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Items tagged with: LINUX

But this is what I love about #linux. These frack ups are always fixable. Thank to this I use the same arch installation since 2008... ❤️

I proto mám rád #Linux a jeho možnosti volby. Aktuálně tedy @kde #Plasma, předtím @xfce a ještě předtím #Gnome (a zkoušel jsem i mnoho jiných).
Těch možností voleb a konfigurace je tam nespočet. V případě Gnome to teď sice úplně neplatí, což je důvod, proč používám Plasmu, ale o tom to přesně je, o té možnosti volby.
Rozumím směru, kterým M$ jde a jsem rád, že mám možnost volby jiného OS.…

This is a really awesome 3 minute overview of NixOS. If you‘ve wondered what all the fuzz is about, this will give you an idea.…
#NixOS #linux

As I rework my Emacs configuration, I am reminded once again of the many reasons why I like Emacs. Currently, I especially appreciate the quality of the documentation (available not only for Emacs but also for many established packages).

Importantly, the keyboard interaction is the primary and expected means of using the application, not an afterthought to pointer-based graphical input. The documentation reflects this priority, as does the design of the software.

There are no compromises made in the flexibility and efficacy of features to cater to non-technical users of software - people who don't know basic programming concepts and who don't enjoy learning to use powerful, complex tools. This focus is liberating. Efficiency of interaction for the experienced user is a priority.

Emacs has been evolving for decades, and it remains as relevant now as it ever was. I first learned to use it in the mid 1990s, and that investment has more than been repaid. If you're going to learn to use software well, it's advantageous to choose tools that are likely to remain relevant and useful over the long run. The UNIX shell and utilities, Emacs, Vi, LaTeX and Git, among others, have all been in this category for me.
#Emacs #Linux

I'd really like to read a well researched article that sums up how Linux distros reacted to the massive influx of #Linux #kernel CVE that started ~half a year – both for their #LinuxKernel packages and their live-patching offerings.

But I guess that is an enormous amount of work that no media outlet in this world is willing to pay anyone for writing. 😕

Slide taken from @gregkh's "Why are there so many kernel CVEs?" talk he gave at OSS China yesterday (… ) #LinuxKernel

Rejoice! GNOME 47.Beta is released!…

#gnome #linux #gtk #flatpak

Only a few days left to submit your #LAS2024 talk! Make sure to submit your proposal by Aug 21:…

#KDE #GNOME #opensource #Linux

Linux Desktop Migration Tool 1.4

After many months, I finally found the time to finish the GNOME desktop/application settings migration in the Linux Desktop Migration Tool and did another release.

#dconf #gnome #linux #migration…

phosh 0.41.0 is out 🚀📱:

- media player widget gained track position, length and progress bar
- New Wi-Fi HotSpot QuickSetting
- New Bluetooth Status page
- More vert space for status pages
- Silent mode on Vol-
- new layouts in squeekboard
- swipe to close gesture in phosh-osk-stub

There's much more. Check out the full release notes at…

🙏 to everyone who contributed to this release.

#phosh #librem5 #pinephone #gtk #wlroots #gnome #linux #mobile #LinuxMobile

Third-party GNOME/Adwaita app developers: if there was a simple way to opt into some more expressive kind of user-chosen theming (think: more like Material You with Adwaita and less like whole GTK stylesheets), would you be interested in opting your app into it?

Why or why not?

Feel free to boost widely! Not a poll because raw numbers are not as interesting as the discussion to me. 😊

#GNOME #GNOMEdesign #Linux #OpenSource

With the work being done on the display stack around HDR and color management there is a risk that some of the older stuff fall to the side. Is there anyone reading this using or relying on the ICC color profiles for printers? Is it useful? I been told it basically isn't, but I would love to hear a counterargument if anyone got one. #linux #printing #fedora #colormanagement

Ralfs Matrix Migration

Aus Gründen musste ich den Matrix-Server wechseln. Hier lest ihr, wie es mir dabei ergangen ist.

#Matrix #Matrix_Client #Umzug #Linux…

Is there a way in #linux #gnome (46) to find out which application is using/blocking/occupying a particular #keybinding?

