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Peter Vágner reshared this.

This year marks the 200th anniversary of the invention of the Braille code. The International Council on English Braille, which has a General Assembly every four years, met this time in Auckland, New Zealand.
I was profoundly honoured to be invited to deliver the keynote address to mark the 200th anniversary of the code that gave blind people literacy. The address is called “Safeguarding the Legacy, Investing the Inheritance”.

Whether you’re blind or not, whether you read Braille or not, if you’re interested in the cultural impact and the history of a system that gave an uneducated minority literacy, I hope you find this address informative. You can read the text, or listen to the audio.
It is of course presumptuous of me to think I might be remembered at all when my life is over. But if I am, I would like to hope that this address might be a reason. I put months of work into it, because Louis Braille is my hero. I do not have the words to truly convey the impact his work, his genius, has had on my life.

I hope you enjoy it, and I thank with deep appreciation ICEB for the opportunity to deliver it.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

For those interested in computer virtualization, this may be of interest here. VMWare Pro, not just the player, is now free for personal use. This also holds true for VMWare Fusion on the Mac.

This blog has some details.… (1/2)

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Message Reactions just landed in Gajim! 👍
The next release will bring both Message Replies (XEP-0461) and Message Reactions (XEP-0444)! 🎉

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

For those interested, here’s a sneak peek: Be My Eyes for Windows at a Glance. Currently in beta, it’s poised for a public release soon. For the curious, this is a chance to preview what Be My Eyes for Windows will offer and the features you can anticipate. Enjoy the experience! :)

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Are you blind? Have you heard of the commandline, but don't know what it means or how to use it? I recorded a tutorial that shows how to use a popular commandline utility called YT-DLP to download the audio version of a video with a screenreader, and how you can apply this to other commandline applications. This will accomplish jobs more quickly and bypass inaccessible graphical user interfaces. I hope you find it helpful!

#a11y #accessibility #screenreader

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Winamp is not going open source. Here's what it is doing - and why…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

New instance, new introduction. Hello, I am Adam from Ottawa Canada. I am a totally blind man, identifying as he/him.
My primary interests are technology and music. I was a former professional drummer, playing the bar stages of Ottawa and the ocasional out-of-town show.
I've always been rhythmical, annoying the heck out of my parents at the tendor age of four on up banging on pots, pans, spoons, and whatever else I could get my grubby little hands on.
I got my first drum kit when I was 12, back in 1999. I got a couple of upgrades over the years, and then switched to electronic kits in 2007 when I managed to save and purchase a Roland TD-12 kit with my own money. That was like buying a car for me, LOL.
I was professionally active from 2007 until 2019.
Some hearing issues with extended loudness causing anxiety and unease started my issues with playing live shows, and then COVID19 really finished that career.

I've been interested in technology from a young age as well, receiving my first electronic note taker for the blind, a Blazie Engineering Braille Lite in 1996 at the age of 9.
I then got my first computer in the summer of 1998, learned DOS, then eventually Windows 3.1, 95, and on up.
I've had many, many, many computers and other technological devices since those days, and I have done any serious compute work in Linux, where in I am mostly referring to running servers, hosting things, and distributed compute projects.
Professionally, I am currently a systems/server administrator, backend web developer, database administrator, and infrastructure administrator.
Other interests include animals, documentaries, listening to most kinds of music, having deep intellectual conversations, and pondering the meaning of life.
#Mastodon #Introduction #Ottawa #Canada #Blind #Music #Technology

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Following the latest updates and changes to WhatsApp, we have updated our accessibility notes to address the regression in usability with TalkBack. Please spread the word.… #Android #Accessibility #TalkBack
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Mozilla has released Thunderbird 127. I hope there will be a build and then we’ll see how many scripts break

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Did you notice? We have almost 5.000 followers!
Now we're wondering: might we find among you (or your network) two experienced UX/UI designers who are willing to engage in a 6-month volunteer project? We need to come up with a way to fit a bunch of new functionality into the already busy player screen. We're looking for two people (one for each role) to help us with this.
Interested? More info? Send a DM or email
Boosts appreciated!
#UXdesign #UIdesign #OpenSource

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to AntennaPod

@AntennaPod Who is going to cover the living cost of a 6 month volunteer project?
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to _jayrope

The day job, or whatever existing source of income contributors might have. We should probably have specified that, but that's the reason for it taking six months: it's only a few hours per week, a hobby thing for evenings. Just like all other AntennaPod contributions (including these very toots).

