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Items tagged with: a11y

#OrbitResearch launched two groundbreaking additions to its line of braille products: the #OrbitReader Q40 and Q20. These all-in-one braille devices with integrated full-sized QWERTY keyboards set a new standard in convenience and affordability. #A11y #CSUNATC24

I am excited to be presenting tomorrow (Mar 19) at 9am UTC at the Cabinet Office - Central Digital and Data Office Services Week 2024.

I will be presenting on What Green Digital Policy can learn from Digital Accessibility Policy?

We are in a climate crisis, and it is important that we are able to pivot to reduce our demand on the environment. Digital sustainability is a relatively new discipline, and teams are struggling to define best practices.

#A11y #sustainability

Continuing this thread about Glidance/Glide.

Based on the demo on their site + FAQs + the recent interview, here are some questions that seem to have been answered.

1. The design takes into account rainy weather. It will work on rainy streets. No answer about snow yet.

2. The timeline is longer than I anticipated. Beta tests are happening this year and release will happen in 2025.

3. Preorders wil start this year to gage demand and satisfy funders.

#accessibility #blind #a11y

Designing better target sizes 👉 "An interactive guide that is all about enhancing the target size area with CSS" #css #webdesign #UIDesign #a11y

Are you a #ScreenReader and/or #Braille user on #Matrix?

Should we be adding messages as captions until #AltText is supported?

#A11Y #Accessibility #BRLTTY #FOSS #OpenSource #Element #GNOME #KDE #elementaryOS #XFCE

  • Yes, always. (66%, 4 votes)
  • A quick summary is fine, I'll ask if I need more (16%, 1 vote)
  • As long as you do it if I ask. (16%, 1 vote)
6 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

The more I learn about Glidance, a system that purports to replace the cane, the more it seems to have taken all the criticisms of "smart canes" into account. It might be the first genuine high-tech navigation aid that could be beneficial, replacing the cane in most circumstances. I'm usually highly skeptical about these things because people just havent thought through the implications including ergonomics, weather conditions, etc

#accessibility #blind #a11y #mobility

Reminder that support for the `headers` attribute in tables is pants:

Even if `headers` worked, table navigation for spanned cells is still wonky.

So, you know, avoid spanning table cells and headers:

#accessibility #a11y

Accessibility for Everyone: In two hours, come hear @laura talk about accessibility – register here now (it’s free/online):

“Please join author Laura Kalbag, Guild host Lija Hogan, and other UX researchers for a fireside chat about the latest in accessibility and inclusive design topics … We’ll use her recent book, ‘Accessibility for Everyone’ from A Book Apart as a reference and starting point.”

#accessibility #a11y #event

@nah @fvsch @sonny @matt But here’s the thing: Wayland would never have been made the default if, say, fonts didn’t render correctly. Not having a functional screen reader is as big an issue for people who rely on screen readers. So at some point, someone at Canonical decided that it didn’t matter that people who use screen readers would be excluded. And so they should be ashamed.

#a11y #canonical #wayland #orca #screenReaders #accessibility

This update notification feature in OSARA is just awesome! Makes it much easier to keep it up to date and get a quick overview of the changes. #a11y #REAPER #OSARA

So @gnome is removing the x11 session, leaving just the Wayland one.

If this goes out before Orca, the GNOME screen reader, is fixed to work on Wayland, it will mean that people who rely on screen readers will have no way to use one on GNOME. And thus on the major Linux distributions.

So I’m hoping the plan is that this change will not land until GNOME has a working screen reader.

#accessibility #a11y #gnome #linux #openSource #foss #wayland #x11 #orca

Dear Jakob, it's not "Accessibility Has Failed". It is "Designers and Developers Have Failed at Accessibility (after breaking it)". #a11y

If you need a blind accessible smart scale in the EU, Lidl's Silver Crest SBF75 body analyser is a pretty good choice for 18 euros. The only inaccessible bit is when it asks for a 6 digit code during bluetooth pairing.

Everything else works beautifully, the Health for You app is completely accessible via VoiceOver (not sure about Android), including the measurements history, weight, water intakes, calories data, etc.

The scale also supports up to 8 people based on a reference measurement during your profile setup, which can be done on the phone through the app as well. All in all, this is a fantastic experience compared to a lot of other, way more expensive bluetooth smart scales. #a11y #blind

People who use #ScreenReaders, imagine a feature on your instance where you can automatically hide any post that contains images/videos without alt text.

If you reply with an opinion and YOU PERSONALLY don't need alt text for accessibility reasons, I will probably block you.

#poll #ScreenReader #accessibility #a11y #blind

  • It's a great idea (32%, 16 votes)
  • No strong feelings (6%, 3 votes)
  • It's a bad idea (6%, 3 votes)
  • I don't use a screen reader (56%, 28 votes)
50 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

Jakob Nielsen thinks accessibility has failed.

Jakob Nielsen thinks that generative AI will make my experience better.

I think Nielsen needs to think again.

#accessibility #a11y #AI

Mir werden immer wieder mal verschiedene Linux-Distributionen vorgeschlagen, mit dem Argument, sie seien besonders barrierefrei.

