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Items tagged with: accessibility

I started looking into Linux desktop #accessibility in 2007 when I transitioned from Freedom Scientific to Mozilla, and had months of nothing to do inbetween. I followed it loosely over the years, trying out new versions of distributions every now and again, but have largely given up on it. Orca is being developed by a single person, GNOME breaks accessibility time and again, and the only real accessible desktop is MATE, which is based on 18 year old GNOME 2.

Amazing work once again from Apple's #Accessibility team! I'm particularly stoked about Music Haptics where "the Taptic Engine in iPhone plays taps, textures, and refined vibrations to the audio of the music" - SO cool and important to bring music to everyone!…

Question to #ScreenReader, #LowVision, #blind & #accessibility folks:

How do you feel about duplicate links in articles, blogs, whatever? Meaning: A certain word is a link (let's say "HEALTH") leading to an external website.

Would it annoy you if this word was always a link and it's mentioned for example 20 times in an article? Or would you rather have it only once to make it easier to scan for links?

Is there a related #wcag success criteria?

#WebDev #a11y #disability #frontend

The summary of the Sonos AMA is worth reading if you have a deep interest in this issue. I am somewhat heartened by it, particularly given that we now know that most of the Sonos iOS app is written in Swift. This means that an excellent #accessibility experience is possible.…

eBay should know better about screen reader #accessibility after so many years. I am using the app, and you cannot pick the address that they suggest with voiceover. You also cannot enter it yourself without it saying it is invalid. I have had one order canceled because of this, and it looks like I’m not going to be able to place another one. I can’t switch to the pc because we have to use Apple Pay for this order. This is unconscionable. #a11y #fail

Does anyone with an iPad or iPhone and a braille display have that issue where app library keeps on opening? I turned it off, but the search field keeps popping up every time.I don't know what to do honestly, it takes over my apps, I can't read. Please, some help? #apple #accessibility #braille

I got name-checked in Jessica Weber’s 2024 #AccessU Legal Update! It was for #AudioEye’s SLAPP #overlay suit.

Got to lunch very late because people wanted to ask me questions, but not in front of the AudioEye executive who was in the room.…

#accessibility #a11y

Let’s talk about dark mode and accessibility! There’s a myth that dark mode is good for accessibility, because it improves text readability. It's not always true.

The full article and resources on my blog:…

#Accessibility #DarkMode #Astigmatism

NVDA 2024.2 beta 1 is now available for testing from:…

For anyone who is interested in trying out what NVDA has to offer before release, we welcome your feedback.

- Sound Split
- New Synth Settings ring & quick navigation commands
- New braille features & fixes, including "Display speech output".
- Updated eSpeak, adding new language Tigrinya.

There are many minor bug fixes for applications

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Beta #News #Accessibility #A11y #FOSS

Why is bodily autonomy and freedom so important when you don’t want to wear a mask - but when mask bans are brought up it’s “too bad - just stay home.” If you believed it was unfair to deny you access without a mask - it’s unfair to tell us to stay home because we need a mask?

I’m beyond sick of the inconsistencies. People who felt that being told to wear a mask to enter public spaces are now CELEBRATING the possibility masks may become banned. They think disabled people “deserve it” because we made them mask.

So it’s infringement of bodily autonomy to have to wear a mask during the height of a global pandemic - but it’s NOT an infringement to force infection on high risk individuals who may not survive it? Eugenics is alive and well.

#CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #CovidCautious #sarscov2 #maskup #WearAMask #CleanAir #Pandemic #Disability #accessibility #DisabilityRights #ableism #Eugenics #MaskBans

Got very excited by @matt demo of AccessKit integration in #GTK

AccessKit is a cross-platform abstraction for accessibility infrastructure written in Rust.