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Modernizing #accessibility for @gnome and desktop #Linux was the subject of a recent talk by Matt Campbell, long-time a11y advocate and developer of screen reading technologies across multiple OSes.

Watch the talk about GNOME leading an effort to design & prototype a new accessibility architecture:…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

#Suno? #Udio? Who needs those? #ElevenLabs has just blown my actual mind and I am here for it! Cannot wait to get access to this.
I have not been so excited by AI-based music until now.
Don't skip anything, just listen.
Pay attention to the extremely fast Rap section too. It's up there with the best of them.
You've never heard AI music like this, trust me.…

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in reply to Andre Louis

The AI model made up a freaking trumpet solo?! OMG. My jaw is on the floor.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Andre Louis

@drew I guess, one big question we should now be asking: are we amazed at the technology or the art it created? I am personally amazed about the former. <grin>
in reply to victor tsaran

Yeah no I would call this demo-quality stuff, it's not anything I would use for a final anything. But you don't have to! You can just throw out ideas and hear something back, if you like it you develope it, if you don't just throw it out. You've gotta apply your personal touch to the thing to make it unique and interesting. But this cuts out so many stages in the endless noodling process.
in reply to Drew Mochak

@drew @vick21 A lot of comedy AI artists have been popping up lately and they're using the generated track as final. Some I guess prefer Suno.…
in reply to Drew Mochak

@drew One thing I would love to have on my local machine is an AI band. Say, you have a group of bandmates that you can play with, you and the rest are AI cats, dudes or whatever you’d call them! :) Would love to see them co-creating with me in real time! That would be wow!
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 @drew That just cannot be far off. Logic 11 (which comes out on Monday) has a virtual keyboard and bassist that can apparently follow your chords and jam with you, I will of course be testing this.
in reply to Andre Louis

@drew Wo wo wo! For real? You mean, it comes out as in for the rest of us? :)
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 @drew They need one for guitar! that's something I can't fake well on keyboard. lol
in reply to Chi Kim

@chikim @drew The same could be said about a guitarist trying to play the keyboard on the MIDI guitar. I gave up long time ago!

Peter Vágner reshared this.

In Europe, flying is cheaper than taking the train.

It's an embarrassment, and a major problem: we have to stop flying for silly short distances. Realise that the overheads of flying (reaching the airport, awaiting 2 hours, the flight, the unloading, reaching the destination) largely cancel out any time gains of flying. And the carbon costs are utterly untenable. Not to speak of the modern, dire conditions of the whole flying "experience".

Another embarrassment is that train connections can't be guaranteed when across countries or companies. They aren't even coordinated. As if those who commission and set the schedules didn't travel by train themselves, at least not internationally. In considering how tiny most European countries are, it's frankly bizarre.

There are so many destinations one could travel by train to, yet in practice, it's not sensible. A disgrace.

The upside is that it can be fixed.

#trains #EuroRail

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in reply to Albert Cardona

The unsaid part of this is that the cheap airlines are private (and hence efficient), while most train companies are either public or semi-public, and hence both expensive and inefficient. If you take a look at Polish train prices, which aren't that bad compared to other places, going by car instead becomes more affordable at 3 to 4 people, assuming normal tickets. This makes no sense, there's no way a car is more efficient than a train.

Mikołaj Hołysz reshared this.

in reply to kittens!

@miki do you know how much subsidies European goverments provide to airline companies by chance?
in reply to kittens!

