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Peter Vágner reshared this.

„HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 explained“…

The HN thread full of hilarious „I know better“ alphas and corporate conspiracy fans.…

It is fun to explore what is good. It is childish to fight over what is best.

The economy idea that life is competition, that we are in a „lifeboat“ universe where everything needs to be ranked, is toxic.

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in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

@bagder Sounds like it's really just two or three people though, that do most of the hating.

Comment sections need to get better at this. Maybe there should be a downvote threshold that starts hiding all comments from one account? Or, sites should prevent people from commenting above a certain rate?

Peter Vágner reshared this.

It's a busy time at NV Access HQ, and Abroad! This week's In-Process has all the news about CSUN, NVDA 2023.3.4, NVDA 2024.1, and a run through of the new Native Selection Mode in Firefox. Read more here:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #News #CSUNatc24 #CSUN #CSUN24 #News #Newsletter #Blog #Release

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in reply to NV Access

Is that native selection mode coming to other browsers or just Firefox?
in reply to Kevan

@kev We were able to do it most easily with Firefox. The intention is yes, we would like to bring it to other browsers in time.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Semantic Digital Audio memory: A cognitive aid to boost the capabilities of your memory 1/2

Sensitive content

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to RastislavKish

Semantic Digital Audio memory: A cognitive aid to boost the capabilities of your memory 2/2

Sensitive content

Peter Vágner reshared this.

"Wget can be typed in using only the left hand on a qwerty keyboard!"

Still my favorite difference between #wget and #curl…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

are folks unfamiliar with the practice of just moving one hand across the whole keyboard? Wild stuff.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

I am currently working on #accessibility in #forgejo. And I discovered a problem with focus where it is not possible to navigate the page with "tab", a dropdown makes the focus skip to the end of the page and you end up in a loop.

Can someone recommend ways or tools to debug focus in webbrowsers? I have a hard time to see how the focus skips there. Any hints are welcome.

Thank you.

#WebAccessibility #WebDev #webDevelopment

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in reply to modulux

@modulux Thank you for the pointer. Yeah, I tried to use it. The problem is that it does not live-update and is not helpful when the page is dynamically modified with Javascript, for example. Anyway, we found a hotfix in the meantime.
in reply to fnetX

Sorry that it didn't help, but glad you found a fix.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Update on Newton, the Wayland-native accessibility stack I'm developing for GNOME and (eventually) other desktops: I have an end-to-end prototype, using a Wayland protocol extension for the connection between applications/toolkits and the compositor, and D-Bus for the AT-to-compositor interface. I have an experimental branch of Orca with basic focus announcement and mouse review working. 1/?

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in reply to Matt Campbell

sweet seeing some progress here!! dumb question, is it tied to any toolkit or some internal mutter stuff? can it be eventually used on a wlroots compositor or kwin without pulling half of gnome? /genq
This entry was edited (7 months ago)
in reply to

@halva While the only compositor implementation so far is in Mutter, I certainly want it to be as straightforward as possible to implement in other compositors. While the interface between assistive technologies and the compositor is now D-Bus-based, as preferred by the Mutter/GNOME Shell team, I anticipate that somebody could design a Wayland protocol extension for that instead, and then write a separate daemon to expose the D-Bus interface.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@halva I think you should probably get agreement with the KWin and Plasma folks before settling on that D-Bus interface. Once the interface is locked in, it's going to be very hard to fix later.
in reply to Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ) :fedora:

@Conan_Kudo I wonder if it would make sense to use a portal for that interface, even though assistive technologies like Orca are not currently sandboxed, and it arguably doesn't make sense to try to sandbox them.

