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Items tagged with: Apple

Dear developer community,
In the latest beta of Xcode (16A5171c) a bug exists which makes it extremely difficult for blind people from using the autocomplete features. If you are an user of Xcode, please test with VoiceOver and thenfill in a feedback with Apple. I thank you on my behalf and other developers who will benefit from them fixing it.
#apple #programming #wwdc #xcode #swift

Hey people. I am not good with #introduction posts but let's see. My name is Arkadiusz, I am currently 22 years old and I am studying #chinese in #Milan, #Italy. I am passionate about #programming for #Apple platforms, as I am a huge fan of their hardware and software. I will be mostly writing and reading about #accessibility, #programming, #swift, #china and #chinese (in no particular order). Hit me up for any questions.

I am going todo a #introduction post:

Hey!! I am Nate
uhh I don't really know what to say about myself so have a bunch of hashtags

#systemadmin #linux #apple #did #system #hacker #gay #taken #plural #8ballsystem #nowindows #anarchy #anarchist #adhd
we are a #hamradio tech
we want to get into #cybersec and #systemadmin
our favorite TV show is #BSG (Battlestar Galactica) So say we all

if you have any questions feel free to reach out!

- you mean the Garden of Pure Ideology that Big Brother was talking about in 1984? LOL! We've all discovered how pure that garden isn't sometimes. #apple #ai #onoes #1984 #dropyourlinen

So, I know this is super early in the dev cycle, but like, I'm really glad I didn't buy a new Mac. Like I know sighted people love Macs, especially developers, but I could have the latest M3 Mac, and still VoiceOver would be pretty awful in the Terminal. That's just how VoiceOver has been for the last forever. I just don't get it. Like, blind people obviously can be developers too, and developers on Mac probably need a smoothe Terminal experience too. So, how is it that VoiceOver just keeps interupting itself? Meh. I'm not gonna even get into Safari, oh yeah I should try Google Docs and Salesforce again. Also, I wrote all thwith the new Braille Screen Input on iOS 18. Yes I had to restart VoiceOver, but BSI is surprisingly stable and nice! #wwdc #apple

Anybody else running #iOS 18 beta with VoiceOver experiencing a crash as soon as opening VoiceOver settings>speech? I was thinking it was because I use ESpeak, but uninstalling it didn't seem to fix it. #Apple #VoiceOver #Accessibility

As usual, I'll be doing #iOS and #iPadOS #accessibility testing with the new operating systems that Apple is about to release. I'll post the findings in this thread.

Considering the rumers, I suspect more instability. If you can, wait till people have at least given things a go before installing new beta operating systems on your primary devices. It won't be fun.

#WWDC24 #Apple

If you're one of those who is considering taking the plunge into #iOS18, if you've already done it, or even if you're just curious and want to track reported issues, I've created a forum topic over on @AppleVis to have a centralized place to talk bugs/issues.…
#iOS #Accessibility #Apple #Beta

Apple Intelligence is a genius rebrand of “AI” from a marketing perspective

#Apple #AppleEvent #WWDC #WWDC24

Do not forget that you can watch the Apple Event, WWDC, right in the TV app on your phone. No need to go to any website. Lately they have had audio description. It starts at 10 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 1 PM Eastern Daylight Time. In the TV app, just go to the Home tab, and its the second heading down on the screen. They will be introducing what to expect with iOS 18. #Apple #WWDC #TvApp #iOS

Since today is WWDC, if that is not your thing, you might want to mute the following hashtags in advance for today.

#WWDC, #WWDC24, #WWDC2024, #Apple

What would be really nice if #apple introduced a new outstandingly magical Bluetooth stack in #ios18 that actually works! :) It's really time for some innovation and disruption in the tech industry! :)

Does anyone with an iPad or iPhone and a braille display have that issue where app library keeps on opening? I turned it off, but the search field keeps popping up every time.I don't know what to do honestly, it takes over my apps, I can't read. Please, some help? #apple #accessibility #braille

People sure are pressed about Apple’s crushing iPad commercial - The Verge…

#apple #ai

#apple #AI

I am playing with the NaturalLanguage framework in #Swift and I am having some interesting results. Here are the most similar words to the word „Dictatorship”. The left column are the words, the right is the distance. The more distant, the less similar the word is.