@cybertailor Do the cheap airlines get any of these? I was under the impression that most subsidies go to the expensive state-owned enterprises like Lufthansa, KLM, British Airways or Lot.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

Cheap air travel IS NOT due the public/private split.

Cheap air travel is due to government subsidies. Why do *private* airlines get taxpayer subsidised fuel in the first place?

Germany has the best and cheapest train system I used in Europe - all public.

England trains are all private and their service is atrocious and crazy expensive.

Private companies think only about profit. Expensive crap services = profit for shareholders.

in reply to Raff Karva

There is a prevailing belief in Poland that private is good, public is bad.

This has nothing to do with the reality and it stems from post communist attitudes.

If you want to see the true difference between private and public operations look at English vs Scottish Water companies.

Or German public trains vs English private trains.

Private companies have only one goal - to sell cheap products & services for as much money as possible.

in reply to Raff Karva

Thatcher’s government privatised water in England 35 years ago. Scottish water remained fully public during this time.

I don’t think there has been a better case study to compare private vs public ownership.…

in reply to Raff Karva

@RaffKarva Water (and other similar utilities, like electricity / internet / TV cables) are somewhat different, because you can't just lay new pipes / cables without government approval, and even if you could, it would be far too expensive. If one monopolist owns all the pipes and no other competitor can realistically lay more, there's nothing stopping the monopolist from raising the prices beyond all reason. This is why I'm not opposed to the government owning train track, undecided on them owning stations and related infrastructure, but definitely against public ownership of the actual trains and railroad companies themselves.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

🚇 Před 50 lety se poprvé rozjelo pražské metro i s cestujícími. Po slavnostním zahájení, které obstarala muzika a projevy komunistických potentátů, vyrazila souprava ze stanice Kačerov do stanice Sokolovská, což je dnešní Florenc.…

📷 Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

I have a huge amount of appreciation for the fact that Nautilus / #GNOMEFiles can seamlessly pattern-select, batch-rename and move files both from its treeview and from search results… all with keyboard shortcuts! *Extremely* useful to clean up filenames.

Today, in someone else's messy folders, I was able to cleanly rename everything and eliminate at least 40 duplicates in a directory that contained over 180 files, most of which were in the wrong locations.

#GNOME #productivity #gratitude

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

@DavidGoldfield Do you know if it is possible to install an LTE modem on the BTSpeak? Its usefulness to me would go up considerably if I could replace my phone with it.

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Unknown parent

Drew Mochak

Sure, but if I'm already bringing a perfectly good phone along, then I will just use that and save myself $1500. The idea is to only need one device to take everywhere.

Certainly this adds cost, decreases battery life, and makes things more complicated. That's okay! I'm not suggesting it should come standard with all devices (though that would be awesome if they could!) What I am asking is if a modem can be installed after the fact, via a PCMICA slot or USB or whatever. Can the software take advantage of it? If the 10 grams of additional weight makes this totally impractical, I understand.
@pvagner @DavidGoldfield

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Unknown parent

Drew Mochak

@fireborn That said, I do have a second phone that I use for work, and it happens to be duel-SIM, and fi doesn't charge extra for hotspots. So for me that option is actually pretty viable since I kinda need to have it close by anyway. I am still curious though! I don't think most people would solve it that way. And it would sure be useful! I do understand why Blazie is not spending R&D on it though.

@pvagner @DavidGoldfield

Peter Vágner reshared this.

I've updated my Sonos #accessibility blog post with more information. This includes a link to a statement issued today by Sonos, and info on dialogue I've been having with their product team.

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in reply to Simon Jaeger

@simon Yup, still a debacle, still not acceptable. But we are where we are, and we have to get them to move forward quickly.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

The US is a fascist state.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

A mindset can be both strange and amazing. Allow me to illustrate:

Today, I wanted to insert index times of one cue file into another. I know at least 10-15 programming and scripting languages, so I very likely could have written something to accomplish this. I could have used shell programs like cut, sed, etc, to accomplish this.