His work will bring a11y support for GTK on macOS and Windows as well as for the new accessibility architecture on Linux code-named "Newton".…

#GNOME #rustlang #accessibility #a11y #Linux #Windows #macOS

This video got me VERY excited about the prospect of a transit app that focuses on providing accessibility info! The link to Joel’s project on indiegogo is here:…

#Transit #Accessibility #DisabilityJustice

I hear from developers that the #Flutter framework seems to be the worst decision in terms of #Accessibility. So let‘s see if these dates are valid.…

Sensitive content

David this is an interesting read and it reminds me that I hadn't updated you on our ongoing conversation about my jaunt through whether to keep or cut the cord. I did cut the cord for 2 months and then I went all the way back to #Xfinity land because frankly cutting the cord wasn't any cheaper in my case and as I say often no one can beat #Xfinity's #Accessibility. And this story gives me one more reason to be glad I went back.

Modernizing #accessibility for @gnome and desktop #Linux was the subject of a recent talk by Matt Campbell, long-time a11y advocate and developer of screen reading technologies across multiple OSes.

Watch the talk about GNOME leading an effort to design & prototype a new accessibility architecture:…

I remember longing for proper skipping of descenders in #CSS. Now that skipping is default in most browser I’m often struck by how *terrible* it is for hyperlink legibility.

The first line in the image shows a linked line with text-decoration-skip-ink set to "auto".

The second line shows the same linked line with text-decoration-skip-ink set to "none".

Just by looking at the first line, you can’t say if it is multiple links or or not.

#ux #accessibility

Perhaps something for @Seirdy.

I finally got a response from #Sonos where they're continuing to make the assertion that their new app has "basic support" for screen readers. We need to keep pushing back as this statement is just plainly false and seems to represent a dishonest way of trying to make the issue seem less terrible to the rest of the world while their disabled customers continue to suffer. #accessibility

You should always be running the latest version of any software program.

Sure, until #accessibility for disabled users goes down the pisser and they're left feeling frustrated, upset, worried and confused as to how long it'll take for the shit they rely on every day to be usable again.

How to Use the Google Sound Search Widget to identify music… #Android #Accessibility

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Blind Sonos users have an important and rare opportunity to make our presence felt and our displeasure heard about the massive #accessibility regression in the new mobile apps.

Next Tuesday 14 May between 2 and 5 PM US Eastern time, three senior Sonos staff are conducting an “ask me anything” (AMA) session in the Sonos community. In attendance will be Diane Roberts, Senior Director of Software Development, Kate Wojogbe, Senior Director of User Experience, and Tucker Severson, Director of Product Management.
These are the key people in the company who agreed to the app being released in the inaccessible state it’s in, and they are the key people who need to take fixing it seriously.
Many people want to take some action that makes a difference. This is something you can do.
You can bookmark the page for the AMA. It is,…

Try to become familiar with the forum before Tuesday, because while it isn’t completely inaccessible, it’s not the best and a little quirky. You should be able to sign in with your Sonos ID.
Perhaps compose your question thoughtfully ahead of time and have it on your computer, so you can paste it into the AMA when it goes live. It will not hurt for Sonos to understand how upset and inconvenienced many of us are by what they have done. We can do that firmly while remaining polite.
They need to understand, the best way to make us go away is to fix what they broke. We won’t be quiet until we get back what they took from us.
Happy contributing.

So it looks like we’ll need to do some #accessibility advocacy next week. I’m not looking forward to it. But not because of advocating for my needs, or working with large companies. That doesn’t bother me. No, what bothers me is the interactions I will inevitably have with the #blind people who are supposed to be my allies. At least one person will say it works fine and I’m a whiner who needs to shut up. Eight or nine will tell me it’s my fault for purchasing the product at all. Several will tell me that it’s unreasonable to expect a multi-million dollar company to make things accessible on release. I’m tired. Not tired of advocacy, but tired of the lack of support, respect, and community spirit amongst my fellow blind people. We saw it during the #reddit advocacy, and we’re going to experience it all over again #a11y

“Level-Setting Heading Levels”…

TL;DR: Avoid setting heading levels greater than six (6). This applies whether using `aria-level` or the proposed `headingstart` HTML attribute. Use HTML `<h#>` elements whenever possible.

