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Items tagged with: LINUX

I just learned there is a #QUIC in the #Linux kernel effort:

... as a draft PR making curl use it was filed:…

Hey Linux users! 🐧

Did you know that Tuta offers a dedicated encrypted desktop client for protecting your emails, contacts, and calendar? 🔐

Best of all it's completely free!

What distro will you be installing it on?
#linux #privacy #email #security #distro

Dig out your vintage FireWire audio interface and rub some #Linux on it. Testing FFADO with Pipewire.…

Any #Linux #musiciansofmastodon out there? What software are you using? Hardware? I’m looking to get started. I have extensive (10+ years) experience in Apple Logic Pro but little experience in Ableton and FLStudio so if that helps with your suggestions, cool, if not, cool. Thanks!

* Please boost *

Which office suite(s) do you use at least once a week? (in a typical week)

Please only answer the poll *if* you use #office software, such as #wordprocessor, #spreadsheet #presentation software, etc.

#LibreOffice #MSOffice #MicrosoftOffice #GoogleDocs #CalligraSuite #Calligra #FreeOffice #SoftmakerOffice #Gnumeric #CollaboraOffice #CollaboraOnline #OpenOffice #OnlyOffice #Microsoft365 #WordPerfectOffice #WPSOffice #iWork #Windows #Linux #macOS #Android #iOS

  • LibreOffice (60%, 138 votes)
  • Microsoft Office (38%, 87 votes)
  • Google Docs (30%, 69 votes)
  • Other (please reply and explain) (5%, 13 votes)
229 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

Despite all my experience, I am sometimes tempted to give certain #software vendors a second chance.

And I was curious to see what the new #AppleMaps could do. Unfortunately, my trial only lasted a few seconds, because neither one of my operating systems nor the browser I use for my daily work are supported.

And so I can say: negative prejudices confirmed, I don't need something like this.

#Apple #Firefox #interoperability #Linux

That's FFADO working with PipeWire. #linux #audio

But if you add the numbers (excluding the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), #Linux still beats the Windows:

Windows (Personal use): 59.2%
Windows (Pro. use): 47.6%
Linux (Personal use): 61.0%
Linux (Pro. use): 57.3%

They should have broken down Windows to Pro, Home edition, etc. or bundle up all Linux distros to have a "Operating System" level information.



I was checking out this year's #StackOverflow annual developer report that few things caught my eye:

1. They have deliberately drawn the wrong conclusion about most popular operating system. They have interpreted #Linux distro as operating system, so they have separately provided numbers for Ubuntu, Arch, Fedora, and etc., and have concluded that "Windows is the most popular operating system for developers, across both personal and professional use".…


New Windows Subsystem for #Linux (#WSL) 2.3.12 version released to #Windows10 and #Windows11…

Cool to see the next NVIDIA driver (560) will be adding some new PipeWire support…
#linux #pipewire #nvidia

Having some fun playing around with PipeWire's midi support today using various applications from Flathub. #linux #pipewire #rosegarden #qwgraph #qsynth #fedora_linux

Does anyone know of a #Gnome or #Linux or even #FOSS community in #Egypt? Or people thinking of starting something? I think we can do cool things. I just don't know many cool people.

I'd absolutely love it if someone would be willing to virtually hold my hand/walk me through a #Linux install. I really want to do it but there's so much documentation and so many varieties that I'm finding it hard to break it all down. I installed one of the Linux packages from the Microsoft Store, but I'm not even sure how to get started with that. I used to be able to work from documentation, and I still am in some situations, but in this case having someone walk me through it the first time would be super awesome.

Hey fellow #Linux users, despite the #CrowdStrike problem only affecting #Windows, this is not a windows problem.

This is an "automatic update that got forced onto everyone with insufficient testing while also having way too many permissions" problem.

If you think big corps wouldn't run something similar on Linux, I have a an NFT of a bridge to sell you.

Make no mistake, if an outage similar to Crowdstrike would have been caused by OpenSource, there would be calls across the entire industry and at the government level to ban OpenSource from critical systems. But since it was caused by billion-dollar publicly-traded companies, nothing to see here, move-on.

#CrowdStrike #Linux #OpenSource #Outage #Microsoft

Dear #Linux elitists
, just stop. It's not pretty.

