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Items tagged with: Mastodon

See link at end.Welp, the #Enshittification of #Mastodon starts! Why would you appoint board members like this, especially ones that are heavily involved in AI/Blockchain/other monetization things if you don’t plan to monetize/commercialize mastodon? This is why I started seeking other #Fediverse projects that are not soft forks of Mastodon that have a mission of designing for Disabled users. Found some fantastic options so will move after testing. Mastodon forms new U.S. non-profit - Mastodon Blog

Anyone knows how well gotosocial would work with tweesecake, twblue or mona mastodon clients? Considering to run one instance but if there's issues I'm not going to bother.

#fediverse #mastodon

#Mastodon hat in Deutschland den Gemeinnützigkeitsstatus vom Finanzamt aberkannt bekommen und hat dann einfach prompt ne 501(c)(3) in den USA gegründet. Das #Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht in Deutschland lässt soviel zu wünschen übrig, dass es nicht mal in den wenigen Fällen funktioniert, in denen dieses Land ausnahmsweise mal weltweit führend ist mit einem Projekt zum digitalen Gemeinwohl. Es ist doch zum Verzweifeln.

#Mastodon and #Bluesky are both federated, but they use different federation protocols and don't yet work well together. Here's some good news that Bluesky (the only member of its #ATProtocol federation) is taking steps toward interoperability with #Mastodon and the many members of the #ActivityPub federation, aka the #Fediverse.

I see polls on #Mastodon with more than four options, but how do you do that from the web interface, or is it just some instances?

Hach wäre das schön, wenn #Mastodon da auch nen Hashtag blocken button hätte

Man muss ja nicht alles nachturnen, was #Mastodon so macht, aber dass man dort nur einen Klick für das Anlegen eines #Lesezeichen:s braucht, hier hingegen jedes Mal (!) fünf, finde ich durchaus nachahmenswert.

Bei der Gelegenheit ließe sich ein Icon auch gleich mit zu den vier anderen gesellen. Ist ja genug Platz.

Hatte ich übrigens vor ~zwei Jahren schon mal angeregt. Verhallte aber ungehört.

!Friendica Support

Mastodon server for musicians of all levels, instruments, regions, languages, and genres. You don’t have to be a professional musician to join, but you should at least play an instrument or sing as a hobby.


More info at or contact the admin @cambraca

#FeaturedServer #Music #Musician #Musicians #Mastodon #Fediverse #FreeFediverse

This is your random reminder if you are enjoying #mastodon consider donating to your server and/or volunteering to be a moderator.

This space is awesome because of all the kind and generous people who make it work.

And if you are feeling extra kind/generous today you could donate to my server #disabledSocial as a lot of us are struggling to survive and don't have a lot of extra cash to support our server.
[Oops, edit with correct link to our patreon]

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!Friendica Support
Hallo zusammen!
Ich bin ja immer noch #neuhier und werde das wohl auch noch ne ganze Zeit sein, daher habe ich eine neue Verständnisfrage:
Wie kommt es, dass Kommentare, bzw. Antworten von mir auf anderen Instanzen von #Mastodon nicht sichtbar sind?

#sadly you're not getting a similar response here as on #x. I actually put the entire text of your #metatag description into a #google #search...

On top was a link to your #app on #googleplay 🙄

BUT... I scrolled though many results... you're #NOT there... I mean serious, just not there.

Your #Mastodon account comes up well before anything remotely #tuta...

#discrimination comes in so many forms... seems people who speak the #truth are always beat down.

#justsaying #privacy #sad

Deliberately friend-sized and friend-shaped, with a soft surface material and soft, squishy stuffing, you will soon be able to have a #Mastodon in your home:


Gibt es eine offizielle Beschreibung, wie #Pleroma und #Misskey das handhaben? Oder Reverse Engineering? ActivityPub scheint mir dies nämlich nicht vorzusehen.

Und bzgl. Umfragen... da interpretiert #Mastodon auch etwas anders. Mit #Mammuthus habe ich auch das auch so umgesetzt. #Friendica bei eingehenden Umfragen auch im Mastodon-Stil? Oder anders?

@bullerich @skeptiker

If they want to fork #Owncast, they legally can, but they should not call it Owncast anymore. I know #Mastodon & #WordPress are open source as well, but they vigorously protect their trademarks to prevent this type of confusion.

If possible, I would encourage them to rename their fork something else. If they refuse, let us know which company it is so we can avoid doing business with them.

Wie schon gesagt, das "Informationssystem" von #Friendica ist doch um Welten besser, als das von #Mastodon.
Allerdings muss ich sagen, ist Friendica doc recht schwer zu bedienen. Aber da muss man halt durch. Ich denke, es lohnt sich.

Whoohoo, Tuta reached 25k followers on #Mastodon! 🥳

Thanks for being such a great community. ❤️

“Fake AI law firms are sending fake DMCA threats to generate fake #SEO gains” - SEO will eat the world. Glad it doesn’t happen on #Mastodon.

With #Mastodon, what type of compression is being done to speed load times and reduce the environmental footprint? Conversion to modern #WebP or #AVIF formats?

If you’re on, I would highly recommend that you switch to a different server that protects its people instead of exposing them to a well-known bad actor like Facebook/Meta via Threads.

For alternatives, see:

And remember that Mastodon is not the fediverse. The fediverse is much more than just Mastodon and definitely more so than and Mastodon gGmbH.

