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Items tagged with: opensource

Stuff I already wrote that other people might be open to reading this week, because of the #xz incident:… Four Non-Dev Ways To Support Your Upstreams (Pass this along to executives who are asking "how can we prevent this in our dependencies?")… Potential cross-project #opensource tools and practices that you/we can implement to help lighten the load on each other


Who needs bad April Fools' Day jokes when you have laptop lids! Today's lid is from @Unaccounted4

Things we are loving:
* Sweet, squishy mascots 🐧
* Sound haberdashery 🎩
* Science and swears 🤬

Rating: 1100/1010 binary references

#OpenSource #Community #WeRateLaptopLids

Advanced ways to help #OpenSource

- Have corporate policies allowing devs to contribute upstream; heck, encourage it!

- Support your OSPO. Give them budget for a FOSS Fund. Listen when they speak.

- Subscribe to Tidelift,,, and programs that auto-distribute donations to all your dependencies.

- Get listed on and promote it to other CEOs/CTOs.


I know this is not directly related to the recent Chinese (?) backdoor, but the XZ format has all kind of problems and I personally avoid using it. Having a better compression ratio is not a reason to prefer XZ, IMHO. See…
#gnulinux #opensource #Debian

🚨 ⚠️ Emergency PSA: A critical security exploit was discovered in the xz package recently, used for compression and decompression on nearly all Linux distributions.

Rawhide users ARE impacted and should immediately STOP using Rawhide until the package update is fully rolled back. (1/3)

Security Advisory:…

#Fedora #Linux #OpenSource #Security #Privacy

#LibreOffice’s #localization community translates the software’s user interface, along with its documentation and websites. We ran a survey to find out what tools the community uses, and how we can improve them:… #foss #opensource

In true open source, the software is open to everyone on the same, neutral terms. If you are in need of an #opensource in-memory, key-value data store, check out Valkey, a community-driven fork of the Redis codebase by the former community contributors.…

Today we're releasing #LibreOffice 24.2.2, the second update to our new 24.2 branch (with "year.month" version scheme). We've also updated the previous and older LibreOffice 7.6 branch too:… #foss #opensource #news

#Jami est un #logiciel #opensource qui se pose en alternative libre aux solutions de #visioconférence plus traditionnelles comme Skype, WhatsApp, Zoom, ou Teams. Il a été développé par les Canadiens de Savoir-faire Linux spécialisés dans les logiciels open source.

Source : @Fidel…

Thunderchat Alert! 🚨

Community Office Hours start in ONE hour at 17:00 UTC! Today's format is Open Forum and FAQs, so bring your questions and comments and we'll bring the team! Find out how to join in the blog post:…

#Thunderbird #Community #OpenSource

💡 The last Wednesday of March can only mean one thing...

#DocumentFreedomDay ✍️

Today we celebrate open standards: The ability for everyone to work and communicate using free software.

If you're using paid software that confines you see if any of the alternatives on my list of #opensource software can make life easier for you:…

Includes (but not limited to) @cryptpad @thegoodcloud @piefedadmin @libreoffice @thunderbird @Tutanota @protonprivacy @plausible @GIMP @inkscape @session @signalapp @delta @efoundation @MattermostFR @element

Any I've missed, let me know!


#FOSS #DFF #DFD #decentralize

If you're an #opensource maintainer seeking a good task to give a less-skilled new contributor, ask them to do a discovery report on the project, such as:

Starting from scratch, try to get a local installation up and running, and note how long it took.

Take an hour to explore our documentation and fora, and tell us your impressions.

Given a demo install, try these common user tasks.


The #GNOME 46 desktop environment already landed in #ArchLinux and #openSUSE Tumbleweed 👏👏👏

@gnome #Linux #OpenSource

It's time for our Community Office Hours this Wednesday March 27 at 17:00 UTC and the topics are up to you! We'll answer live questions, questions sent to, and some of the questions we heard most at SCaLE! 🤔 🐧

Find out how to join us in the blog, and note the shift in day and in UTC! Silly spring time changes. 🗓️ ⏰…

#Thunderbird #Community #OpenSource

A new @DestinationLinux has hit the road! (363) 😎🐧▶️

Check out #DestinationLinux 363: PipeWire Interview with Wim Taymans, Revolutionizing Audio & Video on Linux

#linux #podcasts #opensource #tech

#LibreOffice isn't just a piece of software – it's a worldwide community, working on #UX, #QA, marketing, documentation and translations. And thanks to that community, we now have a Czech version of the LibreOffice Writer Guide 24.2 🥰… #foss #opensource

Noch eine Woche: Bewerbt euch noch bis nächsten Sonntag, 31.03. um 23:59 Uhr auf 47.500€ Förderung für euer #OpenSource Softwareprojekt.
Keine Sorge: Für unseren Bewerbungsprozess braucht ihr kein Jurastudium, sondern müsst nur elf einfache Fragen beantworten.
Los gehts!…

NetHSM – A hardware security module with open hardware and open source code: «Unlike proprietary HSM products, NetHSM is the first HSM available as open source, which enables independent security audits, easy customization and avoids vendor lock-in. Only open source allows to verify the absence of back doors.»
#HSM #OpenSource #OpenHardware #Security

How it started: "This change has zero effect on the Redis core license, which is and will always be licensed under the 3-Clause-BSD."

