Items tagged with: Mozilla
What Is Your Dream for #Mozilla?…
You're invited to take a moment to share your thoughts by completing this brief survey.
Question 1: What is most important to you right now about technology and the internet?
- Protecting my privacy online
- Avoiding scams
- Choosing products, apps, technology, and services that I can trust
The form is oriented to have you saying they should go for AI.
It's a pleasure to answer instead "protect online privacy".
Thunderbird wird 20 Jahre alt, vielen Dank für diese großartige #OpenSource Software die mich fast genau so lange im Netz begleitet hat - das "Schweizer Taschenmesser" der #Email-Clients - Danke an @mozilla und die Open Source Community für @thunderbird und den langen Atem.
Wer dafür spenden möchte um das Projekt zu unterstützen, kann das hier tun:…
20 Jahre Thunderbird!
Thunderbird ist eine freie E-Mail-Anwendung, die sich leicht einrichten und anpassen lässt – und wir haben viele tolle Funktionen hineingepackt!Thunderbird
Most of Team Thunderbird is heading into a long weekend, but not before we share our latest Community Office Hours video! We sat down for a chat with Mark Surman, president of the @mozilla Foundation, to talk about Thunderbird's history and hopefully long future!
#Thunderbird #Mozilla #OpenSource…
VIDEO: Q&A with Mark Surman
The Thunderbird Team has a Q&A with Mark Surman, president of the Mozilla Foundation, about the past and future of Thunderbird and Mozilla.Monica Ayhens-Madon (The Thunderbird Blog)
On this day (or near it) in 2015, I joined the Mozilla project by starting work as a full-time employee of Mozilla Corporation. I’m two hardware refreshes in (I was bad for doing them on time, leaving my 2017 refresh until 2018 and my 2020 refresh until 2022! (though, admittedly, the 2020 refresh was actually pushed to the end of 2021 by a policy change in early 2020 moving from 2-year to 3-year refreshes)) and facing a third in February. Organizationally, I’m three CEOs and sixty reorgs in.
I’m still working on Data, same as last year. And I’m still trying to move Firefox Desktop to use solely Glean for its data collection system. Some of my predictions from last year’s moziversary post came true: I continued working on client code in Firefox Desktop, I hardly blogged at all, we continue to support collections in all of Legacy Telemetry’s systems (though we’ve excitingly just removed some big APIs), Glean has continued to gain ground in Firefox Desktop (we’re up to 4134 metrics at time of writing), and “FOG Migration” has continued to not happen (I suppose it was one missed prediction that top-down guidance would change — it hasn’t, but interpretations of it sure have), and I’m publishing this moziversary blog post a little ahead of my moziversary instead of after it.
My biggest missed prediction was “We will quietly stop talking about AI so much, in the same way most firms have stopped talking about Web3 this year”. Mozilla, both Corporation and Foundation, seem unable to stop talking about AI (a phrase here meaning “large generative models built on extractive data mining which use chatbot UI”). Which, I mean, fair: it’s consuming basically all the oxygen and money in the industry at the moment. We have to have a position on it, and it’s appropriating “Open” language that Mozilla has a vested interest in protecting (though you’d be excused for forgetting that given how little we’ve tried to work with the FSF and assorted other orgs trying to shepherd the ideas and values of Open Source in the recent past). But we’ve for some reason been building products around these chatbots without interrogating whether that’s a good thing.
And you’d think with all our worry about what a definition of Open Source might mean, we’d make certain to only release products that are Open Source. But no.
I understand why we’re diving into products and trying to release innovative things in product shape… but Mozilla is famously terrible at building products. We’re okay at building services (I’m a fan of both Monitor and Relay). But where we seem to truly excel is in building platforms and infrastructure.
We build Firefox, the only independent browser, a train that runs on the rails of the Web. We build Common Voice, a community and platform for getting underserved languages (where which languages are used is determined by the community) the support they need. We built Rust, a memory-safe systems language that is now succeeding without Mozilla’s help. We built Hubs, a platform for bringing people together in virtual space with nothing but a web browser.
We’re just so much better at platforms and infrastructure. Why we don’t lean more into that, I don’t know.
Well, I _do_ know. Or I can guess. Our golden goose might be cooked.
