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Items tagged with: LINUX

S/MIME E-Mail Verschlüsselung mit Thunderbird einrichten? Wie das geht, erkläre ich in diesem Video:……

#Linux #Thunderbird #SMIME #Video #YouTube #Tutorial #Security #Privacy

Workbench 45.4 is out 🛠️…

• Restore on-disk projects on start
• Restore scroll and cursor positions on format and Run
• Add "Copy" and "Select All" to Console
• Add Vala formatter support
• Add WebP image format support
• Library: Add "Context Menu" demo
• Library: Add "HTTP Server" demo
• Library: 12 demos ported to Python, 4 to Vala and 2 to Rust

Happy hacking / learning / prototyping

#Linux #development #GTK #GNOME #libadwaita #Rust #JavaScript #Python #Vala

@Jami is officially supported on #RedHat and #AlmaLinux 9, aligning with their mission to provide free, secure communications for all.
#Jami benefits from the robust ecosystem and community-driven innovation fostered by #redhat and #AlmaLinux.

Donate :

#freesoftware #opensource #gnu #communication #linux

Hey Denver peeps/companies: want to sponsor an international conference that's coming to Denver, CO with potentially hundreds of open source developers, maintainers, designers, and community folks?

Check it out →…

#Denver #DenverCO #Colorado #OpenSource #FOSS #FLOSS #GNOME #GUADEC #GUADEC2024 #Linux

The latest episode of the Linux Unplugged podcast includes an informative interview with Kent Overstreet, the author of the Bcachefs file system that was merged into the Linux 6.7 kernel.…
#Linux #Bcachefs #filesystems

I have been using #Firefox since 2004 and do not intend to stop anytime soon. You need to take it out of my dead hands. What about you? #chrome #opensource #linux #unix #macos

By the way, #PortalRevolution is reaaaaally good! It's pretty much more of the same if you have played #Portal 1 and 2 but it is quite impressive for a fan project. There also is a native #Linux version. Grab it for free (you need to have #Portal in your library:…


#Steam #Gaming

I find it oddly comforting to know that for the average user, no hot take on mastodon will gain as much traction as a picture of a cat or a mild revelation about open source software.

In unrelated news, it’s #caturday. So here’s a picture of my cat with her paws on a laptop running #linux.


Do you work on GNOME or adjacent stuff? Do you want to help improve the GNOME desktop around usability, reliability, safety, digital well-being?


The @gnome Foundation is offering a one-year contract (with potential to extend) to work on the above on behalf of the Foundation. You’d probably interact with me, the GNOME design team, and core maintainers of GNOME components.…

#GNOME #Linux #OpenSource #FOSS #FLOSS #GetFediHired #OpenPosition #hiring

GNOME 46.alpha is released! 🎉…

#linux #gnome #gnome46

This is the default background of the upcoming #GNOME 46 desktop environment. Embrace the rounded triangle!

@gnome #Linux #OpenSource

Introducing Spiel - A New Speech API and Framework for Linux…

By @eeejay

#Linux #accessibility #a11y #freedesktop #Flatpak #snap #GNOME #KDE

We love #Linux! 😍

That's why we offer desktop clients for all major distros.🧑‍💻

What's your favorite distro? Let us know in the comments! 🐧

#tux #foss #opensource #debian #Debian #archlinux

  • Ubuntu (34%, 155 votes)
  • Arch (33%, 150 votes)
  • OpenSuse (8%, 39 votes)
  • Fedora (24%, 109 votes)
453 voters. Poll end: 8 months ago

phosh 0.35.0 is out 🚀📱:

Among other QoL improvements this fixes the suspend inhibitor when using your phone as a WiFi hotspot and gives more screen estate due to a narrow home bar (by mathew-dennis),

Check out the full release notes at…

#phosh #librem5 #gnome #linux #mobile #LinuxMobile #MobileLinux

Building and coordinating a team to support the GNOME project is one of the most fulfilling job I've had.

