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Items tagged with: google

Eine traurige Wahrheit: Bei der Analyse/Überprüfung des Datenverkehrs einer App, lautet die Frage nicht, ob man Datenschutzverstöße findet, sondern wie viele und wie schwerwiegend diese sind. Davon ausgenommen sind Apps aus dem F-Droid-Store. 🧙‍♂️

#app #datenschutz #android #ios #google #apple #mobil #privacy

#Google and #Apple - a plague on both their houses!

Now, this is really cool! 1000000 tokens per context window? Wow! #gemini #llm #ai #google

That's really ridiculous. #Google decided to remove the #xmpp client #Conversations because they think it uploads contact data.

Beside the fact that it doesn't upload any contact data, there are many mainstream messengers which exactly do this, all available on #gplay.

Additionally it seems to be extremly hard or even impossible to get in contact with someone who can explain the decision and revert it.

Such gatekeepers are extremly harmful.


Google has just removed #Conversations_im from the Play Store because they think we are uploading the user’s contact list. We don’t.

Updates regarding the Google Gemini app:
1. Google seems to be fixing the Send button not appearing for TalkBack users. It seems to be server-side as some TalkBack users do have the Send buttons and some don't.
2. While the app itself is available only on the US Play Store, its global rollout has started and, via side-loading, people can use it in many countries.
#Accessibility #Android #TalkBack #Gemini #Google #Assistant

#Conversations_im, die weit verbreitete #XMPP App, wurde aus dem #GooglePlaystore entfernt. Begründung: Conversations würde die Kontaktlisten der Nutzenden hochladen. Das ist natürlich nicht der Fall.

Und jetzt gehen wir mal alle in uns und denken über #WhatsApp und co. nach.

#Google ist einfach nur ein Scheißverein.

Quelle: @daniel 🔗

Google has just removed #Conversations_im from the Play Store because they think we are uploading the user’s contact list. We don’t.

Zoom Layoffs Target DEI Amid a Broader Pullback on Diversity Initiatives 🙁

"Zoom is following in the footsteps of Google, Meta, and other corporate giants that have used layoffs to cut back on diversity, equity, and inclusion programs."

#zoom #google #meta #diversity #DEI

There are TLS servers that don't send the required close_notify alert message in certain conditions. #Google web servers do this if they think the that recipient isn't interested about the message body and no connection keep alive is set. Examples of such connections would be requests that end up with 0 byte message body while:
• HTTP/1.0 without "Connection: keep-alive" header or
• HTTP/1.1 with "Connection: close" header

This can cause some complications since #OpenSSL 3 defaults to erroring out if the close_notify is missing.

SSL_OP_IGNORE_UNEXPECTED_EOF option was added to enable talking to these non-compliant servers. Enabling this option removes truncation attack protection - so this option should really only be used when absolutely necessary. However, unless if you control the servers being talked to, you probably need to enable this option for now.

So why does Google terminate connections without close_notify? Likely it is done to save some resources when tearing down TLS connections. If you have billions of connections going on all the time, even some small savings add up quickly.

New article on Accessible Android: Sorry Google, but Geo-Restricting TalkBack’s Beta Testing Is Not the Right Decision #Android #Google #TalkBack

Hell, yes. This is nothing but good news. :mastodance:

I've been using Unified Push + Element + Fedilab via Nextcloud and NextPush and it's been remarkably simple and reliable while keeping all that sweet, sweet metadata out of the Goog's hungry clutches. Thank you!

Can't wait for Yunohost to support sliding sync so I can shift to ElementX.

#UnifiedPush #Privacy #FOSS #Element #ElementX #Yunohost #Fedilab #Nextcloud #NextPush #Google #Android

New article on Accessible Android: The Trials and Tribulations of Setting Up Android Phones for Non-English Speakers in 2024: Google and Samsung are the Typical Culprits #Android #Google #Samsung #a11y

#Google is turning #GMail from an Email provider into a website.
No more access via standard email protocols such as #IMAP and #POP

The final stage of #enshittification . Locking the users in.