PS. Not all Windows users are suffering the outage, do educate yourselves. You know who you are...

Does anyone know of a good alternative to sway notification center? The notifications list has become annoying to use recently, and the dev doesn't know how to fix the accessibility issue. I know about ednc-mode in emacs, but that's not exactly ideal. I'd like something I can open with a binding and view a list of notifications. I've tried to use xfce4-notifyd which does work, but because the notification is a window, focus keeps getting jumped to it every time there's a new notification, which also isn't ideal. #Linux #accessibility

Loving this new #computer so far! It took a little setup and help from my mom, but now that it's set up, it's working great! It really flies with 32 gb #RAM. For now I've decided to keep #Windows11 on it because I'm applying to take an digital #accessibility analyst course where they seem to want you using either #Windows or a #Mac. I was also more productive with Windows in some ways because of #JAWS features like split Braille. I do miss the #commandLine though. Windows and Windows #screenReaders have so many keyboard shortcuts that I struggle to remember them, and I found the #commandLine a lot easier. Also, my mom panicked when I talked about putting #Linux on this computer. She said every time I've put Linux on a computer, it broke, and I didn't have an argument against that. She also pretty much said I'd be on my own if I put Linux on this one and it broke. I am thinking about dual booting if that can be done #accessibly or creating an #ArchLinux #virtualMachine.
It's about 1:30 AM here, and I have a procedure for injections in my head and neck to help with headaches and neck pain around noon, so I should really be getting to bed, but I find new #tech so hard to walk away from. Can anyone relate?
#accessibility #technology #blind

i'm getting a new #computer today and I'm so excited! It's got a 13th generation I7 processor, 32 gb RAM, and 512 gb storage. It comes with #Windows11 on it, but I'm debating about putting #archLinux on it. I think I will. With a computer with these specs, I can get Wine so I can use #windows programs. I'll miss some #JAWS features, but there are a lot of things I like about #linux. My computer should be here within the next couple hours, and I can't wait!!!

Please take this survey about AI/ML and Fedora. We know that this is a sensitive subject, so the Fedora Council spent time putting a survey together to understand what our community thinks about this area of technology.

Last day to take the survey is July 31.


#Fedora #Linux #OpenSource

Man. I wish there would be some sort of blog or site or mastodon account which tells you things about #linux normal people would never tell you.
I got this server, and 1 week later, people just came up with, oh yeah, change your ssh port, disable the root user, add this to this group and do this and na you can't store files in /home...
Okay dude, tell me how to do it different. I hate it. I wish there would be actually readable, good tutorials how to setup a server so it is and stays stable. And does not ends up in a mess.

So at work, we use Salesforce. The customized version we have uses Tabs across the page to change screens, a lot like an app. Right now, Orca can't navigate directly between those tabs.

So, last night, at around 5:26, I sent a message to the Orca mailing list about it. Today, at 4:12 AM, the Orca developer emailed back saying that she has pushed a new feature, where the tab group is treated as a list, and the tabs are list items. So, in Orca 47, or on the main branch, it works!

This is the kind of thing I mean when I say we just need to reach out and talk to these people. Yes, we'll get people that will tell us to do things ourselves. Yes, we'll get people that don't care. And yes, we'll get people that are actively ableist. But we'll also get people like the orca developer, who just needs to know what we need.

#foss #linux #accessibility #Orca #blind

I would love to encourage y'all #GUADEC attendees to use the "Download" button from the event's Indico platform (that button is in each event's details page) to use it directly in #GNOMECalendar, but… it turns out that you'd run into this silly timezones bug where the event importer dialog considers UTC times to be the local time 🤦

So… can I motivate someone to send a merge request for… ? This would be timely for #GNOME's main conference next week 😉

#Linux #OpenSource

How do I debug libinput --list-devices not recognizing touchpad and touch screen on a laptop?

#Linux #freedesktop

Okay, I think I fixed the link.

