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Items tagged with: SWIFT

We’re growing our product team!

Are you an #iOS Developer who wants to lead our official #Mastodon iOS #App?

This is a remote full-time position and requires an overlap with the CET timezone.


1. You are a senior iOS Developer comfortable with a mature codebase
2. Proficient in #Swift and #Apple Frameworks (UIKit, SwiftUI, Combine)
3. Prior experience with social media networks is a big plus!

For more info/to apply:…

#FediHire #GetFediHired #hiring #mastodev

Because of the broken #accessibility in #SWIFT UI tables with VOiceOver, it is not possible to interact with the text of posts when using Mona app. What I have to do is to copy “last spoken phrase" to clipboard, paste it into an editor, read it, discard it, then read on. I'm happy the solution exists, but OMG! :)

hey there #Swift folks. At this years #WWDC #Apple had introduced a Translation API, allowing our apps to utilize the built-in translate feature. However I see a major drawback in this API, it can be executed only from the UI. Isn't there any programmatic way to translate the text and get the result as a string? My usecase would be inside an app extension.

Some time ago I have written an article about interesting way to use Strings in #Swift. If you wish, feel free to take a look and tell me what I did wrong.…

#programming #apple #iOS #macOS

Check out the latest blog post on the #swiftlang website about the #adwaita for #swift package!

You can find the repo on GitHub:…

#linux #libadwaita #gnome #gtk

Currently working on two #gnome apps!

- Scripter: A simple app for basic scripts ⌨️ & calculations 📐 [GitHub:…]
- Flashcards: Create, edit, and study flashcard sets 🎓 - easily import your existing Quizlet sets [GitHub:…]

Both are written in #swift using an interface similar to #swiftui for #gtk and #libadwaita [GitHub:]

I came across a blog from a 2 years ago that compared different implementations of dot product. It had a couple interesting points. The cost of functional programming in #Swift was huge (31x on M1 and 198x on x86). I did an equivalent test in #Rust and the cost was 1x (on M2). That lets programmers use the high level abstractions without dreading the performance costs.

.map(|(&l, &r)| l * r )

OK, trying an experiment with my Programming Languages class!

• Have an AI generate some of your writing assignment.
• Critique its output. Call BS on its BS.

Assignment details in screenshots below. I’ll let you know how it goes.

(Here are the links from the screenshots:)

Raw AI Text:…

Comments on AI Text:…

(Better) Human Text…

#ai #chatgpt #education #writing #highered
#swift #proglang

The first half hour of @rjmccall’s talk provides really good insight into Apple’s plans and motivation for Swift: a single successor language for C/C++/Obj-C for the entire stack, including kernel and embedded systems. Focused on correctness, safety, and security. Incremental adoption is key, hence the importance of interop with C, Obj-C, and now C++. #Swift

“Introducing a Memory-Safe Successor Language in Large C++ Code Bases”:…

Today I'm excited to finally introduce @walleri!

Walleri is a Mastodon Client that lets you listen to your timeline instead of reading it!

Here is the TestFlight Link:…

If you have any feedback - good or bad, don't hesitate to reach out!

#walleri #swift #swiftlang #swiftui #ios #iosdev #iosdevelopment #tootsdk #fedidev #mastodonapi #buildinpublic #mastodev #testflight #xcode #indiedev

Man Reader - my Mac app for reading Terminal command man pages - has finally had its long awaited update. The new version is now waiting for review.

Currently, Man Reader costs USD 4.99 or the local equivalent. I will be increasing this to USD 9.99 when the update is released, so if you want to save some money, buy it now and get the upgrade at half-price.…

#macOS #swift #terminal #zsh #bash

One thing I particularly like about Rust — which I’m very new to — is how thoughtfully the compiler errors and warnings have been designed. It not only diagnoses and explains the problem: it provides a possible solution. Genius.

This is the essence of good design: it’s compassionate, anticipating the needs and wants of another person. I can’t think of another language that does anything like this. Certainly not Swift, not that I’m bitter.

#rust #swift

Using #GTK and #Libadwaita in #swift Attempt Number 2.

Instead of using GIR to generate the code, use hand-written bindings.
More work? - Yes

Full coverage? - No

Better API and easier to use? - Yes

Fellow #iOS #swift #swiftui developers. Do you know if the ButtonRole structure actually does anything purposeful? With #VoiceOver, I cannnot get any indication whatsoever about the button’s role, while at the AppleDeveloper documentation site:…, they state that such an info should be conveyed. Is there any visual indication of the role? If so, what?

Finally got around implementing #swift demangling support for #GNOME Sysprof (Not upstream (yet?))

The power of FLOSS, a feature you really want is missing? - Just add it

#Dev recommendations 6. #RegEx can be a hard topic for every new person starting with #programming. However don’t be scared of them because they are useful and fun! If you struggle to learn #RegularExpressions here are my favorite resources.
1. This website is your all in one toolbox for regular expressions, with tutorials, reference and a very advanced debugger which can visualise the expression’s output. All for free, and with #accessibility for the #blind out of the box.
A little course on regular expressions. The teaching is cler and the guy explains everything on the way.
As always, if you have any questions about #RegEx, #csharp #dotnet, #swift or anything else, feel free to ask me!

One of the coolest tools we use at #1Password has been #opensource ’d!

I present to you Typeshare 2.0! A way to share Rust types across the FFI (supports, Swift, Kotlin, TypeScript, and Go). We use it everyday and I love it, makes things so easy and awesome.

#rust #swift #kotlin #go #golang #rustlang

Hi, I'm treefit, a #foss dev working on #deltachat. I'm responsible for the desktop client together with @jikstra.
My favorite coding language is #rustlang, but I "speak" #typescript, #javascript, #html, #css, too.
I'm also capable in #python and #swift, but not as much.

I'm new to the mastodon/toot style of communication (never used Twitter, either), so I'm still learning of how this all works.

My goal is to give you some behind-the scenes peeks onto the DeltaChat development.
