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Items tagged with: community

In March we had new releases of #LibreOffice, community events, updates about our conference, and more:… #foss #community

Alex Castellani (@alecaddd) is leading the charge on Thunderbird’s modern redesign, and we're thrilled to have him on the team!

But before he discovered the awesomeness of #OpenSource, he had to learn a hard life lesson about pricey, proprietary software...

Find out that story and much more in our "Meet The Team" series, a series of conversations with the people behind the software you use every day.…

#Thunderbird #Community #Linux #UX #Interview #Email

Organise a #LibreOffice meetup in your area! For instance, some members of the German LibreOffice community met recently in Essen:… #foss #community

Yeah you seem to make quite an effort of #CommunityMetrics to measure the state of the project. I've seen them presented in multiple LibreOffice talks over the years. If others here want to step up their #Community #Metrics game they should take a look at the #CHAOSS community They define relevant metrics and develop software to measure and report them. And they are very open and welcoming.

The Thunderbird community is constantly submitting feature ideas to improve Thunderbird.

But these ideas need upvotes and discussion to get traction. Check out the latest suggestions and add your voice to the mix at…

#Community #Thunderbird #Email #FOSS #OpenSource

We had a great chat with the #Ubuntu and @ubports teams at #FOSDEM today.

Special shout-outs to Thunderbird Council member Philipp Kewisch (far right) and @ahoneybun (second from right) of @system76!

Thanks for spreading the knowledge, guys.

#FOSS #Community

#introduction radio free fedi is a small web, consent driven, artist populated, non-commercial, attribution promoting, community radio

we are now ready to accept more submissions, and are here to promote sound and music artists, their support links, desired license and fedi presence if they wish in an eclectic and fun radio format

24/7 music from the fedi with "theNews" at the top of each hour

keep fedi weird

#radio #community #fedimusic #fediart #music #art

kudos to the #libreoffice #community for another awesome release!

Proud to be a part, having contributed 8 of the new features, and more than 260 commits overall to this LibreOffice 7.5 release.

#foss #office #release #opensource…

💚 1 year using Matrix

In the FSFE we started using Matrix last year. Since then we enjoy interactive chats in a privacy-friendly way. Join our main community room…

Fun fact: The state of France also uses Matrix. @matrix

"The Venn Diagram of the Techbro": perhaps the most succinct summary of the paper.

A _very_ interesting and thorough report on toxicity in #OpenSource communities on #GitHub, including a few suggested avenues for improvements.

Let's all strive to do better.

#Community #OpenSourceBehaviours…

A publicly-funded snowplow just went past my house. Will this liberal tyranny never end?!

#MeanwhileInCanada #snow #thankyou #community #ChristmasEve

#GNOMEASIA2022 recap video 😍 so happy to have been part of such a great event 👏🎉 @gnome #opensource #community #dei

Somewhat agree, strongly disagree with many conclusions.

Single-tenant #instances are a ruthless attack on our planet.

#Mastodon is conceptually flawed with topical communities expressing themselves mainly via a local #timeline. Lists: poorly implemented. Federated #groups: hacks

Look at the self-descriptions of any instance focused on a large #community, and ask yourself who could afford to *not* register at the *one* place where the *action* is.

@stephenfry @gretathunberg

Karrot is a free open source online platform for organising community volunteering and initiatives such as food sharing etc. You can follow at:

➡️ @karrot

To use Karrot, you can join an existing Karrot-powered site or start your own.

There's a flagship Karrot site at with many existing community groups on it.

If you want to start your own site, you can get the code at

#Karrot #Community #Activism #NGOs #CoOp #FOSS #FLOSS #Libre #FreeSoftware

Pokud vás zajímá testování software na Discordu vznikla nová skupina //CzechTest. Určitě se podívejte a zapojte se do diskuze a poznejte nové lidi kolem testingu 🍻.…
#CzechTest #Testing #Community #IT

If anyone has time to help the lovely @codeberg folks with improving accessibility, please take a look at this issue:…

#codeberg #foss #inclusivity #accessibility #usability #git #gitea #hosting #community #notForProfit

📢 📢 📢 Today we publish an Open Letter from developers to the #Linux #community regarding shipping unfinished patches to users.

Shipping unfinished patches harms the user experience and slows down the review process in #FOSS projects to improve the patches.

You can read our Open Letter at:

If you agree with this letter, you can support it by signing it, see:

#donotship #openletter #community #mobile #development #userexperience #opensource #PSA

I thought it would be a cool idea to create a #lemmy #community for #fediverse/ #federation #introductions!

Problem with introduction posts is they tend to get buried after a short while and depending on how many other instances yours may know about others someone's intro may not federate that well (or fast) with the rest of the network.

Plus, some instances like #mastodon only allow 500 characters in a post. Not a lot of room to write an introduction. 🙂

This was one of the use cases and goals I had for creating to kind of provide an alternative.

Anyway, to kick things off I've posted my own introduction and you're more than welcome to post one as well.

I also thought it would be cool to allow instance admins to post an "introduction" about their Instances too, so new users to the fediverse could find a little more information out about people's instances too.

Thoughts? Is this a good idea? What do you think?