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Biden slowly shuffling his ass onto an airplane without wearing a mask after announcing he tested positive for COVID has unlocked new feelings of wtf in me

NVDA 2024.3 Beta 4 is now avaialble. Everthing from the previous betas PLUS beta 4 also includes:

- Fix reporting addresses in Modern Outlook To/CC/BCC fields

- Improved handling of errors when installing add-ons, fixed bug where failed add-on updates remove the installed add-on

- Minor fixes to improve updating a portable copy

- Updates to translations

Read the full what's new and download from:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #FOSS #Beta #Prerelease

sometimes you need to take a step back and ask “should I be using a computer for this?”

and then take another step back and ask “should I be doing this at all?”

and then take another step back and ask “Should I be doing anything?”

and then take another step back and lay down in bed and go to sleep

Looking at the #opnsense firewall 24.7 release candidate release notes and I see:
ui: assorted improvements for screen readers (contributed by Jason Fayre).
Very cool!

My wife is watching Lost, the series. Which is fitting, since that's what I am... lost. Absolutely no idea what is happening. So back to Mastodon I go to annoy people.

hello fediverse. i have a prompt/question for you. do you have a little tip? like just a small bit of advice. can be about anything.
in reply to Nora Reed

if you plan on using a baseball bat for self-defense, stretch a sock over the bat. If the attacker grabs the bat by the sock, you can then pull it out and swing again.

No recuerdo si ya lo había compartido por aquí. En todo caso me gustaría recomendarles que si se pasan por #Singapore 🇸🇬 vayan al Hai Di Lao y pidan que "les bailen el fideo" 🤣

hey fedi, what tech acronyms have funny double meanings? need to come up with a team name for a CTF...

boosts appreciated

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in reply to rock eater

Sensitive content

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i'm getting a new #computer today and I'm so excited! It's got a 13th generation I7 processor, 32 gb RAM, and 512 gb storage. It comes with #Windows11 on it, but I'm debating about putting #archLinux on it. I think I will. With a computer with these specs, I can get Wine so I can use #windows programs. I'll miss some #JAWS features, but there are a lot of things I like about #linux. My computer should be here within the next couple hours, and I can't wait!!!
in reply to Lanie Carmelo

Hi, is it from Dell? I'm thinking of getting a Dell latitude or a Lenovo Thinkpad within a few months.

Don't forget to register! GUADEC starts in 2 days, but there's still time to let us know you're attending. Sign up for remote or in-person here:…


Demo: A Balanced Homestead (Fracture Sounds Homestead Upright Piano)
in reply to Onj 🎶

Your demo is so much better than what’s on the website. With the latter I was not encouraged, with the former, hmmm, I am giving it another thought. Andre, how do you decide which piano instruments to purchase after trying out so many? I mean, don’t they all sound the same to you after a while? LOL
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 To be fair, they sent me this pre-release and I made a demo with the thought it would be included on the site. I don't know why they didn't. I don't like to just take something for nothing, and not make a point of using it somewhere, seems like freeloading. I was told they would be using it and they didn't, so, not sure what happened there.

After we had a conversation about how to use Airtags in travel for blind people, I was honored when Jessica Hipp asked me to write about it on the WayAround blog. I compared the use of Airtags and WayTags, concluding that they significantly contribute to my travel. I should have started using them years ago.…
in reply to Tom Babinszki

Also thought of using AirTags at some point but never really got to it. Great tip with hotel doors though! :)

is there a good brand of third-party Fujifilm batteries? at 80+$ the Fujifilm one I feel ripped off.

This because I have two dead batteries.

Unknown parent

Hubert Figuière
@paperdigits no another f-in charger
in reply to Hubert Figuière

@paperdigits all are third party shipping. So no. I’ll keep it in mind but definitely not ordering from Bezos.

re: COVID. We have tried nothing but we are all out of ideas.

Just saw a "people who still test for covid are just avoiding things[responsibilities/work/school]" hot take and nope, block that crap. People who are still testing actually care at all about their health and protecting the health of those around them.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Please, if you use Fedora, fill out this survey and tell them to fuck off with AI/ML crap:……

This is a refreshingly good look at why extensions with both full privileged access and dynamic script + style execution are a really bad idea, greatly weakening the CSP on every site:

How insecure is Avast Secure Browser?

