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Items tagged with: LINUX

PipeWire 1.0: Linux audio comes of age… by @sjvn

#Linux audio is finally fully mature for recording artists and engineers.

We're now working on filling the remaining gaps so this can become an actual reality on the #gnome (and generally #linux / #fdo / #gnu) desktop. And what can I say - things actually work out quite nicely! While on modern Intel or AMD systems the effect is mostly about lower resource consumption, on some low-end hardware there are visible differences on what you can play fluently.

People familiar with Flatpak and Blender... want to help Blender on board with Flatpak, officially upstream?

There's an open issue with initial tasks to be completed:…

They could use some help around packaging and permissions. :)

#b3d #OpenSource #Flatpak #Flathub #Linux #Blender

The developers at @pipewire have released PipeWire 1.0 with plenty of improvements and bug fixes… #PipeWire #PulseAudio #OpenSource #audio #Linux #FOSS #JACK #MIDI

LinuxUnplugged just released their latest episode featuring Wim Taymans talking about PipeWire 1.0, be sure to check it out. #linux #linuxunplugged #pipewire

Fedora Magazine got an interview up of Wim Taymans about the PipeWire 1.0 release and plans going forward.…

#linux #pipewire #fedora #audio

I got myself a little N900 a couple of weeks ago. The USB port was busted (completely off lol), but I got some new batteries and an external charger. And now it lives! It's running maemo 5 from 2011 so a lot of stuff just doesn't work. Which is fine. I'm going to replace the usb port and then try maemo leste on it. The fact that a modern OS is available for such an ancient device is so great!
#nokia #maemo #linux #linuxphones

Ultimate Arch Linux Install [CZ/EN]: LUKS, BTRFS, Dual Boot & More - Step-by-Step Tutorial
#archlinux #guide #linux

Want to test out Firefox using PipeWire for camera handling?
@jgrulich has made this Fedora COPR available for you to help us test!… #linux #fedora #pipewire #firefox

Some of you might have heard about it, and the rumors are true! After many requests from our #Linux users, Vivaldi is now available as a @FlatpakApps on #Flathub.

PS. The package is not yet official, read all the details in the article below by @omgubuntu👇…

More on why it is not official yet:…

Are there any #Linux distributions with #Speakup in them that work on the new #mac machines in #vmare or #utm? I tried #debian 12 and under this distro Speakup froze up at random intervals and locked up the vm. I am starting to think that two different physical machines may be the best for me. #arm64 with #accessibility features doesn't seem to be stable enough yet for prime time.

New blog post from Matthias Clasen: dmabuf, subsurfaces, and graphics offload for zero copy data transfer over the graphics stack coming to GTK 4.14:…

#gtk #gnome #linux #wayland #graphics

Viewing this infographic about memorable events in Linux history, I re-realized that Android, ChromeOS and SteamOS are all based on Linux. 💪

Thanks to @nixCraft and @dirkdierickx for sharing the image.

#linux #android #chrome #infographic #information #knowledge #data

Fedora 40 KDE Wayland Only IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING #Linux #YouTube

We're thrilled to share that the GNOME Project is receiving an investment from the Sovereign Tech Fund!

Learn more about the projects this will fund and how to get involved:…

#GNOME #opensource #FOSS #Linux

Valve reveals Steam Deck OLED for November 16th…

#SteamDeck #Steam #Valve #Linux #SteamOS

Thunderbird: The True Power Of FOSS Development #Linux #YouTube

BTW, I use Arch 😛

Comment yours! 🐧


It looks like Fedora 39 torrents are live a bit early. 👀 It seems like a good choice for my father-in-law's recently-liberated EOL Chromebook!

After downloading, I've already seeded to a 1:1 ratio; if you have some spare bandwidth, you can join in, too!

#Fedora #Linux #OpenSource #FOSS #FLOSS

In the comments of the last #video, someone had asked René Fürst for an InfinityBook S 15 with a special configuration - we were happy to make the device available for a #review.



#tuxedo #laptop #business #linux

Re-reading your question it looks to me that I didn't answer (get) your question @Simon John.

If you refer to user name, and hosting data I guess the answer is yes, it looks like plain text from the front end.
The password apparently at least can be protected by a general password manager.

Has there been general questioning of #FileZilla's safety?
Is there some recommendation for linux desktops?

#linux #fedihelp #safety

Linux users are so garbage to developers, no wonder everyone hates you. Seriously most of you deserve the #linux desktop.

EDIT: I had to cut out the picture of the person being trashed. That's how garbage these people are.

#Linux in particular, #OpenSource in general. If not possible, not buying. If not possible, avoiding as much as possible and handling "with gloves" (e.g. extreme prejudice).

Geany 2.0 ist da

Die kleine, aber feine IDE erscheint mit einem neuen Hauptrelease. Damit bietet sie sich als Text-Editor und einfacher Code-Editor an.