How can Mozilla make money if our search deal becomes illegal? Maintaining a browser is expensive. Hosting services is expensive. Keeping the tech giants on their toes and compelling them to be better is expensive. We need money, and we’ve learned that there is no world where donations will be enough to fund even just the necessary work let alone any innovations we might try.
How do you monetize a platform? How do you monetize infrastructure?
Governments do it through taxation and funding. But Mozilla Corporation isn’t a government agency. It’s a conventional Silicon Valley private capital corporation (its relationship to Mozilla Foundation is unconventional, true, but I argue that’s irrelevant to how MoCo organizes itself these days). And the only process by which Silicon Valley seems to understand how to extract money to pay off their venture capitalists is products and consumers.
Now, Mozilla Corporation doesn’t have venture capital. You can read in the State of Mozilla that we operate at a profit each and every year with net assets valued at over a billion USD. But the environment in which MoCo operates — the place from which we hire our C-Suite, the place where the people writing the checks live — is saturated in venture capital and the ways of thinking it encourages.
This means Mozilla Corporation acts like its Bay Area peers, even though it’s special. Even though it doesn’t have to.
This means it does layoffs even when it doesn’t need to. Even when there’s no shareholders or fund managers to impress.
This means it increasingly speaks in terms of products and customers instead of projects and users.
This means it quickly loses sight of anything specifically Mozilla-ish about Mozilla (like the community that underpins specific systems crucial to us continuing to exist (support and l10n for two examples) as well as the general systems of word-of-mouth and keeping Mozilla and Firefox relevant enough that tech press keep writing about us and grandpas keep installing us) because it doesn’t fit the patterns of thought that developed while directing leveraged capital.
(( Which I don’t like, if my tone isn’t coming across clearly enough for you to have guessed. ))
Okay, that’s more than enough editorial for a Moziversary post. Let’s get to the predictions for the next year:
- I still won’t blog as much as I’d like,
- “FOG Migration” might actually happen! We’ve finally managed to convince Firefox folks just how great Glean is and they might actually commit official resources! I predict that we’re still sending Legacy Telemetry by the end of next year, but only bits and pieces. A weak shadow of what we send today.
- There’ll be an All Hands, but depending on the result of the US federal election in November I might not attend because its location has been announced as Washington DC and I don’t know if the United States will be in a state next year to be trusted to keep me safe,
- We will stop putting AI in everything and hoping to accidentally make a product that’ll somehow make money and instead focus on finding problems Mozilla can solve and only then interrogating whether AI will help
- The search for the new CEO will not have completed by next October so I’ll still be three CEOs in, instead of four
- I will execute on my hardware refresh on time this February, and maybe also get a new monitor so I’m not using my personal one for work.
Let’s see how it goes! Til next time.
#anniversary #mozilla #thisWouldBeThePotteryOrCopperAnniversaryIfThisWasAMarriage #work #yearOfGleanOnTheDesktop
Eight-Year Moziversary
At the end of my post for my seven-year moziversary, I made some predictions about what was to be and now has been the next year of work. And I got them pretty spot-on: Predictions for the next yea…chuttenblog
I gave to Mozilla Thunderbird today to #freetheinbox. Join me to support communication privacy.
Thunderbird — Free Your Inbox.
Thunderbird is a free email application that’s easy to set up and customize - and it’s loaded with great features!Thunderbird
Mozilla Firefox exploited zero-day: Security Advisory 2024-51 Security Vulnerability fixed in Firefox 131.0.2, Firefox ESR 128.3.1, Firefox ESR 115.16.1
CVE-2024-9680 (9.8 critical) Use-after-free in Animation timeline
An attacker was able to achieve code execution in the content process by exploiting a use-after-free in Animation timelines. We have had reports of this vulnerability being exploited in the wild.
See related @BleepingComputer reporting: Mozilla fixes Firefox zero-day actively exploited in attacks
The Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS) has a useless Mozilla security advisory (AV24-576) which doesn't indicate that this is an actively exploited zero-day. What's the point in an advisory when it doesn't provide the biz?
#zeroday #vulnerability #firefox #mozilla #cve #CVE_2024_9680
Vivaldi seems to be mentioned a lot, so that's going to be the first browser I look into. What else are people here using (and happy with😉)?
