
Items tagged with: Opensource

Just bought a #DELL 3190 laptop, new for $150 (11.6" screen, 64GB eMMC). It's fully supported on #Linux, and even if it has a Celeron N4120 CPU and only 4 GB of RAM, it'll work fine with #Mint, or #XFCE (and #Gnome/ #KDE if you don't mind some minor lag). Not opening too many browser tabs will ensure that the swap file won't get used too often.

If you're on a tight budget this is a good option, as it also has great battery life too at 10 hours with Linux.

#linuxmint #ubuntu #opensource #foss

Calling all #LibreOffice users: Power up ⚡ and become a LibreOffice contributor, like Adam Seskunas! Learn new skills, build a portfolio of experience, and have fun on the way:… #foss #OpenSource

We hear you: it IS frustrating that Thunderbird doesn't have a proper conversation view! It's finally time to answer WHY, and explain what we're doing to solve it.

It all started about 20 years ago...



#Thunderbird #OpenSource #Development

Today, at Open Forum Europe Capital Series, our @EC_DIGIT_director_general Veronica Gaffey, talked about our goal - increasing the maturity of open source in Commission.

"Many #OpenSource project have sizeable European communities. If we collaborate, Europe can remain at the forefront of open source."

I am getting tired of reading about the #xz #security issue as if it is all about issues within #opensource. It is much bigger than that, and those takes conflate the problem with the solution.

So I wrote "The xz issue isn't about Open Source" here:…

"You have to understand, we’re responsible for taxpayer money here. We can’t just make a donation to your open source project."

— a national government who relies on #Matrix when being asked to support it financially

Read more about the problem and some initiatives that are responding to it:…

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #FOSS #FLOSS #funding #xz #sustainability

Open source infrastructure *must* be a publicly funded service, and funders need to support maintenance – not just new feature development 📣

This is on our minds this week in the wake of the #xz news, and as we continue to seek funding to support #Matrix.

Read the latest from project lead, @matthew:…

#OpenSource #FOSS #OpenStandards

Schleswig-Holstein geht voran:

#LibreOffice statt M$ Office
#Linux statt Windows
#Thunderbird statt Outlook
#Nextcloud statt Sharepoint

Das Kabinett hat den Startschuss für den Umstieg auf freie Software gegeben - ein Gewinn für #IT-Sicherheit, #Datenschutz und die heimische Digitalwirtschaft.

Langfristiges Ziel ist die vollständige digitale Souveränität des Landes.…

Wir ziehen den Hut und wünschen eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung!🎩

#OpenSource #DigitaleSouveränität

Question! Why should local governments use taxpayers’ money to buy proprietary, closed software from a single vendor? And what happens to citizens' data? A solution is to move to free and open source software like #Linux and #LibreOffice – which is exactly what Schleswig-Holstein is doing:… #foss #OpenSource #privacy

Tomorrow's the official start of #30DayFOSSChallenge! We've got a few people chatting in the #matrix already:…

Feel free to join us. Don't know what I'm talking about? Look here:…

#foss #floss #opensource #freeculture #degoogle #indieweb

Any experienced C developers among my followers? #BoostsWelcome.

Expat, arguably the world's most popular #XML parser, is understaffed and without funding. As #xz has shown, situations like this are dangerous.

Last month, maintainer Sebastian Pipping put up a plea for help at…

(I would help myself, but my C skills barely surpass "Hello, World".)

Found via @timbray -…

#SoftwareSupplyChainSecurity #OpenSource #OpenSourceMaintainer

I think the #xz incident is teaching us that our infrastructure is dangerously fragile in the face of well-organized/funded attackers. The response isn’t “try harder” or “donate to your OSS project”, it needs to be institutional, professional, and at scale.

