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Items tagged with: Screenreader

For any enthusiasts of legacy assistive tech, it seems the first source code of the Talks Screen Reader for Nokia 9110 Communicator has been published by one of the original devs. Unbelievable to think that it all started off as a bunch of prerecorded messages supplemented by the ability to spell anything it doesn't have ready letter by letter and plugging in external synthesizers and Braille displays via the serial port:…
#Accessibility #Blind #RetroTech #ScreenReader

Ok, in an hour, i'll be starting this up. High temps, high effort and high complexity, what oculd go wrong? Let's dig into the #screenReader #accessibility of #jupyter notebooks, a tool prevalent in #dataScience, #python #programming in general, #machineLearning and therefore also practically all things #ai etc.
See you then over at and #goingLive #twitch #youtube #selfPromo

In-Process is out, featuring all the news on NVDA 2024.2 AND the newly released NVDA 2024.3 Beta 1 plus info on our new Code Signing Certificate, a thank you to our donors, and we remember community contributor, Austin Pinto.

Catch up on everything here:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #News #Blog #Newsletter #InfoSec #PreRelease #Beta #FOSS

NVDA 2024.3 Beta 1 is available for testing. It includes notification of add-on updates, unicode normalisation options, unassigned commands for mouse wheel scrolling, new Braille displays and tables, fixes for Windows 11, browsers & more. For those interested in testing the new version before it is released, we welcome you to download the beta & provide feedback. Read more & download from:…

#Beta #Prerelease #NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Testing #Foss #NewVersion

I can already announce that next IC_Null stream, this tuesday at 3 PM EST, is about the #accessibility of notebooks like #Jupyter, #googleColab, the #VSCode implementation of this concept. If you do #dataScience, #machineLearning, even the polarizing #AI stuff, you are going to run into this at some point. Can a #screenReader user use these properly? Where's the #accessibility hurdles? Do any of these work better than the others? These are all things I'll try to go into.
See you Tuesday, 3 PM ESt over at https;// or #selfPromo

The state of Unix/Linux accessibility is even worse then I feared 🙈 . Fedora has been shipping with a broken screen reader for NINE YEARS?

Orca doesn't work on any distribution that ships with Wayland by default? 😭 (thanks @aral for bringing it my attention)

Do all the distributions and such know that next year they should be accessible?

I can't code and I am not familiar with testing desktop apps, but I would really like to know how I can help to fix this.

(allthough it shows a bigger problem in open source and it's culture)

Read more:…

Luckily the Newton Project should fix this…, but still: it shows accessiiblity is often an afterthought.

#accessibility #opensource #orca #gnome #wayland #screenreader

NV Access are very pleased to announce the release of NVDA 2024.2! Please download from:

Highlights include Sound Split, numerous new keystrokes, new Braille mode & other features, updates to eSpeak, LibLouis & other dependencies & programs.

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #A11y #Accessibility #New #Release #FOSS #Update #NewVersion

In-Process is out! This week featuring the NVDA 2024.2 Release Candidate, user Arthur’s Experience in Brazil, the new Synth Settings Ring commands, and a long piece on assigning new Input gestures / keystrokes. Check it out at:…

#Blog #NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #News #Newsletter #Accessibility

We are very pleased to share that the NVDA 2024.2 Release Candidate is now available:… This includes lots of new features since 2024.1, including Sound Split, new Synth Settings & other quick nav commands, a new "Display Speech Output" Braille mode and many more updates and fixes. Do test it out and let us know how you find it! Otherwise, the final version will be out in the next few weeks.

#NVDA #NVDAsr #NewVersion #FOSS #Update #Release #PreRelease #ScreenReader

Have you tried out the 2024.2 Betas? Remember you can test them out without installing them by choosing "Continue" instead of "Install". Last week in In-Process we highlighted several features worth checking out: Sound Split, and Display Speech Output (in Braille):… What do you think of them? #NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Beta #FOSS #Testing #NewFeature

We often think of Philanthropy purely as donations by the rich, but it is something we can all do. Philanthropy is broader: "the desire to promote the welfare of others". How can you promote the welfare of others this week? Do you know anyone who might benefit from knowing about NVDA?

#pw24 #PhilanthropyWeek #philanthropyawards #Philanthropy #Queensland #Giving #Innovation #NVDA #ScreenReader #Accessibility

In June 2023, Mick & Jamie, NV Access founders, were honoured with the Philanthropy Innovation Award by Queensland Gives. Last night, we were invited back for the launch of Philanthropy week 2024. We are pleased to share this photo of James, Mick and David Oliver (CEO Speld QLD).

#pw24 #PhilanthropyWeek #philanthropyawards #Philanthropy #Queensland #Giving #Innovation #NVDA #ScreenReader #Accessibility

We've been doing this a while. Let's SWING for the big leagues.
Tomorrow, we're doing a deep dive on #burpSuite from a #screenReader perspective. It will be mostly #blind (as in playthrough) as I've not looked at this program for a few years, and fully blind (as in sight) given ... well ... screenReader user :)

I've learned more, and hey who knows, maybe they've improved ......
If it turns out they haven't, we'll look at @zaproxy next as a more viable, generally more #accessible alternative. See you tomorrow at 3 EST over at #infosec #cybersecurity #zaproxy #portswigger #java #programming

Since a new version has been released 4 days ago, let me take the opportunity to mention that @FeatherWiki is still the best, single-page local wiki ever made. It's minimalistic, extensible, and accessible to #screenReader software as well.

