Items tagged with: fediVerse
Für den Misskey Fork #Sharkey, mit dem ich ganz zufrieden bin, nutze ich die App #Aria,
Ich glaub, ich hab noch keine andere #FediVerse App gefunden die so gut zu meinen Bedürfnissen passt und so umfangreich konfigurierbar ist.
Würde mich interessieren, ob sie auch für #blinde Menschen nutzbar ist...
jesuiSatire …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ wrote:
That's spanisch my friend, don't tell me the batteries a fully drained ..@EDIT | don't follow! @utopiArte my dear @Friendica Support as it looks like those guys are lost in translation, time, space, the #fediVerse and everything ..
¡Why do you tell people to not
follow us @jesuiSatire …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ?
Nice. How to leave #X / #Twitter and #Instagram? In the edition of tomorrow‘s newspaper Augsburger Allgemeine offers valuable tips and highlights alternatives in the #Fediverse, such as #Mastodon and #Pixelfed.
A must-read especially for @Gargron from @Mastodon and @dansup from @PixelFed and of course @helpers / @admins
📖 Read more here in german language:…
#SocialMedia #Privacy #Alternatives #Mastodon #Pixelfed #Fediverse
Social-Media-Alternativen: Bluesky, Signal & Co: Neustart ohne X und Meta
Sie hadern mit Elon Musks Kurznachrichtendienst X und sind auch nicht mehr glücklich mit all dem, was Mark Zuckerbergs Meta-Konzern anbietet? Kein Problem. Es gibt Alternativen.Von Dirk Averesch, dpa (Augsburger Allgemeine)
Nice. How to leave #X / #Twitter and #Instagram? In the edition of tomorrow‘s newspaper Augsburger Allgemeine offers valuable tips and highlights alternatives in the #Fediverse, such as #Mastodon and #Pixelfed. A must-read especially for @Gargron from @Mastodon and @dansup from @PixelFed and of course @helpers / @admins
📖 Read more here in german language:…
#SocialMedia #Privacy #Alternatives #Mastodon #Pixelfed #Fediverse
Social-Media-Alternativen: Bluesky, Signal & Co: Neustart ohne X und Meta
Sie hadern mit Elon Musks Kurznachrichtendienst X und sind auch nicht mehr glücklich mit all dem, was Mark Zuckerbergs Meta-Konzern anbietet? Kein Problem. Es gibt Alternativen.Von Dirk Averesch, dpa (Augsburger Allgemeine)
When I read the essay "The Power of the Powerless," one of the most interesting ideas I found there was the concept of the parallel polis introduced by dissident Vaclav Benda. It was basically a parallel structure of services to those controlled by the regime. One example was the so-called flat university. Professors who weren't allowed to teach in universities gave lectures in someone's apartment to students who weren't allowed to attend universities. This was difficult for the communist regime to target because it was not an institution but a fluid group of people.
In my opinion, the #Fediverse is very well positioned to be the parallel polis of our time if things really go south in the U.S. or elsewhere. ✌️
Was m.M.n. fehlt, ist ein #Matrix #Chat #Server (synapse), den man zur datenschutzfreundlichen Kommunikation für und in der #Selbsthilfe empfehlen kann.
Also für Gruppen, #Patienten, #Betroffene #Angehörige, die sich über das breite Spektrum von #Erkrankungen, #Behinderungen, deren Folgen und Bewältigung austauschen möchten.
Ein Server, der vielleicht möglichst ohne die, nach meiner Beobachtung, störanfälligen Bridges zu anderen Chatsystemen auskommt und mit Spam-Schutzmechanismen betrieben wird.
Es kann doch nicht sein, dass Betroffene solch sensible Chats auf fragwürdigen Systemen wie z.B. WA führen müssen...
Vielleicht wäre das nach der Präsenzeröffnung im #FediVerse ein nächster Schritt für Vereine und Initiativen wie z.B.