How it's going: "Beginning today, all future versions of Redis will be released with source-available licenses. Starting with Redis 7.4, Redis will be dual-licensed under the Redis Source Available License (RSALv2) and Server Side Public License (SSPLv1)."

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #OSS #FOSS #Redis

4 years ago we began helping the non-profit @gnome promote their #opensource desktop software with short animated videos. The production window is often tight, but we try to have fun. This one went live today. Enjoy! 🍿

🗺️ 𝘖𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘔𝘢𝘱 3𝘋 🧊

Zoom in to street level to see the 3D features.

#map #maps #OpenStreetMap #3D #topography #world #WorldMap #cities #landscape #environment #data #tools #OpenSource #FOSS

Apache Pekko has left the incubator phase and is now a top-level project.…

That's great news! Pekko was created as a Fork of Akka 2.6, right after Lightbend chose to pull a bait-and-switch by relicensing Akka to a non-FOSS license.

I have already switched to Pekko a few months ago, it went very smooth, and I am grateful to everybody involved in making this happen.

#opensource #pekko #akka #scala #java #licensing #apache #foss

You know it's interesting that I think @thunderbird is probably the one piece of software I have been using since Windows XP as a kid and still use it to this day. I even pay $10/year for a plugin to make Thunderbird work with my Office365 I use for my content creation so I can use it seamlessly on #Linux for contacts, calendar, and mail integration.

Despite all the email providers I have hopped between I still have used Thunderbird since around 2005 or 2006 #infosec #cybersecurity #opensource

#GNOME 46 "Kathmandu" Desktop Environment Officially Released, This Is What's New…

@gnome #Linux #OpenSource

Starting tomorrow we have a series of Test Days coming for different projects. Maybe contribute with testing for the ones that pique your interest?

* Mar 20-26: @Podman_io Desktop (for Windows and macOS as well)
* Mar 21-26: Podman 5
* Mar 25 - Apr 1: Fedora CoreOS
* Mar 27: (Toolbx) @containertoolbx

Get started:…

#Podman #CoreOS #Toolbx #FedoraCoreOS #Fedora #DevOps #CloudNative #Linux #OpenSource

Cheers to 20 years of innovation, collaboration, and community at the Eclipse Foundation! Join us in celebrating our community's journey. #EclipseFdn #opensource

Looking for a career change – maybe in technical writing? Join the #LibreOffice documentation community, and improve our help content and guidebooks! You can pick up valuable experience along the way. Dione Maddern explains more:… #foss #opensource

#SCaLE21x, it's almost time to say goodbye, but it's been a blast. Thank you everyone who came by our booth to share your stories, heard @linuxflower talk about Thunderbird for Android, and made our first time here a great one. 🐧 💙

#Thunderbird #OpenSource #Community

Sam Thursfield, a software engineer at Codethink, recently led a project for Outreachy covering improving end-to-end testing for #GNOME.

Outreachy is an organisation that provides paid open source internships to people who are subject to systematic bias and underrepresentation.

You can read about how the project went and the outcomes here:

#opensource #outreachy #careers #DiversityinTech #careerbuilding

Are you a #ScreenReader and/or #Braille user on #Matrix?

Should we be adding messages as captions until #AltText is supported?

#A11Y #Accessibility #BRLTTY #FOSS #OpenSource #Element #GNOME #KDE #elementaryOS #XFCE

  • Yes, always. (66%, 4 votes)
  • A quick summary is fine, I'll ask if I need more (16%, 1 vote)
  • As long as you do it if I ask. (16%, 1 vote)
6 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

A few days ago I talked about why I chose #Fedora #Silverblue and how finding the right environment for me would be a motivation to contribute to #OpenSource projects, something I've always wanted to do. Well... I finally made it! 🎉

I've implemented a small feature (link below) in #Errands, the best to-do app for #GNOME. It's already merged so it will appear in a future version! ✅

Yes, it's a modest first step, but also an impulse to keep supporting projects I like! 😊…

Today's tip is all about getting help.

Our official community support site where amazing contributors offer advice is Mozilla Support, aka SUMO:….'

Here's our top 5 tips for getting the most from SUMO.

1. Search for your issue - maybe there's already a solution!
2. Be detailed! Include your OS, TB version, and other info.
3. Answer follow up questions.
4. Mark solutions to help future readers!
5. Be patient - it's a global community!

#Thunderbird #OpenSource

Whoa! TIL just how widespread Matrix is at universities in Germany.

This, on top of adoption by their national healthcare system and other corners of their public sector.


#Matrix #OpenSource #OpenStandards #DigitalSovereignty #FOSS

OBS Studio 30.1 Released with AV1 Support for VA-API, #PipeWire Camera Source, and Much More…

@pipewire #Linux #OpenSource #FreeSoftware

New guidebooks, for our shiny new #LibreOffice 24.2 release! Get the most out of Writer and Calc:… #foss #opensource

#KDE Plasma 6.0.2 Is Out Now to Improve Night Color, Discover, Plasma #Wayland, and More…

@kde #Linux #OpenSource

It is really terrific to hear about the great work on #OpenSource being done by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. It was terrific to learn about the work of @jakerella work & about the adoption of #OSS in #DigitalGovernment.

Great to see government agencies setting up Open Source Program Office #OSPO & beginning to change the culture around buying, building and sharing code. All this helps broader goals towards government transparency and #OpenGovernment.…