Injecting arbitrary scripts and styles ought to require an extra permission and be selectively allowed on a per-site basis.

Seirdy reshared this.

in reply to Seirdy

@Seirdy sticking my fingers firmly in my ears and rotating every element on your site 1deg

Tools for collaborative development of documents, code, and more need to be accessible to people with disabilities. Here to help with that is:

Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements

It's now a complete draft ready for review. Specific questions for review are in e-mail at…

Please send any comments by 30 September 2024. Thanks!

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The year is 3129. Humanity is extinct. The last LG SmartFridge is desperately emailing its last owner that they are low on orange juice. The satellites that are still left, their orbits slowly decaying over millennia, dutifully relay the message. The automated "away from office" response turns on, as it always does, notifying the refrigerator that it's owner will likely return to the office in 3-5 business days.

Somewhere in what used to be called Ohio, a pack of roombas, their local wind turbines giving out and creaking to a halt, begin searching for the next functional docking station. A washing machine in Argentina tweets: "anyone need to do a load 😏" every Saturday at 1:30 a.m. eastern standard time. The replies are filled with AI thirstposters and their hypebots.

In North America, raccoons have quietly entered the bronze age, while baboons riding domesticated battlewolves rule most of Asia. Unbeknownst to either, the octopi are mastering nuclear fusion. A weather balloon bobs and sways in the upper atmosphere, now almost entirely clear of lingering chloroflourocarbons, reporting conditions to weather stations long since destroyed in World War Five.

The Crab Nation are mostly hermits, but come out to greet their prophet every ten years on the 6th full moon of the year. A lone, curious octopus decides to observe this year's event, peering out at the festivities from her safe haven - the submerged, rusting hulk of an ancient Cybertruck. Then he appears: the hologram of Shia Lebouf powered by MetaAI. He beckons the octopus to follow. The crabs all start chittering excitedly. The time has come to invade Amazon HQ. The crows gather in huge numbers. They need more storage space for their Steam collections.

Cool! The safety information card that Air Canada uses is in contracted Braille. It’s good for those of us who can read it. But in my opinion, airlines should have both, just in case someone doesn’t read contracted Braille.
in reply to Hannah Mae

@bmoore123 If you see some signs in the bottom part of the cell like 35, 26, 256 in the middle of a word, or single letters like "p", "z", "v" as words, or signs like 146 or 126 at the end of a word, then it's Grade 2 😊

Die #Tastatur eines #Smartphone|s befindet sich an einer empfindlichen Stelle in Sachen #digitalePrivatsphäre.

Man muss auf #Android das #Gboard ja aber nicht verwenden...

Bei der gefallen mir darüber hinaus die zusätzlichen Pfeiltasten zur #Cursor#Navigation, die Umstellung der #Sprache und die zusätzlichen Tasten für deutsche #Umlaute.


When in doubt, reach for #curl to check what’s actually happening.

I forgot this maxim and wasted an hour through misunderstanding what was going on.


I heard Prime Day was literally created by a mega corporation just to sell more stuff

#AndroidAppRain at today with 9 updated and 2 added apps:

* Calculator: calculator, currency converter, time zones, ..
* Mobile Tile Server: HTTP Server for your local Map Tiles

2 apps have been removed:

* Paisa got to big ( ~90 MB)
* Metadataremover jumped from 10 to 160 MB with the last release (but is still available at

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

Sarah’s having a day. Her no fuss, no muss nonstop 2-hour flight from Indy to JFK has turned into an all-day odyssey due to thunderstorms. First they took off over two hours late. Then they were diverted to Rochester, which is currently where she is. And they were supposed to be in NY 3 hours ago. She’s not a happy camper, and neither am I. I’m hoping there might be some kind of frequent flyer mileage credit (we used miles for the trip), but I’m not holding my breath.