#selbstbestimmtDigital #vertauenswürdigerChatFürChronischKranke #RespektDerDigitalenPrivatsphäre #MECFS #chronischeErkrankungen
migrating from #WhatsApp to another centralized platform is not a real solution, that's why we are here in the #Fediverse and not in #BlueSky
Migrate from #WhatsApp to #DeltaChat and other decentralized alternatives, break free out of the silos once and for all and stop feeding billionaires/CEO incubators
#ArcaneChat #XMPP #Matrix #SimpleX #Session #decentralization #encryption
To begin with @Hypolite Petovan, the original idea is to offer for example to projects like @YunoHost :neopossum_box: or @Castopod :podcasting2: a profile on, the same way our very @Friendica Support works.
Most #fediVerse platforms have profiles on their own platform and/or a #mastodon profile, because that's the kinda standard thought and behavior. But actually to me it looks like the #friendica #communityForum page capabilities exceed by far what mastodon or others have to offer. Well, I haven't digged into the fedi clone of reddit to see if that would be an even better option. What is true tho is that is already long standing and our community has gone a long way, so there is in general terms "no single point of failure" like in other projects that depend on one main figure and that's it.
I consider our helpers community experience here, with all the followers of our helpers page getting resend the help requests posted to the forum, chiming in to help out and solve issues, very positive. So this is a proven setup and could help lot's of other projects out here too. Actually I do think that if implemented and adopted, it even could have a positive feed back loop for friendica itself, but that's like something on another page.
So having already up and running, why not support the fediVerse community opening our doors to those who fulfill certain basic community standards?
This server here ( as well is only mend to be a forum server, and of course it's doors are open for any #fediPlatform that likes to have an own forum page over here, yet somehow to me it look's like is the first natural and ideal candidate for something like that.
Of course same goes for a #fediAdmin, #activityPub or #APIdeveloppers community support forum, if that is desired or useful.
Right now in general terms the fedi lives on using some tags or maybe some addresses, but it's actually us who hold and develop that option for more than a decade now inside the federation itself.
Was that more clarifying @hypolite
Two projects we love are currently running a crowdsource campaign. The modular Open Hardware laptop MNT Reform Next is up on Crowdsupply where you can support them by buying a T-shirt or treat yourself to an OH laptop in pre-sale.
[1]And the Pixelfed and Loops team is seeking backers to support the development of these federated social networks with no ads, no algorithms and no tracking.
#OpenHardware #FOSS #Fediverse #NGI #NGI0
MNT Reform Next Campaign is Now Live!
You can now back the next-generation open hardware MNT Reform Next laptop!Crowd Supply
Der #MECFS Bundesverband #Fatigatio e.V. ist nun auch im #FediVerse:
Das ist ne gute Sache. Informiert Betroffene und Angehörige!
#Selbsthilfe ME/ CFS #chronicFatique #FollowerPower
#mastodon is a Mastodon server for DJs (and related fields) of any kind, including club DJs, radio, mobile sound-systems, livestreaming etc.
Find out more at or contact the admin @luka
#FeaturedServer #DJ #DJs #Music #Radio #SoundSystems #ClubDJs #Mastodon #Fediverse #FreeFediverse is a friendly mastodon instance for DJs of any kind. Discuss your selections, techniques, equipment, and gigs. Share your mixes, videos and inspiration.Mastodon hosted on
📣 Novinka ve federaci: NodeBB
Otevřená platforma pro fóra NodeBB, se nyní může připojit k Fediverse díky podpoře protokolu ActivityPub! 🎉
Na OSCloud vám NodeBB snadno nainstalujeme na vaši vlastní doménu a pomůžeme s propojením do Fediverse.