I wonder how they want to get rid of SMTP as stated in the support posting.
I guess this means outgoing SMTP to forward mail to a real email server.

I guess without relaying I won't ever receive any notifications Google services send to me again as I don't use the Gmail website.
I host my own Email server for many years, thank you.

Timeline for transition

Summer of 2024:

If you (or your users) try to connect to a less secure app for the first time, you will not be able to. This restriction includes third-party apps that still use basic authentication, such as CalDAV, CardDAV, IMAP, SMTP, and POP, to access Gmail, Google Calendar, and Contacts. If you’re not trying to connect for the first time, you will be able to continue using the apps until they’re turned off.
In the Google Admin console, you will not be able to access the turn on and off setting for less secure apps.
Users will not be able to turn IMAP on or off in their Gmail settings.

Who would have thought that incognito does not mean incognito after all?

#Google admits incognito mode in #Chrome isn’t so incognito after all


Oof. Wie Heise berichtet, löscht #Google aus dem Playstore installierte GEKAUFTE Apps von Smartphones – zum Beispiel wenn diese aus dem Playstore entfernt wurden. Auch andere Apps wie z.B. den Google Kalender, wenn eine neuere Version eine neuere #Android Version benötigt als das eigene Gerät installiert hat. Natürlich nur zu Eurer Sicherheit…

Da bin ich echt froh, dass meine Geräte "entgoogelt" sind.

But, hey, I might be wrong and the #W3C now fully believes in its new ethical web principles. In which case, they will no doubt take action and expel members that only exist because their business model relies on violating them.

#Google is fundamentally incompatible with the W3C’s ethical web principles and should be expelled from the W3C as it relies on violating section 2.5 (The web must…respect people’s privacy).

Also, §2.2 (The web should not cause harm to society).

Ditto #Facebook, etc.

The American Dialect Society has announced that its 2023 Word of the Year is "Entshittification". 💩

The decline in quality of service and content from #google and #amazon is plain to see, but this doesn't need to be the future of the internet. 🤖

You can help make the web a better place by choosing free and open source alternatives to #BigTech! ✊

#Google has a revenue of $162bln and 1.8bln regular users. If we divide these numbers, the value of the services people use giving away their #privacy is $7.5/mo.

But you can have all these services for free (or very small monthly fees) in a privacy-respecting environment: #encrypted email from @protonmail or @Tutanota, online office suite from @cryptpad or @ViOffice, cloud storage Proton or ViOffice, #openstreetmap for maps, #duckduckgo, or @StartpageSearch for search. As simple as that! 😀

»Epic-Urteil – Googles Play Store ist ein illegales Appstore-Monopol:
Nach der Niederlage gegen Apple hat Epic Games nun einen Sieg errungen: Eine Jury sieht Googles wettbewerbswiedriges Verhalten als bewiesen an«

Sicherlich mMn ein guter Entscheid, obwohl #Epic wie #Google ein monopolistischen #Unternehmen ist. Klar ist deren Kerngeschäft ein klein diferent aber doch beide #Monopolist'en. Ich nutze zufrieden @fdroidorg für #OpenSource #Android Tools zu installieren.


#google confirms i will continue to avoid #Chrome for the foreseeable future.

🥊 Showdown: Epic Games vs. Google 🥊

Epic Games won. 💪

This is a huge win for any Google competitor - so almost any tech company! 🍾


Here's also some info on how the Google Search Monopoly harms competition - including some nice search alternatives:

Go private now! 😎

#TechNews #Tech #EpicGames #Epic #Google #GooglePlay #EpicVsGoogle #Fortnite

Big Brother is watching you - now also via Google's & Apple's push. 🤬

That's why we don't use Google Push. When using Tuta, Google sees nothing! 💪

✅ Zero tracking
✅ Fully encrypted
✅ Maximum privacy

The data they don't get, they can't hand out to authorities! Go secure now:

Here's more info on why we don't use Google Push and do not send any info via Apple notifications:
#security #privacy #google #apple #notifications #surveillance #tracking

I've long believed that all apps (at least on Android) should start supporting UnifiedPush[1]. Tools like ntfy could serve as a central hub for notification distribution, allowing anyone to have their own notification server to connect apps and mobile devices. This would ensure greater privacy.
This is also why I developed NotiMail: we shouldn't have to rely on the 'big players' for our notifications and data.


