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Items tagged with: MACOS

Got very excited by @matt demo of AccessKit integration in #GTK

AccessKit is a cross-platform abstraction for accessibility infrastructure written in Rust.

His work will bring a11y support for GTK on macOS and Windows as well as for the new accessibility architecture on Linux code-named "Newton".…

#GNOME #rustlang #accessibility #a11y #Linux #Windows #macOS

Psst 👋 Email Preview for push notifications is coming soon!

Now you can know who is sending you an email before opening your mailbox! 🎉

Here's a sneak peek 🤫
#teaser #ios #android #sneakpeek #privacy #security #linux #macos #windows

I am playing with the NaturalLanguage framework in #Swift and I am having some interesting results. Here are the most similar words to the word „Dictatorship”. The left column are the words, the right is the distance. The more distant, the less similar the word is.

dictator 0.7791867852210999
autocracy 0.7871801853179932
dictatorial 0.7904724478721619
regime 0.7980139851570129
democracy 0.8397299647331238
totalitarian 0.845069408416748
repressive 0.8523193001747131
oligarchy 0.8619794845581055
despotism 0.8681145310401917
despot 0.8691430687904358
Here is the code I used.
import NaturalLanguage
guard let embedding = NLEmbedding.wordEmbedding(for: .english) else {
print("Nic z tego nie będzie.")
let words = embedding.neighbors(for: "dictatorship", maximumCount: 10)
for word in words {
#apple #swift #programming #CodingFun #iOS #macOS

After a great week for Linux, with the releases of Fedora 40 and today Ubuntu 24.04, I would be interested to know which operating system the Fediverse in my "bubble" uses? Linux? Windows? Or macOS or even a BSD? More than one?

Please write in the comments which distribution or version! Thanks for participating and SHARING!

#linux #unix #opensource #freesoftware #windows #microsoft #apple #macos #bsd #freebsd #openbsd #netbsd #debian #fedora #ubuntu #linuxmint #archlinux #opensuse #gnome #kde

  • Linux - Which one? (71%, 50 votes)
  • Windows 10/11 (15%, 11 votes)
  • macOS (20%, 14 votes)
  • FreeBSD/NetBSD/OpenBSD (30%, 21 votes)
70 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

If you use brew’s curl on macOS, are you really using it? I installed and had curl setup a couple of years ago. Today it appears that curl was now pointing to Apple’s version, which has this issue (…). Looks like brew doesn’t add a symlink for curl to /opt/homebrew/bin. Running `ln -s /opt/homebrew/opt/curl/bin/curl /opt/homebrew/bin` resolved the issue.

#macos #curl #security

Okay, is there a clearly defined thing that makes voiceover stop saying "clickable" everywhere, like this word is sooo annoying, it starts to lose its meaning when you hear it more than, say, twice. I found that even low verbosity settings don't help much. I'll be glad if anyone has suggestions.Thanks. #MacOs #VoiceOver #Accessibility #Help #Blind

Cool tip for running LLMs on Apple Silicon! By default, MacOS allows GPU to use up to 2/3 of RAM on machines with <=36GB and 3/4 on machines with >36GB. I used the command `sudo sysctl iogpu.wired_limit_mb=57344` to override and allocate 56GB/64GB for GPU. This allowed me to load all layers of larger models for a faster speed! #MacOS #LLM #AI #ML
#AI #MACOS #ML #llm

I love how on #macOS when you intend to move a bunch of files to a folder, and when one file with the same name already exists in the destination, you're only given the option to stop the entire thing, to replace the existing file, or move anyway under a different name. Not a single option that just... idk... skip moving that one (or however many affected) file maybe? The best thing is, that stop option, the dialog that asks you gives you a checkmark option to "Apply to all" (unchecked by default) - bcos of this, a user unfamiliar with #Finder's brilliance might assume that "stop" simply means "skip" commonly found on other OS-es including #Windows and #Linux for file operations such as moving/copying, 'cept not, "stop" literally just stops doing anything.

Oh, also, you can't even enjoy what you have found to be so common such as doing a shift-click selection on Finder... unless you happen to be in the right "view" mode. That simple thing couldn't even just... work. I honestly can go on and on about how slow that piece of shit is at performing searches or copying/moving files, or how modifying all the ridiculous preferences take forever bcos they hide in multiple, nonsensical places when on #Dolphin for example, you get one nice menu with sensible tabs and options where you could do wtv needs doing in ~1 minute. Heck, even setting the default app to be used to open a certain file type requires a hidden shortcut that then opens up a stupid looking window at the edge of your screen with tiny af buttons and GOSH I CAN GO ON FOREVER.