So, this is like, one of the first times I've done this, but I wanted to show a bit of installing Fedora Linux on my laptop. I'd already started the installation, but it shows most of it, and a bit of setup afterwards. I recorded this on my iPhone, so it won't sound the best. A few things I forgot to mention:

* You cannot buy IBM Viavoice (Eloquence) for Linux anymore, but it's of course still floating around.
* We also have DecTalk on Linux, obvious from the BTSpeak using it.
* You can also get Vocalizer voices.
* There's also Piper of course.…

#Linux #foss #Fedora #accessibility #blind

Oh, and I love these colorful wallpapers (amazing work from @jimmac yet again!). They pair so nicely! I didn’t have to download anything to change up the look—each screenshot was just two or three clicks.

#GNOME #GNOMEDesign #GNOME47 #Linux #OpenSource

My favorite new thing by far is accent colors. It’s so nice and refreshing to be able to really change the feel of your computer with just a few well-defined options—all while not introducing a massive burden to third-party app developers.

I’m most excited to see more apps incorporate the accent color in interesting ways, as it’s a great way to pull the user’s preferences into the app.

#GNOME #GNOMEDesign #OpenSource #Linux

I’m really loving what’s coming in GNOME 47! It’s shaping up to be such a good polish release, and it keeps getting better. Huge props to all the folks who’ve been plugging away at the design and entire stack this cycle.

I'm looking forward to meeting up with folks next week in Denver for them to share more about their work this cycle and to hack on any last touches—plus planning what’s next. Join us in-person or remotely!

#GNOME #GNOMEDesign #OpenSource #Linux #GUADEC

For those who don't know about it yet, here is a tool, called Audio Game Manager, that lets you play lots of Windows audio games on Linux. This might be useful to be put on the BT Speak, connected to a USB keyboard or Gamepad of course.…

#linux #foss #audioGames #blind #accessibility

#GNOME 46.3 Desktop Environment Released with Various Improvements…

@gnome #Linux #OpenSource

Now that the storm has passed — I can share an update on screen reader support under Wayland.

As part of STF; GNOME has been working since the end of last year on resolving the matter.

The main issue is that we currently lack a way to “snoop on” or “grab” key events from the compositor.

We now have a draft protocol and implementation in Orca and Mutter thanks to @matt

We are doing our best to get it ready for GNOME 47.

#GNOME #a11y #Linux #freedesktop #Wayland

So, I worked on a lot today. I got Ellama, LLM, Company-mode (I hope), and Nov-mode installed and set up. So, I can talk to AI, read EPub books (with formatting!) get autocomplete when writing (in a form a lot more like the Mac than Windows annoying bullcrap.) I still am amazed at how responsive Orca is. I feel like I'm flying around when using it. The closest I can come to that feeling on Windows is JAWS, when it's being good. Emacs and Emacspeak are that way for me too, but I've also had Emacs commands wired into me since I was like 15; I don't know why I'm so attached to that. Maybe it was my first look at Fss. Anyway, I'm gonna see tomorrow if I can back up my home directory to Dropbox or something, so when I install Fedora on my old laptop, I won't have to do things all over again.

Overall, so far, if you're techie and don't mind learning and breaking things and learning more, and aren't currently stressed out a lot, I'd definitely give Linux a try. Maybe start with Debian, and move up to Ubuntu, then Fedora. Read docs, all that. But it's definitely gotten better over the past year or so. And with Audiogame manager, which I forgot about, we can still play a lot of the games we have on Windows. Oh, and I've not had to pull out my Windows laptop all day.

#Linux #foss #accessibility #blind #Emacs #emacspeak #Mate #fedora

It's finally time! Registration & Call for Proposals are now open for #XDC2024 in Montréal, Canada! If you plan on attending, please make sure to register as early
as possible! #Mesa #Wayland #Linux #Graphics #OpenSource

So um, I feel like installing Fedora, or um, no not Arch, no way, I'll brick it. Anyway, Fedora, on my older laptop. AMD 5500U with 32 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD. It's a little beat up, but it definitely still works. Just, some loose USB ports and the bottom part of the casing is kinda bent a little. What do y'all think? Could use is as a kind of home server, maybe?

#linux #foss #laptops #Fedora #blind

Years ago I came across a question about what language does your brain think in as a multilingual speaker - I wondered about it and self-answered my question by thinking about it in English.

Today I realised there's another unexpected layer to that. I saw the word cat, which is paint in Malay and the animal, cat, in English. The first thing that came to my mind however was the #Linux command, cat (short for concatenate). With that limited data, I guess my brain's preferred language is #Bash > English > Malay.