#UnifiedPush #AndroidApps #PrivacyMatters #NotiMail #Google #Apple #Android #iOS

🚨Warnings from Sen. Ron Wyden reveal that governments around the world are #spying on #Google and #Apple push notifications. 🕵

Tuta introduced our own custom push notification system for #Android devices which are fully encrypted and #surveillance resistant. We include minimal information in #iOS push notifications to counter this threat.🔒

Surveillance requests should be transparently disclosed by Apple and Google, not silenced by a gag-order! 🤐


Interessanter Beitrag von So etwas in der Richtung hatte ich bereits geahnt - und ist einer der Gründe, weshalb mein Gerät googlefrei ist. Aber lest selbst. 👇

"Push-Dienste: Behörden fragen Apple und Google nach Nutzern von Messenger-Apps"

#google #apple #surveillance #tracking

Could you tell more about

The video player has been upgraded to Google Jetpack Media3; video compatibility should be improved, and you can now adjust playback speed. PR#3857

... what was it before?

#Google software... 😑

⏰ Wake-Up Call! ⏰

This Friday, #Google starts mass deleting old #Gmail accounts, but will they also recycle unused email addresses❓

Find out how to stop this: 💪

Yet, most people are not worried about their unused Gmail being deleted, but annoyed by receiving too many emails. Plus Google is constantly increasing the amount of annoying ads.

If you are one of many ready to leave Google, you can start looking for a private Gmail alternative!

Google Chrome will make it much harder for ad blockers. 😤

This is the final drop, it needed to make everyone switch to a more private solution! 🥳🔒

Check our recommendations! 👇

#privacy #encryption #chrome #google #deGoogle #browsers

#Google pays 1150 times its entire #lobbying budget in the EU & US to fund its search engine #monopoly.😳

And if that wasn't bad enough, now they're accused of slowing down #YouTube on non-Chrome Browsers like #Firefox! 🤬

Does Google know any shame? Apparently not. 🤡

Google announced that starting in June 2024, ad blockers such as uBlock Origin #uBO will be disabled in Chrome 127 and later with the rollout of Manifest V3 (#Mv3).

The new #Chrome manifest will prevent using custom filters and stops on demand updates of blocklist. Only #Google authorized updates to browser extension will be allowed in the future, which mean an automatic win for Google in their battle to stop YouTube #AdBlockers .

#ManifestV3 is deceitful and threatening to your privacy, and now is a good time to switch to #Firefox (@mozilla) and/or #TorBrowser (@torproject) if you haven't done so already!

EFF (@eff) on Google’s Manifest V3:


Chrome Manifest V3 Transition Timeline (2023-11-16)


EDIT for clarification: MV3 in Chrome will still allow some ad blocking extensions, but will severely limit their blocking ability and even restricts pre-set filters to 50 MAX.

Unser Kind hat unlängst eine Einladung für eine Veranstaltung von "Safer Internet" bekommen... In der Einladung stand etwas von den besonderen Ansprüchen der 6-10-Jährigen bei der Nutzung von Smartphone und Internet...

Es wird auf die Seite verwiesen... wo Meta einer der Sponsoren ist...

Ich bin aus allen Wolken gefallen, als ich da mal näher reingeschaut habe und habe schließlich der Klassenlehrerin auf die Einladung das hier geantwortet

Hallo Herr/Frau <Name der Lehrkraft>!
Ich habe das Infoschreiben zuerst mit Wohlwollen gelesen... und dann festgestellt, dass einer der Sponsoren von saferinternet der Konzern Meta ist. Also der Besitzer von Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram & Co.
Auf der Website umgesehen... geht es um Produktschulungen für die Produkte dieses Konzerns (und anderer US-Tech-Riesen).

