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Items tagged with: alttext

A picture is worth a thousand words. Unless you don't add #AltText. Then it's just "Image".


It occurrs to me that the #AltText hall of fame is not run by a #Blind or #VisionImpaired person because in the decades that alt text has been a thing, nobody from within this community has stopped to think that demonstrating how to do it well might be helpful for our cause. When an ally does it, we treat them like an intruder. Whatever. Enjoy your internet full of suboptimal alt text.

Alright. Here's how it is. Once you appoint yourself as gatekeeper, you become part of the problem. We as #disabled people have precious few allies as it is, without actively alienating the ones we have. You can stand up and offer to help, stand up and provide constructive feedback on how to improve, stand up and show appreciation, or just sit your ungrateful self down. Just stop. Thanks @stefan for raising awareness of #AltText. #blind #accessibility

So I've been called out for not being run by someone who's #blind or #VisionImpaired.

And that's fair. I'm very much open to anyone from those communities to get directly involved, so this is my public invitation.

Today is Global Accessibility Awareness Day (#GAAD). Today, I want you to ask yourself, then act, *before* you speak. Do you have an app you're maintaining? Look at some #accessibility resources for the framework you use for the user interface. Do you know if it's accessible or not? If it's not accessible, are you doing anything about it? Do you tell disabled visitors to your app/site that it's not accessible, and give them a timeframe, if any, when it will be? Do you have a website? If so, do you know if it's accessible or not? Are you an artist of any kind? Is your media accessible? Are you a writer? If so, are the images in your book described with #AltText?

If you're a part of a company that has anything to do with accessibility, including proudly posting about it, do you have any disabled employees? If so, do you show them that they're appreciated? If not, why don't you have any? If you create art about people with disabilities, do you have disabled people take a look at it before you share it? If you write books that have images in them, have any disabled people checked to make sure the Alt-text makes sense, and that the book is accessible otherwise? If not, why not? And when you get disabled people to check out apps, books, sites for your professional needs, do you pay them for it?

Please do remember us on every other day of the year, but particularly today, please remember: nothing about us without us.

#blind #disabled #disabilities #access

The contorted excuses people concoct to excuse not adding #altText boggle my mind.

Case in point: even if alt text is "now primarily used to train AI" [citation desperately needed], as I've just seen claimed, there are still real-world humans who benefit from it, just as there have been since the web emerged.

If AI tech is now being trained on alt text, it's also now being trained on all the rest of your whatever.

By only concerning yourself with the alt text, you're routing all the AI-related harm to screen reader users, actual humans who already experience massive social & technical marginalization.

Solve the image issues for humans.

Then, in parallel, solve your more widespread AI problem (like adding rules to your robots.txt ).

It's much simpler to just start adding "cute cat" to your cute cat photos than it is to invent new excuses for behaviors that ultimately just harm screen reader users.

Here's a great alt text guide!

I honestly enjoy writing good, descriptive alt text. Once you get used to it, it's no longer a chore, rather a fun exercise.

It gives you an opportunity to focus on the image you're sharing, sometimes revealing details you might miss.

It's a great writing challenge as well.

And it's just the right thing to do to help folks who rely on it.

#accessibility #a11y #AltText #ImageDescriptions

Trying to understand human psychology a bit here, boosts for reach are very much appreciated.

When you post an image without alt text, and someone replies with the image description for you to use, what is your typical reaction?

#accessibility #a11y #AltText #ImageDescriptions

  • Thank the person and add the alt text (44%, 95 votes)
  • Use the alt text, don't respond (2%, 6 votes)
  • Ignore the person (7%, 16 votes)
  • Block the person (0%, 2 votes)
  • Explain why you don't add alt text (0%, 1 vote)
  • Start a big fight (0%, 0 votes)
  • I never forget alt text (41%, 88 votes)
  • Something else? (2%, 6 votes)
214 voters. Poll end: 2 weeks ago

A few extra seconds of your time it takes to add a good image description can really improve someone's day.

"To a totally blind person like me it means a lot to have a picture in my mind of your images, especially the animal pics."

"I don't know what it is, but as a blind user it's making me emotional to be able to actually interact with content."

#accessibility #a11y #AltText #ImageDescriptions

#SocialCoop has been discussing whether to disable images on May 16 and October 10 for #WorldSightDay, as suggested here

One concern raised about this proposal is that it is symbolic and might not do anything to improve the lives of people with visual impairments.

I would like to hear perspectives from people with visual impairments on whether this kind of action is helpful.