The D-Bus interface definition in question is here:… Yeah, not documented yet.

in reply to Matt Campbell

Portals are bad because there's no pre-authorization support (such that the distro or admin can pre-grant it instead of the user approving it individually) in xdg-desktop-portal. As long as that continues to not be a thing, portals are wildly inappropriate.
This entry was edited (7 months ago)
in reply to Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ) :fedora:

@Conan_Kudo Would one use portals for ATs, a way to ensure it can be preconfigured by a distribution is indeed a must, and a perfectly reasonable thing to add to the portals ecosystem, not only for ATs. It's not a reason to not use portals though.
in reply to Jonas Ådahl

@jadahl For now, it absolutely is. So far, there's been zero appetite to fix it for all the other use-cases. At this point, I don't see it getting fixed for AT either.
in reply to Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ) :fedora:

@Conan_Kudo The context is allowing ATs to run in sandboxes, and to pre-authorize a theoretical portal or whatever other way for handling IPC does not exist anywhere at all. And implying there "is no appetite" to fix it in portals is also a mischaracterization of why there currently doesn't exist a solution for other portals.
in reply to Jonas Ådahl

@jadahl We've had a need for it ever since the Remote Desktop portal was introduced. We also have requests for it for the Input Capture portal. We even have requests for it for the Screenshot and Screencast portals! It's not theoretical, these requests go back *years*.

And frankly, every single portal should be capable of pre-authorization. It should be in the xdg-desktop-portal frontend interface itself. Instead, the backends have to hack together crappy workarounds to do it themselves.

in reply to Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ) :fedora:

@jadahl Don't get me wrong, the portal infrastructure is useful, but it has big gaping holes in the design and interaction model because people keep thinking of it as a Flatpak-oriented system.

We need to stop thinking of it that way because it *isn't* that anymore. It's used for system software all over the place. It's *required* for Wayland environments now.

It needs to be treated as the user interaction hot path it is.

in reply to Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ) :fedora:

@jadahl And specifically in the Newton AT case, mandating portals basically makes it impossible for wlroots-based Wayland environments to use it, because xdg-desktop-portal-wlr will *never* implement it.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@jadahl xdg-desktop-portal-wlr has a policy of only implementing portals to bridge to Wayland protocols. This is because the wlroots developers do not like having D-Bus as a mandatory dependency. Every portal must be connected to a Wayland protocol.

The only portals implemented are screenshot and screencast, and only partially at that (you cannot select individual windows because the Wayland protocol wlroots uses for this does not support it).

in reply to Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ) :fedora:

@jadahl As an example of a highly desired portal that will never get implemented in xdg-desktop-portal-wlr: the Global Shortcuts portal.

The discussion in the project issue exemplifies this policy:…

in reply to Neal Gompa (ニール・ゴンパ) :fedora:

@Conan_Kudo @jadahl Well then, maybe I could resurrect the a11y-consumer Wayland protocol extension, get it approved by a plurality of Wayland compositors (presumably excluding Mutter), and then it would be supported by xdg-portal-wlr. I might have to do that work on the side though.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@Conan_Kudo Or, if the consensus is that it doesn't really make sense to sandbox ATs, then as an alternative to doing a portal, then my newton_consumer client library could directly support both D-Bus and Wayland protocols. As long as that project remains under my control; since the GNOME Foundation is paying for my work on it (so far), I don't know if I'll end up having to get approval from others for additions to that package.
in reply to

@halva And it's certainly not tied to any toolkit. The current demo uses egui, only because that was a toolkit that already supported AccessKit, and Newton builds on the work I've done in AccessKit (without requiring Rust in the compositor!). For the integration in GTK, the plan is to use AccessKit via its C API. Maybe somebody will implement Newton in a toolkit without using Rust at all, once we stabilize the serialization format.
in reply to Matt Campbell

Thanks so much for this, Matt - Wayland desperately needed accessibility fixing :blobfoxthumbsup:

Peter Vágner reshared this.

If you need a blind accessible smart scale in the EU, Lidl's Silver Crest SBF75 body analyser is a pretty good choice for 18 euros. The only inaccessible bit is when it asks for a 6 digit code during bluetooth pairing.

Everything else works beautifully, the Health for You app is completely accessible via VoiceOver (not sure about Android), including the measurements history, weight, water intakes, calories data, etc.

The scale also supports up to 8 people based on a reference measurement during your profile setup, which can be done on the phone through the app as well. All in all, this is a fantastic experience compared to a lot of other, way more expensive bluetooth smart scales. #a11y #blind

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in reply to Erion

now that would be awesome if there was something like that here in the US. if there is, I haven't heard about it. I would love an accessible scail that would work with android, or the IPhone, or both and be accessible.
in reply to JamminJerry

I am sure there is, it's just a matter of experimenting which is unfortunately not a good idea for your wallet.

