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Items tagged with: wayland

Is anyone following me a #wayland expert? My Chuwi MiniBook X can only do 50Hz, but users on Windows have managed to crank that up to 60 or even 90. I've tried to use this method to do set a custom resolution/refresh rate on wayland:

But it didn't work. Any suggestions on how to force wayland to use a refresh rate the display wrongly claims it doesn't support?

After checking out #Fedora40 yesterday I quickly realized that it seems to not be possible to use it as a blind user. Regardless if I set the insert or the capslock-key as the modifier key for orca, the key presses will still go through to the system. So randomely typing in all caps is no fun at all. From what I could getzer it seems like a #Wayland issue not being fixed at least since 2018 that orca can't stop those keys from triggering their function. Back to #Debian where #x11 just works.

I finally made the switch to #Wayland on KDE. Everything works perfectly, except the mouse cursor in #Firefox is smaller than for everything else. I can live with that. Bye bye X

A customer of mine is looking for a #Wayland expert to contract, related to frame capture as part of a streaming stack. Let me know if you or someone you know would be a good fit!

This is kinda a technology preview in order to see if we can ship features like this enabled by default in a lot more apps in the ecosystem.

Thus I'd be very super happy if you'll try it on lots of hardware - be Intel/AMD laptops or ARM64 devices (with V4L2 stateless decoders, such as most #LinuxMobile devices).

Chances that you really hit a zero-copy path are highest with a recent #Wayland compositor - i.e. if you are using #GNOME46, #kde6 or a recent version of #sway, #weston, #cosmic etc.

#Wayland protocol proposal: the server decides whether to use client-side or server-side decorations, *but* the client may challenge it to a duel. Each must have another Unix process as a second. Server gets to choose the weapons.

#KDE Plasma 6.0.2 Is Out Now to Improve Night Color, Discover, Plasma #Wayland, and More

@kde #Linux #OpenSource

@nah @fvsch @sonny @matt But here’s the thing: Wayland would never have been made the default if, say, fonts didn’t render correctly. Not having a functional screen reader is as big an issue for people who rely on screen readers. So at some point, someone at Canonical decided that it didn’t matter that people who use screen readers would be excluded. And so they should be ashamed.

#a11y #canonical #wayland #orca #screenReaders #accessibility

So @gnome is removing the x11 session, leaving just the Wayland one.

If this goes out before Orca, the GNOME screen reader, is fixed to work on Wayland, it will mean that people who rely on screen readers will have no way to use one on GNOME. And thus on the major Linux distributions.

So I’m hoping the plan is that this change will not land until GNOME has a working screen reader.

#accessibility #a11y #gnome #linux #openSource #foss #wayland #x11 #orca

My work in #KDE this February, no special banner image or anything as it's very small.

If you're interested in how we're funding future accessibility and (artist) tablet work in the KDE #Wayland session, you might be interested in reading this one 🙂

Which do you daily drive, Wayland or X11?

#Fedora #FedoraPoll #Wayland #X11 #Xorg #Linux #OpenSource #FOSS

  • Wayland (74%, 223 votes)
  • X11/Xorg (25%, 76 votes)
299 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

TIL: #Wayland breaks most screen readers, as they are not not intended by design. (they need to interact with other apps)

Wayland is now the default in pretty much all gnome distros.

Orca has workarounds, but they are not merged and not fully working. (And a blind user can't built it without a working screen reader)

I'm not entirely sure if I got this correct, but it seems to me like the #Linux community once again booted the #blind.

I've just pushed the implementation of a GUI for calls in the CLI frontend of #Libervia

That means that you have a full-featured #Qt GUI accessible quickly from your #terminal to make or receive your #XMPP calls. Can also be useful to compensate for clients missing A/V calls.

Documentation at

It works on #X11 and #Wayland and supports desktop sharing.

My #FOSDEM presentation about #Wayland video offloading is online. If you are interested, you can watch it here:

I'm happy about feedback, both on the technical side as well as how I can improve doing presentations :)

#FOSDEM2024 #GNOME #gtk #Collabora #GStreamer #sway #kde #Chromium #mpv

GNOME Mess Is Not An Accident.

#gnome #kde #linux #wayland

Update regarding #wayland zero-copy video playback (using hardware planes): with a few small patches it works with #Chromium, both with #vaapi (Intel/AMD) and #v4l2 stateless.

Here a short video using a #rk3399 - the #PINE64 #PinebookPro - playing a 4k 60fps video - only possible with hardware plane offloading. Playback is *almost* smooth already (~50fps), the goal is to catch up with #GStreamer where we get stable 60.

I hope this will all get upstreamed in the coming months.

Regarding the future of video playback in #gnome I'd like to add some more context around current developments in #gnomeshell, #gtk4 and #Wayland in a short 🧵

TL;DR: by making use of more modern hardware features we're finally in the position to catch up to other platforms with regards to energy efficiency. So let's do it!

My personal vision with all of this is to see #wayland desktop technologies not only catching up with what other OSs offer, but becoming leading players - just like what other FLOSS projects already archived (or are in the process of becoming) in their areas. I'm thinking of #mesa, #pipewire, #gstreamer, #systemd, the kernel of course, and many others.

New blog post from Matthias Clasen: dmabuf, subsurfaces, and graphics offload for zero copy data transfer over the graphics stack coming to GTK 4.14:

#gtk #gnome #linux #wayland #graphics

#Chromium landed support for fractional scaling on #Wayland a couple of days ago. It was reverted again today. Reason for revert: This change completely broke Chromium Ozone/Wayland on compositors that support fractional-scale-v1.

Nobody had ever tested it and the authors missed the whole actual scaling part with wp_viewporter.

Anyhow, here's a working initial patch for #Firefox:

Xfce’s Apps Update for February 2023: Ristretto Gets Printing Support, Orage Gets #Wayland Support, Major Notifications Changes, and Much More

#Xfce #Linux #OpenSource #FreeSoftware

Xfce 4.20 Desktop Environment Will Bring Wayland Support

#desktopenvironment #Developer #Xfce4.20 #release #support #Wayland #News

The 2023 #X.Org Developer's Conference (#XDC) will be organized and hosted by @igalia.

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #FOSS #X11 #Mesa3D #Wayland

The default resolution is too dense on the Pinebook Pro, so I had to:

gsettings set org.gnome.mutter experimental-features "['scale-monitor-framebuffer']"

And then set it to 150% in the display settings.

If you do that and use Firefox, it will appear blurry so edit the firefox.desktop file (/usr/share/applications/org.mozilla.firefox.desktop) and change the exec line to:

Exec=env MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 firefox %u

#postmarketOS #alpine #fractionalScaling #firefox #wayland

phoc 0.21.0 has been released, more stable than ever, paving the way for the imminent release of phosh that will bring a lot of goodies in :) Grab it at ➡️ @purism #linuxonmobile #mobile #gnu #linux #gnome #purism #librem5 #phosh #floss #wayland

# over # is very welcome. Are you referring to a development of ?