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Items tagged with: LINUX

#WebKitGTK is looking for a #Linux user with #NVIDIA GPU to help debug an issue with the #GTK 4 port.

You should be comfortable patching and compiling a system package.



Po tom co ml. syn „odhodil” PC, které mu padalo s W10 a neutáhlo mu náročnější hry a PC bylo tak nahrazeno Hall3000 jsem se ho ujal já. Škoda by ho byla, PC's z Bohemia Computers nebyly (nejsou) vůbec špatné. Z větší části byla na vině totiž hromada „smetí” v systému.

Už nepadá, systém i apps jdou plynule. Pročpak? Wokna jsem nahradil #linuxmint Vera 21.1 s prostředím XFCE = správná volba 👍


Super interesting blog post from Allan Day going through the results of the GNOME user survey. Glad to see Fedora Workstation being so well represented.… #gnome #fedora #linux

#Linux on the #desktop is becoming more #popular in my home town, but for the wrong reasons.

It's #poverty: many people have no money for a new #laptop or desktop. Their old #computers still work fine, but can't run the latest versions of #Windows.

We backup their data, install #LinuxMint, restore their data, install some extra programs, show them around and they're good to go.

Interestingly no one had problems making the switch so far. All quiet on the support front.

Running #archlinux ! After 3 wonderful and mostly problem-free years with #manjaro I decided to move forward and do what I've been putting off for so long and try Arch ... after much consideration I've decided to forego any installation script and get the full experience with manual installation. I got it right on the first try. It's not as hard as some rumors say ... 😎


I know it is not going to resonate much with people in English speaking countries, but this has been a major issue for people who use alphabets with special characters (my native Czech included).

For years #PDF viewers on #Linux such as #Evince couldn't save characters outside the basic charsets in PDF forms. It turned out to be a complex problem and multi-year effort, but it's finally done and you can use unicode in PDF forms. First available in #Fedora 37 where we've already backported it.

Thanks, the link is interesting (if a bit confusing). What i was missing was the 'share' button was not asking for an internet-like share, but was asking permission to send the screenshot to another app.

I can probably work with this (though the page implies once you share it once, you shouldn't have to do it again, at least with a current version of Gnome - am i misisng something?)

#linux #gnome

I guess one of the drawbacks of getting back into "Lets run Linux as a primary desktop" is realizing that yeah, the linux community is STILL full of egos that don't like being told what they should and should not do, no matter what the impact on the users.

Case in point…

Short version: Gnome maintainers allow their own screenshot tool to run without restriction, but block all others.

Great fun.

#linux #desktop #ubuntu #gnome

Now the first "public beta" of my little "adbsync" script is tagged and available at…

Should be stable enough to be released to the public (though its code was public from the very beginning). adbsync lets you sync directories between your #Android device(s) and your (#Linux) PC without any special app, just utilizing things like rsync, adb, adbfs – and jq (to parse the JSON config file).

Give it a try, feedback welcome :awesome:

#GNOME 42.8 Is Out to Enable Atomic Mode-Setting for #NVIDIA/GBM, Improve #Wayland and #AMDGPU Support…

@gnome #Linux #OpenSource

My friend found one of these old disks and I just had to. #linux

Dear #Gnome in which reality ist THIS a minimize button?


Thanks for sharing! Looking forward to enjoying #PrivacyBrowser on #Linux as well 😀 Thank you for your amazing work and best wishes for 2023.

Ah a #linux #nvidia user.

In all seriousness that is kind of an amazing effect

I’m not going to use bloody bugzilla, so if anyone from Mozilla sees this, your enterprise flow for adding certificate authorities (CAs) to Firefox on Linux fails on Fedora Silverblue.

Since Fedora Silverblue is seen as the possible future of Fedora/Red Hat, you folks might want to talk to the Fedora folks about it and come up with a solution.…

#mozilla #firefox #fedora #fedoraSilverblue #bug #tls #ssl #redHat #linux #enterprise #certificates

Vanilla OS has just made its first release – the #Ubuntu-based distro scene just got more exciting!…

#linux #foss #vanillaOS

Hey you! Yes you! I want you to help the Kdenlive team meet their fundraising goal. Only a few days left and they're super close to the finish line.
#kdenlive #kde #opensource #linux

Pretty chuffed that my #cryptic #crosswords have been bundled into #GNOME Crosswords [1], the crossword playing software of choice for #Linux!

Some of my puzzles ship with the software itself, so if you're a crossword lover on Linux, do give it a spin! ✏️ 🧩


phosh 0.23.0 is out 🚀📱 :

There's a new lockscreen plugin to show emergency information by @kop316 , Plugins can now have preferences, we switched documentation to gi-docgen and there's more.