(boosts welcome; please only reply if you rely on alt text)


tenho visto cada vez mais, principalmente dentro da comunidade lusófona do Fediverso, imagens que tem #AltText que não descrevem nada, principalmente quando a imagem tem texto e o texto da imagem não é posto no Alt Text.

se teve o trabalho de colocar um Alt Text inútil, porque não colocou um Alt Text útil? é o mesmo esforço, gente!

custa tanto assim ter mais empatia e ser menos capacitista???

#capacitismo #acessibilidade

If you're #blind, #VisuallyImpaired, or otherwise rely on #AssistiveTecnhologies and #AltText, your thoughts on this proposal to temporarily disable images across the fediverse to highlight the importance of well-written image descriptions would be very much appreciated.

Please boost the original post for reach!

#accessibility #a11y

One thing I learned when making an 88x31 badges page: it is actually a really good example of one of the few times you should keep #AltText generally short.

When you have dozens of tiny badges on a page, it should be easy to skim them the same way it is for a sighted user. It shouldn’t take an hour to finish reading the page.

What if Mastodon had a way to save the ALT text you entered each time you used a new image. So if you used the same image later, it would some how know what you used the last time and give you the option to automatically use that instead of having to type something each and every time.

Seems to me there would be some way to be able to do this easily and to save all of us time from having to type the same thing for ALT text on a regular basis.

#Idea #Thoughts #AltText #Accessibility

'Image with no description. Image with no description. Image with no description.'
The day I don't have to ever see that on my timeline again will be a fantastic day indeed. If #Mastodon can implement hiding boosts without #AltText I will likely take advantage.
Absolutely sick to death of the *one* main culprit posting 99.9% empty posts and images without alt-text, and people boosting them because they don't realise there's nothing to show for it.
Original poster probably posts 0.1% of original content, the rest is just pointless memes day in, day out, but they have a huge following, so their crap comes up time, and time again.

Not a huge sample size, but the results are in!

If you use #Matrix, drop an #AltText comment below your images and screencasts for #ScreenReader, #Braille and other #Accessibility tools until we get support in the spec:

#a11y #Element #Fractal #Cinny #FluffyChat #Quaternion #NeoChat #GNOME #KDE #elementaryOS #XFCE

Alt Text, ente descoñecido no Fediverso Galego


a porcentaxe de imaxes publicadas no que teñen un texto que as describe é mínima. Non todas as persoas actúan do mesmo xeito, pero tendo habilidade e tempo para escribir media dúcia de cancelos que acompañan á publicación, tampouco é un traballo enorme engadir unha breve descrición á imaxe e axudar así a persoas con dificultades visuais, a aportar contexto ao que se ve, a que os lectores de pantalla poidan facer a súa labor e a ter empatía con quen nos le.

Incluso hai servizos (iniciativas) como #AltText4Me para intentar axudar a quen o precise.

Todos os clientes coñecidos teñen no seu editor un apartado para engadir esta descrición.

A veces vexo un certo patrón, como se fose cool ou algo así tirar aí unha imaxe e que se apañen, unha artistada snob.

Xa pode ser ben fermosa que non lle poño nin estreliña ⭐

De etiquetar as nosas publicacións idioma #galego xa falamos outro día.

Are you a #ScreenReader and/or #Braille user on #Matrix?

Should we be adding messages as captions until #AltText is supported?

#A11Y #Accessibility #BRLTTY #FOSS #OpenSource #Element #GNOME #KDE #elementaryOS #XFCE

  • Yes, always. (66%, 4 votes)
  • A quick summary is fine, I'll ask if I need more (16%, 1 vote)
  • As long as you do it if I ask. (16%, 1 vote)
6 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

Question to peole with screen readers about alt text:

Do you want the description in alt text to be what is seen or do you want an interpretation and opinions?

I see people using a hashtag about alt text being an art form and often putting interpretations, opinions and assumptions in there and somehow it irritates me, so I wanted to ask those who actually need the alt text.

#AltText #ScreenReader

please boost for more reach


Give the people the full picture

via @rbreich
#Media #Inflation #Profits #AltText

Here's my periodic reminder: alternative text for images is important! It makes your images accessible to people who are blind and provides context for the neurodivergent (like me!).

HOWEVER! Writing appropriate alternative text can be very hard, especially if you don't have a lot of practice.

If you see an image missing alt text, don't be a jerk about it.

If you post an image and can't add alt text, don't be a jerk about it.

#Accessibility and #community go hand in hand. If we're all willing to be a little vulnerable with each other, we can help each other build a space that is accessible for everyone.

Edited to fix a spelling error 😁


@Friendica Support Hello. Could someone pls clarify this uncertainty i have wrt expiration of my #Friendica posts?

Will those selections per the pic above achieve my aspiration of deleting all my posts after 30 days unless Notes, Starred AND Saved Folders? The first two i'm confident about coz they're explicitly mentioned, but the latter is not mentioned at all. So, as i have multiple Folders, with carefully curated posts in them, it's important i do what's needed to retain them indefinitely.