dictator 0.7791867852210999
autocracy 0.7871801853179932
dictatorial 0.7904724478721619
regime 0.7980139851570129
democracy 0.8397299647331238
totalitarian 0.845069408416748
repressive 0.8523193001747131
oligarchy 0.8619794845581055
despotism 0.8681145310401917
despot 0.8691430687904358
Here is the code I used.
import NaturalLanguage
guard let embedding = NLEmbedding.wordEmbedding(for: .english) else {
print("Nic z tego nie będzie.")
let words = embedding.neighbors(for: "dictatorship", maximumCount: 10)
for word in words {
#apple #swift #programming #CodingFun #iOS #macOS

After a great week for Linux, with the releases of Fedora 40 and today Ubuntu 24.04, I would be interested to know which operating system the Fediverse in my "bubble" uses? Linux? Windows? Or macOS or even a BSD? More than one?

Please write in the comments which distribution or version! Thanks for participating and SHARING!

#linux #unix #opensource #freesoftware #windows #microsoft #apple #macos #bsd #freebsd #openbsd #netbsd #debian #fedora #ubuntu #linuxmint #archlinux #opensuse #gnome #kde

  • Linux - Which one? (71%, 50 votes)
  • Windows 10/11 (15%, 11 votes)
  • macOS (20%, 14 votes)
  • FreeBSD/NetBSD/OpenBSD (30%, 21 votes)
70 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

It’s been about two months since I was laid off from Mozilla, and I’m still on the job hunt! I’m looking for an #iOS role, open to other #Apple platforms. 10+ YoE total across a few industries, exclusively iOS for the last 7+. Happy in both #Swift and #ObjC environments. #Remote / Chicagoland. #fedihired

It’s time to start using a privacy focused browser! 👩🏻‍💻🔐

The EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) is forcing Apple to give users a default browser choice.

Which default browser did you pick and why? 💻

#apple #dma #europe #privacy

Read more here:…

So here's my experience of installing and testing @altstore

First off I went to and purchased #AltStore using Safari on my iPhone SE (iOS 17.4.1). I got directed to a download page and clicking the download button pops up an error message.

#Apple #JustWorksNot #DMA


Neue Zeile in der Messenger-Matrix ergänzt: »Unterstützte Push-Benachrichtigungsdienste«. Ich habe nicht zu jedem Messenger ausreichend Informationen gefunden, daher wäre es lieb ❤️ , wenn ihr dazu Feedback abgebt. Korrekturen nehme ich gerne vor. 👇…

#push #google #apple #android #ios #fcm #apn #websocket #unifiedpush #ntfy

I love how on #macOS when you intend to move a bunch of files to a folder, and when one file with the same name already exists in the destination, you're only given the option to stop the entire thing, to replace the existing file, or move anyway under a different name. Not a single option that just... idk... skip moving that one (or however many affected) file maybe? The best thing is, that stop option, the dialog that asks you gives you a checkmark option to "Apply to all" (unchecked by default) - bcos of this, a user unfamiliar with #Finder's brilliance might assume that "stop" simply means "skip" commonly found on other OS-es including #Windows and #Linux for file operations such as moving/copying, 'cept not, "stop" literally just stops doing anything.

Oh, also, you can't even enjoy what you have found to be so common such as doing a shift-click selection on Finder... unless you happen to be in the right "view" mode. That simple thing couldn't even just... work. I honestly can go on and on about how slow that piece of shit is at performing searches or copying/moving files, or how modifying all the ridiculous preferences take forever bcos they hide in multiple, nonsensical places when on #Dolphin for example, you get one nice menu with sensible tabs and options where you could do wtv needs doing in ~1 minute. Heck, even setting the default app to be used to open a certain file type requires a hidden shortcut that then opens up a stupid looking window at the edge of your screen with tiny af buttons and GOSH I CAN GO ON FOREVER.

Fuck Finder, honestly. I'd take that ugly ass #FileExplorer anyday of the week if it means I don't have to deal with Finder. Thank god I'm a Linux user, blessed with #KDE's Dolphin. I'm almost certain #Apple only hires interns for anything software over there.

Update: Found a fix! Just use the terminal ❤

Trying to figure out how to put this into bug report language. So, on the Mac, I use the Mail app for doing email. I get lots of email, from mailing lists and Github repos. So, when I use my arrow keys, I hear a lot of info. For example,

3 message conversation collapsed unread Jen-Chieh Shen [open-webui/open-webui] refac: Dockerfile (PR #1165) 4:07 AM Ready to be merged? — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe. You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread.Message ID: <open-webui/open-webui/pull/1165/> Inbox - Google

So yeah, that’s a lot of words. I just want to hear the subject of the messages when I arrow down. So, before, I could just interact with the message in the message list, then VOICEOVER-Right arrow until I hear the subject, then arrow down, delete, whatever I needed to do. But now, it just goes back to reading the whole row of information when I arrow down again.

