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Items tagged with: youtube

YouTube's music content on your Linux desktop? - MONOPHONY 🎵

No videos - just the main thing from this new simple app: music!

* Save To Library for albums

* Playlists to add songs on

* Radio Mode lets the app choose

* NO sign-in to YouTube account

* Play, previous, next, shuffle and loop


#Monophony #music #YouTube #content #entertainment #desktop #Linux #Flatpak #radio #apps

Direct Messages on Mastodon are probably one of the most confusing things for new users as they aren't really like messages on other platforms.

I have done my best to explain what they are in a few minutes for you all here. Check it out and let me know if it helps.
More tips still to come so stay tuned.

Please give it a #boost if you can to help spread the knowledge around the Fediverse. :ablobcatrave:

#FediTips #twittermigration #youtube #DirectMessages #DMs

I love seeing all the new members joining the platform, but this does mean that with more people, you may feel the need to #mute or #block an account on #Mastodon. That is fine, your experience on this platform should be dictated by you and you alone.
So, I made this short guide to help you better navigate how to use this feature.

Please give it a #boost if you can to help spread the knowledge around the Fediverse.:ablobcatrave:

#FediTips #MastodonTips #YouTube

I still haven't run out of tips to share... :ablobcatcoffee:
Lists are a feature many are used to from the Bird Site, but they function differently here. They are a great tool for you to make your own custom timelines.

Check out this short guide video on what lists are as well as how to set them up for yourself.

Yet again, thanks for the #boosts and subs. I love the culture of sharing here. :comfymelt:

#lists #feditips #twittermigration #youtube

I shared a video earlier in this thread about how to #migrate your account to another server and ensuring your followers come along for the ride, but how do you move other data such as the people you follow, mute or block?
This video walks through this process step by step to make it as seamless for you as possible.

Yet again, thanks for all the boosts and extra thanks to those that subbed to my channel. :success:

#twittermigration #twitterexodus #Feditips #youtube

Seeing a little too much #Caturday in your feed? Want to hide #spoilers for a TV Show until you see the episode?
#Filters are easy to set up and customise on #Mastodon. This short video walks through how to use them step by step to make it as easy as possible for you to manage your feeds.

As always, thanks in advance for the boosts, and a sub to my channel would mean a lot, I am aiming for 1000 subs. 😜👍
#twittermigration #twitterexodus #Youtube #feditips

Another day, another video.
A lot of us already have a large #Twitter #Network and would love to be able to easily search #Mastodon for them to fill out our network here.
The #Fedifinder site helps make this a reality and it recently got some updates.
This video walks through the steps to #Migrate your network across in minutes.
As always, any boosts are appreciated to spread the word... And a sub would be lovely. 😜 #twittermigration #twitterexodus #youtube #feditips

Arch Archinstall a Manual Instalace pro LUKS a BTRFS. - nový playlist Geek Room CZ - Archinstall Skript pro LUKS a BTRFS Arch Linux Instalaci. - Arch Linux Manuální Instalace s LUKS (encrypt) a BTRFS souborovým systémem. (probíhá ještě zpracování vyšších HD rozlišení.)…… #archlinux #linux #geek #security #arch #youtube #dotfiles #guide #czech

Liam Erven is now live for his annual marathon! He'll be playing lots of #audiogames and giving away over $300 worth of prizes. Also, there's the wheel of pain!
Here's the stream link, followed by his marathon info page with the list of games, prize info ETC. You can also tune in via audio via that page or on Quenton C playroom.
Youtube Stream…
Info page
#AudioGame #blind #LiveStream #Youtube

Hey adventurers!
This saturday I'll be playing #pentiment, the new graphic adventure by Obsidian!

I'll be live from 10:00 PM CEST, here's the link, you can subscribe or click "Notify me" to mark the date and receive a notification:

Come by and help me unravel this medieval mystery

#youtube #youtubegaming #gaming #obsidian

From time to time, the dreaded #Youtube #Algorithm recommends me something interesting. For those who might enjoy #Bardcore and #Medieval #Music, here's a #Cover in #Classical #Latin of ‘Boulevard of broken dreams’ by #GreenDay.

#pass #git #dotfiles #linux #geek #youtube #guide #arch #security #browser PASS ZX2C4 the standard *nix password manager, simple guide for normal users.

Got me one of them new personalized YouTube handles... #youtube

Für alle die #neuhier sind und begeistert bemerken, dass es hier im #Fediverse keine #Werbung und #Tracker gibt, habe ich noch einen #App-Tipp:

#YouTube ansehen ohne Ablenkung und Nachverfollgung vom #Algorythmus – NewPipe x SponsorBlock

Installiert wird es auf #Android über @fdroidorg und das @IzzyOnDroid Repo.


Get Your Favorite Web Content Delivered To Thunderbird (WITHOUT Ads)

Learn how to get your favorite internet content delivered to Thunderbird automatically, just like email! Never miss another video from your favorite PeerTube creator, or another article from your favorite website. And enjoy all of it WITHOUT ads and creepy trackers.

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Short Guitar Clip by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.


WiFi icon in thumbnail by ivke32 via Pixabay:…

Would it be possible for you to upload your #YouTube videos to a instance of the fedi alternative #PeerTube too?

#git #dotfiles #linux #geek #youtube #guide #arch A bare Git repository for your Dotfiles - Version Control and Backup for Your Configuration; New Youtube Series - GeekRoom Channel.

#linux #awesomewm #youtube #ricing
AwesomeWM Trailer (2022) :)

Reason a zillion and one not to use corporate social media as an archive: Google deleted a university library's *entire archive of videos* for posting an interview with the creators of the lesbian magazine "On our backs"… #youtube #google #censorship #lesbian

#SponsorBlock for #Youtube, a #FireFox extension..

"SponsorBlock is an open-source crowdsourced browser extension to skip sponsor segments in YouTube videos. Users submit when a sponsor happens from the extension, and the extension automatically skips sponsors it knows about. It also supports skipping other categories, such as intros, outros and reminders to subscribe."

(Though I feel that my #uBlock is doing a fine job by default 🤔 )

Watch @italovignoli 's talk on "@libreoffice Technology – A #FOSS Platform for Personal Productivity" from last year's #COOLdays! 👌

Subscribe to our #YouTube for more #TechTalks on #CollaboraOnline & #LOtech! 👍

#cool_dev #opensource #digitalsovereignty

I would be nice if a project about decentralized, open communication like #Matrix distributed their videos on a distributed, open platform like #Peertube, rather than only a closed, proprietary one like #Youtube.

If you're going for reach, you could at least set up Peertube as an automatic mirror.

Speaking of decentralized video, where is the #Matrix #Peertube channel? Or even just a #Peertube mirror of the #YouTube channel? It seems odd that the "open standard for decentralised persistent communication" only seems to share videos on a closed, centralized surveillance video platform. :doggoblob:

Super excited for the advancements in native, decentralized, E2EE video calling. Just wish I could learn about them from a similar source.