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Items tagged with: accessibility

Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Review: Accessibility still Trails Innovation… #Samsung #Android #Accessibility

aria-label is one of a number of secondary methods to label native HTML UI elements. It works in some scenarios, less well or not at all on others. Get the details on it's proper and effective usage.

#HTML #ARIA #WebDev #WebDevelopment #DigitalAccessibility #Accessibility #A11y

#AccessKit question. I'd like to recommend this to developers so they can make their projects more #accessible. I noticed there's no documentation. Is it easy enough to learn without the need for documentation? If not, I'm hesitant to recommend something that I know developers are going to struggle with. It's tough enough asking them to make their apps accessible when they don't know much about us, let alone asking them to learn a new library with no docs. #Accessibility #Blind #VisuallyImpaired

All these discussions about captcha and #accessibility are the demonstration of how reality is infected by inclusion-washing and performative activism. Everyone to talk about #PrideMonth in June, disability day in December, #a11y day #gaad in May, but then facts are always where they've always been: in 1999 or before. With illusions to solve it all with some out-of-box solution. (1/2)

For blind people like me, if AI solves a captcha it's a miracle, not a problem. Companies should rethink client-based human verification; captcha is a discriminatory message. If you -company- experience fraud, it's not my responsibility to tell you I'm a human. It's your responsibility to protect me SERVER side, not placing a guardian with the gun at the door who kicks me out if I'm blind, deaf or cognitive impaired, because I can't solve the quiz you implemented. #accessibility #a11y

Two problems with #Hulu's "Choose your ad experience" ad breaks:

1. Every time one comes up, it turns the audio description track off, but without changing the controls. You have to turn it to 'normal audio' and then back again to get descriptions back. #accessibility

2. Nobody wants to 'choose' an ad. Nobody cares. Nobody has ever in their life thought "I'd like ads if I could pick 'em." Just play them in rotation. Don't make us wait extra time for the ad to start.

Wow! This is very encouraging to see as Wix is one of those website-in-a-box type services similar to Square Space where improved #accessibility is desperately needed.

2/3 Koboldcpp and LM-Studio were annoying but usable, with some unlabeled buttons. Open WebUI had too many unlabeled buttons, making it unclear what each does. The least accessible was GPT4All with its QT interface. Accessibility can be subjective with different priorities, so I still prefer my own client, VOLlama. lol #accessibility #LLM #AI

3/3 Sincere apology for the spam due to my incompetence! Apparently, I don't know how to create a thread properly. Third time's a charm! Those of you who use other local LLM UIs with screen readers, could you share your experience? Please check out the thread to see my experience with some popular ones. #accessibility #LLM #AI @patricus @vick21 @tayarndt @FreakyFwoof @bryansmart @ZBennoui @Woody @miki @simon @jscholes @pixelate @kaveinthran

I'd also like us to consider other kinds of rulemaking to make #AmateurRadio better for others, such as women, where we relax the requirement to provide a physical street address that gets shared with the public, tighten rules about what kinds of things can and cannot be talked about on the air, etc. #HamRadio #inclusion #accessibility

In full transparency I am intending to petition #FCC to ensure that commercial equipment used on the #AmateurRadio bands is required to meet #Section508 #accessibility functional performance requirements to ensure better inclusion for #disabled #HamRadio operators. I'm willing to consider reasonable compromises, but this is a government regulated service and its long past time we do better.

1/3 I tested some popular latest LLM UIs for accessibility with screen readers, including oobabooga text-generation-webui, Open WebUI (aka Ollama WebUI), GPT4All, LM Studio, Koboldcpp, and Llama.cpp server on Windows. The most accessible was Llama.cpp server, though it had the fewest features. Oobabooga was also good, except for the list box not announcing choices as you browse; however, you can check your selection afterward. #accessibility #LLM #AI

🤔 as a long time command line geek I love TUIs, but i hate how horrible they are for #accessibility I hate making a tool and knowing "wow, this is gonna be completely, absolutely, and totally miserable for any blind person"

In-Process is out, with all the details on NVDA 2024.2 Beta 3, Mick and Gerald's interview on Eyes On Success, a big walkthrough of the new "Sound Split" feature (if you've ever wanted to have NVDA in one ear and your apps or VOIP in the other, you won't want to miss this!), and the New braille setting: “Display speech output”.

Check it all out here:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Blog #News #Newsletter #Braille #ScreenReader #Accessibility #EyesOnSuccess

So, I am noticing that with Meta glasses, you really have to position the text in the right orientation if you want it to be recognized and read. In other orientations Meta will tell you there is a text which cannot be clearly seen. It will not, however, warn you that the paper is not in the right orientation. #meta #AI #glasses #accessibility #nearlyfail

Screen Reader users, which is the best way to use camel case in a hashtag that combines an acronym and a word?