Pic shows my, section Expiration settings, with Automatically expire posts after this many days: = 30, & options Expire personal notes, Expire starred posts, & Only expire posts by others disabled, but Expire posts enabled.

@Roland Häder @Shelenn Ayres @Michel In my account i use this setting...

...& i do appreciate that it helps, but at the same time it does not collapse entire threads into just the OP. That's the option i would like #Friendica to also have.

Pic shows part of my account setting in, with my use of the option "Show more", & my character-value of 444 [="Cutting posts after how many characters"].

@Friendica Support

Hello. There is a certain "network weirdness" that irregularly afflicts my use of #Friendica in my browser. Most of the time this misbehaviour does not occur, but each time it does arise, i can never identify its cause, nor even any consistent pattern of other symptoms that might lead to uncovering its root cause. I also don't know if there's some esoteric setting in my Friendica account's Settings doing this, that i might have overlooked.

See the pic for a quick simple visual display of the symptom.

Pls does anyone have any ideas my Friendica does this?

Pic shows my desktop #Conky for network activity, with random bouts of my full available download & upload capacity consumed by my Friendica browser tab. Pic shows some breaks wherein both UL & DL revert to their normal "background noise" levels, & these occurred when i reloaded the tab, &/or when i closed the browser. Note that "background noise" levels are the norm for this tab; the weird activity is a small minority of the overall browsing time measured over months & years, nevertheless this problem still arises far too often for my liking.

This is the Llava:34B LLLM (local large language model) running on my #MacBook Pro describing a #screenshot from #BBC News. This, to me, is as good info as #BeMyAI would provide using #GPT4, so it goes to show that we can do this on-device and have some really meaningful results. Screenshot attached, #AltText contains the description.
Lately, I've taken to using this to describe images instead of using GPT, even if it takes a little longer for results to come back. I consider this to be quite impressive.

Content warning: A demonstration of offline and online LLM image description responses

A friendly reminder to anyone posting about #ATIA2024 to please add #AltText to your images. Disabled people can share ideas too.Then I included the help articles for FB and Twitter. No joking this is still necessary in 2024.

Content warning: music, singing, female voice, lyrics about female attraction

I’m sorry but the interface for adding alt text (image descriptions, which all images should have) on mobile is terrible in most apps. Here is tumblr and the Mastodon app. 👎 #mastodonsupport #mastodonapp #alttext

(please do not reply telling me to use desktop, I do, it’s great, or with other work-around suggestions. I just posted the names of 30 insects using OCR and a host of other tools— I’m the queen of work-arounds! the point here is that “accessibility” shouldn’t be an afterthought!)

It's a #Cat yall! Meet Friday. He loves soft blankets, he adores any soft things really. This is him in his happiest of happy places.
#Cats #CatsOfMastodon #MastoCats

My alt text only exists until someone can do it justice, when I will then edit this to make it better.
#AltText #AltTextForMe

I got an email from a Fortune 500 company. Naturally images were suppressed in my mail client, so I saw their #AltText instead... 😆

I love that you add Basic text #Transcript for your audio clips man, I think everybody should do that if they can to help out our #Deaf and #HardOfHearing friends, and anyone else who can't listen to the audio for whatever reason. But Especially #Blind people as we tend to post a lot of #audio and because so many of us push for #AltText
we could stand to spread some of that awareness around.
Thank you for being a good example for others!

As a completely non #blind person with no #accessibility needs at all, I LOVE #AltText on images.

They often help clarify what's meant, why the image was posted, a bit about the posters personality and more. Image didn't load or can't wait for it? No problem! Didn't get the visual joke? The text usually makes it clear!

Don't do this just for peeps like me, but alt text helps a TON of people, *especially* but not only visually impaired people.

Alt text it all (esp artists)! :BoostOK:

A great article on how to add ALT text to your images

#Alttext #twittermigration #newtomastodon

Seeing AI: Making the visual world more accessible 3.5 Min #YouTube
Remember your #AltText, eh!

Featuring Andre Louis, talented Musician, Composer, Keyboard Player, YouTuber, Teacher (and all around nice guy)
Not sure about how to be more inclusive? #Follow @FreakyFwoof

#SeeingAI #VisualImpairment #Tools #Readers

*borrowed from someone who borrowed and just pasted, without comment, explanation, credit or inclusion.

IF YOU DON'T USE #AltText and describe your images, I won't boost them. If you stole them anyway, and are just sharing Goggle *finds* and random pictures that strike your fancy, I'll do the work for you, and include those with Visual Impairment or other languages to know what this is about.

#ClimateChange #Response #Cartoon #Alt4You

AND the inclusion thing too?