ⚛️🔒

Tuta uses #DNSSEC and #DANE to keep you secure. 💪

To learn more 👉👉👉…

Can't help but make a poll here: where would you place yourself on this spectrum?

(original image source seems to be this yt vid)

#privacy #anonymity

  • 1 (the normie) (11%, 10 votes)
  • 2 (privacy-concious) (74%, 66 votes)
  • 3 (the activist) (14%, 13 votes)
  • 4 (the ghost) (0%, 0 votes)
89 voters. Poll end: 1 day ago

📢 Big tech has never cared for your online #privacy and they still don’t! Don’t let them pull the wool over your eyes – it’s just privacy washing.

Read more here 👉 👉 👉…

#privacywashing #bigtech #privacymatters

Firefox (Version 125.3.0 & 126.0/Android) ist in der aktuellen Version leider nicht datenschutzkonform. Verstöße gegen die #DSGVO und das #TDDDG. 👇…

#firefox #datenschutz #dsgvo #tdddg #privacy #verstoß #gesetz #mozilla #fail

A Word of Advice if you
intend on using/trying Microsoft's newly announced Recall feature :windows: :

Be *extremely* careful with the data of others.

Recording your own data is one thing, but if you continuously use a feature that will record others on video conferences, chat conversations, and emails, without explicit consent, you could get in a lot of trouble.

Not only this can be extremely unethical (to say the least), but it could also expose you to serious legal consequences.


1. Be careful: The use of this feature might not even be legal in some locations/situations/circumstances. If you use it, you should verify this first.

2. Consent should always be free, explicit, and revocable.

3. Once you collect the data of others, you become its guardian. You have a responsibility to secure it properly, for as long as you keep it. This is a heavy burden.

4. The easiest and safest course of action is to simply not collect this data in the first place.

In that sense, I highly recommend NOT using features such as Microsoft's Recall.

This is a data privacy disaster waiting to happen. For others, and for yourself.

#Privacy #Recall #Microsoft :2001:…

If you have to show your national ID or passport to get a SIM card in EU countries, does that mean that burner phones don't exist there?

Does this create a privacy risk for people dealing with stalkers and such?

Is it just me, or has Microsoft gone completely crazy? They are implementing spyware that takes screenshots every second and forcing AI integration. Why would anyone willingly purchase this? Anyone with experience in computer or information security knows that it is a bad idea, even if it is locally done. Just don't do it. Yet, here we are, and they are doubling down on this idea.… #privacy #security

Die #ElsterSecure - sicherer Login #App
wurde laut #Google#Play schon mehr als 1 Mio mal heruntergeladen.

Aber es scheint bisher keine einzige Analyse auf #Exodus#Privacy zu geben...……

Signal is overall better for content privacy than Telegram.Telegram audio and video calls are also E2EE.But comparing Telegram Secret Chat and Signal Messages I think Telegram Secret Chat has more privacy and anonymity.Ex:peer to peer #messaging with E2EE.

#signal #signalapp #telegram #E2EE #privacy #messagingapp

Protect your privacy with Librem AweSIM! With major cellular providers creating unified customer identifiers for targeted advertising, AweSIM adds an extra layer of privacy, helping protect your data. #privacy #AweSIM…

Summer is just around the corner! 🏖️

What steps are you taking this beach season to better protect your #privacy and improve your online #security? 🤿

Don't see your answer below? Let us know in the comments! 📣

  • Use encrypted email (15%, 17 votes)
  • Use a VPN or Tor (25%, 28 votes)
  • Enable 2FA wherever possible (37%, 41 votes)
  • Use a password manager (21%, 23 votes)
109 voters. Poll end: 1 week ago

Are you a journalist, activist or whistleblower in need of an anonymous email account that doesn't require a personally identifiable recovery email address or phone number?

Tuta has you covered. 👉

This is anonymity done right. 😎
#anonymous #opsec #privacy #encryption

There are many reasons for choosing #private alternatives to Big Tech. Tracking cookies, targeted ads, and closed source software are just the tip of the iceberg. 🧊

What #privacy concerns are keeping you up at night? 🤔

You know who will never mine your private communications to train an LLM?

