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Items tagged with: xmpp

Been working on a little #xmpp client!

Still very early-days, but I'm having fun making it!

XMPP chat about it:

#instantmessaging #rust #xmpp

@prav is looking for an #iOS developer to build Prav App on iOS. So far we have raised 500+ USD for this work via If you are an iOS developer and interested in this work, contact us or knows someone who will be interested, share this with them. If you or any contacts use iPhone donate now to make joining #XMPP easier. #FreeSoftware We need more coordinated effort to break monopoly of #WhatsApp in messaging. Your support is crucial in this challenging task.

#XMPP users:

Which are your favourite XMPP features?

What do you think it does best among messaging protocols?


Im currently writing code for my #rust implementation of an external #http Server for #xmpp file uploads. I have recently started migrating from hyper to tiny_http and would like to publish a new version and am currently testing it.
But it would be great if other people could also test (or would like to review rust code) the functionality :) documentation, which I used as reference:

I used to think that #emoji #reactions are for the illiterate.

Then I got addicted to them in Signal and Matrix.

Now I can't wait for #Jabber clients to implement them. Why is this #XEP still experimental after 5 years, @larma ?

#xmpp #xep444 #emojiReactions

Just set up my first ever XMPP/Jabber instance, used the managed hosting service @snikket_im 🦜

So far so good... 🤞

It works in a pretty similar way to other managed hosting services like @mastohost, simplifies everything. It's pretty much like running a webmail account, don't have to get involved with server level stuff at all.

#XMPP #Jabber

Just installed the Prosody #XMPP server on my home server using the #NixOS module and a Let's Encrypt certificate. Everything just works out of the box, including E2E encryption and push notifications to Monal on iOS.

Are you running #Conversations_im on an Realme or OnePlus devices with stock ROM? Are calls still working for you on version 2.14.2 and above?

Not working would likely manifest itself as a dialog that says "Call not sent" or the operating system opening the default calling app instead of the Conversations UI. Incoming calls would likely be rejected as busy immediately. (There may or may not be other symptoms.)

Please let me know either way and tell me your Android version.


:conversations: Conversations, the :xmpp: #xmpp client for :android: #android got updated with a new material you design. I like it. It feels more modern now.

is there a hosting provider that offeres managed email, xmpp, and matrix hosting as a single bundle?

#AskFedi #xmpp #email #matrix #hosting

#Conversations_im nutzt streng genommen kein WebSocket sondern #XMPP.
In der Praxis spielt das wahrscheinlich kaum eine Rolle (Hauptsache kein FCM/APNS) aber bei Threema steht ja auch Threema Push und nicht WebSocket.

Wow, a lot of nice UI and settings changes in the most recent version of #conversationsim
Thanks @daniel!

What a great morning on #fdroid for #XMPP users:

1. #Conversations
A beta version of 2.15 arrived at F-Droid. It looks great and now uses Material 3 theme. Be aware: To install this version you need to explicitly select it in F-Droid.

2. #monocleschat
A new minor version has been released which brings GIF import, compatible stickers and other improvements.

3. #Snikket
A new version has been released bringing fixes and improvements from Conversations to Snikket users.

🎉 Have a nice weekend 🎉

Can anymany tell me how I'm "supposed" to use end-to-end encryption with XMPP?

As far as I can tell there are three totally different ways to do E2EE:

a)OTR : "[](Not intended to be a current standard), or technical specification, as better (albeit, newer and less well tested) methods of end-to-end encryption exist for XMPP. "

b)OpenPGP: There are at least two different XEPs about it. XEP-0027 is obsolete, while XEP-0373 is "experimental" but hasn't been updated in almost three years.

c)OMEMO: "Experimental" and hasn't been updated in over two years.

Is there a way to do E2EE in XMPP which is neither deprecated nor experimental? What's the "Current stable" way to do it?

#XMPP #E2EE #EndToEndEncryption #OMEMO #OpenPGP #OTR

Just a heads-up that #Snikket #Android has been pulled by #Google from the store. We'll work on restoring it once we figure out their (as usual) nonsensical complaints. Apologies to everyone affected. Please look at #FDroid and free yourself.

Today's excuse for delisting yet another #XMPP app?

"Your app is uploading users' Image information without posting a privacy policy link or text within the Play Distributed App."

