
Items tagged with: A11Y

Chrome / TalkBack bug I first reported in 2020, and which was fixed for a time (?) appears to be back. Looking for confirmation before I file yet another one.

A named region with a `tabindex` does not expose its contents. Chrome / TalkBack only announces its accName and role.

I think I have an ugly workaround (“Shawarma” heading).

Test case:…

Similar to issue I filed earlier this month, which I limited to APG tab panels.

#accessibility #a11y

Images without text alternatives is a huge problem. The issue is magnified when the image is a link. Realize that screen reader users receive no valuable information when the image wrapped with a link is missing a text alternative.

Ensure that all images, including those that act as link, provide appropriate text alternatives.

#DigitalAccessibility #Accessibility #A11y #UXDesign #WebDev #WebDevelopment

Oh GitHub.

@sclower filed a discussion item (with @jscholes confirming) and since I was bumping into it during a call today I also made a video:…

A lot going on here:
• Verbose.
• The instructions sometimes lie.
• Some triggers are a problem.
• Fake-dialog has issues.
• Those are links, not disclosure triggers.
• Verbose.
• Also, verbose.

#a11y #accessibility

Congratulations to Oko for winning the Apple Design Award in the inclusion category. Oko uses your phone’s camera and some machine learning to let blind and visually impaired travelers know the status of traffic signals. #a11y…


I am not the only one to say this:

Please remember that WCAG itself is the bare minimum of #accessibility. Conforming to WCAG does not guarantee something is accessible. It does not even guarantee something is usable. All WCAG does is provide you with a starting point. Lots of WCAG failures suggest the page has not even made it to the starting line.

Which I say at the end of this post comparing free automated WCAG testing with manual testing:…


All these discussions about captcha and #accessibility are the demonstration of how reality is infected by inclusion-washing and performative activism. Everyone to talk about #PrideMonth in June, disability day in December, #a11y day #gaad in May, but then facts are always where they've always been: in 1999 or before. With illusions to solve it all with some out-of-box solution. (1/2)

For blind people like me, if AI solves a captcha it's a miracle, not a problem. Companies should rethink client-based human verification; captcha is a discriminatory message. If you -company- experience fraud, it's not my responsibility to tell you I'm a human. It's your responsibility to protect me SERVER side, not placing a guardian with the gun at the door who kicks me out if I'm blind, deaf or cognitive impaired, because I can't solve the quiz you implemented. #accessibility #a11y

In this 5000+ word tome, I walk you through every button, toggle, and slider in Overcast. I’m hoping that @marcoarment checks my work and tells me if I made any egregious errors (and doesn’t mind my editorializing as I do the walkthrough.) Also - it's accessible with VoiceOver!

How to Use Overcast as Your Podcatcher of Choice…


This generative model allows you to sketch out a scene with a few words, it then leverages an LLM to flesh out the details, with the ultimate goal of feeding those details to a downstream visual image generation model.
It is almost, but not quite, entirely the inverse of image captioning models.
This offers the closest experience to an image generation tool that's usable by people with visual impairments.…

#a11y #genai #llm

This looks awesome. I just backed Eventably, a project by @karlgroves to create an accessible event management platform (planning, ticketing, execution, analysis, etc). Just read their testimonials to see reasons why this is sorely needed. The campaign has 17 days left! Help make it happen!… **#accessibility** **#a11y**

NVDA 2024.2 Beta 3 is now available. As well as all the amazing things already announced, changes in Beta 3:
- Disable style navigation in Microsoft Word
- Add section on Add-on Store to Quick Start Guide
- Fixes for using Poedit with all plural forms
- Minor fixes for sound split
- Minor documentation fixes
- Updates to translations

Read the full what's new and download from:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #News #FOSS #Update #Accessibility #A11y #Beta

I've just pushed a bunch of #accessibility changes for screen readers to the main branch of FediThready. ( It makes long texts into post sized chunks)

I've run through it with #VoiceOver and it _seems_ ok. HOWEVER it all feels like it's "usable" instead of "good".

If there's a #a11y geek out there who uses screen readers regularly I would REALLY appreciate some suggestions on how to make this actually feel good for folks who rely on screen readers.…

Three tips for reporting inaccessibility to companies.
1. Be as specific as you can and provide solutions if possible.
2. Provide resources for developers to learn more about accessibility. In most cases, companies are just unaware of the needs of disabled users.
3. Include how to replicate the accessibility issue and what you think should be happening if the issue is not present.
Learn more in our self-advocacy toolkit.…
#Accessibility #a11y

Creating documents is an essential part of most jobs, and school, and many other parts of daily life. Join us for our Document Creation software boutique on May 28 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. eastern. What product do you use to create documents?… #Accessibility #A11Y #technology

Patch tuesday be upon us once more. That means another IC_Null stream at 3 PM EST/9 PM CEST today. Today we cover more #TryHackMe content in the #webHacking category. SOme announcements about the channel as well. Next week, we'll take a break from pure #THM to go full ham on #burpSuite #accessibility ... or the lack there of. Let's see how long it takes for us to be forced onto the far superior #zaproxy :) See you all tonight at #infoSec #cybersecurity #blind #screenReader #a11y #twitch

I have been reading through the State of HTML 2023 results site ( and I am so disappointed in the overall #accessibility efforts — both in the questions and in the code.

