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Peter Vágner reshared this.

From Firefox 120's release notes:
Firefox supports a new “Copy Link Without Site Tracking” feature in the context menu which ensures that copied links no longer contain tracking information.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Did you know @kde had an #accessibility inspector? Currently it's hidden in the build folder of libqaccessibilityclient but not for long. We started the process of making it a standalone application and a first release is planned in 2-3 weeks!…

#a11y #linuxDeskop

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Quick Tip: Disabling Video Message Recording on WhatsApp and using only voice recording… #Android #WhatsApp

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Here's a goofy little project that @Mike and I did yesterday. In the course of conversation we stumbled on the idea of a monastic order of programmers singing Gregorian-style chants about programming practices. Mike encouraged me to write such a song with the help of ChatGPT and record it, then he'd produce it. Here's the result, a satirical ode to refactoring, clean code, and programming discipline in general. Lyrics to follow.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Na HitHitu rozjela kampan aplikace Librity. Neco jako cesky Audible.

Zajimave je, ze pri jejim predstavovani mel Matej na sobe mikinu @ceskodigital. Coz je cool.

Kouknete na to.…

#knihy #hithit

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Vision: Access GPT 4 visual capabilities from your laptop

ever since Be my AI demonstrated the capabilities of GPT 4 for understanding the content of images, which is not a single bit less impressive than its textual abilities, I was looking forward to having an API I could use.
Because this brings awesome potential for various use-cases, though also for economical reasons, Be my AI is not on Android yet and I can't really afford spending $20 monthly on a ChatGPT + subscription.

Few days ago, OpenAI finally introduced a vision API, and here is my really simple, but working Be my AI in terminal:…

Let's have some fun, there is a lot to enjoy!

Note: Uploading images can take a while, though if it apparently takes too long, it's likely frozen, OpenAI is dealing with a lot of demand after their dev conference on six-th November, so chatGPT is down from time to time. My script is not very well prepared for this at this moment, I may add proper timeouts and retry options if it becomes too big of an issue, though I rather expect things to calm down again as things get resolved on the OpenAI side.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Clipshare: Copy anywhere, Paste anywhere, End to End encrypted!

There are many awesome data sharing solutions around. However, I've always wanted to be able to just Ctrl+C on one machine and Ctrl+V on another, clipboard is just such a handy thing!
so, I finally decided to get this done. Welcome Clipshare, a foss, end to end encrypted universal clipboard, written in Rust! Only Text and desktop platforms supported for now, but Android is definitely coming and files / images perhaps too.…

Global hotkeys on Windows need Autohotkey for now as far as I can tell, I was building the program on Linux so the Microsoft platform got somewhat minor attention. But the sync mode does work, so you can use tools like AHK to make it working. I will try to fix it, though feedback from Windows users on this would be definitely appreciated!

Have fn!

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Unknown parent

Clipshare: Copy anywhere, Paste anywhere, End to End encrypted!
@Tardis thanks! Well actually, in theory, the program should be compatible with Mac, all libraries I use have full crossplatform support. The only problem is I don't know anything about Mac and how does it work, so I'm not sure whether say the program compilation works like on other platforms, neither do I know what Copy/Paste shortcuts does Mac use and how well do my alternatives fit into its keyboard input scheme. In other words, there are too many unknowns for me to claim usability. Though if someone can try it out and it would work, I would indeed mention that.
Unknown parent

Clipshare: Copy anywhere, Paste anywhere, End to End encrypted!
@Tardis Rust is actually one of the easiest languages to compile stuff, because it has a very uniform ecosystem centered around a well-built package manager, so as far as you're okay with using terminal, cargo build --release is mostly the only command you need to run. When it comes to learning programming languages, Rust is not the best choice for people without at least some programming background, since as awesome as it is, it is still a middle-level language and quite a few things revolve around middle-level topics. Plus, Rustc is one of the most complaining compilers in the programming field, what is a good thing, because your programs end up being robust and well coded, but I can imagine unless you're used to it, it can be quite discouraging. So my personal tip would be either CSharp or Python. Both are high level languages, both have really nice syntax, as well as big ecosystems. The main difference is that CS is statically typed while Python is dynamic. Whichone is preferred is a matter of debate. Some people would say Python is easier, because you only need to write what you want to do and it will likely work. However, dynamic code is imo considerably harder to reason about, and also you don't get compiler errors when type clashes occur, you only find out when you actually run the program, what's not quite desired. Python as a project has continuously brought the ability to mark types of things, this is how pro code deals with these issues, but then, you loose the cleanlines of the Python code, which wwas its initial strong point. So, it matters. Perhaps more than syntax are important the things you wish you could do with a programming language, and learn on something that's funny for you. It can be anything - coding a game, website, neural networks, or reverse engineering, there are people who got into the coding field through C (a pretty low-level language), because they were interested in processors, reverse engineering and other low-level stuff, so the choice was just natural for them. So, maybe this would be a better line of thinking and consideration.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Today I'll probably be posting a bit more from the #OpenAlt conference. If you're not interested in it, use that great feature of Mastodon and mute me for the weekend.
I'll be giving two talks at OpenAlt:
Fedora Asahi Remix: Linux on Apple Silicon
Fediverse: Mastodon and Others

I'll be happy to meet you at the #Fedora booth or at my talks. If you cannot come, you can watch the talks online (they're in Czech though):

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

@sovtechfund (funded by the German government) just announced a €1M grant towards the @gnome project, an open source desktop environment.