First, asked both Gemini and Chat GPT if they can come up with something. They could not, even with different prompts and corrections.

Then, I looked around to see if someone had written something specifically for cue files. No dice.

Then, I've seen that awk has automatic field splitting as it steps through lines. Okay, let's do it. There's one problem: I've never used awk. No worries.

One hour later, I had the solution written in awk, took around 4 lines.

Looks like today I learned awk and no regrets. The reason? It was easier than everything else out there that I found. I think this is a sign of me getting old lol.

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

I wonder if anyone among my followers, or whoever reads this, attempted to open a VarioUltra Braille display? FOr the best of me, I just can’t find the right screw driver for it. I tried something like 10 different formats, and none seem to fit the screws. Any ideas?
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

“do you know ascii code 7?”
“yea, that rings a bell.”

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Here comes #Fractal 7, with extended #encryption support and improved accessibility. Server-side key backup and account recovery have been added, bringing greater security. Third-party verification has received some bug fixes and improvements. Amongst the many accessibility improvements, navigability has increased, especially in the room history. But that’s not all we’ve been up to in the past three months. Read the full release notes at…

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Continuing a tradition #Conversations_im is available for free on the Google Play Store for the next 7 days.…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Apparently there's an accessibility mod for doom. I don't know anything about it but here's a forum thread.…
in reply to Kara Goldfinch

It's one of, if not my absolute favorite, game. If you're interested in playing and need help with setting it up please let me know. I did a walk through of one of the other accessible maps for it called Operation MDK.…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to AntennaPod

Quality that prevails. It's great that it still exists.

Thanks a million for developing the app, keeping it free and sharing it via F-Droid as well.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

The Stardew Access docs have finally been updated with fabulous new guides and config references. There's now a guide for constructing farm buildings with the updated tile viewer. No more buildsel command! Also character customization has been greatly improved. It's looking really good for the next release, but you can load the beta right now if you can't wait to play Stardew 1.6.…
#stardew_valley #smapi #blind #accessibility #a11y @mastoblind

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

There's a mysterious new, undocumented model in the arena chat tool called "gpt2-chatbot" - you can access it by selecting "Direct Chat" and then picking it from the big select menu there

It's providing responses that feel significantly more impressive than GPT-4, for both factual-knowledge lookup and logic puzzles. It's possible this is a stealth preview launch of something like GPT-4.5

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

Tohle je středověká, 600 let stará podprsenka, objevená na hradě v Rakousku. Bavlněná, překvapivě moderní.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

👋 Career change alert!

Looking to pivot into tech & leverage my 10+ years of programming experience

🐍 Python
🦀 Rust
</> Web Development
🌐 CMS: WordPress & Wagtail
✨ Machine Learning: Torch & Tensorflow

My passion for code shines through my open-source projects! Check them out:

#rust #python #machinelearning #careeradvice #opentowork

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Peter Vágner reshared this.

A place and date for the Matrix Conference, a new release for Conduit and a fork, and a notification helper bot. That and more happened this week in Matrix!…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

This is a great overview of the #BTSpeak
The Tech Doctor Blog and Podcast: BTSpeak Offers the Simplicity of a Braille ’n Speak and Adds the Power of a Modern Computer
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Dice Master 2000 allows visually impaired gamers to keep playing…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Accrescent 0.20.0 is out with support for respecting other app stores, UI improvements, bug fixes and more!

Download Accrescent or view the changelog below for details.…

#accrescent #android #security #privacy #appstore

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

New bookmark: ActivityPub on a (mostly) static website.

There have been other attempts to document the process of bringing ActivityPub to a (mostly) static site, but this is my favorite so far. I wonder if I should give it a go, if POSSE ever stops serving my needs.

Originally posted on See Original (POSSE). #IndieWeb #Security #Web

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to Seirdy

Is there a feed for your bookmarks? I can't seem to find one.
in reply to Athena L.M.

