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Items tagged with: LINUX

I proto mám rád #Linux a jeho možnosti volby. Aktuálně tedy @kde #Plasma, předtím @xfce a ještě předtím #Gnome (a zkoušel jsem i mnoho jiných).
Těch možností voleb a konfigurace je tam nespočet. V případě Gnome to teď sice úplně neplatí, což je důvod, proč používám Plasmu, ale o tom to přesně je, o té možnosti volby.
Rozumím směru, kterým M$ jde a jsem rád, že mám možnost volby jiného OS.…

This is a really awesome 3 minute overview of NixOS. If you‘ve wondered what all the fuzz is about, this will give you an idea.…
#NixOS #linux

I'd really like to read a well researched article that sums up how Linux distros reacted to the massive influx of #Linux #kernel CVE that started ~half a year – both for their #LinuxKernel packages and their live-patching offerings.

But I guess that is an enormous amount of work that no media outlet in this world is willing to pay anyone for writing. 😕

Slide taken from @gregkh's "Why are there so many kernel CVEs?" talk he gave at OSS China yesterday (… ) #LinuxKernel

Rejoice! GNOME 47.Beta is released!…

#gnome #linux #gtk #flatpak

Only a few days left to submit your #LAS2024 talk! Make sure to submit your proposal by Aug 21:…

#KDE #GNOME #opensource #Linux

Linux Desktop Migration Tool 1.4

After many months, I finally found the time to finish the GNOME desktop/application settings migration in the Linux Desktop Migration Tool and did another release.

#dconf #gnome #linux #migration…

phosh 0.41.0 is out 🚀📱:

- media player widget gained track position, length and progress bar
- New Wi-Fi HotSpot QuickSetting
- New Bluetooth Status page
- More vert space for status pages
- Silent mode on Vol-
- new layouts in squeekboard
- swipe to close gesture in phosh-osk-stub

There's much more. Check out the full release notes at…

🙏 to everyone who contributed to this release.

#phosh #librem5 #pinephone #gtk #wlroots #gnome #linux #mobile #LinuxMobile

Ralfs Matrix Migration

Aus Gründen musste ich den Matrix-Server wechseln. Hier lest ihr, wie es mir dabei ergangen ist.

#Matrix #Matrix_Client #Umzug #Linux…

Some eagle-eyed folks noticed Flathub recently passed 2 billion downloads, but here are some more interesting milestones from 2024 so far:

• 70% of the most popular apps are verified
• Over 100 curated quality apps
• 4 million active installs (up 4× in the past 6 months!)

Read more about it on the blog:…

#Flathub #Flatpak #Linux #OpenSource

For those who are interested in alternative ways to use a Linux interface, there are things even lighter than desktop environments, called window managers. There's one called I3, and @storm has made an accessibility plugin forit, which also adds other cool stuff like the ability to control audio playback and such. It's called I38.

#linux #foss #accessibility #blind #i3 #I3WM

For Linux developers, here's a page describing some of how to make your package accessible to the Orca screen reader.…

#accessibility #Linux #foss #Orca #blind

Auch wenn #Microsoft aus Eigeninteresse etwas anderes behauptet: Alle gängigen Computer, die jünger als ca. 10 Jahre sind, sind schnell genug als Arbeitstier für alltägliche Aufgaben wie das Surfen im Internet oder Videokonferenzen. Und etwas anderes findet ja auch auf den meisten Bürocomputern nicht statt – neue Software läuft meist (auch) im Webbrowser.

Wenn ein betagter Computer täglich viele Stunden läuft, kann es sinnvoll sein, ihn durch einen stromsparenderen zu ersetzen.

Wenn MS sich weigert, #Windows11 auf einem Computer laufen zu lassen, auf dem #Windows10 läuft, ist das kein Grund, die Hardware zu ersetzen, aber ein guter Grund, zu #Linux zu wechseln.

Das sehen @ktn und @syt von @heiseonline genauso und haben deshalb einen Ratgeber geschrieben, der Windows-Usern den Wechsel erleichtern soll:…

Bei der @datenfreude überlegen wir, eine #LinuxInstallParty in #Bielefeld zu veranstalten. Also ein Treffen z.B. in den @acmelabs, bei dem Leute ihre Laptops mitbringen können und dann mit unserer Hilfe ein GNU/Linux darauf installieren. Gäbe es daran Interesse?

UPDATE: #Datenfreude heißt inzwischen @Datenpunks, und wir haben uns heute darauf festgelegt, am 7. Dezember in den Räumen der @acmelabs eine LinuxInstallParty zu veranstalten. Wir bereiten bootbare USB-Sticks vor, auf denen verschiedene Linux-Distributionen zum unverbindlichen Ausprobieren bereitstehen. Wenn euch eine gefällt, könnt ihr sie direkt installieren. Falls ihr schon Windows auf eurem Computer habt, kann das draufbleiben (#dualBoot) oder ersetzt werden. Am besten macht ihr in dann vorher ein Backup.