Imagine a world in which governments don't spend billions of dollars in licensing fees every year to make Microsoft richer, and that money instead goes towards _public code_ that belongs to all of us.

That may seem utterly implausible - but every example like this brings us one step closer to it being inevitable.…

This entry was edited (11 months ago)

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

We're thrilled to share that the GNOME Project is receiving an investment from the Sovereign Tech Fund!

Learn more about the projects this will fund and how to get involved:…

#GNOME #opensource #FOSS #Linux

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in reply to GNOME

great 😌 now you'll be able to develop a basic notification tray
This entry was edited (11 months ago)

I've just discovered @Accrescent An open-source Android app store focused on security, privacy, and usability.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Menší #tip_mastodon pro ty, co používají aplikaci #Fedilab.
V nastavení na kartě soukromí, lze přidat naší instanci a veškeré videa z YouTube, otevřete bezpečně v #InvidiousCZ

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to ronny

hmm.. nasel jsem…, ale vypada, ze uz neni moc udrzovany 😕

Peter Vágner reshared this.

OpenAI si vsimlo o jake niche je zajem v tisicich AI startupech a spustilo vlastni "GPT builder".

Je to celkem dobra evoluce v pouzitelnosti. Dost lidi si najde vlastni pouziti ChatGPT a to se pro ne stane synonymem pro AI. Napriklad doplnovani kodu, analyza tabulek, zkracovani textu, copy na socky... Pojmenovane chaty s jakoby ruznou funkci jim tuhle kotvu pomuzou zvednout.

Tech vsech AI startupu mi vubec neni lito.

*obrazek vygenerovan random z Cosmic Dream GPT modulu.

#ai #chatgpt

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Did you know that voice chats have also been available for #Mastodon for some time now? The whole thing is called #Audon and can either be used via the servers that are already connected, or you can set up your own servers for it. I think it's a shame that it's so underused as it definitely deserves more attention. Try it out for yourself and maybe we'll hear each other there sometime: #Audon

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Také Vám vadí reklama na YouTube? nabízí alternativní cestu k YouTube obsahu bez reklam a sledování. Rychlé, soukromé a s otevřeným zdrojovým kódem, dostupné pro všechny. Připojte se k nám, objevte svobodu sledování a podpořte decentralizovaný web, který je méně závislý na velkých korporacích a který posiluje soukromí a kontrolu uživatelů nad jejich daty. :arch: #InvidiousCZ #OpenSource #Privacy #komunita_arch

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Archos

@Archos :distros_arch: :matrix: Nastavenie Proxy videos nie je začiarknuté, tak že to snáď nebude mať zvýšené nároky na prenos dát.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

It’s been 5 months since Australian Story aired an episode on NV Access founders, Mick Curran & Jamie Teh. The first Australian Story episode to be audio described. It was an incredible opportunity to share with a wider audience the importance of NVDA & our overarching message, that everyone deserves equal access to technology.

You can still watch the Australian Story episode, with Audio Description, on YouTube:…
#ScreenReader #NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #A11y #Access

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

I just spent over 30 minutes attempting (and failing) to sign up for Oracle Cloud's free tier thing because I wanted to test it out. So far, I have:

* Attempted to get around 3 HCaptcha accessibility cookies (I wrote a previous rant about that somewhere (TL;DR: Fuck HCaptcha)),
* Figured out it didn't like my generated password (seriously?),
* sat there for like 3 minutes waiting for the signup process to actually go through (once I verified my payment information and such and there were no (visible) errors, though there could have totally been some hidden error I missed because it was inaccessible),
* Among other amazing things.

I just don't get it.

in reply to destructatron

Nope that doesn't work if the site doesn't enable it. This one didn't.
in reply to Patrick W

H Captcha needs an accessibility checker that doesn't require a cookie. Like how Discord detects if you're using a screen reader, H Captcha should check to see if voiceover, NVDA, orca etc is running and just allow you to check the box and then go away.

in reply to Bri😻

If you have a moment, can you try running some Polish text through this? The OpenAI page very vaguely says it supports multiple languages without being specific which got me very curious.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Night trains in Europe are coming back

As night trains are the superior art of traveling, I never understood why in the last decade most train companies dismantled them.
I always suspected a mixture of pseudo-modernism ("high-speed trains are more modern"), lack of cooperation among rail operators of different countries (the European rail system has more of a patchwork than a network) and the conspiracy theory of car and air travel industries lobbying against the most convenient way to travel long distances.

