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Items tagged with: LINUX

Check out this recap of the work that Community Platform Engineering did in 2023! The CPE team is made up of the folks who manage Fedora infrastructure, Fedora release engineering, and @centos infrastructure.

Projects worked on or investigated:
* Making a @matrix native zodbot
* Moving our registry to
* Backend service for Fedora Badges
* And more!

➡️ communityblog.fedoraproject.or…

#Fedora #Linux #OpenSource #Matrix

Voici des nouvelles du développement de Thunderbird :
— travail en cours sur #Exchange avec du Rust
— la synchronisation de Thunderbird est presque prête à être testée #Sync
— comme avec Flatpak, le projet s’approprie le paquet #Linux Snap…

source @thunderbird…

Happy Friday Fediverse family! In case you missed it:
☑️ We're working on Exchange support
☑️ Thunderbird Sync is almost ready for testing
☑️ As we did with Flatpak, we're taking ownership of the Linux Snap package.

Read the monthly update from Alex, Thunderbird’s Director of Product Engineering:…

We've been pretty busy -- is on track to go GA around 18 April. Here's the latest updates!…

#linux #bluefin #gnome #fedora #ublue

I just found out that in the past few months there has been work happening in @gnome to allow for encrypting user home directories using #systemd homed :…

It appears as though this would put each home directory inside its own LUKS container that would be locked when the user logs out or the hardware suspends. This would be a major improvement to the security profile of #Linux on the desktop!

Currently, on most systems (including Linux) regular user data is only effectively protected by system encryption when the hardware is completely turned off, but not when it is suspended.

KDE MegaRelease 6
KDE’s next mega release is here!…
#KDEplasma #linux

Poprvé pořádně zkouším #xmpp komunikaci v terminálu, rozhodl jsem se vyzkoušet doporučené #ProfanityIM a je to super 😀👍 Těch možností a ta rychlost ⚡.
Samozřejmě to chce trošku pročíst základní informace na… a potom si vygenerovat svůj OMEMO a důvěřovat OMEMO klíčům od lidí, se kterými si chci šifrovaně psát. Ale během 10 minut jsem měl vše nastaveno.
Jen zatím nevím, jak uložit heslo, něco jako auto-login při spuštění, možná ví @archos ? #Linux #opensource #messaging

#FOSDEM: While efficient video playback has long been possible in the embedded #Linux world, desktop applications have been lagging behind. Here's a look at the state of video offloading on the Linux desktop, by Robert Mader:… #GStreamer #GTK #Chromium

“Improved build validation, increased moderation, and the long-awaited switch to libappstream” by @barthalion

Heads up to app developers: Flathub’s automatic build validation is more thorough now, and includes checks for issues we previously would have only flagged manually. There’s a chance that if your app has been passing continuous integration checks previously, it will fail now; here’s why, and what to do about it:…

#Flathub #Flatpak #Linux #OpenSource #FOSS #FLOSS

TIL: #Wayland breaks most screen readers, as they are not not intended by design. (they need to interact with other apps)

Wayland is now the default in pretty much all gnome distros.

Orca has workarounds, but they are not merged and not fully working. (And a blind user can't built it without a working screen reader)

I'm not entirely sure if I got this correct, but it seems to me like the #Linux community once again booted the #blind.…

Hey Fedi! We're hosting a panel at SCALE 21x with some of the major players in the Linux desktop ecosystem to discuss where we go from here, any big ideas you want us to discuss?

Here's our list as of now:…

And the abstract:…

Post your ideas in the replies!

#foss #linux #oss #opensource #gnome #kde #stardustxr #stardust #vanillaos #xdg #scale21x

If you ever feel like your life has no purpose, just remember that there's someone at Microsoft whose job is to make sure Microsoft Edge works on #Linux.

#Mixxx 2.4 Open-Source and Free DJ Software Released with Major Changes, Here's What's New…

#OpenSource #FreeSoftware #Linux

Pandoc, extensible swiss tool for markup document conversion, has a major new release 3.0…


#linux #release #unix

#ILoveFreeSoftware, you love #FreeSoftware. Let's get that down. Most of the time you don't even notice that you're using a device running a :linux: #Linux kernel, :gnu: #GNUtils or services like :apache: #ApacheWebserver, :matrix: #Matrix etc. as they just work and don't get in your way; don't bother you reading ancient 📜 #EULA; don't track you ...

But have you ever said thank you to all the :linus: contributors supporting the projects and sustaining #SoftwareFreedom?! If not, then today's your lucky day. :awesome:

Create a sharepic via @fsfe's tool and use the #ILoveFS hashtag to show your appreciation. Additionally, spend some time looking up the #Fediverse handle of your favorite projects and mentioned them.

Happy I 🧡 Free Software Day!

