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Items tagged with: Opensource

Funding available for (individual) #FOSS #developers and projects.

#NLnet is seeking project proposals between 5.000 and 50.000 euro.

Currently open for proposals:
1️⃣ #NGItaler (electronic payment related)
2️⃣ #NGImobifree (Android related)
3️⃣ #NGIzero (very broad)

Closing: 1 June 2024

Easily submit proposal:

More info:


#MobileLinux #Linux #opensource #librem5 #pinephone #mobile #phone #software #grant #EU #mobian

If you’ve visited the Thunderbird website, maybe you’ve noticed something. Is it more modern? More organized? Dare we say it, a little shinier? ✨

@freehive has worked their magic on our website. Read all about the changes, check out the new and much improved site yourself, and add Freehive to your contacts for whenever you or your project needs a creative agency! 🎨…

#Thunderbird #OpenSource

This is great but can we please also have Fedora (& Ubuntu, etc.) acknowledge they started shipping operating systems without a functional screen reader when they switched to Wayland and that that’s still the case?

This is not to name and shame. Unless we acknowledge this as an error on par with shipping without monitor support and unless the culture is altered to make accessibility a showstopper, it’ll happen again.

#Fedora #GAAD #Accessibility #A11y #Linux #OpenSource…

For Global Accessibility Awareness Day, we want to recognize the work being done on accessibility by @matt as part of the @gnome Foundation. He is the lead for @accesskit and is currently working on Newton, a Wayland-oriented solution for assistive technologies that can modernize accessibility on the Linux desktop!


#Fedora #GAAD #Accessibility #A11y #Linux #OpenSource

This Global Accessibility Awareness Day, we have something special to share! @github made a movie about our founders Mick & Jamie & the story of not only NVDA, but also OSARA. Two life-changing open-source projects. Both actively providing access & employment to blind people around the world.

Read the article here:…

Watch the video (with AD) on YouTube:…

#GAAD #NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #Employment #Empowering #ScreenReader #FOSS #OpenSource

For Global Accessibility Awareness Day, we want to recognize the work being done on accessibility by @matt as part of the @gnome Foundation. He is the lead for @accesskit and is currently working on Newton, a Wayland-oriented solution for assistive technologies that can modernize accessibility on the Linux desktop!


#Fedora #GAAD #Accessibility #A11y #Linux #OpenSource

Here's another handy #LibreOffice feature you might not know about! If you're working on a long document and want to focus on the body text, uncheck View > Whitespace in the menu, and headers, footers and page breaks disappear:… #foss #opensource

Question to the lovely #opensource crowd.

I'm using #inkscape and needing to limit my colors for screenprinting. Is there any #libre #openSource software that takes an svg design and does something akin to the Newsprint plugin in #gimp to prep for screenprinting with 4 colors?…

Ideally preserving the SVG format?

Absent that, what's my best process here?

Endless OS 6 is bringing us into a new era. This major update focuses on three key pillars:

• Under the hood improvements
• Refining the user experience
• Game-making for learning

Learn more, and download Endless OS 6 today!…

#Linux #GNOME #OpenSource #EndlessOS

For our fellow nerds (you’re reading about Linux on the Fediverse, we see you!), dive into the release notes for more details:…

And of course, thank you to the free & open source projects & communities of Linux, Debian, and GNOME for many of the improvements we’re shipping in Endless OS 6. We strongly believe in open source, and would not be able to have the impact we do without standing on the shoulders of the projects we build upon. 🧡

#Linux #Debian #GNOME #OpenSource

We're half way through the Month of #LibreOffice, May 2024! And so far, 178 people have joined in – and can get cool merch at the end:… #foss #OpenSource

Announcing the date and location of the #LibreOffice Conference 2024! It'll take place in Luxembourg from 10 - 12 October:… #foss #opensource #Conference

Everything's ready to start the 2024 Display Next Hackfest at Igalia's HQ today! #DisplayNextHackfest #OpenSource

#GNOME 47 Desktop Environment Is Slated for Release on September 18th, 2024…

@gnome #Linux #OpenSource

Hello, hello Jamers :ablobcool:
It’s been a month since our last #DevUpdate, so this week we've prepared something special for you:
New versions of Jami have been released for iOS and Desktop (including Ubuntu 24.04 and Fedora 40).
We've fixed major connectivity bugs, significantly improving reliability on mobile devices.
Exciting new UI designs are now available on iOS, with an Android update scheduled for release next week 🎊
We would love to hear your feedback! :eyes_opposite:

Who controls the tech stack❓

When choosing a secure solution for your data, this one of the most important questions❗

Here's why: ➡️…

#security #technology #opensource #foss

LibreOffice 24.2 (with new "year.month" version scheme) is our latest major release – but we're still maintaining the older 7.6 branch for a while longer. And today we're releasing #LibreOffice 7.6.7, a minor update:… #foss #OpenSource

#OpenSource für 23 Schulen, 15.000 Schüler*innen, 900 Lehrkräfte

#Flensburg stattet seine Schulen mit #Nextcloud aus und verbindet alles mit dem zentralen Identitätsmanagement von #Univention:…