Given that Lidl used to have talking bathroom and food scales, blood pressure monitors, I figured I'd give this a try because their brand is surprisingly reliable for an affordable price and luckily it worked out beautifully. I've heard Xiaomi's scales also work, though their app is not as good.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

I've got this #PinePhone (2GB RAM; 16GB eMMC) and I really don't use it.

So, for #WomensDay I am donating it to you, because you...

* Contribute to #opensource or want to start
* Will send me a link to a single contribution of ANY type (code, design, helping others, issue, translation, etc)
* Will write a few words about how #opensource empowers people
* Identify as a woman

On Monday (March 11, 2024), I'll pick a winner and invite you to email me a shipping address.


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in reply to Andy Holmes

@AmyIsCoolz You win!

This is not a official GNOME thing, but you can send me an e-mail at and it will go to my personal address.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Před 200 lety se narodil skladatel Bedřich Smetana. Za jeho ztrátu sluchu mohlo i zranění z dětství…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Oh. Ejabberd 24.02 released. It's able to connect to Matrix? 😳…

#ejabberd #xmpp #matrix

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Unknown parent

Marvin W
@daniel I think the bridge does not allow joining rooms yet, but can only be used for "direct chats". When sending a direct chat message and there is no "direct chat room" yet, it creates such a room on demand. Not sure what happens when then someone on the Matrix side tries to add someone else to an existing direct chat room...

Peter Vágner reshared this.

I like having events in a calendar, but I hate creating calendar events. So for the past few days I've been hacking on this:

It's now in a pretty capable state that I'm happy to show to the world - maybe you'll find it useful.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Nevíte co bastlit?
Nestavte pátou meteostanici!
Postavte 🦅 🦉 🐤 🐦 ptačí hlasovou pozorovatelnu. Pomocí 🎤 mikrofonu, 🖥️ Raspberry Pi a 🤖 umělé inteligence, můžete rozpoznávat hlasy ptáků 🐔 . Podporováno je 6000 nejběžnějších druhů. Jako bonus můžete všechna pozorování sdílet na 🌍 mapě světa a potěšit tak nejednoho ornitologa.
V ČR je v tuto chvíli 6 aktivních stanic. Tak kdo se přidá jako další?
Pomůžete mi výzvu rozšířit? Díky
@chiptronCZ @birdlifecz
#IoT #HomeAssistant…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Blazing fast Matrix, Native E2EE Group Calls, state of the art auth and potential WhatsApp interop.

Matthew covers the last year in Matrix and how it can be used to speed up the opening of communications silo required by the EU Digital Markets Act

#matrix #e2ee #voip #oidc #dma #whatsapp #silos

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Nazrál čas dát Firefoxu druhou šanci

Sepsal jsem důvody, proč si myslím, že by měl Firefox dostal zase šanci. Ať už od těch, kteří ho v minulosti opustili, nebo od těch, kteří ho nikdy ani nezkusili.

#Chrome #Firefox #FirefoxRelay #Mozilla #Opera #prohlížeč #Safari #Vivaldi #webovéTechnologie…

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in reply to Zdenda Sazovský

Tohle si myslím, že mají pěkně vychytané. Stačí se přihlásit a během chvilky má člověk data sesynchronizovaná. Dokonce člověk nemusí ani vyplňovat přihlašovací údaje, stačí naskenovat QR kód, který mu to zobrazí.
Ani jsem to nezmiňoval, protože to dnes považuju za standard, který má i konkurence, ale ve Firefoxu to teď IMHO funguje fakt pěkně.
in reply to Jiří Eischmann

ale search providers se nesynchronizují a je celkem neohrabaný je tam vytvářet.

Na druhou stranu lepší než ve Vivaldi tam se sice searche stáhnout, ale toho nastavení co se nestáhne je mnohem víc...

This entry was edited (8 months ago)

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Thank you Bitwarden! @bitwarden
This entry was edited (8 months ago)

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

They're Bitwarden, so they sent you a sum in bit lookalikes. That's my take on it.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Somebody from engineering suggested $63, but the financial department questioned that and thought "this was from our engineers, they surely meant the binary version of 63".