For example, if I want to write # PC gaming or # UK politics should I use PCgaming and UKPol or PCGaming and UKPol?

I think screen readers spell out capitals if they're together, or start a new word if there are lower case letters after them but I'm unsure of the intricacies.


Speaking of #tabletop #accessibility , did you know I have tips and resources on different parts of the process - from the web in general (posts, sites, people selling stuff) writing to layout to PDF formatting? And if you need more detailed help or have a project coming up, you can contact me~!…

Why should it take @sovtechfund to fund accessibility work on the Linux distribution of a multi-billion-dollar corporation like IBM? Why the fuck isn’t IBM paying for it?

#accessibility #linux #foss #corporations #BigTech

I love that a multi-billion-dollar corporation like RedHat/IBM can ship an operating system with a broken screen reader in 2024 (it’s not just them, it’s true for basically every major Linux distribution today) and, when you point it out, the response is “it’s no one’s fault… it’s all free labour… it’s FOSS, man”. And then: oh, and this charity is paying for one person to work on accessibility support to be implemented now… Anyone else see how fucked up that is?

#accessibility #foss #linux

65% of vision impaired people are over 50 years of age, despite making up only 20% of the world's population.

Accessible technology benefits everyone. As we age vision impairment becomes more likely. NVDA's free and open-source technology ensures no one is unfairly disadvantaged because of their vision.

You can support NV Access providing accessible technology by donating:….

#Donate #NVDA #Support #Blindness #Accessibility #Technology #FOSS #SupportUs

Linux blind users, listen to this and let me know what you guess this actually is, and most importantly, what you think! I'm just gauging interest as this is still in its early infancy, and I was wondering if it was worth continuing. As you can infer, I'm already far enough to have a working yet incomplete prototype!

#linux #accessibility #blind

You can make a difference by reporting inaccessibility as you come across it. When reporting accessibility issues, it is important to be as specific as you can. Because most developers are generally unaware of what #accessibility is, telling them that their website/app isn’t working with your assistive technology isn’t enough information to yield results. If you provide plenty of detail, the developer can learn how to reproduce the problem, thus making fixing that problem significantly easier.

Hi #blind folks, especially software developers! I'm taking part in a #GitHub research meeting and I hope to raise as many #accessibility points as I can. I was told this fact is not at all confidential, so I may gather feedback.
Here's what I remember: multiline comments are inaccessible (eternal story); sometimes menu roles are used where they shouldn't be (watching repos, reactions etc.). Anything else that really bugs you at GitHub? Thanks!

This looks awesome. I just backed Eventably, a project by @karlgroves to create an accessible event management platform (planning, ticketing, execution, analysis, etc). Just read their testimonials to see reasons why this is sorely needed. The campaign has 17 days left! Help make it happen!… **#accessibility** **#a11y**

Reminder: #AltText is not a place for copyright information, or additional details about the image.

Put that into a separate post, for the love of god.

It's as if you were blocking a bike path with a street sign.

The purpose of alt text is increased accessibility, so when in doubt, ask yourself if the text you're adding helps blind or visually impaired folks better understand what's in the actual image.


Ahright, Patch tuesday be upon us so the final IC_Null stream for the week is upon us. Let's run down the remaining part of the web portion of the #thm Jr Pentester path so we're all good to go for the #burpsuite deep-dive next week. I can already say, that dive will be gory indeed :) You all know the drill by now, #accessibility as in how do these #thm rooms work when all you have to parse them is a #screenReader. Relatively smooth sailing so far, when do we run ashore and how do we sail on? COme see :) See you at 3 EST at or, pick your poison :) #twitch #youtube #streamer #selfPromo

You may think that QR codes are great for securing your login, or letting users read more online about a product marketed in a news paper ad. But there is a high risk you are creating barriers for people with disabilities, unless you use QR codes correctly.

#QR #QRCodes #Marketing #Accessibility #A11y #DigitalAccessibility

Huge thanks to @kabushawarib for eliminating the flickering that occurred in #GNOMEFiles 46's "Global Search" feature! This should help performance a bit, and improve #accessibility for light/motion-sensitive users.
If all goes well, the bugfix would probably make its way into #Nautilus 46.3, I presume.…

#GNOME #performance #trackersearch

Hi #accessibility specialists! Do you have in mind an article about HTML email accessibility best practices? I was almost sure @aardrian wrote something about it but couldn't find it straight away. It's for a friend :) Thanks!

NVDA 2024.2 Beta 3 is now available. As well as all the amazing things already announced, changes in Beta 3:
- Disable style navigation in Microsoft Word
- Add section on Add-on Store to Quick Start Guide
- Fixes for using Poedit with all plural forms
- Minor fixes for sound split
- Minor documentation fixes
- Updates to translations

Read the full what's new and download from:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #News #FOSS #Update #Accessibility #A11y #Beta

I am doing a survey about yoga and neurodivergent folk and your boosts would be appreciated.

