
Items tagged with: accessibility

Here's a neat exploration of the curb cut effect for accessibility in @gnome - using accessibility tools to aid in testing automation! Has pros and cons identified in the article, but interesting nonetheless.


#Fedora #Gnome #accessibility #a11y #Linux #OpenSource

‘When security and accessibility clash: why are banking applications so inaccessible?’…

I once did a presentation for a bank client explaining all the ways preventing paste disables users.

The response: “But we have to, for security.” No ability to justify beyond that, no consideration of user impact, no offer of supporting data.

Security theater is often used to abrogate #accessibility requirements. #a11y

Or maybe Matt Mullenweg, head of the multi-billion dollar WordPress corporate entity, could honor his prior commitments to #accessibility and sponsor this.

It should be embarrassing to him and his company that he doesn’t. That this event has to even *ask* for free labor.


Microsoft announced their latest round of FOSS fund recipients. We're thrilled to share that @NVAccess are among this quarter's recipients. From:

"A project of the Microsoft Open Source Programs Office, the FOSS Fund provides up to $10,000 USD in sponsorships to open source projects as selected by Microsoft employees."

Congratulations also to The GNU Compiler Collection, Urllib3, CLAP & MSW.

#OpenSource, #FOSS #Free #Software #NVDA #ScreenReader #Accessibility #A11y

Everette Bacon, Aira’s Vice President of Blindness Initiatives, was featured on the most recent episode of Talking Technology sharing Aira’s history, functionality, and future developments including the new Access AI feature and recent Eclipse event coverage.

#AccessForAll #OnYourTerms #AssistiveTechnology #Accessibility…

Department of Justice just formally set WCAG Version 2.1, Level AA as the technical standard for government sites.…

#accessibility #a11y

Our new Chief Technology Officer, Gerald Hartig, is being interviewed on Vision Australia Radio tonight at 8:10pm AEST (About 1hr 15mins after I post this). You can tune in online at:

#NVDA #ScreenReader #Accessibility #Interview #News #A11y

Lots of things happening in the AI/LLM space that could have implications for #accessibility

Ferret-UI from Apple:

ScreenAI from Google…

#a11y #ai #LLM

Speaking of #overlays, there is yet another one: #WebAbility

I have already made a PR to add it to the Overlay Fact Sheet:…

As with other overlays, it makes WCAG/ADA promises, fails to fix stuff, replicates platform features (poorly) in CSS, and introduces WCAG violations just by adding it to a site.

Cool business model.

#accessibility #a11y

Jupyter notebooks in 2024 is still not accessible.

In his #PyCascades talk, Venkatesh Potluri (who is blind) noted that popular Python libraries like matplotlib etc still can't embed alt text.

He made a patch for it, but the notebooks still don't pick up alt text.

#accessibility #Python #jupyter

Platforms like Squarespace and Wix must provide users with the features and guidance necessary to make an accessible website. This article explores how to create an accessible website using Squarespace and the accessibility features that could help make this process easier. #accessibility…

"Blind internet users struggle with error-prone AI aids", reports an article in the Financial Times:…

#FT has a paywall but three articles can be accessed for free if you register.

TLDR is that AI #accessibility widgets over promise and under deliver. Repeatedly.

#AI #GenerativeAI #a11y

#AudioEye has a blog post where its CAO talks about “trust, transparency, collaboration, and innovation.”

Which is code for rebranding its #overlay product without issuing refunds for its prior guarantees.

Anyway, I offer my thoughts in a bit more detail as a comment on the post that got me sued:…

#accessibility #a11y

Can anyone recommend a good #accessible #RSS feed reader for #iPhone that does well with both text and audio #RSSFeeds? I recently subscribed to The Old Reader ( and like how it lets you add text RSS feeds, #podcasts, and #YouTube channels, and I'm looking for a good app for it on my phone. I've tried #lire, but it doesn't seem to work well with podcasts.
#TheOldReader #iOS #accessibility #technology #tech @mastoblind

This piece is worth reading if you’re in tech criticism or infosec/cybersecurity and are being asked for commentary on IoT and smart home devices.