Mozilla bought the Android email app K-9 (which didn’t include any trackers) and integrated trackers as part of #Mozilla‘s rebranding under the #Thunderbird name.
They even made it opt-out instead of opt-in. Their defense for breaking the law: ”we wouldn’t have enough data if we obeyed the law.“
It doesn’t matter whether you ”anonymized“ the data or not: If you want to extract data from someone’s device to yours, you may do so only if they knowingly consented.…
It appears that Mozilla's recruiting marketing is finally acknowledging the demographic that really runs the internet.
The jobs in question, in case anyone feels, ahem, senior enough (sadly, US only):……
Wait a damn minute, look at that pull request discussion and the diff as committed… the CTO of #Firefox has amended #Mozilla's "Neutral" position regarding #JPEGXL to indicate that their "cost" concerns are mainly about the security risks of a decoder being 100k lines of C++, and that they would be "open to shipping" a memory-safe decoder that meets their requirements?
And some folks at Google are going to write that implementation in Rust?!
I… I did not expect that.
"Google snažil uzavřít dohody s mobilními operátory, aby získal silné výchozí pozice ve smartphonech a ovládl v nich vyhledávání. Tvrdí také, že #Google platil deset miliard dolarů ročně bezdrátovým společnostem, jako je AT&T, výrobcům zařízení, jako je Apple, a výrobcům prohlížečů, jako je #mozilla aby se zbavil konkurentů a udržel si podíl na trhu s vyhledávači."
Jestli to projedou tak to možná bude poslední hřebíček do rakve pro #firefox :D
I'm hearing that Mozilla worked with Facebook to build this malware that they silently injected into our machines.
Reminds me of that episode of Batman where Batman teamed up with the Penguin to develop a more citizen-friendly system of crime and extortion so that the Penguin could stop having so many people murdered.
Oh, no, wait. That never happened because Batman knows who the fucking bad guys are.
As #Mozilla is busy adding AI crap to #Firefox, I would like to point out that it's about 13 years since they removed the #RSS button from default Firefox GUI, and six years since RSS support was completely dropped from Firefox.
Thus making feeds invisible and impossible to discover for most web users.
RSS/Atom/JSON feeds are an immensely useful and important tech that can help solve the content discovery problem *without* going through gatekeepers. 👀
But obviously not a priority for Mozilla.
Not sure if this is a new @thunderbird feature, but I love this tracking link prevention popup that warns me about a mismatch between the link I just clicked on and the actual destination it would redirect me to... 💡
#thunderbird #mozilla #candidefindings
#K9mail remains the best free & opensource email client for #AndroidOS. It is the official #Thunderbird app for mobile. Thank you, #Mozilla @thunderbird
#thunderbird starts a "series of [...] tips and tricks focusing on our favorite time management and productivity advice"
The best advice ist to do this while rocking it out (see picture).
I have mine set up, to go from 70's to the new classics rock to support my doing.…
#playlist #spotify #rock #80s #70s #90s #mozilla #opensource #closedsource
Firefox (Version 125.3.0 & 126.0/Android) ist in der aktuellen Version leider nicht datenschutzkonform. Verstöße gegen die #DSGVO und das #TDDDG. 👇…
#firefox #datenschutz #dsgvo #tdddg #privacy #verstoß #gesetz #mozilla #fail
Firefox: Weshalb man LibreWolf und andere Forks bevorzugen sollte
Auf der Seite »Firefox Browser-Funktionen« wird Firefox von Mozilla wie folgt beworben: Ist Firefox ein privater Browser? Wir stellen dein…
Firefox: Weshalb man LibreWolf und andere Forks bevorzugen sollte. 👇…
#firefox #mozilla #librewolf #fennec #mull #browser #datenschutz #privacy #android #audit #dsgvo #tdddg
Firefox: Datenschutzverstoß bei der Android-Version
Auf der Seite »Firefox Browser-Funktionen« wird Firefox von Mozilla wie folgt beworben: Ist Firefox ein privater Browser? Wir stellen dein…
Mozilla Location Service is retiring. Is #NeoStumbler still usable then?…
#Mozilla #MozillaLocationService #MLS
Retiring the Mozilla Location Service · Issue #2065 · mozilla/ichnaea
The accuracy of Mozilla Location Service (MLS) has steadily declined. With no plans to restart the stumbler program or increase investments to MLS we have made the decision to retire the service. I...GitHub
Welcome to our newest GNOME Foundation member @eeejay 🎉
Eitan has been involved in Linux/GNOME accessibility for 20 years and is on the Mozilla accessibility team.