Monthly report: Arch Linux in January 2024……

#archlinux #linux #monthlyreport

Alright I think I'm finally happy with the Workbench 46 demo for AdwDialog 🛠️

It's such a cool primitive for building adaptive apps. I hope the blob cat will make some people smile 😄

#GNOME #GTK #libadwaita #Linux #development

Dedicated to @alice and @tbernard 🎁

The GNOME community is working hard on GNOME 46! :gnome:

Do you have experience profiling on Linux? :linux:

We are looking for help debugging and profiling an issue with GTK on @AsahiLinux…


#GNOME #GTK #Asahi #AsahiLinux #Linux

Hello, world! 👋 It’s your friendly neighborhood Linux app store here on the Fediverse! Check our profile, we’re verified. 😎

Speaking of which… if you’re an app developer and want to get your app verified on Flathub, check the docs! If you need any help, give us a shout here.…

#Flathub #Flatpak #OpenSource #Linux #FOSS #FLOSS #introduction

Version 1.2.1 of the xdg-utils is out!

With two of the most obvious bugs fixed. :drgn_wrench:

Thanks to the people who helped finding and fixing! :neofox_glasses: :neocat_laptop: :opensuse:

#freedesktop #xdg #xdgUtils #xdg_utils #linux

WebKit GTK4 is now fully accessible. Shipping in GNOME 46 :gnome:

Funded by @sovtechfund and @igalia ❤️

Completed by Georges Stavracas at Igalia 🎩

Thanks to everyone involved !……

#GNOME #WebKitGTK #accessibility #a11y #Linux #GTK

Use #Linux and @thunderbird

Microsoft sneaks ads into the new Outlook for Windows - gHacks Tech News…

Do you, or have you ever, used a graphical user interface? If you use #Windows, #macOS, or any version of #Linux with a window manager or desktop environment, you can thank Dr. Clarence "Skip" Ellis.

Dr. Ellis worked at Xerox PARC, the research organization that developed the modern GUI. Icons, windows, the mouse, Ethernet-based networking, laser printing - all of these (and more) came out of PARC. Dr. Ellis led the team that created Officetalk, the first program to use icons and the Internet. He got his start at 15 years old showing a local tech company how to reuse punch cards, which was a game-changer back in 1958.

Oh, and he was also the first black man to earn a PhD in Computer Science.

#BlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistory #BlackMastodon #ComputerScience @blackmastodon………

Version 1.2.0 of the xdg-utils is out! :drgn_box:

Please test them! (But don't deploy yet)

Thank you to everyone else who contributed and thanks to Simon for the trust and maintainer work! :drgn_heart:

We need more eyes on that code! :drgn_notice:

The xdg-utils are children of their time, shellscripts that by large don’t follow a “modern” scripting style …

… which means that there is a lot of work to catch up on and any changes should be reviewed by more people than they currently are.
In case you want to help:
Just pick something that seems interesting and doable for you and open an issue/merge request.

Things that need to be done:

  • Read the code and try to find mistakes (Usage of external tools, escaping, …)
  • Find mistakes in open merge requests.
  • Review, research and fix issues.
  • Improve tests
  • Improve documentation
  • Rebase old merge requests
  • Improve Cygwin and MacOS support
  • etc.

:neofox_solder: :neocat_science: :drgn_wrench:

#freedesktop #xdg #xdgUtils #xdg_utils #linux

And while I’m at it i might also hijack #fosdem for this. :drgn_dark_mlem:

Really happy to see first beta release of @OBSProject featuring PipeWire camera support. Along with the recent Firefox support for PipeWire camera this is a big step forward.…
#linux #pipewire #fedora #obsstudio #libcamera

Thunderbird als Matrix-Client

Seit Thunderbird 102 ist Matrix standardmäßig aktiviert. Ich habe mal einen Blick darauf geworfen.

#Thunderbird #Matrix #Matrix_Client #Chat #Linux…

Implementing battery charge limits in GNOME

By @jelly…

It will mitigate battery loosing capacity over time.

#GNOME #Linux #LinuxMobile #FrameworkLaptop #freedesktop

@Felix Häcker Vow! I welcome everyone interested in #accessibility on #linux to read this one and a few previous iterations. Many regular contributors to @GNOME are tackling #accessibility issues these weeks.

"Many recent Intel laptops have […] a raw MIPI camera-sensor connected to the IPU6 found in recent Intel laptop chips.

[…] #Linux support for the IPU6 relies on an out of tree #kernel driver with a proprietary userspace stack […]

[…] Linaro has started a project to […] allow these cameras to work without needing proprietary software and Red Hat has joined Linaro in working on this. […]

This work is at a point now where it is ready for wider testing. […]"… #LinuxKernel

I recently switched to using a unified kernel image on my laptop - a UEFI executable that includes the kernel and the initial RAM disk. It is loaded directly by the UEFI firmware, hence no boot loader is needed anymore.
I'm still resolving a few issues, but it's essentially working. For now, at least, I've decided to use dracut to generate the initramfs image, and the Arch Linux dracut-ukify package to automate creation of the unified kernel image.…
#Linux #BootProcess #uefi #UnifiedKernelImage

Flathub has OVER A MILLION active users! 🎉…

That's a nice new stat to reference when asking developers to bring their app to Flathub: it gets them in front of more than a million Linux users. 👀

#Flathub #Flatpak #GNOME #KDE #Linux #OpenSource

Monthly report: Arch Linux in December 2023……

#archlinux #linux #monthlyreport

GNOME Mess Is Not An Accident.

#gnome #kde #linux #wayland…