If you like TiddlyWiki but find yourself confused because of the myriads of expanding sections, you will love FeatherWiki.

Check it out at

In-Process is out, with all the details on NVDA 2024.2 Beta 3, Mick and Gerald's interview on Eyes On Success, a big walkthrough of the new "Sound Split" feature (if you've ever wanted to have NVDA in one ear and your apps or VOIP in the other, you won't want to miss this!), and the New braille setting: “Display speech output”.

Check it all out here:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Blog #News #Newsletter #Braille #ScreenReader #Accessibility #EyesOnSuccess

Ahright, Patch tuesday be upon us so the final IC_Null stream for the week is upon us. Let's run down the remaining part of the web portion of the #thm Jr Pentester path so we're all good to go for the #burpsuite deep-dive next week. I can already say, that dive will be gory indeed :) You all know the drill by now, #accessibility as in how do these #thm rooms work when all you have to parse them is a #screenReader. Relatively smooth sailing so far, when do we run ashore and how do we sail on? COme see :) See you at 3 EST at or, pick your poison :) #twitch #youtube #streamer #selfPromo

NVDA 2024.2 Beta 3 is now available. As well as all the amazing things already announced, changes in Beta 3:
- Disable style navigation in Microsoft Word
- Add section on Add-on Store to Quick Start Guide
- Fixes for using Poedit with all plural forms
- Minor fixes for sound split
- Minor documentation fixes
- Updates to translations

Read the full what's new and download from:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #News #FOSS #Update #Accessibility #A11y #Beta

today's stream on #programming editors from a #screenReader perspective can be rewatched here:

Access for All: Two friends helping change opportunities for blind people with an open-source screen reader for all. Now on Microsoft Unlocked:

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #ScreenReader #A11y #Microsoft #FOSS #OpenSource #Free #News

Patch tuesday be upon us once more. That means another IC_Null stream at 3 PM EST/9 PM CEST today. Today we cover more #TryHackMe content in the #webHacking category. SOme announcements about the channel as well. Next week, we'll take a break from pure #THM to go full ham on #burpSuite #accessibility ... or the lack there of. Let's see how long it takes for us to be forced onto the far superior #zaproxy :) See you all tonight at #infoSec #cybersecurity #blind #screenReader #a11y #twitch

NVDA 2024.2 Beta 2 is now available!

NVDA 2024.2 includes Sound split, new Synth settings commands & quick nav commands, many Braille features & fixes & more!

Changes since Beta 1
- Disable style navigation in Outlook and non-UIA word
- Disable vertical, style and text
-QuickNav commands in Kindle
- Minor documentation fixes
- Updates to translations

Read the full what's new and download the new NVDA 2024.2 Beta 2 from:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Beta #FOSS #A11y

Are you blind? Have you heard of the commandline, but don't know what it means or how to use it? I recorded a tutorial that shows how to use a popular commandline utility called YT-DLP to download the audio version of a video with a screenreader, and how you can apply this to other commandline applications. This will accomplish jobs more quickly and bypass inaccessible graphical user interfaces. I hope you find it helpful!

#a11y #accessibility #screenreader

Our #GAAD edition In-Process #blog is out, featuring all the news on #NVDA 2024.2beta 1, the amazing mini-documentary @github made our new issue template and more!

Get on top of all the #GAAD #news here:…

#NVDAsr #Accessibility #Newsletter #GitHub #FOSS #ScreenReader

Test your might! On this Walop Wednesday we'll be waloping indeed as we look at what's changed in #mortalKombat1. THere's been a number of #accessibility updates and I'm curious how it's faring these days. There'll be #gaming, chuckles and laughs as we explore what's new. See you in 45 minutes at #twitch #streamer #goingLive #blind #screenreader

This Global Accessibility Awareness Day, we have something special to share! @github made a movie about our founders Mick & Jamie & the story of not only NVDA, but also OSARA. Two life-changing open-source projects. Both actively providing access & employment to blind people around the world.

Read the article here:…

Watch the video (with AD) on YouTube:…

#GAAD #NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #Employment #Empowering #ScreenReader #FOSS #OpenSource

NVDA 2024.2 beta 1 is now available for testing from:…

For anyone who is interested in trying out what NVDA has to offer before release, we welcome your feedback.

- Sound Split
- New Synth Settings ring & quick navigation commands
- New braille features & fixes, including "Display speech output".
- Updated eSpeak, adding new language Tigrinya.

There are many minor bug fixes for applications

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Beta #News #Accessibility #A11y #FOSS

Just gearing up, and OMG THE VPN WORKS! We're starting back up with an ic_null stream, more #tryHackMe with a #screenReader, significantly more smooth than last week and hey, I'll even archive it this time :-O Come hang out while we hack the system over at #blind #twitch #accessibility #goingLive #selfPromo #toomanyHashtags

OK :) Next IC_Null #twitch stream will at 3 PM eastern on #patchTuesday. VPn issues were sorted (obviously the cuplrit was #windows) so we can start the #tryHackMe content off good and proper this time. Expect #linux #accessibility, #screenReader black magic and other such rantings tomorrow at #selfPromo #streamer #areHashtagsEvenStillCool?