In the past he created Accerciser, and contributed to Orca as well as Telepathy.
Eitan makes Spiel; a speech framework for the freedesktop.
I heard you might be able to catch him at GUADEC in Denver this year.
I really appreciate Thunderbird's team, and these updates are going to finally put it into the running with other modern offerings. I migrated to using it as my daily driver for email management a few years ago, and I'm glad I did, but I'm also so excited to be looking at desktop improvements and an android app.
#Thunderbird #Email #EmailClient #OpenSource #Mozilla #Android #Software
Ok wtf. So you're telling me that #Google #Chrome's #V8 #JavaScript engine was more #insecure than #Mozilla's #Spidermonkey after all these years? Because I'm pretty sure SM has been already doing plenty of the things mentioned in this article (I've touched on SM code plenty of times, so much more than I wanted because I worked on separating Spidermonkey from the monolithic #libxul, it's still hurting my brain...), even before the #Quantum rewrite. So even #PaleMoon which has been commonly trashed for being "old and insecure" is apparently more secure than Chrome, but most crucially it also disproves the long-standing blind belief by security freaks out there that Chrome is "more secure" than #Firefox when it's the other way around on many fronts...…
#web #webbrowser #browser #browsers #openweb
Google Chrome Adds V8 Sandbox - A New Defense Against Browser Attacks
Google tackles Chrome security with new V8 Sandbox. This aims to stop memory issues from spreading, protecting your browser experience.The Hacker News
I don't like the mentioned #Mozilla stuff (like accounts and Sync).
Will this kind of features limited to the #Thunderbird version of the code base?
Все страницы сайта (локальная копия)
по следующим темам:
[ValdikSS]Возможно, вам это будет интересно.
Я нашел эти ссылки в интернете.
В связи с намерениями правительства удалить всю информацию по обходу блокировок из российского сегмента интернета, кто-то, решил принять меры. 🙂
ОН, судя по всему считает, что статьи это важная часть культуры и нашего прошлого.
Особенно, комментарии больших групп образованных людей на
Этот человек, скорее всего считает важным сохранять и распространять полезную информацию.
А так же, делиться мнениями других людей, т.к. это развивает и помогает обществу рости в лучшую сторону.
Не смотря на мои предположения, для меня остается загадкой мотивация этой неизвестной личности.
Но я разделяю некоторые идеи, в плане того, что знаниями нужно делиться.
Мне всегда становится грустно, когда я обнаруживаю умерший сайт,
или удаленную страницу и потерянную информацию.
Поэтому, делюсь этими ссылками с вами.
А вы, можете поделиться с другими.
(будет что почитать, если интернет совсем кончится)
К тому же, 14 марта на хабре вышла статья
"Надежный обход блокировок в 2024 протоколы,
клиенты и настройка сервера от простого к сложному"
под которой один человек предложил сохранить статьи по обходу блокировок.
(эта статья сохранена в этом сборнике)
UPD1: "Статья уже была удалена. Но доступна если искать из другой страны."
UPD2: Сейчас, автор статей по "актуальному обходу блокировок MiraclePtr" - удален((
Учитывая времена, думаю стоит сохранить все локально, потому что не известно,
какие именно категории данных будут удаляться в будущем.
И нет надежды, что веб архив не будет заблокирован.
Да и не понятно, как сильно все изменится со временем.
Страниц в папках всего: 2223 или 11.5Gb
1) Видео о содержимом 13Mb можно по этой ссылке:…
2) Скачать архивом .7z - 3.3Gb (сжат):…
3) Скачать отдельные папки 11.5Gb:…
4) Копия архива .7z - 3.3Gb:…
5) Ссылка на репозиторий, если кому-то удобней скачивать так:
О содержимом.
Судя по ссылкам в страницах, они были сохранены с середины марта 2024.
Информация собрана по темам (список вверху) и все рассортировано по папкам.
Сохранены практически все страницы (за исключением откровенно рекламных статей).
Возможно вы встретите небольшое количество дублей, т.к. темы пересекаются.