This may become a blog post.

I filed 3 issues today, have filed 15 since late 2022, and only 2 have been addressed:…

But these surveys keep pushing problematic info in problematic UIs, giving the wrong impression of… everything.

#a11y #HTML

Your restaurant has kiosks, and a patron who is blind attempts to use it. Will they be able to make a purchase independently? Is your legal risk low?

Stop by booth #5536 to see the industry-leading and most widely used self-service screen reader software, JAWS for Kiosk.

#Accessibility #DigitalAccessibility #A11y #Kiosks #SelfService #2024RestaurantShow #ADA

NVDA 2024.2 Beta 2 is now available!

NVDA 2024.2 includes Sound split, new Synth settings commands & quick nav commands, many Braille features & fixes & more!

Changes since Beta 1
- Disable style navigation in Outlook and non-UIA word
- Disable vertical, style and text
-QuickNav commands in Kindle
- Minor documentation fixes
- Updates to translations

Read the full what's new and download the new NVDA 2024.2 Beta 2 from:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Beta #FOSS #A11y

Are you blind? Have you heard of the commandline, but don't know what it means or how to use it? I recorded a tutorial that shows how to use a popular commandline utility called YT-DLP to download the audio version of a video with a screenreader, and how you can apply this to other commandline applications. This will accomplish jobs more quickly and bypass inaccessible graphical user interfaces. I hope you find it helpful!

#a11y #accessibility #screenreader

This is great but can we please also have Fedora (& Ubuntu, etc.) acknowledge they started shipping operating systems without a functional screen reader when they switched to Wayland and that that’s still the case?

This is not to name and shame. Unless we acknowledge this as an error on par with shipping without monitor support and unless the culture is altered to make accessibility a showstopper, it’ll happen again.

#Fedora #GAAD #Accessibility #A11y #Linux #OpenSource…

For Global Accessibility Awareness Day, we want to recognize the work being done on accessibility by @matt as part of the @gnome Foundation. He is the lead for @accesskit and is currently working on Newton, a Wayland-oriented solution for assistive technologies that can modernize accessibility on the Linux desktop!


#Fedora #GAAD #Accessibility #A11y #Linux #OpenSource


heute ist der Internationale Tag zur digitalen Barrierefreiheit, Global Accessibility Awareness Day

Gerade rechtzeitig erreichte mich ein Foto aus der Presseabteilung des Landratsamtes um diesen Beitrag fertigstellen zu können:…

For Global Accessibility Awareness Day, we want to recognize the work being done on accessibility by @matt as part of the @gnome Foundation. He is the lead for @accesskit and is currently working on Newton, a Wayland-oriented solution for assistive technologies that can modernize accessibility on the Linux desktop!


#Fedora #GAAD #Accessibility #A11y #Linux #OpenSource

I got name-checked in Jessica Weber’s 2024 #AccessU Legal Update! It was for #AudioEye’s SLAPP #overlay suit.

Got to lunch very late because people wanted to ask me questions, but not in front of the AudioEye executive who was in the room.…

#accessibility #a11y

NVDA 2024.2 beta 1 is now available for testing from:…

For anyone who is interested in trying out what NVDA has to offer before release, we welcome your feedback.

- Sound Split
- New Synth Settings ring & quick navigation commands
- New braille features & fixes, including "Display speech output".
- Updated eSpeak, adding new language Tigrinya.

There are many minor bug fixes for applications

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Beta #News #Accessibility #A11y #FOSS

Got very excited by @matt demo of AccessKit integration in #GTK

AccessKit is a cross-platform abstraction for accessibility infrastructure written in Rust.

His work will bring a11y support for GTK on macOS and Windows as well as for the new accessibility architecture on Linux code-named "Newton".…

#GNOME #rustlang #accessibility #a11y #Linux #Windows #macOS

Le saviez-vous ? On peut désormais signaler à l'@Arcom_fr des problèmes d'#accessibilité #numérique.

L'association @ValentinHauy nous explique comment 👉
C'est discret, c'est sur la page Contact en pied de page, mais ça existe.