Perhaps having U.S. space transport and classified space-based security operations dependent on a chaotic fascism-supporting billionaire is problematic. Also, if you are using Starlink, you're now supporting Trump and everything that means. And if you buy a Tesla now, you can't claim "you didn't know" that they're as much a part of fascism as the original VW was part of the Nazis.

=> Next steps are determined (including scheduling and timelines)

=> Les prochaines étapes sont déterminées (y compris le calendrier et les timpositions)

#Deepl is having a rough day today

#TraductionAutomatique #translation

I’ve been lurking on subreddits that revolve around leaving your home country for another .. obviously traffic has ramped up lately with things in the US

But there is this fascinating word play that occurs in this world ..Americans call themselves expats ..they don’t consider themselves immigrants (or attempted immigrants since they give up easily)

It shows how entitled and arrogant we are; calling ourselves US expats instead of say a Mexican immigrant .. you wonder why we are despised lol

in reply to .seaks

French people call themselves expats too. And I think British people as well.

True story. Unsollicited communication "we are a startup backed by xyz VC" was already to make me shred it. Now they are revealed as being full MAGA I have even less thoughts.

I'm looking at moving my Nextcloud and Matrix servers to my home network.

Folks with servers on your home network: any suggestions of guides you found helpful, or machines or storage solutions you recommend (or advise against)?

#AskFedi #IndieWeb #SelfHosting

in reply to Josh Simmons

I watched a bit of wolfgangs channel about building energy efficient servers…

I just got a copyright claim against a video I posted on youtube 10 years ago.

The video is a film by Georges Melies that was shot in the 1890s.

Someone is attempting to claim copyright over a film that is 130 years old, who's director died 86 years ago.

Now 1) I don't give a shit about this clip on youtube. 2) The person who made this claim is clearly in the wrong. 3) I can't be the only one that they have targeted illegally. 4) Youtube is a problem.

How to connect to your airpods on Windows 10: Press Windows+K, arrow down the list until you find them, press enter.
How to connect to your airpods in Windows 11: Open settings, choose ghluetooth, confusedly realize your airpods aren't in the list even though you just paired them, find the "show all devices" button, go back to the list, find your airpods, press enter, tab to and press the connect button.
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in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion Many people haven't, it seems. Very useful shortcut if you still run 10. New and pairable audio devices will show up at the top.

Looking for participants for my son’s #linguistics dissertation on #language online and the movement of words from the internet into #EnglishLanguage #Scots #AmericanEnglish etc... ‘The aim of this #research is to broaden our understanding of how language is spread throughout the #internet, and into the #offline world’. Please #boost for attention: form should take around 15 minutes to complete and is live until the end of July.

Potkaj se dva a jeden řiká: tak co je novýho?
Druhej: ále, vyšel mi článek.
První: ty seš novinář?
Druhej: ne, mám tasemnici.

Jo, no mně vyšla kniha.…

Please take this survey about AI/ML and Fedora. We know that this is a sensitive subject, so the Fedora Council spent time putting a survey together to understand what our community thinks about this area of technology.

Last day to take the survey is July 31.


#Fedora #Linux #OpenSource

in reply to Fedora Project

the only things i see “AI/ML” useful for in Fedora’s near future are speech-to-text/text-to-speech, which can be useful for accessibility. Voted no on everything else.

We need your votes! Tell us who you think should win this year's Pants of Thanks Award at #GUADEC2024. Our winner will be announced during the AGM on July 21, starting at 16:00 UTC.…


Wild blackberries will be ripe soon around here! That means extra yummy calories for my #running ! :) 🤤 🏃


in reply to ticho

Držím palce aby ich osy neobjavili dozreté skôr ako ty... Tento rok kruto prehrávam.
in reply to Ľuboš Moščovič :donor: :rebelverified:

@herrman_sk Hm, tu na lukach okolo Devinskej Kobyly osy moc nevidam.

Skor tu byva poslednych par rokov problem ze su v lete strasne sucha, a z cernic su len vyschnute popraskane mrtvolky, a len mala cast dozrie do "normalnej" stavnatej bobulovej podoby.

Uvidime. :)