If you are neurodivergent (self-realized or Dx'd, it's all good here), and fall under the vast ND umbrella, I'd love to hear from you. Quick 6-7 question survey and you can remain anon if you want.

Thank you!

#ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD #ADHD #neurodivergent @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity @disability #yoga #accessibility #Anxiety #Depression #OCD #TBI

Okay y'all, Retroarch is now accessible on iOS! You *will* need a keyboard or gamepad to play and use the user interface. PSP games work great though! Just download all the core updates and needed core files for PPSSPP, if you plan on playing PSP games, and you're good! #accessibility #RetroArch #blind #blindGaming #emulation #emulators #gaming #iOS Link to the App Store page:…

Useful for people having problems to describe #images with #altText: Use the #hashtag alt4me. In most cases, other people will help you by answering with the hashtag alt4you.
Then you can edit your post and insert this alt text. (And have more chances to get a boost because many people boost only images with alt text.)

#accessibility #photos #images #graphics #cartoons

Today’s a bustling day at Accessible Android! If you’re an RSS enthusiast and want to keep up with our latest posts and app listings all in one feed, here’s the URL for your RSS reader: #RSS #Android #Accessibility

A few months ago a friend told me I needed to stop “being a burden” on those around me & find somewhere with round the clock care to live & accommodate my disabilities. Knowing no such place exists for someone like me - I gave them a challenge.

I told them that I had looked for such a place many times - and I’ve come up empty because people like me (relatively young with unstable chronic illnesses) fall through the cracks. We aren’t considered when care homes are being established.

We have homes for the elderly, rehab centres and hospices but almost nothing for a young person who isn’t imminently dying but also has no expectation of improvement. I challenged this friend to find me a place - within a reasonable budget - and said if they did I would move.

Of course they were unable to find anything - and in fact even when they tripled their budget they came up empty. There was one contender that provided a brief glimmer of hope - but as soon as they discovered my heart condition they said no.

The reason? “She’s too unstable and we don’t have adequate monitoring. She should be in hospital or try hospice.” Most chronically ill people know that hospitals are short term solutions & will often discharge you before you’re strong enough to be on your own.

And hospice? You can’t enter hospice unless you are imminently dying. So around & around this friend went… hitting all the same roadblocks I’ve hit time and time again. Finally they asked if I considered private in home nursing?

In home nurses where I am start at around $36/hour. If you need round the clock care that’s just over $6000 a week. Clearly not an option for the vast majority of people.

Finally my friend conceded that I was right and there was no magical place where I could have round the clock care & cease being a “burden” to those around me. They were flustered and apologetic & kept saying “I just assumed you hadn’t really looked”.

Therein lies the problem for so many of us - our friends & family always seem to assume they know better and/or that we have simply failed and not “tried hard enough”. The reality is we often spend all our energy looking for solutions - but those solutions simply don’t exist.

I thanked my friend for apologizing & for their efforts in trying to find a place - but I also asked them to consider how it feels to be called a “burden” just for needing support to survive. To be told you needed to go away & stop “bothering” friends & family?

Of course my friend didn’t have an answer - just uncomfortable silence followed by some muffled apologies. I share this story to implore people to stop assuming disabled people haven’t already tried the things you’re suggesting.

This doesn’t mean it’s wrong to make suggestions. But if we tell you we’ve already tried it and it’s not an option - believe us. It’s exhausting spending your days dealing with chronic illness - we don’t need to be explaining ourselves to people who should have our back.

Lastly - disabled people are NOT a burden. There’s nothing wrong with needing help to survive. Telling someone they should feel bad about receiving that help is an unkind thing to do. Please offer help or keep quiet. Most importantly - believe us when we say we’ve tried.

#CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #CovidCautious #sarscov2 #maskup #WearAMask #CleanAir #Pandemic #Disability #accessibility #DisabilityRights #N95s #Ableism #CommunityCare #Eugenics

And in case you're interested, Accessible Android also has a Telegram group for any accessibility-oriented discussions related to the Android operating system.
#Android #Accessibility #Telegram

List of accessible audio recorder apps for Android on, apps which are updated on a regular basis:
Advanced Audio Recorder:…
ASR Voice Recorder:…
Easy Voice Recorder Pro:…
ShurePlus MOTIV:…
#Accessibility #Android #Audio

Sensitive content

I've just pushed a bunch of #accessibility changes for screen readers to the main branch of FediThready. ( It makes long texts into post sized chunks)

I've run through it with #VoiceOver and it _seems_ ok. HOWEVER it all feels like it's "usable" instead of "good".

If there's a #a11y geek out there who uses screen readers regularly I would REALLY appreciate some suggestions on how to make this actually feel good for folks who rely on screen readers.…