Fuck Finder, honestly. I'd take that ugly ass #FileExplorer anyday of the week if it means I don't have to deal with Finder. Thank god I'm a Linux user, blessed with #KDE's Dolphin. I'm almost certain #Apple only hires interns for anything software over there.

Update: Found a fix! Just use the terminal ❤

What’s your favorite keyboard shortcut for #Linux, #macOS, and #Unix systems?
Mine is ^L and ^R

Say what you will about #MacOS but the professional software landscape is unparalleled. Today I have discovered Devon Agent which basically is a software which can search the web, but it can A: Save your searches in so called sets, so you can keep all your research in one place. B: searches many sources. C: Supports cross-source boolean operators, like and/Or. All of that for 50 euros for the pro version, absolutely mind-blowing, and #blind #accessible. Great work guys

Breaking: #MacOS #Sonoma 14.4 fixes the #VMWare Fusion issue that meant you couldn't run a VM with #VoiceOver active. Been waiting for this update for a long time. Happy day.

it's pretty crazy to me that #gnome is literally a better user experience than #macos, obviously minus all the Apple integrations...

"The 10ish Tools I Install on Every New Mac I Get", by @j9t…

Other suggestion: Slack, Zoom, Dropbox, Evernote, Sublime, Krita (graphics)

#macOS #dev #techie #tools

So uh, the Mac has this interactive fiction client, called Spatterlight. And it’s amazingly accessible! Anyone with a Mac should seriously check this out. It even has Voiceover actions!

#accessibility #macOS #apple #InteractiveFiction #Spatterlight…

Do you, or have you ever, used a graphical user interface? If you use #Windows, #macOS, or any version of #Linux with a window manager or desktop environment, you can thank Dr. Clarence "Skip" Ellis.

Dr. Ellis worked at Xerox PARC, the research organization that developed the modern GUI. Icons, windows, the mouse, Ethernet-based networking, laser printing - all of these (and more) came out of PARC. Dr. Ellis led the team that created Officetalk, the first program to use icons and the Internet. He got his start at 15 years old showing a local tech company how to reuse punch cards, which was a game-changer back in 1958.

Oh, and he was also the first black man to earn a PhD in Computer Science.

#BlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistory #BlackMastodon #ComputerScience @blackmastodon………

I have been using #Firefox since 2004 and do not intend to stop anytime soon. You need to take it out of my dead hands. What about you? #chrome #opensource #linux #unix #macos

Sadly, "Keyboard accessibility may NOT be enabled on your Mac, and historically has been turned off by default". Here's how to enable it.… #a11y #keyboard #macOS #OSX #fail

In 2024, please switch to Firefox… #privacy #security #opensource #unix #linux #macos

This December, if there’s one tech New Year’s resolution I’d encourage you to have, it’s switching to the only remaining ethical web browser, Firefox. According to recent posts on social media, Firefox’s market share is slipping. We should not let that happen. There are two main reasons why switching is important.
A red panda (firefox) resting on a tree branch.Red Panda” by Mathias Appel is marked with CC0 1.0.

1. Privacy

Firefox is the only major browser not built by a company that makes money from advertising and/or selling your personal data. There’s been a lot of talk about websites tracking users using cookies, fingerprinting and other nefarious technologies that hurt your privacy. But owning the browser puts Google, Apple and Microsoft in a position where they don’t even need those tricks. We need to use browsers that are independent, and right now that means Firefox.

2. Browser engine monopoly

Wikipedia lists four browser engines as being “active”. Browser engines are the bits that take a web page’s code and display it on your screen. Ideally, they conform to the official W3C standards, and display all elements as it describes. If that’s the case, web developers can easily write sites that work on all browsers. No proprietary vendor lock-in nonsense, just glorious open standards at work.

It’s happened before

In the early 2000’s, Internet Explorer had a massive 95% market share. This meant that many sites were only developed for use with IE. They’d use experimental features that IE supported, in favor of things from the official HTML standard. This was a very bad situation, which hindered the development of the World Wide Web.

Currenty, Chrome, Safari and Edge all use variations of the closely related Webkit and Blink engines. If we want to avoid another browser engine monopoly, we need to support Firefox, and its “Gecko” engine.