#accessibility #a11y

Imagináis gastar una pasta gansa en unos altavoces y que por una decisión de la empresa la aplicación para gestionarlos se vuelva inaccesible? Esto les ha ocurrido a todos los clientes ciegos de Sonos.

I encourage everyone to comment on this New #Sonos App and #Accessibility…

@nick #Sonos has replaced its app not because they truly think the app is better. But because they can replace specialised Android, iOS, Windows, and macOS teams with one generic team who know how to use cross-platform tools.

It goes beyond that, though. Look at the ideas behind the new home screen, which essentially can be described as: "put what you want on it". Is that primarily a user-facing improvement? No.

Rather, it's a reason to not rely on designers who can carefully think through information architecture, viewport sizes, user flows, and the best ways to present information. Make it the user's problem so that they can fire the people whose responsibility it used to be, or move them to another team where they won't be able to do their best work and will eventually quit and not be replaced.

This update goes way beyond #accessibility. It's a fundamental shift in how they do business, and it will be shit for everyone. That, more than the lack of #VoiceOver support, is what will probably cause me to move away from their ecosystem.

@x0 @simon @talon

New game added to the Accessible Android apps directory: Cricket Masters accessible… #Android #Game #App #Accessibility

Just gearing up, and OMG THE VPN WORKS! We're starting back up with an ic_null stream, more #tryHackMe with a #screenReader, significantly more smooth than last week and hey, I'll even archive it this time :-O Come hang out while we hack the system over at #blind #twitch #accessibility #goingLive #selfPromo #toomanyHashtags

Even if you don't upgrade to the new #Sonos app, or upgrade your speaker firmware, the #accessibility of the old app has now been degraded. Browsing Apple Music this morning, and all of the items are images without alt-text. FYI @podcast

@bitsacb I agree, but I feel no sympathy for #Sonos because they brought this problem on themselves by failing to include #accessibility from the very beginning during the ideation and design stages. I hope they pay the consequences and we will be able to find a way to impact their reputation for quality.

We're glad to announce that Accessible Android now has a new Telegram community. This is a group where only Accessible Android channel subscribers can comment or message, or the ones who have the invite link can join to comment or message. Here's the invite link - please spread the news via your boosts:
#Android #Accessibility #Telegram

I honestly enjoy writing good, descriptive alt text. Once you get used to it, it's no longer a chore, rather a fun exercise.

It gives you an opportunity to focus on the image you're sharing, sometimes revealing details you might miss.

It's a great writing challenge as well.

And it's just the right thing to do to help folks who rely on it.

#accessibility #a11y #AltText #ImageDescriptions

That, and on my iPhone with system language set to German, the UI does show up in German but is spoken by VO using an English voice, probably because the localization settings are not correctly configured and so all the German strings are marked up as being in English. This truly is a huge #accessibility #fail.

If you were wondering whether the new #Sonos app is as bad with #VoiceOver as people said, I can confirm that it is.

The first element that receives focus has no #accessible role or name, i.e. VoiceOver doesn't announce anything for it. The screen is split up into sections, like "Recently Played", "Your Services", and "Sonos Favourites", but none of these have headings. And, as previously noted, explore by touch doesn't work; VO seems to just see that blank element I mentioned as being stretched across the entire screen.

As a result of all this, the "Search" button requires 32 swipes from the top of the screen to reach, at least with my setup. If you have more services and/or more favourites, that number of swipes will be higher. #accessibility

I've updated my Sonos #accessibility blog post with more information. This includes a link to a statement issued today by Sonos, and info on dialogue I've been having with their product team.

Please just stop it:

<header aria-label="Header section of the website. Containing: The logo, Primary navigation, Page title and Search box">


OK :) Next IC_Null #twitch stream will at 3 PM eastern on #patchTuesday. VPn issues were sorted (obviously the cuplrit was #windows) so we can start the #tryHackMe content off good and proper this time. Expect #linux #accessibility, #screenReader black magic and other such rantings tomorrow at #selfPromo #streamer #areHashtagsEvenStillCool?