Funny. What's this then?? 👀

‼️ Comunità XMPP:
📢 Annuncio: Eventi mensili in italiano sulla messaggistica XMPP! 🇮🇹
📆 Quando? Oggi 12 Aprile alle 18:00
🌐 Dove? In diretta su con chat (XMPP naturalmente) per intervenire
✍️ Iscriviti su Mobilizon -
🌟 Unisciti a noi per partecipare alle discussioni, e incontrare altri appassionati di XMPP. 🚀

XMPP Italian happy hour
#XMPP #standards #chat #jabber #federation #interoperability

Monocles, je asi zatím nejlepší #XMPP aplikace pro Android.
Jen těch uživatelů nás moc není 😃😃

:ynh: :jabberxmpp:

#YunoHost devs are testing #Prosody as #xmpp #jabber replacement for metronome to get better integration with the system and better compliance with jabber standards. Also new default features as A/V calls.

It's on early development, without ETA!!

great news IMO 👌

thank you 🙏 🧙

First blog post about the work I've done so far on the #moxxy UI! I'd like to do one every month if possible, like Thunderbird does with K-9 Mail. Please feel free to send me feedback! #xmpp

The #XMPP Newsletter for March 2024 is out!

It's the 50th publication of the XMPP Newsletter! Let's #celebrate and say thanks to all the contributors & readers! Join the community effort!

Enjoy reading! 📰 ☕

#jabber #decentralization #federation #chat

I was about to start a poll asking if #Conversations_im should add a fallback STUN server ( for the ~40% of #XMPP servers that don’t offer one via XEP-0215 External Service Discovery.

And then the network of our hosting provider went out for ~5 minutes acting as a good reminder of why the app doesn’t rely on centralized infrastructure…

I don’t use the tablet UI in #Conversations_im. To be honest I hardly think about the fact that Conversations even has one.
However if you are using Conversations on a tablet and have suggestions for low hanging fruit / quality of life improvements I’m happy to implement them.
Recently someone suggested using the chat title as the activity title. (Apparently the highlighted chat is not enough of an indication of what chat you are currently in.)

#XMPP #android

Our iOS app got banned from the Chinese appstore because it is able to influence public opinion or is "Capable of Social Mobilization".

See our blog post for details:

#xmpp #ios #china

Ich hoste mit #Yunohost meine eigenen Dienste. Darunter z.b. #invidious #searxng und #xmpp. Nun wollte ich gerne mal nachfragen, wie sicher das ganze ist, wenn ich z.b. Die Suchmaschine und auch XMPP öffentlich ins Netz stellen würde; was muss beachtet werden? Oder sollte ich davon ganz absehen?

#selfhosting #sicherheit #datenschutz #FediHilfe

#Google and #Facebook didn't kill #Jabber / #XMPP. They hammered the final nails of its coffin. Big difference. The lesson of the XMPP story is that the community shouldn't get complacent just because a big corp is now backing them, support their own smaller #FOSS developers through any means they can (whether financial or code), put out a unique thing every now and then, and make sure the UX is not horrible for new users. I think #Misskey, #Sharkey, and #Catodon got those lessons right (especially the very latter, UX was really horrible in XMPP back then and I think that's what "killed" it if you can even call it that). Not sure about #Mastodon though. Maybe that's what why almost all of the worry I'm hearing about #Threads comes predominantly from Mastodon and Mastodon-compatible (in the sense they try to be as compatible with Masto as possible in terms of API) instances. :seija_coffee: #fediversemeta

Gerade gesehen:
Die #XMPP App #monocleschat ist über das Osterwochenende im Play Store zum reduzierten Preis von 0,99€ (anstatt 3,99€) erhältlich.


Zur Vollständigkeit: Bei #fdroid und #codeberg ist sie weiterhin kostenfrei erhältlich.

Hintergrund: Die App monocles chat ist ein Fork von #Conversations und setzt einen Schwerpunkt auf intuitiver Bedienung. Sie ähnelt vom Aufbau noch stärker den typischen Messengern.

Featurevergleich, siehe:

The monocles chat update is available on the Playstore with a Easter special offer 🎉 .

There are several new fixes and features like:

* Initial GIFs picker
* Animated Avatars (up to 100kb and 480px)
* Initial status image preview
* Better image quoting
* Little battery usage reduction
* Updated translations
and much more

A good weekend to everyone!

#playstore #encryption #xmpp #chat #messenger #monocles #monocleschat

Hey, I'm currently doing a little research on the cost of modern social media and messaging, given that cost is an everlasting discussion when trying to move people to more free alternatives.

I am still looking for data for messaging, such as #XMPP and #Matrix. So if you have or know someone who operates a somewhat sizable instance for either XMPP or Matrix and would potentially share some details about operational cost with me I would love to hear about it! :)

Thank you so much! 💙



@snikket_im just started their new federated instant messaging hosting service (based on #XMPP) for everyone.

This can really be a gamechanger for instant messaging.

You can bring your own domain name if you want to.

This means: for about 5.50€ (6$) a month (according to the website) you get ten instant messaging accounts for you and your family/friends using your personal domain name (not included).

And you are able to talk to every other XMPP user out there.