Check out the full release notes at…

#phosh #librem5 @purism #gnome #linux #mobile #linuxmobile

1️⃣ /2️⃣

It's such a shame when cool projects are maintained by bigots.

I wanted to give Hyprland a try, since I love the (technical) direction it's going. Sadly, the maintainers are transphobic and will treat you like garbage if you are a trans person. @orowith2os, a great friend of mine, shared some screenshots about the bigotry on the Discord server that made me reconsider my decision.

#Trans #Transphobia #Bigotry #Hyprland #Linux #FOSS #OpenSource

40% #Linux usage in 2022‽ Up from 25% in previous years.

Impressive stat for "primary OS" among developers in the #StackOverflow survey for 2022.

Sources in @jgarr's blog:…

🧵 Some elements of analysis in this thread.

hoy me topé con esta app que subtitula el audio del escritorio (linux). Solo en inglés por ahora pero me parece ya muy útil, ¡y técnicamente increíble!…

#gnome #linux #escritoriognulinux #softwarelibre

@signalapp does not support #linux on #aarch64 #arm, however, there is more than a project to support that unofficially, one of them is via #flatpak, which can be used with almost any linux distros, you can follow the link I am using it on #fedora @Raspberry_Pi

It's wild that I'm still the #3 contributor to the Anaconda OS installer used by #Fedora, #RHEL, and countless other #Linux distributions, at least according to Github stats. Love how the #OpenSource stuff you worked on can live on, and you can see it grow after you leave it behind.

We might finally have a good #Linux tablet on our hands: Surface-like form factor, #Android app support, open bootloader, keyboard and stylus accessory, and the hardware is pretty great as well!

Let's take a look:

#Opensource #fydetab

Dnes slavím narozeniny. 6.12.2003 jsem na svůj pracovní notebook nainstaloval Debian unstable. Od té doby ho aktualizuju a přenáším na nový hardware. Přežil mimo jiné 2x přešifrování disku (z toho jednou in-place) nebo migraci z i386 na amd64 (prakticky za chodu). A 19 let provozu. #debian #linux #opensource

4 years using and championing the #fediverse full time and I've never written a #introductions toot. Well, or I have and can't find it.

I'm a #blind guy from 🇬🇧 with a passion for #technology and #programming, particularly #lowLevel #systemsProgramming in #C, #C++, #Rust, etc.

I've been a huge #freeSoftware / #openSource advocate for the majority of my life. I run #Linux and I love open, #decentralised technologies like #ActivityPub, #Matrix, #bitTorrent etc.

In my view, technology is built to make our lives easier, and in many ways, it isn't these days. It is truly my opinion that the only way #tech can be sustainable is if it's built using #FOSS, and does not give ultimate control to any 1 entity, individual or corporate. If technology is to help the people, it must be built *for* the people.

Currently working on, various projects with the rest of the Lower Elements gang at, and a Computing Science BSC at the #University of #stirling

Arch Archinstall a Manual Instalace pro LUKS a BTRFS. - nový playlist Geek Room CZ - Archinstall Skript pro LUKS a BTRFS Arch Linux Instalaci. - Arch Linux Manuální Instalace s LUKS (encrypt) a BTRFS souborovým systémem. (probíhá ještě zpracování vyšších HD rozlišení.)…… #archlinux #linux #geek #security #arch #youtube #dotfiles #guide #czech

Dive deep into the greatest free office suite with LibreOffice Expert! The 2022/23 edition was produced in collaboration with @libreoffice @allotropia @CollaboraOffice and @tuxedocomputers Order your copy today!… #LibreOffice #Linux #Windows #Mac #tdforg #OpenSource #FOSS

A tiny C header-only risc-v emulator | #c #linux
#linux #c

Does somebody know what happend with #Linux #GTK app #Tootle by @bleakgrey The repo is archived and it has subsequently been removed from Flathub. It is currently my preferred Mastodon app for Desktop and Linux mobile.

Tak se jdu podívat na #EndeavourOS. Jedná se o linuxovou distribuci založenou na #ArchLinux :distros_arch:

#linux #os #tech

My Windows 9x-inspired theme for GTK2/GTK3/Metacity, "Memphis 98"

It's got a few bugs and issues -- some original, and some because of things that have changed in MATE or GTK in the few years since I first worked on it. But it still mostly holds up.

It's for MATE, but should work with varying degrees of success on other desktop environments.…

#Linux #GUI #GTK2 #GTK3 #Windows95 #Windows98 #Windows9x #CSS #Ubuntu #MATE #MATEDesktop

#RiscOS fans: Which drag-and-drop operations are you missing in your modern-day desktop environments? Amazing that most #Linux file managers can't even open documents by dragging them onto applications, something I would consider very basic functionality of a desktop. Let's bring the joy to #helloSystem...