The financial manager looks at this, asks ... and concludes: "darn good they didn't suggest $64. Approved!"

Peter Vágner reshared this.

WebKit GTK4 is now fully accessible. Shipping in GNOME 46 :gnome:

Funded by @sovtechfund and @igalia ❤️

Completed by Georges Stavracas at Igalia 🎩

Thanks to everyone involved !……

#GNOME #WebKitGTK #accessibility #a11y #Linux #GTK

This entry was edited (8 months ago)

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in reply to destructatron

@destructatron I'm afraid you'll have to report a bug. I can't reproduce.

Please provide details about your system and exact steps to reproduce.…

in reply to Sonny

@destructatron nevermind Joannie got it…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Wie are pleased to announce that #Monal 6.1.0 with full video call support is now available in the appstore.

Have fun calling :)

#xmpp #ios #videocall

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Is it me, or is speech feedback in cmd on Windows 11 not as reliable? I often get nothing at all, and have to use nvda-arrows to review what happened. NVDA's focus doesn't even move as I type. I'll issue a command and get a response, but have to nvda-arrow down to the response instead of focus following it as it should. This seems to happen more in Powershell windows than cmd, but that might not be accurate. SSH sessions seem unaffected.
in reply to Alex Hall

I personally find Windows Terminal, which is the default in Windows 11 I think, to be really buggy and unreliable. To change that, Windows Settings (Windows+i), type terminal into the search box, select "Choose a terminal host app for interactive command-line tools", and change Terminal to "Windows Console Host". See if that helps.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

The report from the GTK hackfest in Brussels is now up on the development blog:…

#hackfest #gtk #gnome #accessibility

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

So, the first day of #FOSDEM24 is over. It was quite nice, actually, even that the university campus was quite complex. But, we are ready for tomolrow, so go us watch in the distributions devroom at 10:30 local Brussels time, and you will learn about what we found when looking at accessibility of Linux distribution live medias, and much, much more.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

10 years ago I made the first commit¹ to

To 24 year old me working on one project for 10 years would have been unbelievable.

These days making commits at 2:00 in the morning is almost unbelievable 😂

Happy birthday Conversations! 🎂 🥳

(Someone should teach these kids how to write .gitignore files 😜)


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in reply to Daniel Gultsch

how old is codeberg then ? Always thought it was a young new tool...

Peter Vágner reshared this.

I wrote some ideas for how to actually make HTML documents a viable replacement for PDFs.…

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in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt This is really helpful feedback thank you!! Re: the annoying anchors, if I added aria-hidden="true", would the anchors still be discoverable via some other mechanism in the screen reader?
in reply to Will Crichton

Unfortunately no, as far as I know. So I guess the annoyance will have to remain.

@Arch Linux packages #ffmpeg 4.4 in order to satisfy some dependencies. Funy thing today, now using pacman, I am just updating to ffmpeg4.4-4.4.4-4

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Crazy read: detecting positions of players in Counterstrike by *listening to their GPU over a microphone*…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

More details about the end of #IPv4 in state services: On 18th of December 2013 Czech #government decided that every service provided by Czech state has to be available on #IPv6 and be protected by #DNSSEC by 30th of June 2015. Yesterday a followed up action has been agreed on. On 6th of June 2032, IPv4 will be disabled on all services offered by Czech republic and they will be only available on IPv6 from that day on. Apart from that, every June starting from 2025, Czech government will get a report on how are the preparations.

Overall seems like a bold move, but I totally support it! IT sends a message, that #IPv4 is over and everybody should move to #IPv6 already. And even government - the definition of conservative and bureaucratic institution - gets it. Then why shouldn't you embrace it 😉

More information in Czech:……

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Another interesting #TTS #AI system. I need to look closer into it in order to see if it's a voice cloning approach or something else:
#AI #tts

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Seeking Blind Software Developers

From: Job-Listings <>
On Behalf Of Richard Davis via Job-Listings

Kevin Fjelsted of R. D. Partners, Inc. is interested in hiring blind persons as software developers. They are engaged in developing telecommunications
software for their customers, including CRM LIght and iOS applications for iPhone.