Luckily, follks in Eastern European countries weren't as shortsighted as their counterparts in the other parts of Europe, and maintained their night trains. ÖBB is most active in bringing back night train connections in Europe. Turkyie and Ukraine are good on track, too!

If you want to find night train connections, check this web:…?

"Back-on-Track is a European network to support improved European cross-border passenger train traffic and night trains." 🖤

#NightTrains #Trains #Railway #EuropeanMobility #Mobility #Travel #TravelInEurope #FutureOfMobility #EuropeTourism #Tourism #MobilityTransition #SleeperTrains #SNCF #DB #OEBB #ÖBB #NightJet #Nightline #TrenItalia #MÁV #PKP #PolRail #RENFE (just kidding, the Spanish rail company is a candidate for being the worst in Europe )

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I have just discovered #narrowlink. It looks interesting especially with P2P mode introduced in the v0.2 version. For accessing services behind a nat it looks to have better bandwidth requirements as compared to traditional VPNs.…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Today in 1994, 29 years ago: WXYC, the student radio station of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, launches the world's first internet radio broadcast.


Peter Vágner reshared this.

This person is using Google Sheets and Web MIDI API as midi sequencer. Why? Because you can. lol…

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Unknown parent

Wesley M
@fireborn I think so too 🤣 That wasn't nearly all the times Google said AI. I didn't want to get pinged for copyright! 😱
Unknown parent

Wesley M
@fireborn Yeah. They said that a couple times as well, but not nearly as much. I found the audio described version on YouTube. I didn't know they describe those events... I guess they do!

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Determining the period of a classical piece:

* Uses instruments you've never heard in modern music: Renaissance
* Sounds like someone doing math: Baroque
* Sounds like someone copying Beethoven: Romantic
* Sounds like someone doing an impression of being French: Impressionists
* Sounds like someone remixing folk tunes: Early 20th Century European
* Sounds like someone copying Jazz: Early 20th Century American
* Sounds like a nervous breakdown set to music: Early 20th Century Russian
* Sounds like a soundtrack: Late 20th century
* Sounds like 2,000 monkeys tuning a piano: Modern classical
* Sounds like Daft Punk was given an orchestra: Video Game Music.

This entry was edited (11 months ago)

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Anyone want a free piano that runs in #Juce without the need of Komplete Kontrol, and has a lovely reverse option when you use your modwheel?
Record And Play - #TheCrowHillCompany - Attic Grand:

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Andre Louis

Its stereo image is slightly weird and it is really hammerish, but I like it overall.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Great news for anyone who likes CereProc TTS! They will be releasing an iOS app in the coming weeks that will make these voices available to be used systemwide, just like on android.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

What if those keygen warez authors of the late 90s/early 2000s were just MIDI musicians trying to get their mixtapes out there?

Thanks @bromiley for sharing this gem with me

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Dear Fediverse / Mastodon

I need your help.

I stumbled upon the website of a French consultancy who worked on LibreOffice accessibility, but I cannot find it anymore.

Any idea?

Boost appreciated :boost_love:

#accessibility #LibreOffice


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in reply to Sonny

@Sonny Might you be looking for @Hypra ? Linux desktop #a11y is one of their expertises and they were greatly contributing to @LibreOffice

Peter Vágner reshared this.

I wouldn’t even mind ads, I really wouldn’t, if they didn’t slow down my browser, overwhelm my screen reader with stupid announcements, and perhaps even were accessible. The first two are most important though. :)
This entry was edited (11 months ago)

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Not at all. Thanks for the clarification; an unfortunate but unsurprisingly Apple move. @vick21

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Yesterday I boosted someone else's announcement of my post on the new GNOME accessibility blog, but apparently some folks couldn't find the link in that toot, so here it is again:…

Also wanted to add: I'm glad to be getting back to work on accessibility on desktop Linux, after ~20 years away. Hopefully with the experience I've gained in the meantime, my efforts now will be more effective.

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in reply to Matt Campbell

On image metadata:…

But it sounds like you're suggesting providing something with much more rich understanding of the document structure.

Getting that into IPTC would have a huge impact, I think.

in reply to Matthew Miller

@mattdm Yes, I am. What I'm suggesting is kind of like embedding HTML in the image file.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@mattdm Obviously this doesn't make sense for some kinds of images, like photos. But for screenshots, I believe it does make sense.
in reply to Matthew Miller

@mattdm In any case, thanks for the pointer to IPTC. I do think it would make sense to work with them on accessible screenshots.