Sind sie nicht. Sie haben nur die „richtige“ Software von Haus aus mit an Bord. Die echten Probleme von Linux sind aber immer noch da.

Die meisten dieser Projekte werden auch nicht sehr lange maintained.

Und außerdem: Warum soll ich eine Blindenversion eines Betriebssystems nutzen? Gibt’s bei macOS und Windows doch auch nicht. #a11y


My Mastodon image shows two playful dolphins. This article explains why. Written 3+ years ago, still true today. Can Flipper, Lassie, and the Australian Skippy the Kangaroo help us do our work even in these times? #a11y #negotiations

“Nielsen has given everyone who sees accessibility as an unnecessary cost center a way out. Listen, they will say, the experts are telling us that AI is going to solve this, so let’s deprioritize the work now so we don’t duplicate our efforts.”–Matt May #a11y


This weekend I was using a Windows 11 box with NVDA to help out a sighted relative with their computer.

I don't understand what the hell they've done with explorer. I open it and can't find the list and tree views to navigate through drives and directory trees. Is there a trick or is it as dire as I think? I ended up raging out and launching it from the command prompt on whichever directory I had to navigate to do cutting and pasting and so on.

#windows #NVDASR #a11y

one thing that i'd love the WebAim screen reader survey to differentiate better is how results break down by OS (mainly to be able to have more segmented "on Mac, VoiceOver is effectively the only screen reader used" or similar). it might then also reframe some of the other statements/results, e.g. "71.6% of respondents use more than one desktop/laptop screen reader" ... I suspect those 71.6% are effectively Windows users? #a11y #accessibility

I'm thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new podcast, Next Gen Access! Where we challenge the status quo, of Screen Readers, Magnifier Applications, an other Tech used by the Blind and Vision Impaired. In our Pilot Episode, we discuss, what we'd like to see next with Apple's iOS and iPadOS. Guests, include Shelly Brisbin, Robin Christopherson, and Holly Anderson. #a11y @Shelly @Robin @dhsholly

Hey @threemaapp thanks for providing such a user-friendly and accessible messaging app. However, the Threema ID setup screen could be more accessible for TalkBack users. It would be helpful to include instructions on how users should swipe to navigate to the end of the screen. Additionally, please consider adding accessibility actions to make it easier for TalkBack users to interact with messages. #Android #A11y

We had a question from someone asking, what Mastodon client for Windows do people use which is accessible with NVDA. I thought here might be the perfect place to post that question? What do YOU use, or how do you access Mastodon on PC? Please let us know!

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Software #Recommendation #WhatDoYouUse #Accessibility #A11y

"If a document isn’t accessible, it’s unfinished.

If a video doesn’t have captions, it’s unfinished.

Finished content and documents are accessible. They reach more people. They give people choices. They win more fans."- Meryl Evans, CPACC (deaf)

#Disability #a11y #Technology #DigitalAccessibility #Diversity #Equity

👁‍🗨Screen Readers support for text level HTML semantics

"A long time ago (2008) I wrote an article: Screen Readers lack emphasis. At the time, 15 years ago..."

#a11y #webDev #HTML #screenReaders

As a front-end developer, there are some things that jumped out to me in the recent screen-reader survey. I'll share a couple of them, but keep in mind that I don't typically use a screen reader myself. You can take a look at the results yourself at:

@frontend #a11y #accessibility #WebAIM #frontend

I know there are allot of technically proficient users of #Linux #A11y here, so thought I would throw this out there. I've used #Vmware's windows desktop products for years but don't like the direction things are going. I have, for some years now, wanted to jump to running #virtualmachine guests on a Linux host and this looks like the time. My problem is that I'm still not sure which host/manager combination is easily usable by a #blind user. I'm planning on running both Windows and Linux guests. There are a ton of guest managers with web interfaces, which sounds like the way to go given that I don't think #Orca is usable and I would prefer not to use the command line/config files. I've found a list but, of course, nothing is said about how they work with screen readers. Does anyone have any experience with this? Boosts would be very gratefully received and, of course, failures are just as valuable as successes in sorting the field. #blindness

What's the easiest way to get up and running with a screen reader? :bunthink:

I want to try putting on a blindfold and using #Willow exclusively through a screen reader to test its accessibility

#accessibility #a11y #askfedi

Help support the Mastodon instance! #mastodon #donations #a11y

I finally got around to writing up some of my thoughts on the Deque CPACC course, just in time for #axeCon

Deque University CPACC Prep Course: A Disabled Perspective

#accessibility #a11y

thank you to everyone who popped into the stream. @meatbag, @TheFake_VIP, tunmi13 and I had so much fun, do keep an ear open for our goings on and you'll hear from us soon.
#finalHour #blind #audiogames #a11y

So excited, the Final Hour stream is today. @meatbag, @TheFake_VIP , tunmi13 and myself will be playing from 08:30PM UTC. Join us then!

My stream on the Lower Elements channel:
TheFake_VIP's stream:
Tunmi13's stream:

I hope to see you all there!
#blind #finalHour #audioGames #a11y