I find these are some of the biggest challenges

• Lots of people and organizations to coordinate with 🗺️
• Some projects are cans of worms 🥫🐛
• So many things to do 🏃

But it's very rewarding and everyone is brilliant and passionate.

I think I'll start sharing more personal updates on our efforts


#Linux #GNOME #accessibility #freedesktop #a11y…

#flathub #linux

Do you guys remember that @thunderbird funding campaign, well today we have one of the people who caused it happen on the show @ryanleesipes #Linux #OpenSource #FOSS



As I'm making my own debloat script for Windows, removing a few registry things and such, I went looking in my bookmarks and found this. It still holds up

First, a quote. The fact that this has to be turned on by anyone shows just how ableist much of open source culture is. No other operating system needs this. When you turn on VoiceOver on a Mac, you can access every accessible program. When you turn on Narrator or NvDA on Windows, you can access every accessible program. When you turn on ChromeVox on a ChromeBook, you can access every accessible program. It’s only on Linux, where you have to check a box to enable accessibility.… #Linux

A bunch of comments requested an explanation on #Linux graphics drivers, so I decided to take a look at the topic, and explain Mesa, kernel drivers, the Nvidia drivers (Nouveau, NVK, the official #opensource modules, and the proprietary driver), as well as AMD drivers (with RadeonSI, RADV, AMDVLK and AMDGPU, plus AMDGPU-Pro), and Intel drivers (with i915, i965, ANV and the new Xe driver).

I hope it helps make things a bit clearer!

My Awesome Workflows 😎
For en, transcription and subtitiles are created.
#archlinux #guide #linux #awesome…

Guten Morgen. Wer sie noch nicht kennt, sollte unbedingt einen Blick in die Empfehlungsecke werfen. Diese enthält meine aktuellen Empfehlungen zu verschiedenen Themen wie Messenger, Werbeblocker, werbefreies YouTube, Passwort-Manager, Suchmaschinen und Co. 👇…

#empfehlung #tracking #security #datenschutz #adblocker #android #youtube #messenger #linux #firefox #dns #unifiedpush #email #frankgehtran #thunderbird #passwortmanager #videokonferenz #vpn #suchmaschine

In 2024, please switch to Firefox… #privacy #security #opensource #unix #linux #macos

This December, if there’s one tech New Year’s resolution I’d encourage you to have, it’s switching to the only remaining ethical web browser, Firefox. According to recent posts on social media, Firefox’s market share is slipping. We should not let that happen. There are two main reasons why switching is important.
A red panda (firefox) resting on a tree branch.Red Panda” by Mathias Appel is marked with CC0 1.0.

1. Privacy

Firefox is the only major browser not built by a company that makes money from advertising and/or selling your personal data. There’s been a lot of talk about websites tracking users using cookies, fingerprinting and other nefarious technologies that hurt your privacy. But owning the browser puts Google, Apple and Microsoft in a position where they don’t even need those tricks. We need to use browsers that are independent, and right now that means Firefox.

2. Browser engine monopoly

Wikipedia lists four browser engines as being “active”. Browser engines are the bits that take a web page’s code and display it on your screen. Ideally, they conform to the official W3C standards, and display all elements as it describes. If that’s the case, web developers can easily write sites that work on all browsers. No proprietary vendor lock-in nonsense, just glorious open standards at work.

It’s happened before

In the early 2000’s, Internet Explorer had a massive 95% market share. This meant that many sites were only developed for use with IE. They’d use experimental features that IE supported, in favor of things from the official HTML standard. This was a very bad situation, which hindered the development of the World Wide Web.

Currenty, Chrome, Safari and Edge all use variations of the closely related Webkit and Blink engines. If we want to avoid another browser engine monopoly, we need to support Firefox, and its “Gecko” engine.