Peter Vágner reshared this.


tl;dr they give you a broken server and have you figure out how to fix it

like a CTF, but for devops instead of security!

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

I independently reproduced the #NixOS minimal installation ISO!

This is an amazing milestone for me personally: I've been involved in #ReproducibleBuilds since 2017 and #NixOS since 2019, and have been slowly chipping away at this problem. While there is much more to do to further reap the benefits of reproducibility, this is a long-awaited tangible benefit.

For more about the What, Why, How and What Next, check the post below :)…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Unknown parent


@Bubu I will!

I never made it before due to scheduling constraints, but this year I'm happy to join.


Peter Vágner reshared this.

Incoherent game accessibility ramblings, mostly about Forza
Having a lot of fun with Forza Motorsport right now and that once again made me realize that there are people out there who actually care. I'm pretty sure none of this was actually necessary to do, but whether it was PR or employees that actually care or both, the fact is that even while it's not perfect, this is a huge, huge step in blind gaming. This is incredibly fun, even if it's ridiculously difficult and has a very steep learning curve. I'm not actually sure when I felt like this for the last time. I've played the last of us but somehow I feel like this is even bigger. I imagine that implementing blind accessibility into the last of us was less work than getting a fast paced racing game playable, but I'm also sure that one might not have happened without the other. And I'm pretty sure that this wasn't some kind of business incentive either. I can't imagine that adding blind assist features to Forza would be the thing that made or broke the games sales, and I can't imagine that outside of a pretty niche player base, anyone would care if Forza did have these features or not. But it does. And I'm very grateful for it. This is actually incredible. Very, very difficult and hard, but incredible. I wouldn't fault anybody for getting frustrated and giving up - hell I got frustrated too. But then I close the game, step away for a few hours, and find myself opening it again and trying again. The amount of settings you can tweak to get the most out of the accessibility features that are there is actually quite surprising and by all the gods I want this trend to continue. I can even play fucking multiplayer with other people! Sighted friends if I wanted! How friggin' cool is that shit?
So yeah. Are there things that could be improved? Of course. When isn't there? There's always room for improvement. But considering where we came from, basically a game where you held and released one button with the previous Forza, to this? This is amazing. I can only imagine what they could do if this accessibility mindset continued. And I really hope it does. And not just for racing games. For all games. Sorry now I'm seriously just rambling.

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Unknown parent

Forza rambles, negative
@Bryn @Blobsta seems to run at 30 fps on low. And no running Windows on it.
Unknown parent

Forza rambles, negative
@Bryn @Blobsta benchmark option in settings.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Ensuring negative numbers are available for everyone. "The minus character (−) yields great support in most screen readers, and suffers less situational gotchas than the hyphen-minus character"…

Great article written by 2 of my favorite comrades.

#webdev #webdesign #a11y #html #tips #screenreaders

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Hey all music lovers especially those of us who are using #screenreader apps to control music playback. #Foobar2000 for #android now features so called Non skinned playback controls view that can be activated by unchecking the Skinned playback screen checkbox in its advanced settings. This improvement is available in the beta version so far. See the mobile changelog at…

Friendica Support reshared this.

Dear #Friendica !Friendica Support,
When writing new posts like this one and also when writing comments aka replies, how do I auto complete user display names when mentioning them? Is it keyboard accessible.
in reply to Peter Vágner Friendica Support reshared this.

You can start typing an @ and some characters and then you may use the arrow keys + return to select a suggested contact.
in reply to Peter Vágner Friendica Support reshared this.

@Peter Vágner Normally you do this by just start typing @ and then their nickname.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Frog is such a neat little Linux desktop app to extract text from images.

You can give it an image (file selector, drag & drop) or let it take a screenshot. And you can even paste an image from your clipboard!

This is great for adding alt text when posting an image or copying text (as text) from a screenshot for sharing (or adding to UI mockups, as I often do).

It also reads QR codes and supports several languages.…

#Linux #desktop #app #Gnome #OCR #Flatpak #Flathub

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

So, the fediverse bot I'm working on is for social games. You can read a bit about it here, and check out the code from the repository and so on if you like. For now it's not functional, it just does an event loop and some event processing:…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Neon (fandom)

Thanks for the comment, it helps getting some motivation to know someone else is interested in the idea too.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Good news for #DoctorWho fans, the launch of the Doctor Who archive on IPlayer is finally happening, according to…

This is also a historic event for the blind and visually impaired, as well as deaf and hard of hearing fans, because the article states: "Every episode on iPlayer from the back catalogue will be available with multiple accessibility options, including subtitles, audio description, and sign language."

Classic Who audio described to me is a dream come true, and I am sure it will be appreciated by many. Allons-y, Jelly Babies await!

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in reply to Erion

Because I didn't have enough of a backlog already. FML. Jokes aside this is wonderful news! Certain other streaming sites which have very popular sci-fi series could learn a lot from this