Does anyone else use Mail like this?

#accessibility #apple #VoBugs #blind

Wow. Tell me how you really feel!

Samsung can't blame #Apple's #iPhone monopoly for a lifetime of terrible software…

Wrote a blog thinger, about a certain #apple cult priest and his utter bullshit...…

I didn't intend to write this, but, fuck me, this fucking guy...

#Slashdot still exists and discovered my #apple post:…

We've launched the world's first #quantumsecure email platform! 💪

Like #Signal and #Apple we are now protecting your data against quantum computer attacks. ⚛️ 🔒

Learn more about Tuta's largest update so far! 🥳🎉…

Apple's response to its ~$2 billion fine is telling.

It's the same mentality Apple shows with the #DMA.

This must be the start of the #EU's crackdown on #BigTech. 💪

Here's why we're in revolt against #Apple's malicious compliance with the DMA

Just a bit of a ramble on #android and #apple and #privacy and #security inspired by a recent post by @beardedtechguy.

It's a bit of a ranty post, but not trying to be mean :blobfoxheart:

This is day 19 of #100DaysToOffload…

Funny Reddit thread about Tim Cook's comment: "the Mac is the best computer for AI." Apple fanboys defend it with unified ram, and Apple haters attack with Nvidia GPU speed. lol #ML #AI #Apple #Mac…
#apple #AI #ML #mac

So uh, the Mac has this interactive fiction client, called Spatterlight. And it’s amazingly accessible! Anyone with a Mac should seriously check this out. It even has Voiceover actions!

#accessibility #macOS #apple #InteractiveFiction #Spatterlight…

Have we forgotten how to build ethical things for the web?… #ethics #webdesign #apple #fail

I’m not sure who’s to blame in the #EU for giving up to the lobbying efforts of #Apple and #Microsoft (I can’t think of anything short of either public official corruption or macroscopic incompetence behind the last minute partial reversal of the #DMA definition of “gatekeeper” for the two most valuable companies in the world), but these are some consequences of this decision:

  1. If Apple isn’t labelled as a gatekeeper when it comes to #iMessage (an app used by 1.3B people), then they won’t have to comply and open up their walled garden to 3rd-party clients - while, for example, Messenger and WhatsApp will have to comply, despite having similar numbers of users.
  2. If Microsoft isn’t labelled as a gatekeeper when it comes to #Edge (a piece of software installed as the default browser on an OS used by at least 1.5B people), then they’ll be free to keep rewriting https:// URLs as microsoft-edge:https:// just for the sake of intercepting everything and breaking compatibility, they’ll no longer have to provide browser selection pop-ups on fresh Windows installations, and they can keep opening all the web views and PWA on Windows devices in their own browser without providing alternatives - while, for example, Chrome and Safari will have to comply.

Shame on the EU for bending to them. They have just lost a huge chunk of credibility, and nobody should trust them the next time that they say that they want to uphold the same principles to everyone. Shame on these companies and on their lobbying efforts. Shame on everybody who still uses their products and gives them so much undeserved leverage.

The DMA and the “gatekeeper” definition was supposed to be the proof that these companies are now run by responsible adults. Being a “gatekeeper” is the acknowledgment that you are running platforms used by billions, and with great power comes great responsibility - towards society, towards regulators, towards the rules of the open market, towards your own competitors.

My employer might be included on the list soon as well, and I’m more than happy to comply. Large tech companies like ours have enjoyed lavish profits and outrageous market shares and ignored anti-competition laws for too long: now it’s time to prove that we’re all grown ups who want to play by the rules.

Instead, Apple and Microsoft have unleashed their overpaid legal counsels and lobbying crews, who have engaged in a pathetic dance to gaslight Brussels officials, and force them to say that one of the largest messaging platforms and one of the most used browsers in the world, run by the two companies with the highest evaluations in the world, for some reason are not expected to play by the rules written for everyone else.

Shame on them, and shame on the childish sociopaths who run them.…

Apple is showing flagrant disregard for the EU #DigitalMarketsAct. 🇪🇺

Their reluctant allowance of third-party app stores, #sideloading, & alternative payments is nothing more than an act of #malicious compliance by #apple 🍎

#monopoly #BigTech