#mastodonSocial #mastodonGGMBH #mastodon #fediverse #threads #facebook #meta

Ja tinc creada la classe Python per a connectar a l'API de #Matrix (em sento com si fos Neo 😂).
La classe inclou, per ara, tres mètodes:
- obtenir informació d'un usuari ✅
- registrar un nou usuari ✅
- llistar usuaris :loading:
Els mètodes amb ✅ funcionen perfectament. Encara no he provat el que llista els usuaris.
Ja he alliberat el projecte sencer:

Aquest codi permet als usuaris locals d'un servidor #Mastodon registrar-se ells mateixos en un servidor Matrix/Synapse.

Have you seen @nextcloud AI Assistant 2.0?

You can now chat about your own documents and data, use GPU acceleration, transcribe audio with Whisper, use your own LLMs, and a ton more integrations and new features.

All #open-source 😀

Boosts appreciated 🙏

#AI #mastodon #Linux #Foss #OSS

The reason why #Threads and #Mastodon are incompatible is that Mastodon is a community, and Threads is a market. That's it.

It's not big Fed vs small Fedi. It's not platforms vs protocols.

It's communities vs markets.

Communities are supportive and markets are extractive. Communities answer to those who must live with decisions made. Markets answer to money.

And wouldn't you know it, those contrasting forces influence people's behaviors, goals, and motivations for engaging with others.

By the way, if you have any questions about using Mastodon or the rest of the Fediverse feel free to reply or DM or @ me.

I'll try to find you some answers.

#FediTips #Fediverse #Mastodon

So here is where you come in, lovely people.

I do not actually know many parents of visually impaired children in the UK. So, I would be very appreciative if one of you kind souls would point me in the right direction to find someone who could make use of it.

The device usually retails for £1400, not including VAT and import fees, all of which shall be paid for.

If you do not know anyone, then boosts for reach would also be appreciated.
Thank you all for your assistance with keeping our young visually impaired children learning Braille.
#blind #fedi #mastodon #UK #disabled #donation #AT

#Google and #Facebook didn't kill #Jabber / #XMPP. They hammered the final nails of its coffin. Big difference. The lesson of the XMPP story is that the community shouldn't get complacent just because a big corp is now backing them, support their own smaller #FOSS developers through any means they can (whether financial or code), put out a unique thing every now and then, and make sure the UX is not horrible for new users. I think #Misskey, #Sharkey, and #Catodon got those lessons right (especially the very latter, UX was really horrible in XMPP back then and I think that's what "killed" it if you can even call it that). Not sure about #Mastodon though. Maybe that's what why almost all of the worry I'm hearing about #Threads comes predominantly from Mastodon and Mastodon-compatible (in the sense they try to be as compatible with Masto as possible in terms of API) instances. :seija_coffee: #fediversemeta

'Image with no description. Image with no description. Image with no description.'
The day I don't have to ever see that on my timeline again will be a fantastic day indeed. If #Mastodon can implement hiding boosts without #AltText I will likely take advantage.
Absolutely sick to death of the *one* main culprit posting 99.9% empty posts and images without alt-text, and people boosting them because they don't realise there's nothing to show for it.
Original poster probably posts 0.1% of original content, the rest is just pointless memes day in, day out, but they have a huge following, so their crap comes up time, and time again.

How many people are you following?

:BoostOK: Please boost!

#lauteshirn #poll #fediverse #followers @fedipoll @umfrage #mastodon #umfrage

  • 0-249 (40%, 113 votes)
  • 250-499 (25%, 73 votes)
  • 500-999 (13%, 38 votes)
  • 1000+ (20%, 58 votes)
282 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

Content warning: threads, mastodon, pixelfed, gargron and dansup, and ethics; long post

It looks like you can now view anyone’s Threads profile from Mastodon and Pixelfed instances that federate with them.

If you’re a Mastodon user wanting to block Threads, or a Mastodon server admin looking not only to block Threads from federating to your server but also block all inbound and outbound traffic (data scrapers, loads of traffic overwhelming small servers) from all their IP addresses, I wrote a guide that can help:

#Threads #Fediverse #Mastodon #PixelFed

You're at a table, booked by your friend. Your friend doesn't like tea, so tells the wait staff 'No tea for the entire table! Tea is blocked! Don't ever bring that to this table while I'm at it's head!'
Unpopular opinion: That's what I feel like this whole threads blocking behaviour by #mastodon admins is like.
*Telling* your users that 'While I rule the roost, you will never! Talk to anyone on that thing!' Dictatorial much?

Feels a might-bit ''''arrogant corporation' telling me I can't sideload, or watch this, or download that but that's just me.

The newly released 0.7.0 version of @Tuba, your #GNOME-native #Mastodon client, is friggin' awesome. Not only does it ship tons of bugfixes and allows darker images in dark mode, but it also ships the ability to create, edit and apply words filters (as you can see in my screenshot here) so you can simplify your timelines views.

Congratulations to #MastoDev @GeopJr for this fantastic leap forward!

So looking at authenticating into #Dokuwiki through the #Mastodon API, it seems to be possible. However, the existing plug-ins that do #OAuth assume a specific URL, so it would be possible but only with one specific, hard-coded instance.

I forgot all the PHP I knew, but it would be cool to be able to just auth with any instance.