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Items tagged with: FreeSoftware

I love #Libreoffice for a number of reasons:
Because it is completely #FreeSoftware.
Because I don't have to pay for its full version.
Because it is no Cloud stuff.
Because it is fully GDPR-compliant, while MSh*it isn't.
Because it is simpler to use LibreOffice than doing everything in #LaTex.
The #LibreOffice suite is one of my most important tools since my school days. You helped me to reach university.

Hoping to make the list with my first patch which I've just confirmed to be fully operational!

Was looking forward to a smoother all-#FOSS paper writing workflow with @zotero and @libreoffice, am now also looking forward to getting some cool stickers 😎

#freesoftware #community #libreoffice #zotero

141 sticker packs already awarded in the first week of the Month of #LibreOffice! If you've not yet taken part, join in – you can learn and do great things: #freesoftware #opensource

Do awesome things, and build up your skills! Anyone can join the #LibreOffice project – you don't need to be a coder. At a recent event in Brasil, community members talked about this topic: #freesoftware #opensource

Here's a quick look back at 2022, and free software campaigns we supported – along with activities of our Membership Committee and Advisory Board: #libreoffice #freesoftware #opensource

When a Free Software project (Profanity) is run by a jackass.

Just did a simple PR that changed a Ellipsis Char that does not display well on Arch Linux TTY (because it is a newer char), to 3 dots. A simple change.

It was not approved (after much time), although, in all the rest of the source code, 3 dots are used (3 dots is used 26 times in the source code). There is only one instance of the Ellipsis char, and it was this that the PR was changing to 3 dots.

#profanity #pr #freesoftware #archlinux #arch #jackass #xmpp #gnu

Purism President @kyle caught up with Matthias Kirschner, President of @fsfe to talk about the inspiration behind the children's book "Ada & Zangemann: A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream", and the need to raise awareness about free software

#freesoftware #software #books

:fdroid: After several months of hard work, it's a good feeling to be able to say our @fdroidorg board of directors is officially chartered and running, and finally with an official legal entity through Dutch stichting (foundation) Commons Conservancy.

💚 Very humbled to be able to serve in this inaugural group of talented volunteers, and even more excited about helping #FDroid into the future.

:boost_love: #boostsWelcome #Android #OpenSource #FreeSoftware

🎉 We're growing! Our global #FDroid community is pleased to announce that we now have an official governance plan and a brand-new volunteer Board of Directors. We're excited to work with them to keep improving the leading all #FOSS mobile app catalogue!

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #Android

Xfce’s Apps Update for February 2023: Ristretto Gets Printing Support, Orage Gets #Wayland Support, Major Notifications Changes, and Much More

#Xfce #Linux #OpenSource #FreeSoftware

Unfortunately going with "permissive" license is not really being generous: it is giving legal justification to others to use your code to exploit users.

As I personally look at Free Software from the "consumer protection" angle, I don't think the so-called "permissive" licenses are ever a good idea.

#FreeSoftware #SoftwareFreedom #FOSS

🙏 you to all #freesoftware enthusiasts, contributors, designers, developers, translators, advocates, users💛 Have a look for more inspiring messages to
@nextcloud @Blender @libreoffice @debian @AntennaPod #ilovefs

Curious what #OpenSource & #FreeSoftware advocates propose for building a culture of accessibility in their teams.

Hundreds of companies showed up for #FOSDEM & are at #StateOfOpenCon right now.

As a movement, how do we:
- orient new people to our teams?
- ensure compliance are set up and maintained?
- keep up with best practices for sharing our code/ideas?


another #fosdem is over. after two perfect years online in @matrix only. this time hybrid. the venue was full. so nice to meet old friends and it was the first time we were 10 people of @haufegroup there. #freesoftware #freesociety #happyhacking ;)

🎙 A new home for the Irish Left Archive Podcast!

Hopefully the transition will be relatively seamless, but please let us know if you have any issues.

You can now get updates by following the podcast on the Fediverse

Thanks to for their work on free software podcast hosting.

#IrishLeftArchive #IrishLeftArchivePodcast #Podcast #Castopod #FreeSoftware

At #FOSDEM, @marcel_kolaja will present the #EU pilot project to look into open-sourcing the EU's apps and publishing them outside of #BigTech including on @fdroidorg. @eighthave will join, talking about how F-Droid will help pull the EU towards #FreeSoftware. Join us!

Ardour developers ask for help from users - it's really easy to do and we can all make Ardour a bit better :)

Read more here:

#Ardour #AudioProduction #MusicProduction #Audio #FOSS #OpenSource #Libre #LinuxAudio #FreeSoftware

Apparently some dickhead (or dickheads, as the case may be) uploaded malware into an issue on Codeberg and shared links to it and managed to get Codeberg onto a number of block lists so some folks can’t access the site now because their ISPs are blocking it.

If you know the folks who run these lists and can help remove Codeberg from them, I’d appreciate it.

More details:

CC @Codeberg

#codeberg #infosec #foss #freeSoftware

The 2023 #X.Org Developer's Conference (#XDC) will be organized and hosted by @igalia.

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #FOSS #X11 #Mesa3D #Wayland

⚠️ Yet another reason why proprietary software, especially in healthcare, is immoral and dangerous.

🗨️ "When the makers of electronic implants abandon their projects, people who rely on the devices have everything to lose."