Some eagle-eyed folks noticed Flathub recently passed 2 billion downloads, but here are some more interesting milestones from 2024 so far:

• 70% of the most popular apps are verified
• Over 100 curated quality apps
• 4 million active installs (up 4× in the past 6 months!)

Read more about it on the blog:…

#Flathub #Flatpak #Linux #OpenSource

For those who are interested in alternative ways to use a Linux interface, there are things even lighter than desktop environments, called window managers. There's one called I3, and @storm has made an accessibility plugin forit, which also adds other cool stuff like the ability to control audio playback and such. It's called I38.

#linux #foss #accessibility #blind #i3 #I3WM

For Linux developers, here's a page describing some of how to make your package accessible to the Orca screen reader.…

#accessibility #Linux #foss #Orca #blind

Debian users tell devs to fix things that are already fixed, causing unnecessary confusion, and then say they use 2 years old software.

I am so tired of this. Please complain to Debian for the ancient software versions, not devs.

#debian #linux #software

Examen para ser un auténtico geek. Cada elemento que se cumpla: es un punto.
- Vim o Emacs como IDE.
- IRC/XMPP para comunicarte.
- Git desde el terminal o cliente TUI.
- Cuenta de Mastodon con actividad.
- Auto alojar tus servicios.
- Linux como SO principal.
- Donar a algún proyecto Opensource con regularidad.
- Blog usando un generador de sitios estáticos.
- Compilas algunos programas.
- Pull Request semanal.
- Cápsula Gemini.
- Pegatinas de lenguajes en el laptop.

¿Qué nota has sacado?


Auch wenn #Microsoft aus Eigeninteresse etwas anderes behauptet: Alle gängigen Computer, die jünger als ca. 10 Jahre sind, sind schnell genug als Arbeitstier für alltägliche Aufgaben wie das Surfen im Internet oder Videokonferenzen. Und etwas anderes findet ja auch auf den meisten Bürocomputern nicht statt – neue Software läuft meist (auch) im Webbrowser.

Wenn ein betagter Computer täglich viele Stunden läuft, kann es sinnvoll sein, ihn durch einen stromsparenderen zu ersetzen.

Wenn MS sich weigert, #Windows11 auf einem Computer laufen zu lassen, auf dem #Windows10 läuft, ist das kein Grund, die Hardware zu ersetzen, aber ein guter Grund, zu #Linux zu wechseln.

Das sehen @ktn und @syt von @heiseonline genauso und haben deshalb einen Ratgeber geschrieben, der Windows-Usern den Wechsel erleichtern soll:…

Bei der @datenfreude überlegen wir, eine #LinuxInstallParty in #Bielefeld zu veranstalten. Also ein Treffen z.B. in den @acmelabs, bei dem Leute ihre Laptops mitbringen können und dann mit unserer Hilfe ein GNU/Linux darauf installieren. Gäbe es daran Interesse?

me a few seoncs ago: Oh, well, that sounds cool, but that requires Emacs which requires I ran Linux.

Oh wait, I'm *on* Linux right now! :) I still can't believe it. People say I'm gonna give up and go back to Windows, but I haven't yet, and don't feel the desire to since this is... Well... Honestly I don't think I use my Windows laptop quite as much as this one. I mean sure, I'd love Orca plugins, Vollama (although Emacs with its Ellama and GPt-shell packages bridge that gap pretty well), Tweesecake, Steam to be accessible, stuff like that. But for web and email and writing and file management and of course a terminal, Orca works pretty good. There's even a program called Pidgin, which is kinda like Miranda IM for those who remember that. Orca even reads out incoming messages automatically. :) And of course LibreOffice works well, for the most part. Orca sometimes doesn't like a lot of formatting at once, but I don't like it either lol.

#Linux #accessibility #blind #foss #Fedora #Mate #Emacs #Pidgin #LibreOffice

Stop Running Google Chrome Immediately #Linux #YouTube

I've proposed a merge request to GNOME's likely new Video Player app codenamed Showtime. The feature? Toggling between video duration and time remaining by clicking the end timestamp. :)

It's the little things!