So, here’s my proposal, called “OSQI”, aimed at starting a how-to discussion:…

Lots happening in the #LibreOffice project! In March, we had updates to the software, new user guides, Document Freedom Day, reports from meetups and more:… #foss #opensource

Stuff I already wrote that other people might be open to reading this week, because of the #xz incident:… Four Non-Dev Ways To Support Your Upstreams (Pass this along to executives who are asking "how can we prevent this in our dependencies?")… Potential cross-project #opensource tools and practices that you/we can implement to help lighten the load on each other


Who needs bad April Fools' Day jokes when you have laptop lids! Today's lid is from @Unaccounted4

Things we are loving:
* Sweet, squishy mascots 🐧
* Sound haberdashery 🎩
* Science and swears 🤬

Rating: 1100/1010 binary references

#OpenSource #Community #WeRateLaptopLids

🚨 ⚠️ Emergency PSA: A critical security exploit was discovered in the xz package recently, used for compression and decompression on nearly all Linux distributions.

Rawhide users ARE impacted and should immediately STOP using Rawhide until the package update is fully rolled back. (1/3)

Security Advisory:…

#Fedora #Linux #OpenSource #Security #Privacy

#LibreOffice’s #localization community translates the software’s user interface, along with its documentation and websites. We ran a survey to find out what tools the community uses, and how we can improve them:… #foss #opensource

In true open source, the software is open to everyone on the same, neutral terms. If you are in need of an #opensource in-memory, key-value data store, check out Valkey, a community-driven fork of the Redis codebase by the former community contributors.…

Today we're releasing #LibreOffice 24.2.2, the second update to our new 24.2 branch (with "year.month" version scheme). We've also updated the previous and older LibreOffice 7.6 branch too:… #foss #opensource #news

💡 The last Wednesday of March can only mean one thing...

#DocumentFreedomDay ✍️

Today we celebrate open standards: The ability for everyone to work and communicate using free software.

If you're using paid software that confines you see if any of the alternatives on my list of #opensource software can make life easier for you:…

Includes (but not limited to) @cryptpad @thegoodcloud @piefedadmin @libreoffice @thunderbird @Tutanota @protonprivacy @plausible @GIMP @inkscape @session @signalapp @delta @efoundation @MattermostFR @element

Any I've missed, let me know!


#FOSS #DFF #DFD #decentralize

If you're an #opensource maintainer seeking a good task to give a less-skilled new contributor, ask them to do a discovery report on the project, such as:

Starting from scratch, try to get a local installation up and running, and note how long it took.

Take an hour to explore our documentation and fora, and tell us your impressions.

Given a demo install, try these common user tasks.


It's time for our Community Office Hours this Wednesday March 27 at 17:00 UTC and the topics are up to you! We'll answer live questions, questions sent to, and some of the questions we heard most at SCaLE! 🤔 🐧

Find out how to join us in the blog, and note the shift in day and in UTC! Silly spring time changes. 🗓️ ⏰…

#Thunderbird #Community #OpenSource

A new @DestinationLinux has hit the road! (363) 😎🐧▶️

Check out #DestinationLinux 363: PipeWire Interview with Wim Taymans, Revolutionizing Audio & Video on Linux

#linux #podcasts #opensource #tech

#LibreOffice isn't just a piece of software – it's a worldwide community, working on #UX, #QA, marketing, documentation and translations. And thanks to that community, we now have a Czech version of the LibreOffice Writer Guide 24.2 🥰… #foss #opensource

Apache Pekko has left the incubator phase and is now a top-level project.…

That's great news! Pekko was created as a Fork of Akka 2.6, right after Lightbend chose to pull a bait-and-switch by relicensing Akka to a non-FOSS license.

I have already switched to Pekko a few months ago, it went very smooth, and I am grateful to everybody involved in making this happen.

#opensource #pekko #akka #scala #java #licensing #apache #foss

Looking for a career change – maybe in technical writing? Join the #LibreOffice documentation community, and improve our help content and guidebooks! You can pick up valuable experience along the way. Dione Maddern explains more:… #foss #opensource