Better yet, you know whose words you don't need to trust, because you aren't obligated to use any particular server? And the software is open source? And regularly audited by security researchers?


It's not perfect, but no tool is. It's a matter of what trade offs you're willing to accept. Just sayin' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

#Matrix #Slack #OpenSource #FOSS #DigitalSovereignty #Privacy

An alle: Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica und Vodafone Nutzer: Widerspruch bei der Online-Werbeplattform Utiq einlegen - für ein Jahr gültig. 👇

#utiq #consent #tracking #datenschutz #privacy #dsgvo #tdddg #telekom #vodafone

Firefox: Weshalb man LibreWolf und andere Forks bevorzugen sollte. 👇…

#firefox #mozilla #librewolf #fennec #mull #browser #datenschutz #privacy #android #audit #dsgvo #tdddg

I'd love to do so too ... but ... this stops me. I don't trust Google - they'll use all the additional meta data for their own stuff too.

(There are privacy aware alternatives, like and such likes)

#bigtech #privacy

"EA denkt über Werbung in Games nach" - Heise, 14.05.2024

- Werbung im Betriebssystem, das ich gekauft habe

- Werbung im Streaming Portal, das ich durch ein Abo "gekauft" habe

- Werbung in Spielen, die ich gekauft habe

- Zusatzinhalte in der ARD Mediathek, die ich nur gegen ein Abo sehen kann, obwohl ich GEZ bezahle

Also, jetzt langsam reicht es aber wirklich. Es ist Zeit mal ein bisschen zurückzurudern! Das gilt für die Konzerne und die Konsumenten gleichermaßen.

#privacy #datenschutz

When Big Tech says something is #free, it means that you're the product. 🤢

The internet should be a place of #freedom not a platform for data collection. 💃

Start taking your #privacy back by supporting open source alternatives to Big Tech! 💪


Psst 👋 Email Preview for push notifications is coming soon!

Now you can know who is sending you an email before opening your mailbox! 🎉

Here's a sneak peek 🤫
#teaser #ios #android #sneakpeek #privacy #security #linux #macos #windows

#ISW, May 8 assessment: "Reports indicate that there is an available open-source tool that allows people to search by specific coordinates for Telegram users who have enabled a certain location-sharing setting."

But of course there is. The russian-engineering, roll-your-own-crypto, cryptocoin-shilling, encrypted-but-not-encrypted messaging app to have a zero-day exploited privacy flaw exposing users' location? I can't imagine where such failures would come from.

#telegram #zeroday #privacy

Here's another #LibreOffice feature that you might not know about: text redaction! This protects sensitive information and helps users and organisations to comply with regulations on confidentiality or #privacy… #foss #opensource

Protect your info online folks and don't expect much from AirBnB if you get a fraudulent charge from them on your card!

I recently saw an AirBnB purchase on my credit card. I did not make it. $CAD466 for a reservation in London. I have never even had my CC connected to AirBNB and my account is secure. It was obviously made by someone who got my CC info.

I saw it a couple days after the transaction but it was still pending on my statement. So I called my bank (VanCity) and they asked all the right questions, removed the "token" for AirBNB so other transactions couldn't be made, and encouraged me to contact ABNB, screenshot any communications, and try to get them to reverse the transaction.

I had three conversations with ABNB. The first, text chat, I explained the situation, they were receptive but it ended without any resolution.

After waiting a few hours for a response, I called ABNB for another conversation. This one ended with them agreeing, verbally, to refund the amount in 24-48hrs.

However, immediately after the end of that conversation, they sent an email, attached here, where they argued, without evidence, and despite the fact the support person said it was someone in Montreal named James, (I know no one in Montreal named James!) that the most likely explanation was that it was a friend or family
member. 😡 They would not refund.

After I sent a spirited reply demanding evidence they said they would only give it under supeona or a police investigation!! 🤯 (full text in image alt)

So ya hey AirBnB: Suck it.