Die Einführung der Einladung, dass man auf die Belange der 6-10 Jährigen bei der Benutzung dieser Dienste eingehen möchte, könnte mit einem einzigen Satz auch beantwortet werden:
Die Nutzung ist in der EU erst ab 16 Jahren gestattet.

Man kann das z.B. bei den Nutzungsbedingungen von Whatsapp nachlesen.

"Alter. Wenn du in einem Land oder Gebiet in der Europäischen Region lebst, musst du mindestens 16 Jahre alt sein, um unsere Dienste zu nutzen bzw."

Da nutzt auch ein "aber es nutzen doch alle" nicht hinweg.

Außerdem fehlt mir schon in der Ankündigung und der Website die vollkommene Abwesenheit von Hinweisen auf Alternativen zu diesen kommerziellen Diensten.
Da wären als Messenger Matrix und XMPP zu nennen und für Social Media ist seit vielen Jahren das Fediverse mit den Diensten Mastodon, Pixelfed, Friendica, Firefish, Peertube & Co zu nennen.
Das sind - genau wie Email - föderierende Dienste hinter denen keine kommerziellen Plattformen stehen. Es gibt kein Tracking des Userverhaltens, keine Algorithmen, kein Verkauf von Userdaten, da diese Services sogar selbst (z.B. von der Schule) gehostet werden können.

Ich erwarte gerade in der heutigen Zeit, wo alle und alles verkauft und missbraucht wird, dass unsere Kinder einen neuen Umgang mit Online-Diensten abseits der Überwachungsplattformen wie Facebook, Whatsapp, Tiktok & Co lernen. Und da sehe ich gerade die Schule in der Pflicht, da sehr viele Eltern hier schon kein Bewusstsein haben, was sie ihren Kindern antun, wenn sie sie in die Arme dieser Unternehmen durch unbedachtes Benutzen derer Services schicken.

Ich betreibe selbst mehrerer der genannten freien und vor allem überwachungsfreien Services, da ich in der IT arbeite und mir die Sicherheit und Privatsphäre im Internet ein großes Anliegen ist.

Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn wir einmal ins Gespräch diesbezüglich kommen können.

Unsere Kind wird an der angebotenen Produktschulung übrigens nicht teilnehmen.

Liebe Grüße

<Mein Name>

#Meta #Google #TikTok #SicherNIcht

Remember kids, there's a pernicious reason why #Google redirects "" to "".

Because of this redirect, the location permission that you grant to Google Maps also automatically becomes available to Google Search - making your search queries more valuable to advertisers.


Google is taking pay-to-play to the next level. Recent court testimony shows that Google paid $21 Billion USD to remain the Internet's dominant search engine. 😱

💪 Fight back against Big Tech's monopoly by switching to a more private search engine today! 👇

#privacy #encryption #google #monopoly #bigtech

@jakob 🇦🇹 ✅

Eben. Chrom(ium) ist die Pest in Sachen #Datenschutz. Voll die Datenschleuder - wie alles von #Google 🤦


Here's the Pixel 8 Pro dual review on Accessible Android, co-written by Warren Carr and John Dyer from our friends at the blind Android users podcast #Android #Google #GooglePixel #Review

This is the latest #youtube "innovation". #Google with a market cap of $1.7 trillion and $120 billion cash on hand, "needs" to charge for ads on YouTube.

This is, of course, not true. They have more than enough revenue to run YouTube without ads in perpetuity, but they want to please shareholders. The #Peertube community is showing how you can distribute the costs of hosting content as well. If you don't support Google's continued monetization of monopolized with your feet.


Some new #accessibility features from #Google. I am especially excited about “Lens in Maps”, currently only on iOS. I think you should be too! :) But you gotta try it out first!