Chcete vědět víc? Napište nám na…
#NodeBB #Fediverse #OpenSource #oscloud
As someone who is totally blind, the Fediverse is the only place where I have ever been able to follow people such as photographers, artists, or even those who post pictures of their cats or the food they ate. The reason is that most of them use alt text. They take the time to describe the images that my screen reader can't recognise. Some write the descriptions themselves, and others use tools such as altbot. Some worry that their descriptions aren't good enough, especially when they are new at this. Let me assure you, not only are they good enough, they are extremely appreciated! If the rest of the world thought as you did, it would be a much better place. Don't hesitate to ask if you're unsure of something, but never think that we don't notice your effort.
#appreciation #accessibility #altbot #alttext #blind #blindness #fediverse #gratitude #images #inclusivity #peoplewhocare #pictures #technology
Why doesn't my client ( #mastodon or #pixelfed ) automatically load the comments from the original page so that all comments are visible?
Is there a technical reason?
Happy 7th anniversary of becoming an official W3C standard, ActivityPub!…
We're creating something truly special here with the fediverse, and I am so thankful for everyone who contributes to it, whether with your time, money, or just by sharing your thoughts, your creations, your silly little jokes. Keep it up!
#fediverse #activitypub #standards #OpenWeb #anniversary
ActivityPub is now a W3C Recommendation
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards.W3C
Wie komme ich ins #FediVerse?…
Falls euch dies hilfreich erscheint, teilt es gern, vor allem außerhalb des FediVerse 😉
#FediHelp #SocialMedia
Wie komme ich ins FediVerse?
Vier Schritte um in das dezentrales Netzwerk verschiedener Dienste zu kommen.JoergSorge
For those migrating to the #fediverse from #Facebook, the experience can be a bit overwhelming.
Choosing an instance/server can be daunting, not to mention trying to match basic need with feature set. One thing I can recommend when inviting folks to the fedi is to gently get across that it's not exactly what they're used to. They have to be a bit more hands-on, since there is, for the most part, no algorithm.
From working in tech support for about 13 years, I learned that when introducing something new to the user, it's best to take one aspect and focus on teaching that to them. Get them a foundation, help them get comfortable, then move on to the next aspect. Education = empowerment.
Here's a list of the protocols I use/have used and my experience with them. I've done a little footwork, and made a list of servers by protocol for users to peruse. Courtesy of FediDB! I recommend going to each instance's about page and reading up on such info as character limit, location, instance focus, blocklists, and who they federate with.
One thing I can say for sure: My interactions in the fediverse - with a couple of exceptions - have been pleasant and rewarding. Fedi is truly a breath of fresh air when compared to the mainstream platforms.
Mastodon course, the most widely known of the protocols. I've had more experience on it than any other. Mastodon instances usually have a 500 character limit. If one is particularly verbose, it may not be ideal, as you have to create a thread in order to have a longer post. There are other mastodon instances with larger character limits. Again, best to look at an instance's about page to get the lowdown.
Sharkey my favorite thus far. Sharkey is a fork of the MisKey protocol, and has a rich feature set. It has a selection of reaction emojis, so you can do more than just "like" a post. If you're versed in MFM formatting language, Sharkey also has you covered. Character limits are usually higher. (the instance I'm on) has a 5000 character limit.
Friendica a more Facebook-like experience, and a practically unlimited character limit, Friendica offers a bit more familiarity to a fediverse newcomer's experience. It has events, calendars, and you can create groups, though you actually create a new page to act as a group. In all honesty, I find Friendica a bit clunky, but that's just personal opinion.
And that's my offering. I hope this is useful, and as always, if what I presented needs correction anywhere, please feel free to let me know, just be constructive.
#Facebook #Mastodon #Sharkey #Friendica
FediDB, Fediverse Network Statistics
FediDB is a cutting-edge service providing detailed statistics and insights into the Fediverse… #fediverse #funding
Im Moment empfinde Ich das #Fediverse und darin #Mastodon als den normalsten Ort im Internet. Das liegt daran , dass hier nicht die am stärksten polarisierenden Aussagen belohnt werden, was wiederum dazu führt, dass die Leute hier einfach nur normal interagieren, oder mitlesen wollen.