Firefox is actually really good

If Firefox would be a bad browser, I would not recommend you to switch. It’s fast, has a nice user interface, and feels every bit as modern and elegant as its competition. I’ve been using it as my main browser for a couple of years now, on Linux, Windows, MacOS and Android. As a web developer, I usually have at least three browsers open, but when I go look something up on the web, I pick Firefox.

So please, help save the web by using the best browser out there. It’s an easy thing to do, and it makes a big difference.…

#Firefox #privacy

Getting rid of #Telegram messaging app, a centralized commercial service that gives voice to terrorists.
Jabber/XMPP turned out to be a much better choice (regarding freedom & independence).
Good opensource apps:
▫️blabber on #AndroidOS
▫️gajim on #Linux
Both are lightweight and support OMEMO and PGP encryption.
More software here:
You can also follow @xmpp
#opensource #messaging

phosh 0.34.1 is out 🚀📱:

This fixes two user visible regressions that crept into 0.34.0.

Check out the full release notes at…

#phosh #librem5 #gnome #linux #mobile #LinuxMobile #MobileLinux #gnomemobile

The maintainer of the Orca screen reader, Joanie Diggs, has made noteworthy enhancements in recent weeks. I mention them here for the benefit of those who are not following these developments or who are not regular Linux screen reader users.
Many of the improvements are performance-related, taking advantage of the cache of accessibility tree nodes maintained by the AT-SPI service. Table processing has received particular attention, and fundamental changes are underway in the code that handles users' keystrokes, some of which need to be interpreted as screen reader commands, with the remainder being passed through to the application.
I have been testing some of the changes along the way, as have other users active on the Orca mailing list. Rapid and precise bug reports continue to contribute to the development process. At this point, it is reasonable to expect these valuable improvements to appear in a release during the first half of 2024, presumably as part of GNOME 46.
#linux #orca #ScreenReader #AssistiveTechnology #accessibility #Gnome

UNIX co-creator Ken Thompson is… a what user? • The Register…

«I have for most of my life – because I was sort of born into it – run Apple. Now recently, meaning within the last five years, I've become more and more and more depressed [...] And I've come, within the last month or two, to say: even though I've invested a zillion years in Apple, I'm throwing it away, and I'm going to Linux. To Raspbian, in particular».

#Linux #Raspbian #RaspberryPi

The s390x open source team at IBM confirms the latest versions of various software packages run well on #Linux on #IBMZ and #LinuxONE. In November 2023 validation was maintained for over 30 projects, including: #HAProxy #PostgreSQL & #Puppet

Full report:… 🐧

same reason for #Linux I guess and same reason why I do all the #OS1337 code in #bash with only .config makefiles where needed:

Readable and thus easy to #audit code allows for #transparency, which is vital for #maintainability and #security...

After all, mistakes do happen and I'd rather have it easy find and fix than optimize every bit at the cost of unmaintainable code.

By popular demand, we made Vivaldi available on #FlatHub. Are you using #Flatpak? Have you downloaded @Vivaldi yet? Did you tell your friends?😀

#Linux #Desktop #Download #browser…

#CoreBoot looks better and better all the time.

Plus, that sub-1s boot time is attractive.

#fast #boot #uefi #linux

For the past couple of months I've been working on Pied (, an application that makes it easy to use modern, natural sounding, text-to-speech voices on Linux. It does this by integrating the Piper neural text-to-speech engine with speech-dispatcher, so most existing software will work with it out of the box.

The first beta version is now available in the snap store:

And available as a Flatpak from

(Other package formats will follow)

I'd appreciate any feedback if you're able to test it, thanks!

#TTS #accessibility #ScreenReader #linux #TextToSpeech

Hello Fediverse,

We are looking for Text-To-Speak (TTS) expertise to help or advise us on improving the default voice of the Linux desktop. :linux: 📣

Please reach out or boost :boost_love:


#Linux #tts #accessibility #a11y #GNOME #KDE #FreeSoftware #freedesktop #ml