This week's In-Process is out, featuring all you need to know about copying text in Word, using Browse mode in Word, getting help in NVDA, and a special thanks to our friends at ISCB! All online now:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Accessibility #Microsoft #MicrosoftOffice #Office365 #Office #Keyboard

Thank you to everyone who have boosted, and thank you to the people who have taken the time to 💟the feature requests.

Before the hearts were still in the single digits, and now its closer to 20. This is good, but it's not enough for it to get attention.

Please boost this post, and please 💟 the #obsidian feature requests for #screenreader support, essential for #blind and #partiallysighted users.……

#accessibility #pleaseboost

So ...let's face it. A LOT of folks in tech circles are somewhat amazed a fully #blind person can even find the power button on a computer, let alone operate it professionally. I am such a person, and I'd like to bust that myth.
It's also true that many #hacking tools, platforms, courses etc. could use some help in the #accessibility department. It's a neverending vicious circle.
Enter my new twitch channel, IC_null. On this channel, I will be streaming #programming and #hacking content including THM, HTB and who knows what else, from the perspective of a #screenReader user.
What I need, is an audience. If this is something you reckon you or anybody you know might be interested in, drop the channel a follow or share this post. Gimme that #infoSec Mastodon sense of comradery and help me out to make this idea an actual thing :) #tryHackMe #streamer #selfPromo

@WestphalDenn I would say both have pros and cons. For example mate has traditional desktop and standard application menus with submenus and similar. Many #screenReader users prefer that classic style. However @GNOME is also technically fully accessible. In version 45 and 46 a lot of polishing has been made. The top bar is fully operational with the keyboard all the popup menus, dropdown buttons, toggles, sliders on the top pannel are now accessible. Gnome control center has now almost all its controls clearly labelled. The only place in the gnome control center where I expect some improvements in the future is redefining keyboard shortcuts. On my machine I have noticed memory usage has decreased after upgrading to gnome 46 so in this regard #mate desktop and @GNOME desktop are on par as well.
Also gnome is very likelly to pioneer #accessibility innovations in upcoming releases so for me the answer is clear. I'm on @GNOME since v3.4 and v3.6 days and I am not going to change that.

does anyone have any recommendations for screen readers that run on Linux? I want to start testing webapps I code (and other people's sites) to make sure they are accessible to people using a screen reader but I'm not sure where to start.

:boosts_ok_gay: #Blind #ScreenReader

Today I have found out when enabling subtitles on #youtube the area where the subtitle track is playing is no longer configured as so called live region so youtube subtitles are no longer read automatically with a #screenReader if it's running. I've also looked at #invidious which has aria-live set to off. This is unfortunate as I was expecting this to just work. It can be tested on this video if you like

Microsoft announced their latest round of FOSS fund recipients. We're thrilled to share that @NVAccess are among this quarter's recipients. From:

"A project of the Microsoft Open Source Programs Office, the FOSS Fund provides up to $10,000 USD in sponsorships to open source projects as selected by Microsoft employees."

Congratulations also to The GNU Compiler Collection, Urllib3, CLAP & MSW.

#OpenSource, #FOSS #Free #Software #NVDA #ScreenReader #Accessibility #A11y

Our new Chief Technology Officer, Gerald Hartig, is being interviewed on Vision Australia Radio tonight at 8:10pm AEST (About 1hr 15mins after I post this). You can tune in online at:

#NVDA #ScreenReader #Accessibility #Interview #News #A11y

In-Process is out, featuring all the news on the release of NVDA 2024.1, plus highlights from our trip to CSUN. Do check it out now at:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Blog #News #FOSS

NV Access is very pleased to share the release of the NVDA 2024.1 Release Candidate. Unless any major issues are identified, this will be identical to the final release. We encourage all users to test the Release Candidate. Many updates including on-demand speech mode, native selection in Firefox, bulk actions in the add-on store and much more! Read the full details and download at:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #A11y #ScreenReader #News #NewVersion #Release

It's a busy time at NV Access HQ, and Abroad! This week's In-Process has all the news about CSUN, NVDA 2023.3.4, NVDA 2024.1, and a run through of the new Native Selection Mode in Firefox. Read more here:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #News #CSUNatc24 #CSUN #CSUN24 #News #Newsletter #Blog #Release

People who use #ScreenReaders, imagine a feature on your instance where you can automatically hide any post that contains images/videos without alt text.

If you reply with an opinion and YOU PERSONALLY don't need alt text for accessibility reasons, I will probably block you.

#poll #ScreenReader #accessibility #a11y #blind

  • It's a great idea (32%, 16 votes)
  • No strong feelings (6%, 3 votes)
  • It's a bad idea (6%, 3 votes)
  • I don't use a screen reader (56%, 28 votes)
50 voters. Poll end: 9 months ago