Was ich mal damit sagen wollte, ich bin dankbar für diesen Ort und für die Menschen hier. Danke. 🙂
Good morning, friends of the #BSDCafe and the entire #Fediverse,
it's Wednesday, the day of the Sea. Let’s begin this new day by focusing on the beauty of nature, forgetting for a moment the problems of life and the world.
Because we are alive, now.
#Photography #Sunrise #SeaWednesday #MeerMittwoch #Sea #WinterSunrise #Photo #Picture #Pic
I love it . It's my go to social now.
Shout out the #fediverse
#mastodon #introduction
I love you all
Jaden xxxxxx
What operating systems do you use?
This includes on your PC/computer and mobile devices, or anywhere else for that matter. Select all that apply!
Please BOOST for maximum exposure to the #Fediverse
If your choice isn't listed, simply comment and let's discuss things!
#Poll #Polls #POTD #Question #Questions #QOTD #Windows #MacOS #Linux #Unix #ChromeOS #iOS #Android #Tech #Technology #AllThingsTech
- Windows (44%, 207 votes)
- Linux (79%, 373 votes)
- MacOS (37%, 176 votes)
- Unix (6%, 31 votes)
- ChromeOS (6%, 29 votes)
- iOS (37%, 174 votes)
- Android (60%, 284 votes)
- Other -> Comment below! (5%, 27 votes)
Weis jemand was mit los ist
Hallo Zusammen, weiß jemand von Euch was mit dem Friendica Server auf los ist? Ich kann die Seite nicht mehr aufrufen, bekomme nur noch einen 404er Fehler.
Leider weiß ich nicht wie ich @Tuxi ⁂ der den Server betreibt erreichen kann, deshalb frage ich einfach mal in die Runde.
#Frage #Fediverse #Friendica #404er #2025-01-19 @Friendica Support @Friendica Admins @askFedi_de group
Von schwarzen Löchern und bunten Netzen.
Das könnte für #neuHier interessant sein:
Vielen Dank an
#FediVerse #FediHelp #Bildung
#FediVerse #Streaming 🚀
Známý influencer @pavel se připojil na Sledujte ho a podpořte decentralizované sítě!…
🌐✨ #Fediverse #Pixelfed #pixelfedcz
Pixelfed CZ je platforma pro sdílení obrázků, etická alternativa k centralizovaným platformám.Pixelfed CZ
Are These Accounts Monitored ???
!Friendica Developers !Friendica Support As of right now I am not sure if my #Friendica instance is working across the #fediverse as I am not seeing much engagement at all, and more than half of who I am following, I am not receiving their #feeds at all, and at this point I am clueless as to what is going on or how to deal with, because I dont know what is wrong, or if anything is wrong.
VersionFriendica 'Interrupted Fern' 2025.02-dev - 1576
Server Settings
version 8.1.31
php.ini /opt/alt/php81/etc/php.ini
upload_max_filesize 256M
post_max_size 256M
memory_limit 512M
MySQL / MariaDB
max_allowed_packet 268435456
I am not seeing much engagement, more so I am not seeing posts of those I follow across the fediveres, and I know several post a few times a day, but I am not seeing much activity at all, any ideas on what may be going on would be great, and please any directions please make very simple to understand, brain issues, sometimes I struggle grasping things that should be easy. If it matters, I am in cPanel on shared hosting, so not root access to anything.…
Ok, ich fasse zusammen: die ganzen Internetversteher*innen sind wegen Musk von X weg zu #Threads, und ziehen jetzt wegen #Zuckerberg weiter zu #Bluesky. Darunter viele Firmen, Unis, Politiker*innen und Journalist*innen.
Ich habe da Fragen, vor allem: was ist an dem Konzept „durchgeknallte Tech-Milliardäre“ so schwer zu verstehen, dass man denselben Fehler drei mal macht?
Und tut es wirklich so weh, einfach mal auf der richtigen Seite der Geschichte (#fediverse) zu stehen? 🤷🏻♂️