#OpenSource #FreeSoftware

Heute vor zwei Jahren haben einige #FreeSoftware-Entwickler geschafft, was offizielle Stellen seit Monaten versäumt haben: Sie haben die deutsche #CoronaWarnApp in einer Version zur Verfügung gestellt, die frei von Abhängigkeiten von Google und in #FDroid verfügbar ist.

Ein ähnliches Problem haben wir bei der #NINA WarnApp – trotz unserer Kritik ist diese noch immer proprietär. Erneut muss die Community helfen: #Warntag (1/2)

4 years using and championing the #fediverse full time and I've never written a #introductions toot. Well, or I have and can't find it.

I'm a #blind guy from 🇬🇧 with a passion for #technology and #programming, particularly #lowLevel #systemsProgramming in #C, #C++, #Rust, etc.

I've been a huge #freeSoftware / #openSource advocate for the majority of my life. I run #Linux and I love open, #decentralised technologies like #ActivityPub, #Matrix, #bitTorrent etc.

In my view, technology is built to make our lives easier, and in many ways, it isn't these days. It is truly my opinion that the only way #tech can be sustainable is if it's built using #FOSS, and does not give ultimate control to any 1 entity, individual or corporate. If technology is to help the people, it must be built *for* the people.

Currently working on, various projects with the rest of the Lower Elements gang at, and a Computing Science BSC at the #University of #stirling

Alright, my open sourcerors and glitch witches: I need your help :boost_rainbow:

@tidelift – my employer whose rallying cry is Pay The Maintainers! – has launched its second ever Open Source Maintainer Survey.

If you're a maintainer, can you boost and take a few minutes to complete the ~15min survey?

If you're maintainer-adjacent, boosts appreciated! #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #FLOSS #PayTheMaintainers #Maintainers

Had a really fun conversation about Mastodon and the Fediverse today with folks at the #Oregon State University #OpenSource Lab, @osuosl.

If you don't know about them (or if you do!) please give them a follow. It's a great program for getting university students hands-on experience with key #FreeSoftware project infrastructure.

You want to help #OpenSource #FreeSoftware but you are not a developer? And English isn't your first language? Well - that's just perfect! Join us at #codeberg and donate some of your time and knowledge of your language by helping with translations for many open source projects at!

Gemeinsam mit über 100 europäischen Organisationen und Unternehmen haben wir den #OpenLetter über das universelle Recht, jede Software auf jedem Gerät zu installieren unterzeichnet. Schließt euch uns gerne an: #Ecodesign #RightToRepair #FreeSoftware

Imagine you could install any software on any device. The devices you own that don't receive updates anymore, or where you found out that the software is full of ads/tracking. You could replace it, maybe with a Linux distro like postmarketOS running mainline. These devices wouldn't need to be electronic waste. We signed @fsfe's #openletter to the EU to make this happen.

You can sign it, too!

#Ecodesign #RightToRepair #EWWR #FreeSoftware #LinuxMobile #UpcyclingAndroid

#KDE #software is many things: free, beautiful, performant, customizable. How about all of that plus #sustainable?

KDE adopts #SustainableSoftware as one of 3 overarching goals to focus on!

> Software has an impact on our future. It has an affect on #energy and #resource usage. KDE can deliver software which does this in a way which preserves #environment and society for us and future generations.

#KDEEco #BE4FOSS #FEEP #FOSS #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #ClimateCrisis

#KDE Frameworks 5.100 Released with Many Improvements for Plasma Desktop and KDE Apps

@kde #Linux #OpenSource #FreeSoftware

#Fedora 38 is looking at providing #phosh image For mobile devices.

The Phosh (Phone Shell) has been started by Purism.

We're happy to see broader adoption of the #freesoftware on #mobilelinux 🚀

#GNOME replaces its mailing lists with Discourse:

As someone who grew at a time where email was an unquestioned, decentralized foundation of #FreeSoftware workflows, moves like leave a bad taste in my mouth. I understand how Discourse facilitates onboarding, but the idea of delegating to a central server and using the browser as the sole user interface remains unappealing to me.

Getting old?

:opensource: 🤦🏽‍♂️ Watching the opening keynote of the #OpenSource conference #AllThingsOpen, the organizers urged attendees to download the event's mobile app "from any app store".

Seems like they didn't bother to submit it to the only app store on my phone, @fdroidorg -- most likely because they produced a proprietary event app instead of using one of the many available #FreeSoftware options.

Karrot is a free open source online platform for organising community volunteering and initiatives such as food sharing etc. You can follow at:

➡️ @karrot

To use Karrot, you can join an existing Karrot-powered site or start your own.

There's a flagship Karrot site at with many existing community groups on it.

If you want to start your own site, you can get the code at

#Karrot #Community #Activism #NGOs #CoOp #FOSS #FLOSS #Libre #FreeSoftware

Let's Share Free Software

What's free software you use the most everyday? I work as a course teacher and mine's as the following.

:gnu: :linux: GNU/Linux

:kde: KDE, Dolphin, Gwenview & Okular

:firefox: Firefox

:jitsi: Jitsi

:libreoffice: LibreOffice Writer & Calc

:thunderbird: Thunderbird

:youtube: VLC

:inkscape: Inkscape

:debian: Synaptic & apt

If you use #FreeSoftware, please boost. Thanks.

#GNU #Linux #OpenSource #Education

Celebrate with us eight years of open source! 🥳 Thank you for all your support these last few years, it's been amazing & it keeps getting better. 😍🥰
#opensource #FOSS #FreeSoftware