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Items tagged with: iOS

I just want to educate y'all about this specific "scary" warning (that you may see in the Pixelfed app)

Apple Bonjour is a feature that enables seamless connection between your Apple devices

You can safely tap "Don't Allow" without any impact, however, that may limit Handoff support and other Apple features we're planning to implement.

Regardless, you can audit our app code yourself to verify we aren't doing anything sketchy

#pixelfed #iOS #mobileApp

Psst 👋 Email Preview for push notifications is coming soon!

Now you can know who is sending you an email before opening your mailbox! 🎉

Here's a sneak peek 🤫
#teaser #ios #android #sneakpeek #privacy #security #linux #macos #windows

Sonos is considered a recommended speaker brand in the blind community.

Both because many blind people are audiophiles, and because their app is screen reader accessible.

However, Sonos is about to release a new version of their app and at the moment it looks like it will be practically unusable for the blind.

Screen reader users that will not prevent their devices from updating will lose access to the expensive hardware they have purchased.

#accessibility #blind #sonos #IOS #android

Re about the #iOS bug, thanks @pitermach. It affects only multilingual people who have different apps in different languages. I'll boost Piotr's reply next.

Dear blind #iOS users! Please note: in latest iOS betas there is an extremely nasty bug where several apps turn your phone into totally unusable state. You cannot reload VoiceOver, you cannot do anything at all besides restarting the phone. Be super mega careful! I know so far one German app (very important, it's PhotoTan app from #DeutscheBank which basically is needed for authorization of every significant bank operation), and one Russian app. I even don't know what to suggest if you have no sighted help and no spare device where you can run BeMyEyes or so. Anyway, if you encounter such an app, do the volume up — volume down — side button dance to force restart, I have no other idea. Again, be super careful! I'd like to CC @JonathanMosen because it might need to be spread for a wider audience, and @lynnskyi because I know you use only your phone, so again, be extremely careful, you'll never know what app will cause it to behave like this. Thanks.

I am playing with the NaturalLanguage framework in #Swift and I am having some interesting results. Here are the most similar words to the word „Dictatorship”. The left column are the words, the right is the distance. The more distant, the less similar the word is.

dictator 0.7791867852210999
autocracy 0.7871801853179932
dictatorial 0.7904724478721619
regime 0.7980139851570129
democracy 0.8397299647331238
totalitarian 0.845069408416748
repressive 0.8523193001747131
oligarchy 0.8619794845581055
despotism 0.8681145310401917
despot 0.8691430687904358
Here is the code I used.
import NaturalLanguage
guard let embedding = NLEmbedding.wordEmbedding(for: .english) else {
print("Nic z tego nie będzie.")
let words = embedding.neighbors(for: "dictatorship", maximumCount: 10)
for word in words {
#apple #swift #programming #CodingFun #iOS #macOS

You know, one thing I really do like about Android, Pixel works but IDK about others. When you turn off the stupid, awful, frustrating bullcrap where you have to tell your phone to "stop", shouting over the alarm to be heard... You can then double tap with two fingers, with TalkBack, to immediately stop the alarm. No need to swipe to the stop button and double tap.

Of course, just like a lot of things in Android, the Double Tap with two fingers just sends the "play/pause" signal, so it's not really a Magic Tap that apps can really make do interesting things, like how in DiceWorld on iOS, you can Magic Tap (double tap with two fingers), to roll the dice without needing to find that button each time. Stuff like that, in apps, is really nice.

Another issue with Android is the way apps handle speech; they almost always just send output of ongoing things, like live OCR results and such, to the system TTS engine instead of TalkBack. This is mainly because that's how it's always been done, but now that Braille is an option, I really hope developers start just sending announcements directly to TalkBack. On iOS, for example, I can play DiceWorld completely in Braille because it sends all announcements to VoiceOver, and not the TTS engine. See, Android has been all about speech at all cost, coming from the days of the Eyes-free shell since TalkBack couldn't use the touch screen yet. iOS, I think, has always let apps send content to VoiceOver, so it can read whatever the dev needs it to, and thus also shows up in Braille, can easily be interupted, all that.

Just some early morning thoughts, don't come at me.

#accessibility #blind #android #iOS #TTS #VoiceOver #TalkBack

@prav is looking for an #iOS developer to build Prav App on iOS. So far we have raised 500+ USD for this work via If you are an iOS developer and interested in this work, contact us or knows someone who will be interested, share this with them. If you or any contacts use iPhone donate now to make joining #XMPP easier. #FreeSoftware We need more coordinated effort to break monopoly of #WhatsApp in messaging. Your support is crucial in this challenging task.

It’s been about two months since I was laid off from Mozilla, and I’m still on the job hunt! I’m looking for an #iOS role, open to other #Apple platforms. 10+ YoE total across a few industries, exclusively iOS for the last 7+. Happy in both #Swift and #ObjC environments. #Remote / Chicagoland. #fedihired

Neue Zeile in der Messenger-Matrix ergänzt: »Unterstützte Push-Benachrichtigungsdienste«. Ich habe nicht zu jedem Messenger ausreichend Informationen gefunden, daher wäre es lieb ❤️ , wenn ihr dazu Feedback abgebt. Korrekturen nehme ich gerne vor. 👇

#push #google #apple #android #ios #fcm #apn #websocket #unifiedpush #ntfy

Hi dear #iOS users! I have a Health widget on my home screen. Is there a way to make it show steps instead of calories, percentage and what not, or it will be reason number 7001 why I don't like Apple's policies? And if it's the later, please suggest a #VoiceOver accessible app for that? Thanks!