As you may know, finding software developers who know accessibility is a big problem today. Kevin thinks hiring blind persons is the solution to this problem.

Given the demand for software developers today (100,000 job vacancies nationwide) companies are no longer requiring four year degrees in computer science
or information technology. Instead, a number of "boot camp" training programs have cropped up, some of them quite expensive. R.D. Partners has found a
nonprofit that has agreed to train people for them at no charge to trainees.

What do you need to do to take advantage of this opportunity? First of all, be a power computer user with knowledge of accessibility. Some training and/or
experience in software development is recommended, but a solid interest in learning and a commitment to this type of work is definitely required. They
will be able to determine if you have the aptitude pretty quickly.

This is a job for a creative person. Many software developers are writers, poets, and artistic types. That may surprise some of you, but it is true.

If you feel you are qualified, contact
He is willing to answer the kinds of tecnical questions I cannot.

Best wishes,
Dick Davis
NFB Employment Committee

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Hello everyone ! 🙂
We are starting a new series of weekly articles, diving into Jami's developments through our programmers' work. 🤹‍♂️
The 1st one is "What's New On iOS" and just got posted.
The full article in the link below!
This entry was edited (9 months ago)

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

I wrote an overview of what happened within the MapComplete-world in 2023:…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

RevK's privacy-friendly GPS logger

My very clever friend, @revk, has been making a GPS logger which requires no third party account or server, after I said I was looking for one.

Here are my initial thoughts on using it.

tl;dr: it just works. It automatically logs our journeys to an on-board micro-SD card, and uploads them, via https POST, to my webserver, when it connects to Wi-Fi. And it runs Free software!

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Does anyone have a working Android 6 or Android 7 device in a drawer somewhere that they want to donate to the #Conversations_im project? (Anything higher or lower doesn’t work unfortunately)

While refactoring A/V calls I got myself into a situation where I can no longer verify that calls are working on these devices without access to a physical devices. (Emulator has knows issues when it comes to A/V calls.)

The oldest device I have access to *shipped* with Android 8 (and runs Lineage OS 17)

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Unknown parent


Hi, we met at #37c3 , I am the #TinyWeatherForecastGermany #dev .

Is this what you look for?

Disclaimer: china refurbished, rom likely not original, bootloader locked because this is the AT&T US model.

Because of the locked bootloader, you cannot flash a custom recovery / rom on it.

in reply to Daniel Gultsch

I'm pretty sure I have a Nexus 5 in a drawer somewhere still. I can bring it to Fosdem if you don't have anything yet by then :)

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Have you seen the Stack Overflow Developer Survey results for 2023?

Of the 83,830 folks surveyed, Matrix is the #1 chat tool in terms of current users' satisfaction. It's also rated as the most desirable among the open source tools listed, but there is a _lot_ of room for improvement in awareness there.

Let's build on this in 2024! 🚀…

#Matrix #StackOverflow #FOSS #OpenSource

This entry was edited (9 months ago)

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to The Foundation

I talked to the IT support desk of our 43,000 student University today. They did not even know what matrix is. And there I am, thinking I had been so close in lobbying for a WhatsApp replacement at my workplace for years...
Sigh, more work to do...
in reply to Sebastian "spaetz" Spaeth

@spaetz Oof, that's tough! We are so grateful for your advocacy.

This is definitely a sign of the work we need to do to increase awareness! As we get the Foundation more fully operationalized we hope to provide some materials to help introduce more folks to Matrix.

We're encouraged to see universities like TU Dresden and MIT running their own Matrix homeservers and want to help encourage more of that 🚀

Peter Vágner reshared this.

This sounds very interesting: OpenVoice is #VoiceCloning tool. It allows to generate speech from small samples of a given speaker, in many languages. It has controls for mood and accent. And it is free. Unfortunately I don't have an #AI capable GPU yet.…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

New Kiramoji version (v3.4), now with swatch/internet time support!
If you are a Caddy 2 user, now the Caddyfile is greatly simplified, thanks to a reported bug being fixed for Caddy-CGI 2. Grab your copy at…

Peter Vágner reshared this.