Check out all the development and #QA activity in the #LibreOffice project last month! New features, improvements, bug fixes and more:… #foss #OpenSource

New features are coming to #LibreOffice, thanks to participants in the Google Summer of Code 2024! Here's what they'll be working on:… #foss #OpenSource

Wow! German State Ditches #Microsoft for #OpenSource #Software
The end of dominance for #Microsoft in this German state, replacing #Windows with #Linux, and Office with #LibreOffice

Here's another #LibreOffice feature that you might not know about: text redaction! This protects sensitive information and helps users and organisations to comply with regulations on confidentiality or #privacy… #foss #opensource

Dear fediverse, what is an adequate freeware (even better, if #openSource) replacement for #Adobe #Photoshop for #Windows? Current needs: take a painting made by hand, make it a vector graphics image and do some other stuff with it. Sorry for being so vague, I'm totally blind, it's for my wife who is not on fediverse (yet). Thank you so much! #Help

TIme for this week's #Linux and #OpenSource News video!

Since I'm currently being destroyed in my game of Warhammer 40K , you'll have to watch it to know what's inside!

CURL Up 2024

The curl-up conference is about to start soon with Daniel Stenberg @bagder welcoming the #opensource developers of the #CURL project.

Learn more about CURL. Live streamed on Twitch (…

Lässt sich der #Kate#Editor unter #Gnome dazu bewegen, für die Verzeichnis und Dateiauswahl die nativen Gnome-Dialoge zu benutzen?


One of my daily-driven laptops is getting a new #Linux system installed. I'm not sure whether I should stay in my familiar, cosy vanilla @gnome world – including my personal customisations, or whether I should finally seriously consider running the equally interesting #KDE for a longer term.

(No, other desktop environments are not really an option at this point)

#gnome #kooldesktop #desktopenvironment #foss #opensource #poll #umfrage

  • Stay GNOME, my Friend! (57%, 19 votes)
  • Go KDE, Mate! (42%, 14 votes)
33 voters. Poll end: 4 weeks ago

We ❤️ Free Software

It's been a pleasure when the Linux Professional Institute asked us for an interview. 😍

Read Hanna's insights on #privacy, #opensource - and how to best apply for a #job at Tuta!


After more annoyances that Gnome/RedHat is pulling lately (… ), I just donated to #Linux #Mint, instead of my original intention, #Gnome.

The Gnome Project is a wall-garden, but not of the Apple kind. It's a club of mostly #Redhat programmers & a few select others, and either you're in it, or you're not. Your user needs, your bug reports, your patches, all end up on /dev/null. They listen to no one. Never have, never will.

So, my money went to a fork.

#opensource #foss

Did you know that #LibreOffice has a tabbed user interface option? Make sure you're using the latest release, LibreOffice 24.2, to get the most from it! (And you can find it in the menu under View > User Interface...) #foss #opensource #freesoftware

I've been using #LibreOffice for many years. Only when I'm forced I use another office suite, and that did not happen in the last 2.5 years.

I highly recommend LibreOffice!

#FOSS #opensource #DigitalSovereignty

We've got some incredible updates in the April Development Digest! Full names and email addresses are on their way! Relief for folder compaction issues is coming even sooner. ✨

Read about these topics and more, and don't miss the invite to our technical mailing lists to join development discussions as they happen! ✉️…

#Thunderbird #Development #OpenSource

Something special is happening in May: it's the Month of #LibreOffice! Join our project, learn new things, and grab a cool sticker pack (or extra merch) as thanks:… #foss #OpenSource #freesoftware

GOSIM 2024 Europe Will Be Held in the Netherlands on May 6th: Embrace the Global Open Source Wave and Build a New Era of AI Here comes the GOSIM 2024 Europe!…

For more information please visit:

Scan or register here:…

#rust #rustlang #rustnl #opensource #gui #mobile #app #ai #fediverse #matrix #gosim

Linux screenshot staple Neofetch is no longer in development but plenty of alternatives exist…

#linux #foss #opensource

Catch up on what's happening in the #LibreOffice project and community! Here's what we did in April:… #foss #opensource

We are excited to announce that #LAS2024 will be held in Monterrey, Mexico! Join us on October 4-5 in person or online. More updates will come soon at:
#LAS #LinuxAppSummit #KDE #GNOME #opensource"

Thank you so much for your patience! Let's GO!

Sind die Schulzimmer unserer Kinder sicher vor Datenklau durch Amerikanische Gross-Konzerne? Diese Frage stellte sich ein Dänischer Vater, weil in der Schule #Chromebook zum Einsatz kommen. Pädagogen und Schulleiter sollten dringend vermehrt auf den Einsatz von freier Software für Schüler plädieren!

#schule #datenschutz #freesoftware #opensource


A near-final draft of the #CRA #standards request has been published by the @EU_Commission and it includes a very encouraging requirement that the standards organisations consult with the #OpenSource community - and prove they've done so.…