UPDATE 2: Uhrzeit und weitere Details auf… .

Stop Running Google Chrome Immediately #Linux #YouTube

I've proposed a merge request to GNOME's likely new Video Player app codenamed Showtime. The feature? Toggling between video duration and time remaining by clicking the end timestamp. :)

It's the little things!

I think this might be my first contribution to a GNOME Python app. It was a bit of a trip coming from Vala and JavaScript land, but I _think_ I did okay for a first pass.…

#GNOME #OpenSource #Linux

relax, #windows users are used to it. I use #emacs with the #magit #git porcelain all day, and each operation is like that: unnoticeable delay on #linux, several seconds on Windows.

1 year ago I switched from Mac to Linux for professional UX design work. In this article, I explain as simply as possible:
- Why I switched to Linux
- How you can do the same.

I cover design-specific concerns like:
- How to use Apple devices like the Magic Mouse in Linux
- Which design tools are available and how to install them
- How to find help if you get stuck…

#Design #UXDesign #UIDesign #Linux #MacOS

I gave a talk about #spiel and #speech #tts in #linux at on #GUADEC #GUADEC2024 in Denver.

Check it out:…

I don't know what you are talking about. But i still want to :underheart: THANK YOU :underheart: for oh so many years of service to the #LINUX community !!!

I just learned there is a #QUIC in the #Linux kernel effort:

... as a draft PR making curl use it was filed:…

Hey Linux users! 🐧

Did you know that Tuta offers a dedicated encrypted desktop client for protecting your emails, contacts, and calendar? 🔐

Best of all it's completely free!

What distro will you be installing it on?
#linux #privacy #email #security #distro

Dig out your vintage FireWire audio interface and rub some #Linux on it. Testing FFADO with Pipewire.…

Despite all my experience, I am sometimes tempted to give certain #software vendors a second chance.

And I was curious to see what the new #AppleMaps could do. Unfortunately, my trial only lasted a few seconds, because neither one of my operating systems nor the browser I use for my daily work are supported.

And so I can say: negative prejudices confirmed, I don't need something like this.

#Apple #Firefox #interoperability #Linux

That's FFADO working with PipeWire. #linux #audio

But if you add the numbers (excluding the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), #Linux still beats the Windows:

Windows (Personal use): 59.2%
Windows (Pro. use): 47.6%
Linux (Personal use): 61.0%
Linux (Pro. use): 57.3%

They should have broken down Windows to Pro, Home edition, etc. or bundle up all Linux distros to have a "Operating System" level information.



I was checking out this year's #StackOverflow annual developer report that few things caught my eye:

1. They have deliberately drawn the wrong conclusion about most popular operating system. They have interpreted #Linux distro as operating system, so they have separately provided numbers for Ubuntu, Arch, Fedora, and etc., and have concluded that "Windows is the most popular operating system for developers, across both personal and professional use".…


New Windows Subsystem for #Linux (#WSL) 2.3.12 version released to #Windows10 and #Windows11…

Cool to see the next NVIDIA driver (560) will be adding some new PipeWire support…
#linux #pipewire #nvidia

Having some fun playing around with PipeWire's midi support today using various applications from Flathub. #linux #pipewire #rosegarden #qwgraph #qsynth #fedora_linux

Please take this survey about AI/ML and Fedora. We know that this is a sensitive subject, so the Fedora Council spent time putting a survey together to understand what our community thinks about this area of technology.

Last day to take the survey is July 31.


#Fedora #Linux #OpenSource

I would love to encourage y'all #GUADEC attendees to use the "Download" button from the event's Indico platform (that button is in each event's details page) to use it directly in #GNOMECalendar, but… it turns out that you'd run into this silly timezones bug where the event importer dialog considers UTC times to be the local time 🤦

So… can I motivate someone to send a merge request for… ? This would be timely for #GNOME's main conference next week 😉

#Linux #OpenSource

Okay, I think I fixed the link.

So, this is like, one of the first times I've done this, but I wanted to show a bit of installing Fedora Linux on my laptop. I'd already started the installation, but it shows most of it, and a bit of setup afterwards. I recorded this on my iPhone, so it won't sound the best. A few things I forgot to mention:

* You cannot buy IBM Viavoice (Eloquence) for Linux anymore, but it's of course still floating around.
* We also have DecTalk on Linux, obvious from the BTSpeak using it.
* You can also get Vocalizer voices.
* There's also Piper of course.…

#Linux #foss #Fedora #accessibility #blind