I have gone back to my bank to have the number deactivated and put in a charge dispute. It could take up to 3 months for the charge to be refunded!
#Privacy #Fraud #AirBnB #CreditCards #VanCity

Be careful with the "All or Nothing"
approach in regard to data privacy.

Absolutes can be misleading.

For example, it is not because it’s not possible to delete ALL traces of ALL your data that deleting at least the visible data isn’t worth it.

Reducing your digital traces, even when it is not completely erasing your digital traces, almost always offer some benefits to increase your privacy and security online.

Giving up however very rarely helps.


Stop confusing publicly available with public domain.

These are not the same, at all.

If you are confused about it, read this:…

#Copyright #AI #GenAI #GenerativeAI #DigitalRights #Privacy

@Natanox @ErikUden @ZachWeinersmith @IAmDannyBoling @aral

Thanks @Homebrewandhacking for providing the artist's info.

Probably a good time to remind @Tutanota that providing attribution when you post the artwork of other people is not only common decency but also a condition of using the Mastodon server:

"Content created by others must clearly provide a reference to the author, creator, or source."

There are already people referring to this as "your" cartoon.

#TutaNota #smbc #privacy #art

@katlin @Natanox @ErikUden @ZachWeinersmith @IAmDannyBoling @aral @Homebrewandhacking Thanks for the notice, we didn't know @ZachWeinersmith is on Mastodon, but will keep it in mind. It's a great comic, and we're incredibly thankful that Zach allowed us to use this on our blog as well. We must all fight for #privacy! 💪

Disappointed to see The Markup share advice for people to use WhatsApp in its post about preparing your phone for a protest, and that it's coming from "digital security trainers."

Metadata literally kills, and WhatsApp is swimming in it. The metadata they collect includes:

Groups you're a member of, location, personal info (email, phone number, user IDs), contacts and their phone numbers, in-app search history, when you use the app & how often you use it. E2EE alone doesn't guarantee #privacy

Our CEOs Arne and Matthias signed an open letter against the EU Chat Control bill.


Let's fight for #privacy together! 💪 🔒

And check here why Chat Control must fail: ➡️…

If you are the tech-savvy person within your family or friends group :blobcatcool: :

Never ever shame someone for coming to you for advice after being the victim of a scam, malware, or for using an unsecure product.

If you do this,
they might never come back to you later. They might just feel so ashamed they will just stay alone with their tech problems.

Instead, always tell them:

1. It was a good idea to come to you with this. Be empathetic with them 💚

2. Give them advice on how to minimize the damage now. Actionable advice 🚑

3. Help them harden their security for now and for the future. Recommend better products to them. But be careful not to overwhelm them with advice. One step at the time 🔒

4. Talk to them with respect and empathy. Tell them how the people who abused their trust are horrible and anyone can fall for the right scam. Remind them there are things to do to reduce the risks of being victimized again in the future, and help them slowly implementing these 💪

5. Be thankful they trusted you with this. It means they think highly of you 🥰

#Security #Privacy

We ❤️ Free Software

It's been a pleasure when the Linux Professional Institute asked us for an interview. 😍

Read Hanna's insights on #privacy, #opensource - and how to best apply for a #job at Tuta!


Gentle Privacy and Security Reminder
for Organizations 🔒🗑:

One of the easiest way for your organization to not have data stolen in a data breach, is simply to not have this data.

One of the easiest way to save your organization future headaches and costs is to simply delete thoroughly the data you do not need anymore as soon as you do not need it anymore.

Whenever possible, it's even better to not collect it at all in the first place.

You might need to retain some data of course, but when an incident occurs, you will greatly reduce the harm, damage, and cost if you keep only the minimum data required.

You cannot be held accountable for the data you simply do not have.

Keep this in mind! ✔️✨

#TinyPrivacyTip #Privacy #DataMinimization #DataDeletion

USA: Versicherer gab Millionen Patientendaten an Google, Microsoft und X…

Das könnte bei uns ähnlich stehen, wenn man sich die Apps der Kassen, Banken etc anschaut...

#privacy #tracking