Firefox is actually really good

If Firefox would be a bad browser, I would not recommend you to switch. It’s fast, has a nice user interface, and feels every bit as modern and elegant as its competition. I’ve been using it as my main browser for a couple of years now, on Linux, Windows, MacOS and Android. As a web developer, I usually have at least three browsers open, but when I go look something up on the web, I pick Firefox.

So please, help save the web by using the best browser out there. It’s an easy thing to do, and it makes a big difference.…

#Firefox #privacy

Man Reader - my Mac app for reading Terminal command man pages - has finally had its long awaited update. The new version is now waiting for review.

Currently, Man Reader costs USD 4.99 or the local equivalent. I will be increasing this to USD 9.99 when the update is released, so if you want to save some money, buy it now and get the upgrade at half-price.…

#macOS #swift #terminal #zsh #bash

Interesting to see #gnome post about their #macOS CI builder issues the day after I posted a video about "understanding who your open source constituency is".

It's pretty clear that macOS users are not Gnome's constituency. Fine. But it also goes to show just how much #inkscape, #gimp and other Free Software downstream must also not be their constituency because we're so misaligned on this topic and there's no discussion about our relationship with gnome

Original Video:…

If you have experience maintaining a GitLab CI runner on macOS, and you wish to contribute to building and testing GLib and GTK on macOS, please join the GNOME Infrastructure channel to help maintaining the macOS server provided by the GNOME Foundation, otherwise we will have to retire it. More details on Discourse:…

#gtk #gnome #macos #ci #gitlab

How-to: Use Logic's Built In Net Send and Net Receive Plugins #Logic #LogicPro #DAW #MacOS

Does anyone care deeply about macOS support for GLib? If so, you might want to get involved…

#GLib #macOS

Are #apple #macos users here who would want to test one of the submissions to the #game jam for #blind gamers?

It’s the only one that didn’t get any ratings yet, and that’s just sad to see. It looks like a pretty nice blind-friendly 3D stealth system:…

You want to help #Monal but you can't code?

Just help out translating the app! We have many unmaintained languages only half translated right now:…

Every contribution welcome :)

#xmpp #ios #macos #federated

Been working on a new project the last couple of months and it's finally ready for beta release!

#Fedimeister is a #Java based #Mastodon client (available for #Linux, #Windows and #MacOS under the Apache #opensource license) with a focus on #writing and #journalism. Features:

* Break long texts into threads
* Scheduled posting
* Hashtag research
* #Twitter quote tweeting emulation


#Monal is taking part in this year's #GSoC (google summer of code). There are already lots of interesting project proposals over here:…

If you can write code and always wanted to take part in #GSoC, we'd love to have you on board!

Just pick a proposal or suggest your own project idea and simply drol us an email to

Let's move #Monal forward together! 😊

#gsoc #gsoc23 #GSoC2023 #xmpp #ios #macos

#libreoffice, #macos and #darkmode, a dark topic indeed...

(there is text in the fields at right, it just doesn't show)

Trying out this RDP based desktop sharing to see if I can use #gnome @gnome for remote work.

It's clunky compared to XForward. An entire desktop required and the shared computer is basically useless to anyone else since it won't share a desktop that's not showing on the monitor in the physical space.

Bit of a leap backwards if I'm being honest. Every time #linux copies #Windows or #MacOS I get this sinking feeling that we've just given up being great and are settling for good enough.

Super post from @SaraSoueidan on how to set up a screen reader testing environment.…

Sara, do you or anyone else know of a way test VoiceOver on Mac if we don't have access to a Mac? One of the perennial frustrations in the web industry is the assumption we're all on Macs. For many, Macs are well out of our budget ranges, but we still want to do the best we can with the tools at hand. Any advice?

#accessibility #a11y #inclusion #mac #macos #windows #testing

Announcement: Macstodon 0.3 is here! 🥳​

Macstodon is a Mastodon client for 68k Macintosh computers! With it, you can post plain-text toots, view your home and local timelines, and view your notifications!

System Requirements:
- A 68020/68030/68040 Macintosh
- System 7.1 through 8.1
- At least 1.5 MB of free memory
- 32-bit addressing enabled
- Internet Config installed
- an SSL-stripping proxy running on another machine

You can download the latest release from GitHub:
(but please read the Read Me, I worked hard on it!)

And with that, I'm going to take a break from this project for a few days! But do let me know if you've successfully used it!

#RetroComputing #RetroProgramming #VintageMac #68K #Apple #Mac #MacOS #ClassicMac