(так же, встречаются одинаковые статьи опубликованные в разное время, но имеющие разные комментарии)
Возможна какая-то информация вам будет не интересна.
Есть страницы с устаревшей информацией (с 2008 года).
Они и комментарии из этих статей сохранены для истории.
В архиве есть index.html, через который можно искать статьи по ключевым словам через Ctrl+F.
Так же, под этим сообщением есть скриншеты и видео о структуре.
Если у вас в закладках, есть страницы с инструкциями для построения защищенных сетей,
или что-то, что вы считает полезными и это может быть потеряно,
добавляйте ссылки под этим постом, с описанием.
Может быть, ваша информация будет кому-то полезна.
Страницы были сохранены через невероятное дополнение: SingleFile
Если кто-то захочет оформить раздачу на rutracker,
то этот человек очень поможет нашему большому обществу,
когда страницы будут удалены с хабра (я считаю, это вопрос времени).
Как это уже произошло со страницами сайта
Хочу сказать спасибо MiraclePtr за чудесные статьи и отдельное спасибо UranusExplorer за простые инструкции.
А так же, всему Хабр-сообществу, которое десятилетиями писало статьи и делилось своим мнением в комментариях.
#хабр #обходблокировок
#habr #pages #backup #cloak #i2p
#xray #nekobox #v2ray #v2rayn
#v2rayxs #v2rayng #i2ray #git
#amnezia #outline #shadowsocks
#vpn #proxy #server #mesh #p2p
#roskomnadzor #valdikss #network
#internet #dns #ssl #wireguard
#ikev2 #ipsec #l2tp #mikrotik
#linux #unix #mozilla #softether
#softethervpn #openvpn #peervpn
#pptp #security #ssh #openbsd
#ubuntu #debian #router #firewall
#private #http #https #openxray
#tor #info #articles #p2panda
#yggdrasil #habr #habrahabr #i2pd
#telegram #mega #rutracker #4pda
@Revertron - тут куча твоих комментов и статьи есть, поэтому решил упомянуть тебя.
Пожалуйста, поделитесь этой информацией с друзьями. 💗
Если у вас есть идея куда еще можно залить эти статьи, предлагайте.
A copy of articles and comments from, for the sake of history. Please share this information with your friends. Peace and…
Retiring the Mozilla Location Service
The accuracy of Mozilla Location Service (MLS) has steadily declined. With no plans to restart the stumbler program or increase investments to MLS we have made the decision to retire the service.Mozilla Discourse
After being kneecapped by a #patents troll years ago, #Mozilla Location Services, the only somewhat trusted (non-Google/Apple) "Wi-Fi positioning system" (geolocation based on triangulating collected #WiFi SSIDs), is now shutting down:…
MLS was how #GeoClue could get a meters-accurate location without a #GPS receiver / sky line-of-sight.
It was used by many #GNOME / #KDE apps to get instantaneous neighborhood-level location (for maps, local weather…) on #Linux laptops.
Retiring the Mozilla Location Service · Issue #2065 · mozilla/ichnaea
The accuracy of Mozilla Location Service (MLS) has steadily declined. With no plans to restart the stumbler program or increase investments to MLS we have made the decision to retire the service. I...GitHub
One thing the article omits is the fantastic accessibility in Firefox Developer Edition.
Perhaps these tools aren't well known — they're in the web inspector. It’s a great way to test your site.
If you're a fan of the free open source e-mail software Thunderbird, you might want to follow their official PeerTube account:
(You can also follow their Mastodon account at
If you just want to browse their PeerTube videos without following them, you can watch them all at…
#Thunderbird #Mozilla #MozillaThunderbird #FOSS #EMail #Libre #PeerTube
The Thunderbird Project is a family of free & open-source email software and productivity solutions for managing your personal and professional communications. Available on Linux, macOS and Windows. Coming soon to Android.TILvids
Nazrál čas dát Firefoxu druhou šanci
Sepsal jsem důvody, proč si myslím, že by měl Firefox dostal zase šanci. Ať už od těch, kteří ho v minulosti opustili, nebo od těch, kteří ho nikdy ani nezkusili.
#Chrome #Firefox #FirefoxRelay #Mozilla #Opera #prohlížeč #Safari #Vivaldi #webovéTechnologie…