#geany #IDE #Texteditor #Programmieren #Linux

Fun fact: The XDG desktop portal for GNOME mobile is not adaptive, despite Nautilus being Adaptive (Nautilus is still not yet perfect on mobile but it's getting there)

#xdg #linux #linuxmobile #gnome

Does anyone here have Linux? Specifically maybe Ubuntu?

If so, could you install the Playtest of my game Rocket (Not the Demo, just the Playtest), and see if it works in your Linux?

Really appreciate the help, thanks!…
#indiedev #gamedev #linux #help #steam

There are two ways to add your keys to #FileZilla.

You can add your keys inside the "Site Manager":

Go to:
File -> Site manager ..

Screen of FileZilla showing where to find the option

In the settings panel for a given site select sFTP:
Screen of FileZilla showing where to find the option

Add domain IP or domain name:
Screen of FileZilla showing where to find the option

Logon Type:
Select "Key File"
Screen of FileZilla showing where to find the option

Add the user name to log onto the server:
Screen of FileZilla showing where to find the option

Browse for the .ppk you want to add and select it:
FileZilla offers you also to add .pem (privkey.pem) files, that's the #puTTy option for a file containing only the extracted private key of keyfile.ppk. At the same time FileZilla doesn't read/accept .pem files so it will prompt you to transform it into a .ppk file. If your .ppk is protected by a password (it should be), you get prompted to insert the password.
It is not clear if the newly created .ppk file from the .pem file by FileZilla is protected with the same password. It doesn't feel like that.
Screen of fileZilla showing where to find the option Screen of fileZilla showing where to find the option

Save the changes and connect to your server.

The other option to add your key to FileZilla is by adding it directly to the main settings.

Go to:
Edit-> Settings ..

Screen of FileZilla showing where to find the option

Choose SFTP and select the "Add key file" tab:
Screen of FileZilla showing where to find the option

Add the key file and save.
If you use the input fields and quick connect options of the main FileZilla window, the keys saved in settings will be retrieved.

#linux #windows #howTo #fediVerse

GNOME Project’s Unexpected CEO Choice: A Bold Move or Misstep?…

Holly Million, new to software, now leads GNOME. It is a curious choice for one of the biggest open-source projects, wouldn’t you say?

#linux #opensource #gnome

friendica VPS setup on ubuntu 22.04 LTS

@Friendica Support

I'm working on my first #friendica #VPS installation, here you'll find my initial post about general thoughts like what distro to use, size and costs.
I'm using the tutorial "creating a friendica server - ubuntu" by @Hank G ☑️.

As of now I'm doing well in the process and want to start this post to document differences and questions while installing the server.

This server is going to host an already existing friendica node I have to move from another hosting provider. That means that for example the DB doesn't have to be created from scratch but moved and other smaller details.

I will try to address the different steps of installation in answers to this post and appreciate help, ideas and observations.

I'm doing this from a #linux desktop environment from the console but there shouldn't be differences if you want to do this from a #windows machine.

#fediVerse #tutorial #fediHelp #activityPub

Frog is such a neat little Linux desktop app to extract text from images.

You can give it an image (file selector, drag & drop) or let it take a screenshot. And you can even paste an image from your clipboard!

This is great for adding alt text when posting an image or copying text (as text) from a screenshot for sharing (or adding to UI mockups, as I often do).

It also reads QR codes and supports several languages.…

#Linux #desktop #app #Gnome #OCR #Flatpak #Flathub

Dnes a zítra nás najdete na #LinuxDays. Zastavte se na kus řeči, vzít si nějaký #Fedora swag nebo se podívat, jak Fedora běží na Macbooku s procesorem od Applu.
#RedHat #Linux

Which one you do use among them? Comment below? 😄


Zajímá vás, jak běží #Fedora a #Linux obecně na počítačích s procesory od Applu? Zastavte se tento víkend na našem stánku na @linuxdays. Budeme tam mít Macbook Pro s Fedora Asahi Remixem.

I'm looking for a new job, or contract work, for the first time in a while - boosts appreciated!

I'm a polyglot programmer, with a wide range of experience behind me, from developing firmware that runs on 8-bit AVR, to highly distributed systems across hundreds of nodes, I covered pretty much the whole landscape.

I had my fair share of Ops experience too, and worked in (technical) Customer Service aswell.

I speak many languages (#C, #Rust, #Lua, #Python, #JavaScript, some #Go among them), but I pride myself in being able to pick up a new language at a decent level between signing a contract and starting on the job.

I'm a #Linux guy through and through, and have very little experience (or desire) to work with anything else, save maybe for the BSDs. I worked with containers, databases (relational and otherwise); in the cloud and on premises. I can debug, I can mentor, I can teach, and build, and integrate (continuously, even!). I'm not afraid of git rebase, nor of a crowd to speak in front of.

I live in Hungary, and am seeking remote work. I cannot relocate.

If you are someone looking for something like that, or know someone who is, please get in touch. My CV - with contacts - is available here.