I think this might be my first contribution to a GNOME Python app. It was a bit of a trip coming from Vala and JavaScript land, but I _think_ I did okay for a first pass.…

#GNOME #OpenSource #Linux

relax, #windows users are used to it. I use #emacs with the #magit #git porcelain all day, and each operation is like that: unnoticeable delay on #linux, several seconds on Windows.

1 year ago I switched from Mac to Linux for professional UX design work. In this article, I explain as simply as possible:
- Why I switched to Linux
- How you can do the same.

I cover design-specific concerns like:
- How to use Apple devices like the Magic Mouse in Linux
- Which design tools are available and how to install them
- How to find help if you get stuck…

#Design #UXDesign #UIDesign #Linux #MacOS

Anyone have information on accessibly installing Ubuntu server as a VM? I assume there is a way to redirect output to a serial port but am not sure what happens after that. I've been fully Debian for a while and didn't realize this was an issue, but nothing I can find suggests Speakup is available during installation, which is disappointing. #Linux #Ubuntu #Accessibility

I maintain that we need a "fall guy" group in the Linux desktop space to fund, develop, and openly release stuff that would get the Internet mad at existing players, so they typically avoid doing them.

Keeping in mind the intent is to push things forward while not caring about peoples' gut reactions (because technology is more nuanced than a gut reaction!), this could include…

#Linux #OpenSource #FreeDesktop #GNOME #FDo #KDE

What do I do once I boot the installer to get #orca working under #fedora? Do I just hit alt f2 and type in orca at the run prompt or is there something else I need to do? #accessibility #linux

I gave a talk about #spiel and #speech #tts in #linux at on #GUADEC #GUADEC2024 in Denver.

Check it out:…

Well y'all, I think I've reached the next stage in my Linux journey. Yeah yeah I know I'm writing this on Windows, eat me. Anyway, I used a computer all day today. No surprise. I got ready to go home, so I reached on my desk to grab my (Windows) laptop to put it in my bag. But it wasn't there. It had been in my bag the whole time. I really had used Linux, with only the few issues that I've talked about on here, the whole day without really realizing it.

#foss #accessibility #linux #Fedora #blind

I don't know what you are talking about. But i still want to :underheart: THANK YOU :underheart: for oh so many years of service to the #LINUX community !!!

I have a physical server with #raid 0 consist of two 2 tb hdd disks.
Recently I've started to receive warnings from my #prometheus about too high disk write latency (expr: (rate(node_disk_write_time_seconds_total[1m]) / rate(node_disk_writes_completed_total[1m]) > 0.1 and rate(node_disk_writes_completed_total[1m]) > 0) * on(instance) group_left (nodename) node_uname_info{nodename=~".+"}).

In alerts I see values around 0.200 to 0.550.
So my question is simple: is it really a warning and I should worry about my data, make backups, talk with DC staff about replacing my disk?
Should I check my disks for errors and slow sectors and if yes then how do I do this?
My server has Debian 12 and a bunch of different services on it, including a small internet radio, gitea, mail server and several docker containers with small stuff.

#Linux #server #askfedi

What fun stuff should I run on my new server?

I'm interested in learning about new useful terminal-based programs for #debian #linux! New ideas of stuff I'm interested in running include stuff like uptime monitoring for various things and anything else fun or useful I could run in a #homelab.

Heck, even some information about fun projects and what you currently host would be interesting to learn from.

I have plenty of storage and such around. The new server is an older Dell Poweredge T330, which should more than sadisfy me for a while.

If these programs could be entirely managed from a terminal rather than web UIs and such, that'd be awesome! I find they are much easier for me to use, anyway.

Please boost for reach if you wish.


For our pro-audio users out there some good news today. Wim added Midi 2.0 support to PipeWire so be sure to look for that in an upcoming release! #linux #audio #proaudio #midi. Testers please let us know how it works for you.

I just learned there is a #QUIC in the #Linux kernel effort:

... as a draft PR making curl use it was filed:…