People aren’t foolish for using IoT or for wanting things to be easier in their homes. This tech makes positive and meaningful change for people of all kinds of abilities. It’s valid to worry about the privacy or security issues that IoT is riddled with, but don’t draw a direct line from there to blaming the user - some people have no alternatives that don’t involve giving up independent access to their own homes and lives. Everyone deserves to live in ways that fit their needs.

Instead, join the push to hold manufacturers and providers to account for poor security and privacy practices. Advocate for better, more respectful and accessible default configurations. Help people understand how to anticipate and mitigate the worst of these issues when they’re setting things up, and give them power and agency over their home systems.

We all deserve to have tech that works for us, in all the ways that matters.

#a11y #infosec
#iot #smarthome…

NV Access is very pleased to share the release of the NVDA 2024.1 Release Candidate. Unless any major issues are identified, this will be identical to the final release. We encourage all users to test the Release Candidate. Many updates including on-demand speech mode, native selection in Firefox, bulk actions in the add-on store and much more! Read the full details and download at:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #A11y #ScreenReader #News #NewVersion #Release

The NV Access team have made it to Anaheim, California for the CSUN accessibility conference. We're enjoying the sun today! If you're at the conference, do say hi. We're presenting on Thursday at 2:20 in Orange county 1 - 2.
#NVDA #CSUNatc24 #CSUN #accessibility

Continuing this thread about Glidance/Glide.

Based on the demo on their site + FAQs + the recent interview, here are some questions that seem to have been answered.

1. The design takes into account rainy weather. It will work on rainy streets. No answer about snow yet.

2. The timeline is longer than I anticipated. Beta tests are happening this year and release will happen in 2025.

3. Preorders wil start this year to gage demand and satisfy funders.

#accessibility #blind #a11y

Because apparently Google can't be bothered implementing decent keyboard #accessibility for Google Calendar, I'm currently trying to throw together a Greasemonkey script which changes right arrow so that it moves to the next day when you hit the end of the current view instead of just doing nothing. You can currently press n to go to the next day, but then, it does this absurdly useless thing where it... focuses the first day in the scrolled view instead of the last, which is normally at least a week before the day that just had focus. 🤦‍♂️
It'd be nice if these trillion dollar companies could do things properly - this stuff just isn't that hard - but as usual, I find myself doing their jobs for them.

I am excited to be presenting an accessibility workshop for #InnovateUS. I will be focusing on taking a role-based approach for accessibility. Subject-matter experts (SME) have their role, but too often responsibilities in government are hardened and accessibility becomes someone else's responsibility. Taking a role-based approach can fix barriers earlier in the project's lifecycle.…

#accessibility #ARRM #authors #frontend #visualdesign #government #DigitalGovernment

The more I learn about Glidance, a system that purports to replace the cane, the more it seems to have taken all the criticisms of "smart canes" into account. It might be the first genuine high-tech navigation aid that could be beneficial, replacing the cane in most circumstances. I'm usually highly skeptical about these things because people just havent thought through the implications including ergonomics, weather conditions, etc

#accessibility #blind #a11y #mobility

Reminder that support for the `headers` attribute in tables is pants:…………

Even if `headers` worked, table navigation for spanned cells is still wonky.

So, you know, avoid spanning table cells and headers:…

#accessibility #a11y

Accessibility for Everyone: In two hours, come hear @laura talk about accessibility – register here now (it’s free/online):

“Please join author Laura Kalbag, Guild host Lija Hogan, and other UX researchers for a fireside chat about the latest in accessibility and inclusive design topics … We’ll use her recent book, ‘Accessibility for Everyone’ from A Book Apart as a reference and starting point.”

#accessibility #a11y #event