Having gone to cancel my #VoiceDream subscription in the #iOS #AppStore while it is still a free trial, they sure do have an interesting list of plans. The monthly subscription options range from £4.99 to £19.99, and the annual options from £49.99 to £119.99. There is also an option labelled "Premium", which is also annually billed, at £79.99.

if someone has an unused #iPhone 5s or an #iPhone 6 in their drawer - i would happily take that for #deltachat #ios development and testing with iOS 12

(newer phones probably do not help on the current iOS 12 issue - but maybe on comparable issues in the future. older phones are not supported anyways)

Can anyone recommend a good #accessible #RSS feed reader for #iPhone that does well with both text and audio #RSSFeeds? I recently subscribed to The Old Reader ( and like how it lets you add text RSS feeds, #podcasts, and #YouTube channels, and I'm looking for a good app for it on my phone. I've tried #lire, but it doesn't seem to work well with podcasts.
#TheOldReader #iOS #accessibility #technology #tech @mastoblind

How secure is your #iPhone? 🛡️

Our security experts examine the threats to #iOS devices ranging from browser hijacking, to #Pegasus & #GoFetch.

Learn more & stay safe:

Are you a fan of iOS or do you prefer #Android? Let us know in the comments!

Our iOS app got banned from the Chinese appstore because it is able to influence public opinion or is "Capable of Social Mobilization".

See our blog post for details:

#xmpp #ios #china

Completely bewildered by the #VoiceDream subscription announcement. The blog post links to #Stripe for making a subscription payment, but that's not how subscriptions to #iOS apps are usually managed. Meanwhile, I can't see anything in the app itself about an account, #AppStore purchases, or subscriptions. If I pay through Stripe today, am I supposed to assume that at some point, the iOS app will be updated to respect that new subscription?

checking #deltachat #iOS 1.44.1 before starting a testflight. no good camera left to take the photo :)

the update comes with quite some long awaited UI fixes - and PUSH notifications got a preview now

#deltachat #iOS 1.44.1 is now available on - including PUSH notifications showing previews

nb: the preview is generated on the device, using normal message fetch from your server. everything's still end-to-end-encrypted 🔒

I‘ve recently switched to #iOS and was sad that I couldn‘t use #streetcomplete for #osm anymore. But they‘ll soon release an iOS version as well 💕

Once upon ...

While #DeltaChat #Android paved the way for reactions, #iOS and #Desktop did not stand back with awe!
But ran ahead!
Adding tons more possible reactions than poor #Android that could react with 👍👎❤️😂 or 🙁 only! Mostly with 🙁 :)

... but now #DeltaChat #Android catches up, allowing all the things as well :)

Is it just me or the Lire #iOS app is becoming less and less useful? Many of the RSS feeds no longer work, nor do the pre-defined topics such as "hot links", "link list", etc, etc.

Yep, cool feature! Try it out when you get it! #accessibility #andorid #ios #google

4) Last October, Google launched Lens in Maps (formerly Search with Live View). This feature uses AI and augmented reality to help you find information about nearby stores. Now, this feature has been upgraded with screen reader support, so you can point your phone’s camera at your surroundings and have TalkBack read the place’s information out loud.


Ej, ale jak już będzie dostępna instalacja aplikacji spoza #AppStore na #iOS to do tego będzie potrzebna ta licencja deweloperska od #Apple czy nie? Wiadomo coś?

Eine traurige Wahrheit: Bei der Analyse/Überprüfung des Datenverkehrs einer App, lautet die Frage nicht, ob man Datenschutzverstöße findet, sondern wie viele und wie schwerwiegend diese sind. Davon ausgenommen sind Apps aus dem F-Droid-Store. 🧙‍♂️

#app #datenschutz #android #ios #google #apple #mobil #privacy

After being with Mozilla for a little over 5 years, I've been laid off today, alongside a group of some of my favorite people. So, I'm on the job market! I've got ~8 years #iOS, #Swift, and #ObjC under my belt, working on everything from libraries all the way through full user-facing features. So, I'm #opentowork. Remote (US), working out of the Chicagoland area. 👀 LinkedIn in bio. Boosts would be much appreciated!

Good thing the #Apple App Store is secure, it would be a shame if the #DigitalMarketsAct allowed alternative platforms to set up shop and start pushing fake software to #iOS devices...

Oh wait 👉

Wie are pleased to announce that #Monal 6.1.0 with full video call support is now available in the appstore.

Have fun calling :)

#xmpp #ios #videocall

Mozilla says Apple’s new browser rules are ‘as painful as possible’ for Firefox 🙁 #apple #mozilla #ffx #apple #browsers #ios #eu #webkit #blink #gecko

This screenshot shows the app analytics data sent by two different #iOS apps: Duolingo and Tinder. What's the likelihood that both apps are installed on the same device? 💯? 🤯

Both apps use Unity Ads. The data in the screenshot is collected by the Unity Ads framework included in these two apps, and any app that uses Unity Ads. The data is sent to the same Unity server. As a result, Unity Ads can easily fingerprint users and track them across different apps.

#privacy #tracking #Apple #infosec

To #blind #techies, does anyone have any suggestions for a pair of noise canceling #headphones purchasable on #Amazon that can connect to my computer running #Windows10, preferrably wirelessly or through Bluetooth. It's even better if they can somehow also connect to a second device and let me hear when my mom calls my #iPhone. This would be something I could use with my computer on days when our dogs are barking a lot so I don't get such bad #SensoryOverLoad. Of course, they need to also either not have software for the computer, or that software needs to be somewhat #accessible. My budget right now is about $80, but I may have up to $120 or so if I wait a day or two.
@mastoblind #ActuallyAutistic #accessibility #iOS #tech #technology #Windows #WindowsTen