@alilly Not yet. At some point I’ll rework my bookmarks system to have a page per bookmark, after which it’ll be possible for me to put together a feed.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Screen reader tip:

If you often have long-running operations in your terminal, don't want your screen reader to talk constantly while they're going but want to be notified when they finish, define the following alias (works for ZSH and Bash):

beep() {
echo -e '\a'

And then execute your commands like:

beep python

You can set your screen reader to quiet, and your terminal will beep once the command is done.

I also have a more advanced version of this that sends any error output to my phone via Telegram in case of failure.

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in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

For good old command line windows stuffs, you can also do 'echo CTRL+G' in a batch file or at the end of a thing, and it will play the default windows sound.
in reply to Samuel Proulx

@fastfinge @johann Because I don't want this to happen every time, even for normal commands.

There is probably a way to make it smart and only beep when terminal is not in focus, but I'm lazy and this is good enough.

in reply to Samuel Proulx

@fastfinge @johann Because I don't want this to happen every time, even for normal commands.

There is probably a way to make it smart and only beep when terminal is not in focus, but I'm lazy and this is good enough.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

If you run your own #synapse #matrix server you probably want to update to v1.105.1 now:…

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in reply to Bubu

Thank you! I was due to run updates anyway, this is just added impetus.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Writing an article with plans to paste into it a screenshot of a Numbers table. This multi-line, multi-column table would require a lengthy image description for screen readers. I realized I could just make it a Markdown table so everyone could read it, but that would be tedious. Then I thought, “I bet someone else has solved this!” I found the lovely John Franey’s site Table to Markdown, copied/pasted my spreadsheet & I’m done! Bought him a coffee using Apple Pay.…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

If accessibility for the free desktop is on your mind -… is a good follow! Also a legally blind coder doing a11y is good news.

I'm curious to know @matt how your talk was received?

I'm giving my talk today at #OSSummit about my work on a new accessibility stack for GNOME and other free desktop environments:

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in reply to Matt Campbell

That's great to hear! Desktop topics don't get a lot of attention at LF OSS events - apparently, we are not that interesting or so they think. We are in fact very interesting since people like you are building foundational technologies.
As a group(GNOME), we don't really do a lot of outreach at conferences and don't get that much visibility. Are you local to the northwest or coming from somewhere else?
in reply to sri

I traveled to Seattle at my own expense from Wichita, Kansas. I used to live in the Seattle area while I worked at Microsoft, and was hoping to catch up with old coworkers. That didn't end up happening, but I did have a meeting with someone at Microsoft, about accessibility in WSL's GUI application support (WSLg).

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Is anyone free to help the developer of sway notification center out? I have opened an issue about sway notification center's accessibility regressions in the notification list, and I have also suggested that when the notification appears, the accessible event is fired. The dev doesn't know how to do this however, so any input or PR's that mention this issue would be greatly appreciated!…
If we get this sorted, we will have a fully accessible notification daemon for all wlroots based compositors, which will soon include XFCE. This could be the Wayland equivalent of notification-daemon for X11, but even better if the GTK notification centre list can be fixed up too. #Linux #accessibility #a11y
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Peter Vágner reshared this.

Catima 2.29.0 is out!

This release adds support for finding barcodes in PDF files[1] and dealing with multiple barcodes. It also properly colours the status bar during usage now.

As always, it's available on #GitHub, will soon be available on #IzzyOnDroid and will slowly roll out to other app stores.…

[1] Not sandboxed yet, help welcome in…

#Catima #OpenSource #Android

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in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

That said, my thanks also goes to @obfusk who helps me a lot making #IzzyOnDroid safer. She caught several places in need of improvements, providing patches for some of them and giving advice (and proof-reading) for those I established myself. Some of the scripts used in that area also come from her.

So when thanking me for the repo, please everyone include Sylvia and her as well. Without them it wouldn't be the place it currently is! 😍

Hugs to both of you from me 🤗